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St. Clair. Second Edition, Revised. l2mo. Cloth, $1.00 Interleaved, for the addition of notes, $1.25 COBLENTZ. Volumetric Analysis. A Practical Handbook for Students of Chemistry. Including Indicators, Test-papers, Alkalimetry, Acidimetry, Analysis by Oxidation and Reduction, lodometry, Assay Processes for Drugs with the Titriraetric Estimation of Alkaloids, Estima- tion of Phenol, Sugar, Tables of Atomic and Molecular Weights. By Virgil Coblentz, am., ph.d., f.c.s., Professor of Chemistry and Physics ; Director of Pharmaceutical Laboratory, College of Pharmacy of the City of Ne7v York ; Member of the Committee of Revision of the Eighth (1900) Decennial Revision of the U. S. PharmacoJ>oeia. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth, $1.25 STANISLAUS and KIMBERLY. A Short Pharmaceutic Chem- istry, Inorganic and Organic. By I. V. Stanley Stanislaus, M.S., PHAR.D., Prof ssor of Pharmacy and Organic Chemistry and Dean of the School of Pharmacy of the Medico- Chirtirgical College of Philadelphia, and Charles H. Kimberly, p.h.c, ph.d., Professor of Applied Chem- istry in the School of Pharmaceutic Chemistry of the Medico- Chirurgica/ College of Philadelphia. Second Edition. i2mo. ix + 6io pages. Flexible Cloth, $2.50 TYRODE. Pharmacology. The Action and Uses of Drugs. By Maurice Vejux Tyrode, m.d., Instructor of Pharmacology in the Medical School of Harvard University. 8vo. 255 pages. Cloth, |l. 50 " Altogether we consider that Dr. Tyrode has presented a very useful little manual for undergraduate students, and we trust that it will be largely used." — Therapeutic Gazette. P. BLAKISTON'S SON & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia. 1-9-09 A NEW IMPROVED EDITION- ManUal of Organic ^y L. E. say re, PH.Q., Professor Materia Medica of Pharmacy in, and Dean of the School of Pharmacy of the Uni- and Pharmacognosy. verslty of Kansas; Member of Re- ^. , . r- ..^. vision Committee U. S. P., etc. An Third Edition. . , ,. , ,, c* j r »i Introduction to the Study of the Vegetable Kingdom and the Vegetable and Animal Drugs. Comprising the liotanical and Physical Characteristics, Source, Constituents, and Pharma- • >|)eial Preparations. With Chapters on Insects Injurious to Drugs and ;' larmacal liotany. Including a Section on Plant Histology and Microtechnic y Wm. C. Stevens, Professor of Botany in the University of Kansas. With 377 Illustrations, the majority of which are from Original Drawings. Third Edition, Thoroughly Revised in accordance with the U. S. Pharmacopoeia of 1900. Cloth, net, $5.00 Part I discusses Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy under the 1 )ivision ( i ) Official Drugs Arranged According to Structural Characteristics, and (2) Official and Unofficial Drugs Arranged According to Prominent Physical Properties, and Subdivided by Odor and Taste. Part II is a digest (l) of Organic Drugs from the Vegetable Kingdom, i described and Arranged According to Their Natural Orders, (2) a Compilation I Animal Drugs, and (3) a Synopsis of Natural Orders and of Drugs, Sys- '•matically Arranged According to Part II, Section I. Part III is a summary of the Insects Injurious to Drugs. Part IV is a special section devoted to the Elements of Plant Histology BT>'' ^t'' >^ -''chnic and includes the following chapters: Selection and Use of >r Use in Vegetable Histology; Preparation of Material for Sec- I ,; ; Different Methcnls of Section-cutting; The Plant Cell and its i'roducts; Cell Fonnation ; The Tissues; The Tissue Systems; Secondary Increase in Thickness; The Distribution of Tissue in Leaves; Reagents and Prcjcesses ; Methods of Demonstrating the Character of (!cll-walls and Cell- contents ; The Microscopical Examination of Powdered Drugs. " AItot;cther the book presents the subjects of which it treats in a concise yet comprehensive manner."— Dr$4g/,'isls' Circular. " The plan of this work is a comprehensive one, the intent of the author evidently :>ein|{ to give the greatest possible amount of information in the least possible space." Amfrican Journal of Pharmacy. " In (he work before us much credit is due to the authors for the interest and ' V which they have interwoven into the subject, fie does not stop with a 'uj Loiiitnercial qualities and their gradations, probable sophistication, and many practical suggestions regarding the pharmaceutical uses and handling of the drugs." The^ Spatula. P. BLAKIST0N*S SON & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia. FOR STUDENTS OF PHARMACY. Gould's Pocket Medical Dictionary. 30,000 WORDS PRONOUNCED AND DEFINED. FOURTH EDITION. Giving the Pronunciation and Definition of the Principal Words used in Medicine and the Collateral Sciences, including Very Complete Tables of Clinical Eponymic Terms, of the Arteries, Muscles, Nerves, Bacteria, Bacilli, Micrococci, Spirilla, and Thermometric Scales, and a Dose-list of Drugs and their Preparations, in both the English and Metric Systems of Weights and Measures. Arranged in a most convenient form for reference and memorizing. New Edition. The System of Pronunciation in this book is very simple. Thin 64mo. 838 pages. Full Limp Leather, Gilt Edges, net^ ^i.oo; Thumb Index, net^ Jj5i.25 Gould and Pyle's Pocket Cyclopedia of Medicine. A CONCISE EPITOME OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. A Concise Practical Handbook, Containing a vast amount of Information Systematically Arranged so as to be of the Greatest Service to Students of Pharmacy and Medicine. Designed to be the Same Trustworthy and Con- venient Reference Manual in the field of General Medical Information, Materia Medica, Emergencies, Nursing, etc., as Gould's Pocket Dictionary is in the more special one of the definitions and pronunciation of words. Full Limp Leather, Gilt Edges, «n Phz^macy in the English pproach it in completeness —American Druggist. _f Pharmacy Based on the New U. S. Pharmacopoeia A Treatise on the Modes of Making and Dispensing Of- ficial, Unofficial, and Extemporaneous Preparations, with Desciiptions of Medicinal Substances, their Properties, Uses^ and Doses. Intended eui a Hand-book for Pharmacists and Physicians, and a Text-book for Students. By PROF. JOSEPH P. REMINGTON. Ph.M.. Phar.D.. F.C.S. FIFTH EDITION 1541 Pa^es and 809 Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth. $6.00; Sheep. $6.50 : Half Leather. $7.00 For Sale by all Booksellers and. Wholesale Druggists " It is a grand book ; one that every pharmacist should have on his shelves." — Professor John Attfield, F.R.S., the eminent chemist, editor of the " British Pharmacopoeia," and author of the well-known " ChemistrjT" " Remington's ' Practice of Pharmacy ' has become a classic in the literature of the profession." — Therapeutic Gazette, Detroit. " Remington's ' Practice' is the greatest and most comprehensive exponent of the science and art from the time of Paracelsus to the present." — Western Druggist, Chicago. "This work is the standard text-book of Pharmacy." — W. M. Searby, Dean of the California College of Pharmacy. " There is actually no work of the kind in existence that can in the remotest manner be compared with this work." — Popular Science, New York. For Sale by P. BLAKISTON'S SON 6 CO., I0I2 Walnut St,, Philadelphia BLAKISTON'S ?QUIZ-COMPENDS? A COMPEND OF PHARMACY BY F. E. STEWART, M.D., Ph.G., CHARTER MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN THERAPEUTIC SOCIETY; FORMERLY LECTURER AND DEMONSTRATOR OF MATERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACY, JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE, MKDICO-CHIRURGICAL COLLEGE, AND WOMAN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE OK PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA; QUIZ-MASTER IN CHEMISTRY AND THEORETICAL PHARMACY, PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OK PHARMACY, AND CHAIRMAN OF THE SECTION ON MATERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACY OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION; ASSOCIATE EDITOR OF THE THERAPEl'TIC GAZETTE ; EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF MERCK'S ARCHIVES, ETC. BASED UPON PROF. JOSEPH P. REMINGTON'S TEXT-BOOK OF PHARMACY " AND THE U. S. P., EIGHTH REVISION {I'^o^). Hiabtb Edition, 1Rcvi6et> anD EtilardeO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADDITIONS AND COHHECTlON^^x MADE IN THE IJ. S. P. TO COMPLY WITH THET NEW FOOD AND DRUG ACT, 1907. i( //// I r£Jfy COMPLETE INDEX AND NUMEROUS USEFUL AND PRACTICAL TABLES. PHlJ.Al>Ki.PliiA: BLAKISTON'S SON & CO, IOI2 WALNUT STREET. 1910. PHARMACY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Copyright, 1910, by P. Blakiston's Son & Co. "Authority to use for comment the Pharmaco- poeia of the United States of America, Eighth Decen- nial Revision, in this volume, has been granted by the Board of Trustees of the United States Pharma- copceial Convention, which Board of Trustees is in no way responsible for the accuracy of any translations of the official weights and measures or for any state- meats as to strength of official preparations." WM. F. FELL COMPANY ELECTROTYPER8 AND PRINTERS 1220-24 8ANSOM STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. PREFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION. In addition to the changes in the text of the Compend made necessary by changes in the text of the United States Pharmacopceia, on account of the passage of the Federal Pure Food and Drugs Act of June 30, 1906, there has been added to this revision the following: A table showing the average percentage of alcohol contained in the most important wines and distilled spirits, a table of thermometric equivalents, and a percentage solution table, also a list of incompatibles, of special poisons and anti- dotes, and of the principal abbreviations used in prescription writing. PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION. The first edition of this Compend was issued in 1886 as a companion to Remington's Practice of Pharmacy with the consent of the author of that valuable treatise. Being primarily intended for the use of pharma- ceutical students attending lectures in colleges of pharmacy the scope of the Compend is limited to the products and preparations of the United States Pharmacopoeia, and is therefore restricted; while Remington's work covers the entire field of pharmacy in a very comprehensive and instructive manner. The object of the author of this Compend is to present information concerning official products and preparations in such clear, concise, and condensed form as to be of special service to the student in memor- izing it. The immediate end which the student has in view is to pa.ss the examination before him in a creditable manner. His time is fully occupied by lectures and quizzes, and ofttimcs by work in a drugstore in addition. He has therefore no time to read text-bIishing uj) their knowledge of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, and for reference in regard to doses, metric e(juivalent.s, .sjjecific gravities, and other useful information, but it will not serve as a substitute for Remington's Practice of Pharmacy. The more the latter is studied, the more useful the Comj>end will fx; for reviewing its contents in so far as they relate to the Pharmacopoeia. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY. page Theoretical and Practical Pharmacy, i Pharmacop^rias and Dispensatories, i Nomenclature of the United States Pharmacopoeia, 2 Dispensatories, 3 PART I. Physics and Pharmaceutical Operations, 4-32 Metrology, Specific Gravity, and Specific Volume, 4-12 Heat, 2-14 Operations requiring Heat, 16-18 Operations not requiring Heat, 18-20 Solution, 21 Separation of Fluids from Solids 21-32 PART II. The Forms of Pharmaceutical Preparations Directed by THE United States Ph arm acopceia, 33-7 1 Liquids, 34-59 Solids, 59-71 PART III. The Preparations of the Inorganic Materia Medica, — 72-119 PART IV. The Preparations op the Organic Materia Medica, 120-177 Tables for Transposing English and Metric Weights AND Measures, Percentage of Alcohol in Wines and Dlstilled Spirits, Thermometric Equivalents, Percent- ace Solution Table, Incompatibles, Special Poisons AND Antidotes, Principal Abbreviations used in Pre- scriptions T 78 Index. i.'^o INDEX OF TABLES. PAGE Temperatures of Superheated Steam, 15 Syrups, 40 Mixtures, 42 Alcoholic Solutions, 43 Oleaginous Solutions for external application, . . 45 Tinctures, 48 Vina Medicata, 51 Official Fluidextracts, 53 Solid Preparations made by percolation or maceration, 59 Solid Preparations made without percolation or maceration 61 PilulaR or Pills, 65 Troches, 66 Cerates 67 Unguenta or Ointments, 67 Emplastra or Plasters, 68 For Converting U. S. Weights and Measures — Customary to Metric, 1 78 Metric to Customary, 180 Percentage Solution Table, 182 Alcohol Table, 183 Thermometric Equivalents,.- 183 Incompatibles, 184 Antidotes for Poisons, 185 Special Poisons and Antidotes, 186 Prescription Abbreviations, 188 COMPEND OF PHARMACY. INTRODUCTORY. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL PHARMACY. Pharmacy. — The science which treats of medicinal substances, com- prehending not only a knowledge of medicines and the arts of preparing and dispensing them, but also their identification, selection, preservation, combination, and analysis. Two Great Classes. — Tlieoretical and Practical pharmacy. Theoretical Pharmacy. — A knowledge of the substances used as medicines, animal, vegetable and mineral, also of the laws governing them. It includes a knowledge of — Botany ^ the science of plants; Mineralogy, the science of inorganic substances; Zoology, the science which treats of animals; Physics, or Natural Philosophy, the science which explains the changes produced in bodies without changing their identity; Cftemisiry, the science which treats of those changes which affect the specific identity of the bodies. Materia Medica, the medicinal materials or substances used as medi- cine; Pharmacognosy, the science of crude drugs; Toxicology, the science of poisons; Microscopy, the art of examining the minute structure of bodies by the aid of artificial lenses arranged for magnifying; Bac- teriology, the science which treats of micro-organisms. Practical Pharmacy. — That branch of pharmacy which treats of the operations, prfx:es.scs, and methods used in applying the principles of theoretical pharmacy. PHARMACOPCEIAS AND DISPENSATORIES. Pharmacopceia: .\n authoritative list of mcrlirinal substanc es, with definitions, des< riptions, or formula; for their preparation. The necessity for authf)ritative standards to define the character, estab- lish the purity, and regulate the strength of medicines, is recognized by all civilized nation.s. Countries having no national Pharmacopoeia adopt the .standard of other countries, or supply standard pharmaceutical works for the same purposes. The Pharmacoprcias of all nations, except that of the United States, are i.ssued under the authority of the re.spective governments. The U. S. P. is accepted as authoritative by the general government, and by the governments of the .several States. The L'. S. P. was originally devised, and is decennially revised, by a committee appointed from the professions of medicine and pharmacy. It should be a representative list of the drugs and preparations employed in therapeutics. 2 1 PHARMACY. NOMENCLATURE OF THE UNITED STATES PHARMACOPCEIA. How the titles of the medicinal substances are indicated in the U. S. P. I, by the official Latin title; 2, by the official English title; 3, by the Synonym; 4, by the Botanical Name (in the case of plants); 5, by the SymboUc Formulae (in the case of chemicals). Examples of each : Cannabis Indica (official name) ; Indian Can- nabis (English name); Indian Hemp (Synonym). Zinci lodidum (O. N.); Zinc Iodide (E. N.); Znlj, 316.70 (Symbolic Formula). Prunus Virginiana (O. N.); Wild Cherry (E. N.); Prunus serotina (Botanical name). 1. The official Latin title should be used in designating the drug when precision is required — labels, prescriptions, specimens, etc. Why the Latin language is employed : Because it is a dead lan- guage and is not liable to change, as in the case of a living tongue. 2. The official English title should be employed: in ordinary conversation, in commercial transactions, and in all cases "where the use of the Latin official name could be justly criticized as an ostentatious display of erudition." 3. The synonym is usually antiquated and from an unscientific source, but on account of long usage in common language synonyms cannot be completely ignored. 4. The Botanical Name. — By this is meant the systematic name recognized by botanists for plants, which serves in pharmacopoeial nomenclature as the basis of the official name. Capsicum fastigiatum is the botanical name for the variety of Cayenne pepper designated by the U. S. P. Capsicum indicates the genus, fas- tigiatum the species to which the plant belongs. When a capital letter should be employed in writing the specific name : i . When the specific name is derived from a generic name, as Rhantnus Frangula; 2. When derived from the name of a person, as Strychnos Ignatii; 3. When indeclinable, as Erythroxylon Coca. The name of the author follows the botanical name, as Capsicum fastigiatum Blume, then the natural order to which the plant belongs, in italics, the latter being enclosed in parentheses, as (Nat. Ord., So- lanacecB). When the botanical name should be employed : Its use is abso- lutely necessary in establishing the identity of drugs. 5. The Symbolic Formula. — The symbolic formula is a combina- tion of symbols representing the chemical structure of the articles to which they refer, with the utmost brevity and exactness. Nal means the same as Sodii lodidum and Iodide of Sodium, but it is shorter and much more definite. Na^SOg + 7H2O, means sulphite of sodium containing seven molecules of water of crystallization, and no other sulphite of sodium. The Official Definition. — In order to have no question what is meant by the titles, it is necessary to state explicitly in language which can be readily understood what kind or variety of the substance should be used. NOMENCLATURE OF THE UNITED STATES PHARMACOPCEIA. 3 The Purity Rubric— This was introduced into the U. S. P. (eighth revision) to fix the amount of permissible innocuous impurities. The figures following the symbolic formulae express the molecular weight (the sum of the weights of the atoms) of the chemical. For example, the molecular weight of NazSOa + 7HO2 is 250.39. Na weighs 22.8^ two atoms are employed, which equals 45.76. S weighs 31,83. O weighs 15.88; three atoms arc employed, which equals 47.64. H weighs i ; two atoms are employed, which equals 2. O weighs 15.88, which added to 2 equals 17.88. H,0 is taken 7 times; 7 times 17.88 equals 125.16; 45.76+ 31.83+ 47.64+ 125.16 = 250.39, the molecu- lar weight of sulphite of sodium. This matter of atomic and molecular weights can be made clear to the student by the following illustration: A pays B 100 sovereigns, English money, in sovereigns and half sovereigns, giving him 50 of the former and 100 of the latter; how much will the 100 sovereigns of gold weigh? I sovereign weighs 1 24 grains X 50 = 6200 grains. i " " 62 " X 100 = 6200 " Weight of 100 sovereigns in gold, 12400 grains. In the same way the molecular weight of water (HjO) is 17.88. H, Hydrogen atom, weighs 1X2= 2 O, Oxygen atom, " 15.88 X i = 15.88 Molecular weight of HjO, 1 7.88 Official Description. — Immediately following the official definition, there will be noticed in the Pharmacopoeia, in smaller types, what is termed the official description: It usually consists of: (A) In drugs — I, a concise statement of physical characteristics; 2, tests of identity; 3, description of adulterants. (B) In chemicals — i, statement of physi- cal characteristics, as in case of drugs; 2, solubilities; 3, tests of identity and purity. Assay Processes. — The as.saying of drugs and preparations has be- come necessary in order to definitely fix their value as medicinal agents. Doses. — The Pharmacopoeial Convention instructed the ('ommittee of Rcvi.sion to .state the average approximate (but within a minimum or maximum) dose for adults, the metric .system to be u.sed, and the approximate equivalent in ordinary weights or measures inserted in parentheses. DISPENSATORIES. Dispensatory: A Dispensatory is a Commentary on a Pharmaco- prcia. Dispensatories aim to present information (f)nccrning important non-<;fTif ial rlrugs and those official in other Pharmacopoeias, as well as \hnsr of the {' . S. P. Dispensatories in the U. S. : We have in this country The United States Dispensatory, National Dispensatory, and King's Dispensatory. PHARMACY. PART I. PHYSICS AND PHARMACEUTICAL OPERATIONS. METROLOGY, SPECIFIC GRAVITY, AND SPECIFIC VOLUME. METROLOGY. Weight. — Weight is the diflference between the attraction of the earth and that of surrounding bodies for bodies on the surface of the earth. Upon what the weight of a body depends : Upon its bulk and density. Density is the amount of matter in given bulks of bodies. What is meant by weighing : Balancing a body of known gravitat- ing force with one whose gravity is not known, for the purpose of estimat- ing the gravitating force of the latter, which is called its weight. Weights : Bodies of known gravitating force used for weighing. Name given to the apparatus used for weighing: Scales and weights. Standards used upon which to base the system of weights \ The Grain and the Metre. How the grain weight was derived: By act of Henry III of England, in 1226; "An English silver penny, called the sterling, round and without clipping, shall weigh thirty-two grains oj wheat, well dried and gathered out of the middle of the ear." Metre : One 40-millionth of the circumference of the earth at its poles. Systems of weights used in Pharmacy based on the Grain : The Troy or Apothecaries' system and the Avoirdupois system. Denominations of each : Troy or A pothecaries^ Weight: 20 grains = I scruple; 3 scruples = i drachm; 8 drachms = i ounce; 12 ounces = I pound. Avoirdupois Weight: 43 7 J grains = i ounce; 16 ounces = i pound. Symbols of each : Troy: grain, or grains, gr. ; scruple, ^; drachm, 3 ; ounce, ,^ . Avoirdupois: ounce, oz. ; pound, lb. How many grains the ounce of each system contains respec- tively, and the difference in grains between the Troy and Avoir- dupois ounce: Avoirdupois ounce = 437i gr-i Troy ounce = 480 gr. Troy ounce 425 grains greater. Difference in grains between the Avoirdupois and Troy pound : Avoirdupois pound, 7000 gr. ; Troy pound, 5760. Avoirdupois pound, 1240 grains greater. Measure : The bulk or extension of bodies. Systems of Measure used in Pharmacy: Apothecaries' or Wine Measure, Imperial or British Measure, and the Metric System. METROLOGY. 5 Denominations of each: Apothecaries' Measure: 60 minims = i fluidrachm; 8 fluidrachms = i fluidounce; 16 fluidounces = i pint; 8 pints = I gallon. Imperial Measure: 60 Imperial minims = i Imperial fluidrachm; 8 Imperial fluidrachms = i Imperial fluidounce; 20 Im- fierial fluidounces = i Imperial pint; 8 Imperial pints = i Imperial gallon. Note. — The U. S. Fluidounce is equal to 480 U. S. minims, and to 500 Imperial minims. The Standard Imperial gallon is the volume of 70,000 grains, or 10 avoirdupois pounds of pure water at + 62° F., barometer at 30 inches. One Imperial minim of pure water at + 62° F., only weighs 0.91 1458 grain. Symbols of each: Apothecaries* Measure: Minim, TT\^; fluidrachm, f 3 ; fluidounce, f 5 ; pint, O; gallon, Cong. Imperial Measure: Minim, min.; fluidrachm, fl. dr.; fluidounce, fl. oz. ; pint, O; gallon, C. Relations of Apothecaries' and Imperial Measures to Troy and Avoirdupois Weights : Apothecaries' Measure: The pint of distilled water at 15.6° C. (60° F.) weighs 7291.2 gr. ; the fluidounce, 455.7 g^-5 the gallon, 8.33 pxjunds avoirdupois; pint weighs 1.04 16 av. pound; pound equalso.9601 pints. At 25" C. (77° F.), the temperature adopted for taking sp. gr. and solubilities by the U, S. P. (8th Rev.), the pint weighs 7273.3 gr. and the fl. oz. 454.6 gr., or, more accurately, 454.581 gr. Thus we have Troy oz., 480 gr. ; av. oz., 437.5 gr. ; fl. oz., 454.6 gr. Imperial Measure: pint weighs 8750 gr.; fluidounce, 437.5 (which is the same as the avoirdupois ounce, and 18.2 gr. less than that of the U. S. fluidounce of water at the same temperature); gallon, 10 pounds avoirdufKjis. Approximate Measures: A tumblerful, f ,^ viij (240 Cc). A teacup- ful, f5iv(i20 Cc). \ wineglassful, f^ij (60 Cc). A tablespoonful, f.!5iv(i6Cc.). Adessertspoonful,f3ij(8Cc.). A teaspoonful,f 3 i (4CC.). The equivalent given above for the teaspoonful, dessertspoonful, and tablesp^xjnful are authorized by the U. S. P. (8th Rev.). Metric System : A system of weights and measures which originated with Prince de Talleyrand, Bishop of Autun, France, in 1790, now legally used by the majority of all civilized nations. Metre : The unit of length of the Metric, French, or Decimal system, from whi( h all other denominations are derived. How obtained : It was obtained by a measurement of the quadrant of a meridian of the earth, and is about jjSTfJ^UTnsJS °^ '^^ circumference of the earth at the poles. What it is practically : Practically, it is the length of certain care- fully prtserved bars of metal from which copies have been taken.* What its equivalent is in feet and inches : It is equal to about 3 ft 3i in. Unit of surface, and how derived : The unit of surface is the Are, which is the .srjuare of ten metres (the square of a dekametre) — a square whose sifle is i 1 vards. • Accurate mfMlrln or profotyjx-s have Ixm made of the principal units of linear meas> ure. measures of ra^xicity. and weights These actual >(aiidards are usually legalized, are carefully preserved in (he custody of governments, and serve as originau, of which copies are taken directly or indirectly for actual use. 6 PHARMACY. Unit of capacity, and how derived : The Litre, which is a cube of a tenth of a metre (the cube of a decimetre) = 2. 1 134 pints. Unit of weight and how obtained: The unit of weight is the Gramme, which is the weight of that quantity of distilled water, at its maximum density (4° C), which fills the cube of the one-hundredth part of the metre (cube of a centimetre, or, in other words, cubic centimetre, Cc.) = 15.43235 grains, or about 15^ grains. Denominations of the Metric System multiplied and divided: They are multiplied by the Greek words, "Deka," Ten; "Hecto," Hundred; ' ' Kilo," Thousand; and divided by the Latin words, ' ' Deci," one-tenth; "Centi," one-hundredth; "Milli," one-thousandth G reek L atin D ecreases TABLE SHOWING HOW METRIC UNITS ARE MULTIPLIED AND DIVIDED. Quantities. Length. Surface. Capacity. Weight. 1000 Kilo-metre. .... Kilo-litre. Kilo-gramme. 100 Hecto-metre. Hectare. Hecto-litre. Hecto-gramme. 10 Deka-metre Deka-litre. Deka-gramme. I (Units.) Metre. Are Litre. Gramme. .1 Deci-metre Deci-litre. Deci-gramme. .01 Centi -metre, Centare. Centi-litre. Centi-gramme. .001 Milli-metre Milli-litre. Milli-gramme. —Attfield. Use of the Gramme and Cubic Centimetre (fluigramme) as units of weight and measure : In the practical working of a laboratory, the gramme and its divisions are used for weighing, and the cubic centi- metre (Cc. or fluigramme) for measuring liquids. A gramme and a cubic centimetre of distilled water are identical, but owing to greater or less density, cubic centimetres of other liquids weigh more or less than a gramme. But if the Cc. is taken as a unit of capacity only, and the gramme as the unit of weight, all difficulty is avoided. For example, dissolve i gramme of sugar in sufficient quantity of water to make 10 Cc. It is evident that each Cc. of this solution contains i decigramme of sugar. By keeping the Cc. intact and varying the strength of the solution, each Cc. can be made to contain any stated amount of sugar from saturation to infinity. TABLE OF EQUIVALENTS. One Cubic Centimetre, = 16.23 Minims. Four " " = 1.08 Fluidrachms. Thirty " " = i.oi Fluidounces. One Minim, = 0.06 Cubic centimetres. Four " = .25 " Ten " = .62 One Troy drachm, == 3.888 Grammes. One Troy ounce, =31.103 " One Avoirdupois ounce, = 28.35 " METROLOGY. 7 METRIC WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, AND EQUIVALENTS, USED IN THE DOSE SYSTEM OF THE U. S. PHARMACOPCEIA. Mg. = Milligrammes. Gm. = Grammes. Cc. = Cubic centimetres. •15 Mg. = :f^5 gr. 65 Mg. = I gr. .1 Cc. =1^ minims. •30 " = ihz " 125 " = 2 " .2 " =3 .40 " - rkz " 200 " = 3 " .3 " =5 .50 " - T^ " 250 ;; = 4^ -^ .5 - =8 I Mir = -rK er 500 " - Ji i Cc. = 15 minims. , u^- = ;,J rr , cm. = 15 gr. 2 » =30 " 7 " = ,«ff •' 2 " = 30 " 4 Cc. = I fl. dr. 4 " = ^ «' 3 " = 45 " 8 " = 2 '' " 5 " = tV " 4 " = 60 " 16 " =4 " " 8 " = i " I u ^ ''° i! 30 Cc. = ~ I fl. oz. 15 " = i " —3? = L££l 120 " = 4" " 30 " = ^ " .008 Cc. =|mimm. ^50 " = 12 " " 45 " = i " -05 " =1 " Explain the signification of the Micromillimetre and the Kilo: Micromillimetre (Mkm.) is a term used in microscopy, and signifies the one-thousandth part of a millimetre. Kilo is merely an abbreviation of the word kilogramme, and is used for convenience and brevity. How to convert metric weights or measures into those in or- dinary use : Multiply the metric quantities by the corresponding equiva- lent. Ex.: To convert — Metres into inches, multiply by 39.370 Litres into fluidounces " " 33.815 Cubic Centimetres into fluidounces, " " 0.0338 " " " Imperial fluid- ounces, " " 0.0352 Grammes into grains, " " 15-432 Decip^mmes into grains, " " 1-5432 Centigrammes " " " " .15432 Milligrammes " " ** ** .015432 How to convert the weights and measures in ordinary use into metric weights and measures: Multiply the quantities by the cor- responding metric equivalent. Kx.: To convert — Inches into metres, multiply by 0.0254 Fluidounces into cubic centimetres, " " 29.572 Grains into grammes " " 0,0648 Avoirdupf>is ounces into grammes, " " 28.3495 Troy " " 31-1035 See table of equivalent weights and measures employed by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in back of this book. Balance: An instrument for determining the relative weight of sub- stances Balances: There are fiv^ kinds; i. Single beam, equal arm. 2. 8 PHARMACY. Single beam, unequal arm. 3. Double beam, unequal arm. 4. Com- pound lever balances. 5. Torsion balances. Construction, requirements, and tests of each : i. Single Beam, Equal Arm. — Construction. — A beam is suspended on a knife-edge, which divides it into equal arms; end knife-edges are placed at each end of the beam, on the same plane and at equal distances from the point of suspension, for supporting the pans which carry the substances to be weighed. Requirements. — i. "When the beam is in a horizontal position, the center of gravity should be slightly below the point of support, or central knife-edge, and perpendicular to it." 2. "The end knife-edges must be exactly equal distances from the central knife-edge; they must all be in the same plane, and the edges absolutely parallel to each other." 3. "The beam should be inflexible, but as light in weight as possible, and the knife-edges in fine balances should bear upon the agate planes." Test. — I. Sensibility with unloaded pans: i. Place the balance in posi- tion on a perfectly level counter or table; elevate the beam so that it is free to oscillate; when the balance comes to rest, place the smallest weight to which it is sensitive upon the right-hand pan, to which the balance should immediately respond. 2. Sensibility with loaded pans: Place the full weight the balance is designed to carry on the pans, then on one pan place the smallest weight, as before. The balance should respond in a decided manner. 3. Equality of arms: Load the pans to half their capacity, perfecting the equilibrium, if necessary, with a piece of tin-foil. Now reverse the weights, and if the equilibrium is still maintained, the arms of the beam are equal. 4. Parallelism in knife- edges: Moderately load and balance the pans. Now shift one of the larger weights in different positions on the edge of the pan, carefully noting any variation in equilibrium, if such occur. This variation in dicates a want of parallelism in the knife-edges. 2. Single Beam, Unequal Arm. — Construction. — This can be seen by inspecting the well-known Fairbanks scales. It depends on the principle in physics, ' * The power is to the weight or resistance in the inverse ratio of the arms of the lever." The longer arm of the beam is graduated for a movable weight, the use of which dispenses with small weights, which is a decided advantage. 3. Double Beam, Unequal Arm. — Construction. — Same as the above, but with two parallel beams. Employed for weighing liquids, etc., the outside beam being used to tare the bottle or jar. 4. Compound Lever Balances. — Well shown in the Fairbanks plaf- form scales, used for druggists' counters and sometimes for prescription scales. Tromner has an excellent scale for weighing liquids on this principle. 5. Torsion Balances. — A compound beam is balanced and sup- ported upon an immovable center frame, upon which a flattened gold wire is stretched with powerful tension; the beam is prevented from slipping out of place, and the torsion is secured, by the gold wire being firmly fastened to the under side of the beam; upon the ends of the beam are fastened the movable frames which support the pans. There is a simple method of arresting the motion by moving the lever, and SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 9 the delicacy of the balance is increased by placing a weight upon ttie index, whereby the center of gravity is elevated. Knife-edges are done away with entirely. How Balances may be protected : By enclosing them in glass cases with convenient sliding dcx)rs. How liquids are measured: In graduated vessels; vessels of tinned copper, tinned iron, and enameled sheet iron, called agate, are usually employed for quantities larger than one pint; but glass measures are preferable for quantities of one pint or less. The former are generally made larger at the bottom than at the top; the latter are either conical, with apex at the bottom, or cylindrical, and graduated on the sides. It is better that the marking be on both sides of the graduate. How to test a glass graduate : Place it upon a perfectly level surface, then pour into it 455.7 grains distilled water at 15.6° C. (60° F.). This should measure one fluidounce; or, measure into the graduate 30 Cc. of water (29.57 Cc.) for a fluidounce. Graduated Pipette : A glass tube graduated on the side, with a con- stricted point. It is used by applying suction to the upper end, and holding the liquid in the tube by placing the finger on the upper end while reading off the contents. Meniscus : Owing to capillary attraction, the top of the liquid in a graduated pipette presents a cup shape. This is called a meniscus. A line drawn through the bottom of the meniscus is usually selected as the reading point. Size of a drop : Erroneously, a drop is supposed to be a minim ; but though this may be approximately true when applied to water, it is not true in regard to any other liquid. Thick, viscous liquids produce large drops; heavy, mobile liquids small ones. A drop of syrup of acacia is five times as large as a drop of chloroform. The shape and surface from which the drop is poured also influences its size. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Specific Gravity : The comparative weight of bodies of equal bulk. It is ascertained by weighing the bodies with an equal bulk of pure water at a given temperature and atmospheric j)rtssure, whic h is taken as one. How to obtain the Specific Gravity of a body : To obtain the spe- rifi« gravity of a Ixxly, it is only neces.sary to balance it with an equal bulk of the standard, and ascertain how many times the weight of the standard is contained in its weight. Ex. ; A fluidounce of water (stand- ard) weighs 455.7 grains; a fluidounce of lime-water weighs 456.3 grains; 456.3 -^ 455-7 "" J. 00 1 5, that i.s, the lime-water weighs 1.0015 times more than water, bulk for bulk. In other words, its specific gravity is 1. 001 5. A fluidounce of alcohol weighs 422.8; 422.8 -^ 445.7 — 0.928, s{K-( ifir gravity. General rule for finding Specific Gravity : Divide the weight of the IxkIv by the weight of an equal bulk of water; the quotient will Ix? the sjx"cific gravity. Method usually adopted to ascertain the weight of the equal bulk of water in taking the Specific Gravity of solids : A solid body 10 PHARMACY. immersed in water will displace its own bulk; it is required to find out the weight of this equal bulk of water. This might be ascertained by immersing the body in a vessel of water already full, then saving and weighing the displaced water which runs over. But there is a better way of finding out. Archimedes filled his bath-tub too full of water, one day, and it overflowed when he got into it. This led him to ex- periment, and he found that when weighed in water he lost as much weight as the water he displaced weighed. It is only necessary, then, to weigh a body first in air, then in water, and note its loss of weight when weighed in the latter medium. This loss is evidently the weight of an equal bulk of water. By our rule, we divide the weight of the body by the weight of an equal bulk of water; and it follows that it is the same thing to say : divide the weight of the body by its loss of weight in water, for that loss is the weight of an equal bulk of water. The quotient will be the specific gravity. How to take the Specific Gravity of a body heavier than water : Four methods are used. First method: Accurately weigh the substance and note the weight. Now suspend the body from the hook at the end of the scale-beam with a horse-hair, so it shall hang a little above the scale-pan; next, place a small wooden bench in such a manner that it shall straddle the scale-pan, but not touch it; place a small beaker on the bench, partly filled with water, in which submerge the suspended body, noting the loss of weight by the use of proper weights on the opposite scale-pan; after which apply the rule already given. Ex.: Weight of a piece of copper in the air, 805.5 grains; weight in water, 715.5 grains; loss of weight, 90 grains. 805.5 -^ 90 = 8.95, sp. gr. Second method: With the specific gravity bottle. Add 1000 to the weight of the substance in the air. Now drop it into a looo-grain specific gravity bottle, fill the bottle with water and weigh again. Sub- tract the 2d sum from the ist sum, and the difference is the loss of weight in water. Now apply the rule. Ex. : A piece of aluminum wire weighs 100 grains in the air. 100+ 1000= iioo. Dropped in a looo-grain specific gravity bottle, and the bottle filled with water, the weight of both is 1062. Then iioo — 1062 = 38 grains, the loss of weight in water. 100 -1- 38 = 2.63, specific gravity. Third method: With the graduated tube. Drop the substance into a tube graduated so that each space shall indicate a grain or gramme of water, and note how much higher the liquid rises in the tube, which is the weight of an equal bulk of the substance. This known, apply the rule. Fourth method: By immersing the solid in a transparent liquid of the same density. Drop the solid in a liquid of sufficient density to float it, then reduce its density with water until the solid neither rises nor sinks, but swims indifferently. The specific gravity of the liquid and solid will now be the same. Take out the solid and find the specific gravity of the liquid with the specific gravity bottle. How to proceed if the solid were soluble in water : Use oil or some other liquid in which the solid is not soluble, as though it were water, then, by the following proportion, find the loss of weight in water; as the specific gravity of oil is to the specific gravity of water, so is the loss of weight in oil to the loss of weight in water. Then apply the rule. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 11 How to take the Specific Gravity of a solid lighter than water : Force the substance under water by attaching a heavier body to it. First weigh both in the air, then both in water, and the difference will be the loss of both in water. A simple- subtraction will gire the loss of weight of one. Then apply the rule. Apparatus for taking the Specific Gravity of a liquid ; A specific gravity bottle, hydrometer, or specific gravity beads. How to construct a Specific Gravity bottle : A bottle with a long, slim neck is counterpoised by an appropriate weight, and distilled water at the appropriate temperature, 15° C. (60° F.) poured in until it con- tains 1000 grains. The height reached by the water in the neck is then scratched thereon with a file, and it is ready for use. Specific Gravity beads : Little pear-shaped, hollow globes of glass, loaded at the apex, and arranged to float indifferently in licjuids of the specific gravity for which they are gauged, but to sink or swim in liquids that are lighter or heavier than they are. Directions for using the Specific Gravity bottle for taking the Specific Gravity of Liquids : Counterpoise the bottle and fill it to the mark with the liquid to be examined. The number of grains the liquid weighs, properly pointed off decimally, is its specific gravity. A looo-gr. specific gravity bottle will hold 11 60 grains of hydrochloric acid. Point off decimally 1.160, which is the specific gravity of hydrochloric acid. A lOoo-gr. specific gravity bottle will hold 750 grains of ether. Point off decimally 0.750, thus showing the relation to the specific gravity of water, i. When a bottle of any size is substituted for the lOoo-gr. bottle, the following equation will give the specific gravity: As the number of grains of water the bottle holds is to 1000 (the specific gravity of water), .so is the number of grains of liquid it holds, to the specific gravity of the liquid. Hydrometer: As now constructed, the hydrometer usually "con- sists of a glass tube loaded at the bottom with mercury or small shot, having a bulb blown in it just above the loaded end." The principle of its action depends upon the fact that a solid body floating in a liquid displaces a volume of liquid exa( tlv equal to its own weight. Two general classes of Hydrometers: First, those for liquids heavier than water; second, those for lifjuids lighter than water. The first class are called by the French Pese-Acide, or Pese-Sirop, and the second class Pese-FisbrU. Other class of Hydrometers in use : Those intended to sink, by the addition of weights, to a given mark on the stem, and thus displace a constant volume. Baum6 Hydrometer : The instrument devised by Baum^ is peculiar only in so far as its system of graduation is concerned. This was made in the fcjilowing manner: First, /or liquids heavier than water, the in- strument was loaded with suflficient mercury to sink it in water to a convenient point near the top, which was marked o. It was then placed in a 15 per cent, salt solution, and the point at which it rested marked 15; the interspace between o and 15 was now marked off into 15 equal spaces, and the .stale below extencJed by marking off similar spaces. Second, for liquids lighter than water, a 10 per cent, salt .solution was used, and the instrument loaded to sink into it to a point just above 12 PHARMACY. the bulb, which was marked o. It was then allowed to sink in water, and the point of rest marked lo. The interspace between o and lo was now divided into lo equal spaces, and the scale above extended by marking off equal spaces. Objection to Baum^'s Hydrometer : The graduations are entirely arbitrary, necessitating computation to determine the corresponding specific gravity. Hydrometer which is rapidly taking its place : The Specific Grav- ity Hydrometer; the graduations upon the stem indicating at once the specific gravity. Urinometer, saccharometer, elaeometer (for fixed oils), and alcohol- ometer, are hydrometers for the special purposes indicated by their names. SPECIFIC VOLUME. Specific Volume : The volume of one body compared with the vol- ume of an equal weight of another body selected as its standard, both bodies having the same temperature. Directly opposite specific gravity. Temperature chosen, usually 25° C. (77° F.). Rule to obtain the Specific Volume of a Liquid: Divide the volume of the given weight of the liquid by the volume of an equal weight of water, or divide the sp. gr. of water (i.ooo) by the sp. gr. of the liquid. Ex. ; 1403 Gm. of HNO3 measure 1000 Cc. and 1403 Gm. of H2O measure 1403 Cc; then 1000 -~ 1403 = 0.7127, sp. vol. of HNO3. Rule to obtain the Volume of a Given Weight of a Liquid: Multiply the volume of an equal weight of water by the sp. vol. of the liquid. Ex.: How many fl. oz. are there in 100 oz. av. of HNOj? 100 oz. av. of HjO measure 96.21 fl. oz.; then 96.21 X 0.7127 = 68.56 -|- fl. oz. of HNO3. HEAT. Heat : Heat is molecular motion. Furnace : A species of stove for generating heat. Elements of a Furnace : The air-flue, combustion-chamber, and vent or chimney. Proportion which they should bear to each other : The special object sought in constructing the furnace must determine the propor- tions these shall bear to each other. Best fuel for generating heat : Anthracite coal. How much air is required to bum one pound of coal : Theo- retically, 150 cubic feet; practically, twice that. Liquids used for fuel in pharmacy, and on what their heating power depends : Alcohol, petroleum or coal oil, and benzin or gasolene. They all contain C and H (alcohol, 34 per cent. O in addition), on which their heating depends.* Illuminating Gas : A mixture of carburetted hydrogen (CH^), which is its principal constituent, with considerable hydrocarbons, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and monoxide, aqueous vapors, and traces of oxygen and nitrogen. * For special apparatus for developing heat for pharmaceutical manipulations, see Remington's " Practice of Pharmacy." HEAT. 13 How it may be fitted for heating purposes: By mixing it with air. This is done by admitting air below the flame, using special ap- paratus for this purpose. Bunsen Burner : A brass tube, four inches high, with four large circular holes near the base, to admit the air, which may be regulated by a perforated brass ring which surrounds the tube, is supported by a metal pedestal, and connected with a gas fixture by a tube. The coal-gas admitted mixes with the air, and burns at the top of the tube with an intensely hot, colorless flame. How to measure heat : By the thermometer. Electricity as a Source of Heat : Small electric stoves are provided, to be attached to the wire supplying the electric lights. The current flows through fine wires of high resisting powers embedded in fire-proof insulating cement in the baise of the stove. The heat is produced by the resistance, and warms the top plate. Thermometer : A thermometer consists of a glass tube with capillary bore sealed at one end, and the other end terminating in a bulb. The bulb is filled with mercury or other fluid, which, being expanded by heat, rises in the tube and indicates the degree of heat, either on an index scratched on the tube itself, or marked on a piece of paper against which the tube is placed. Three scales for marking thermometric degrees now in use: The scales are, i. Centigrade; 2. Fahrenheit, and 3. Reaumur. In the Centigrade scale, the freezing-point of water is zero, the boiling- point 100°, and the intervening space is divided into 100 equal parts called degrees. In the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing-point of water is 32°, the boiling-pfjint 212°, and the intervening space is divided into 180 equal parts called degrees. In the Reaumur scale, the freezing-point is zero, and the bf)iling-point 80°. Ratio the three scales bear to each other, and how to convert the scale of one into the other : Ratio. 5.9:4. FORMUL.C FOR THE CONVERSION OF DEGREES OF ONE THERMO- METRIC SCALE INTO THOSE OF ANOTHER.— /l//;i- 4 X9)— 3a RULES. 1. To convert Centigrade degrees into those of Fahrenheit above 32, multiply by 1.8 and add 32. 2. To convert Fahrenheit degrees above 32 into those of Centigrade, subtrart 32 and dividr by r.8. How to select a thermometer: Choose one made of glass, thick 14 PHARMACY. enough to be strong, but thin enough to be delicate, with graduations marked on tube, which should be of equal diameter throughout, with flat or eUiptical, perfectly uniform bore. It should be free from air, which may be tested by inverting the instrument and seeing that the mercury descends to the lowest part of the tube. Melting-point : Temperature at which a substance melts or fuses. Use : Means of identifying a body or proving its purity. Blow -pipe, and how used: A slightly conical, gradually tapering metallic or glass tube, covered at the smaller end, and having a minute orifice at that end for producing a blast. When used, an unremitting current of air is forced through the tube from the mouth, by keeping the cheeks distended with air, and constantly supplying fresh air from the lungs, as needed. Nature of the blow-pipe blast : First, it has an intense heat. Sec- ond, when used with a luminous flame, the interior of the blow-pipe blast, owing to the carbon not being wholly oxidized, has the power of reducing oxides. It is, therefore, called the reducing flame. The outer part of the blast has the opposite or oxidizing property, and is called the oxidizing flame. What the blow-pipe is used for in Pharmacy : Used for bending and working glass, testing fusible chemical substances, in soldering, etc. Crucible, and for what used : A crucible is a cup-shaped vessel, intended to withstand a powerful heat. Clay, plumbago, porcelain, iron, silver, and platinum, are some of the materials employed for cruci- bles. Platinum ranks first, plumbago second, the Hessian crucible next, though quite inferior; then come the more fragile porcelain and wedg- wood crucibles, which must be gradually cooled, to prevent breakage. Eight processes in Pharmacy require the application of high heat: i. Ignition. 2. Fusion. 3. Calcination. 4. Deflagration. 5. Carbonization. 6. Torrejaction. 7. Incineration. 8. Sublimation. Description of each of these processes: i. Ignition consists in strongly heating solid or semi-solid substances to obtain a definite residue. Ex. : The official quantitative tests for purified sulphide of antimony, phosphoric acid, etc. 2. Fusion is the process of liquefying solid bodies by heat. Ex. : Melt- ing of iron or lead, or of wax. 3. Calcination is the process of driving off volatile substances, such as gas or water, from inorganic matter, by heat without fusion. Ex.: Magnesia, lime, etc., prepared by calcination. 4. Deflagration is the process of heating one inorganic substance with another capable of yielding oxygen (usually a nitrate or a chlorate); decomposition ensues, accompanied by a violent, noisy, or sudden com- bustion. Ex. : Salts of As and Sb made by this process. 5. Carbonization is the process of heating organic substances without the access of air, until they are charred. The volatile products are driven off, but combustion is prevented. Ex. : Charcoal is made in this way. 6. Torrefaction is the process of roasting organic substances. The constituents are modified but not charred. Ex. : The roasting of coffee. Torrefl^d Rhubarb is obtained in this way. It loses its cathartic proper- ties by this process, but retains its properties as an astringent. 7. Incineration means the burning of organic substances to ashes in HEAT. 15 air. The ash is the part sought. Ex. : Determining the amount of fixed matter in organic substances by burning them and examining the ashes. 8. Sublimation is the process of distilling solid volatile substances from non-volatile substances. Ex. : Camphor is separated from strips of v^ood from the camphor tree in this way. Various forms of apparatus used to modify and control heat : The water-bath, salt-water bath, sand-bath, oil-bath, glycerin-bath, etc. Limit of range of the several forms of bath: The water-bath can only be used for temperatures below ioo° C. (212° F.). Saturated salt solution boils at 108.4° C. (227.1° P.), which degree limits the range of the salt-water bath. Glycerin may be heated to 250° C. (480° F.) without much inconvenience from the Acrolein, which is produced when that substance is raised nearly to the boiling-point. The oil-bath is de- signed to furnish a regulated temperature below 260° C. (500° F.), and the sand-bath may be used at any temperature. Theory for the use of Steam in pharmaceutical operations: Matter exists in three forms, solid, liquid, and gaseous, depending upon the degree of distance between its molecules. Heat is but another name for molecular motion (possibly atomic motion also). Increase molecular motion, and molecular distance is increased to give room between the molecules for that motion. Cohesion holds molecules together. Heat, therefore, works against cohesion. If water is heated until its molecules are driven far apart, it becomes steam, and its molecules are now in very rapid vibration. If brought into contact with a cool surface, that is, a surface of slower molecular vibration, it imparts its motion to that surface, and the steam is condensed — its motion is lost, and it returns to the condition of fluid again. But by imparting its heat (motion) to the surface with which it came in contact, this surface becomes heated. The molecular motion of the surface becomes as great as the steam when equi- librium is attained and the temperature of the surface remains constant. As hot steam can be transported long distances by insulated pipes, it becomes a convenient means of heating surfaces at a distance from the fire, and the pressure of the steam being under perfect control, the temperature may be regulated with great exactness. ^ Two forms in which steam is used for heating : Steam without pressure, and steam under pressure, or superheated steam. T.XBLE OF THE TE.MPERATURE.S OF SUPERHEATED STEAM. Prbmvbc. Tempebatuke or Steam. PtESSUIE, Teicperature Of Steam. P^iKbper Pounds per Square Inch. C. F. Square Inch. C. F. 14 7 lOO* »'»\ 55 1416* a87\ 17 io4.a* ai9.6» 60 I44-7' a9a.7* 90 IO8.S0 338* 65 I47.?« ^\ aj "3* ajsV 70 150.5" 303 .9» 35 115^ a40.i! 21 i53' 307-4* JO l2i.r »50.4* 1 5 7. 8* 3"" 35 i.6.a- aSQ'Sl 85 3i6.i» 40 130.7* »<>7.f 90 i6o" 330« 4S 134^ a74.4- OS ifia.a* i2A\ 5 '5 138.3* j8i4>* loe I64.4* 3a 7.0' 16 PHARMACY. Advantage of steam under pressure: Steam under pressure is hotter because more heat is required to raise water to the condition of vapor against increased pressure. The way steam may be used under pressure for evaporation: By means of jacketed kettles.* How the heating surface may be increased in such kettles : By combining the kettle with a steam coil. Other purposes for which steam coils are used : For heating apart- ments, drying ovens, evaporating dishes placed upon them, and for boiling water, by placing a steam coil in the water. OPERATIONS REQUIRING HEAT. Vaporization : The operation of increasing molecular motion by heat until matter assumes the form of vapor or gas. Explanation of what is meant by the various terms, Evapora- tion, Distillation, Desiccation, Exsiccation, Granulation, Sub- limation: In the vaporization of liquids, when the object sought is the fixed part, the process is called evaporation. When it is the volatile part that is sought, it is called distillation. If solids are vaporized, when the fixed part is sought, the process is called desiccation, or exsiccation, and when furnished in a granular condition, granulation, but if the volatile part is sought, it is called sublimation. Ebullition, or boiling : A violent agitation in a liquid produc ed when it is heated from the fluid to the gaseous condition. The heat acts first on that portion of liquid resting against the heated surface, converting a portion into steam, which rises in the form of bubbles, which break on the surface of the liquid. What is meant by the boiling-point of a liquid : The temperature at which it boils. Each liquid has its specific boiling-point as well as its specific weight. Liquids evaporate more or less at all temperatures, hence there seems to be no specific evaporating-point, but there is a specific point where ebullition commences. What is meant by the tension of vapor : The molecules of which vapor is composed repel each other, but are held together by cohesion and atmospheric pressure. Matter is, therefore, said to exist in a state of tension. The repelling force may be heat; at any rate, by increasing heat, or molecular motion, the repelling force is increased. Heat, there- fore, is a force working against cohesion and atmospheric pressure, to force the molecules apart. How advantage may be taken of the knowledge of tension to increase the rapidity of evaporation : By removing the pressure of the atmosphere from a liquid and increasing its molecular motion — viz., heating it — evaporation is hastened. What important factor plays a part in the evaporation of a liquid in the open air : The degree of moisture already in the air. In evaporating liquids at the boiling-point, temperature, press- * For various forms of jacketed kettles, boilers, etc., for using steam in pharmaceuti- cal operations see Remington's " Pharmacy." OPERATIONS REQUIRING HEAT. 17 urc, etc., being equal, what determines the rapidity ©f evapora- tion : The amount of surface exposed to the heat. What determines the rapidity of evaporation under like cir- cumstances below the boiling-point : The amount of surface ex- posed to the air. How to apply this knowledge : By selecting suitable vessels for evaporation, and employing various devices to increase the heating surface, or the surface exposed to the air, depending upon the method of evaporation chosen. Vacuum pan : A covered evaporating pan, with an air pump, con- denser, etc., for removing the pressure of the atmosphere while con- ducting the process of evaporation, thus enabling the liquid to boil at a lower temperature. Evaporating chamber: A species of "fume-closet," built into a chimney breast, provided with gas-burners, etc., for conducting evap- oration. Spontaneous evaporation : Evaporation of a liquid at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere, or without the application of strong direct heat. Conducted in drying-rooms or closets, or by using a tripod with long legs over a stove, or evaporating over a register. How to protect a vessel from unequal heating by the flame when evaporating by direct heat : By a piece of wire gauze between it and the flame. How to evaporate a liquid to a fixed weight : Use a tared dish, and weigh both dish and contents when required. How to evaporate to a fixed volume : Use a graduated evaporating dish, and evaix)rate to the required volume. How to mark the evaporating dish to determine the required volume : Dishes may be b^)ught already graduated, or graduated in the laborator)', either by marking the dish on the inside or pasting a strip of paper to the inside, marked with the required measure. A strip of wood placed across the top of the dish, perforated in the middle for a glass thermometer, can be used for graduating purposes, by tying a string on the thermometer to indicate the desired level. Hood : A contrivance connected with a chimney to place over evap- orating dishes, etc., to conduct away vafK>rs. Grommet : A cin ular bit of rublx^r hose upon which a round-bot- tomrrl dish may be placed to keep it from turning over. Distillation : The operation of separating one liquid from another, or a liquid from a .solid, by vaporization and condensation, the volatile part being the object sought. About how much water is required to condense steam at ioo° C. C2I2^ F.): .'MKmt twentv-five times its weight of water at 20° C'. (68° F.). The two typical forms of apparatus used in distillation : First, the alrmhic consists of a head or dome, in whi( h the vapors generated in the body or cucurhil are condenser! anrl run into a gutter at the base of the dome, and arc carried off by a pipe. The use of the alembic in its original form is nearly obs<^)lete. Second, the retort ective rank as solvents. How to effect the solution of a gas in water: Apparatus is so arranged that the gas first passes through a wash-brtion. Ex.: The washing of a precipitate in a funnel by means of a Spritz lx*ttle. Various automati< apparatus for continuing washing arc described in works on pharmacy. Decantation : Separating a liquid from a sfA'ul by pouring it off. This is sometimes better effected by a siphon. Siphon : A siphon is an inverted U-tube, with one leg longer than 22 PHARMACY. the other. It is first filled with the liquid, and the shorter arm immersed in the liquid contained in the vessel, and a current established in this way: The column of liquid in the shorter arm is overbalanced by the column in the longer arm, thus causing a current to flow from the shorter to the longer arm, the shorter arm dravnng a fresh supply from the vessel, which is thus finally emptied. Colation, or straining : The process of separating a solid from a fluid, by pouring the mixture upon a cloth or porous substance, which will permit the fluid to pass through, but will retain the solid. Material used for constructing Strainers : Gauze, Muslin, Flannel, Felt, etc. Filtration : The process of separating liquids from solids, with the view of obtaining the liquids in a transparent condition. Filters are made of paper, paper pulp, sand, asbestos, ground glass, charcoal, porous stone, etc. Two general classes of paper filters: Plain and plaited. Plain filters are used for retaining and washing precipitates; plaited filters for ordinary filtering operations. How paper filters are supported : In funnels. Method for producing rapid filtration : Various methods are used, such as suction with the mouth, or by a column of falling water, to pro- duce a partial vacuum beneath the filter, and thus hasten the process by increasing atmospheric pressure. Clarification : The process of separating from liquids, without the use of strainers or filters, solid substances which interfere with their transparency. Eight principal methods of clarification : 1. By the Application oj Heat. Heat, by diminishing the specific gravity of viscid liquids, permits the precipitation of the heavier particles, the lighter ones rising to the top. Boiling facilitates the separation, as the minute bubbles of steam adhere to the particles, and rise with them to form scum, which may be skimmed off. 2. By increasing the Fluidity of tlie Liquid. This may be done by diluting it with water. Owing to the diminished specific gravity, the heavier particles sink, and the liquid may then be decanted. 3. Throueh the use 0} Albumin. If albumin be added to the turbid liquid, and heat applied, on coagulating it will envelop the particles, and rise to the top with them. Skimming will remove the scum. 4. Through tite use of Gelatin. Gelatin will form with tannin an insoluble compound, and where cloudiness is due to the presence of tannin, will clapfy the liquid in this way. 5. Through the use of Milk. Acids will precipitate the casein of milk. It is used in sour wines, etc., the precipitated casein carr>'ing with it the insoluble particles. 6. Through the use of Paper Pulp. Agitate the liquid with the pulp and let it stand till clear; or throw the whole on a muslin strainer; the pulp will form an excellent filtering medium by partially closing the meshes of the linen. 7. By Fermentation. Many substances soluble in the natural juices I CRYSTALLIZATION. 23 of plants are insoluble in the dilute alcoholic solutions resulting when these juices are fermented and subside as deposits. 8. By subsidence through long standing. The deposit formed is called a sediment. Difference between a Sediment and a Precipitate : " Sediment is solid matter separated merely by the action of gravity from a liquid in which it has been suspended. A precipitate, on the other hand, is soUd matter separated from a solution by heat, light, or chemical action." Decoloration : The process of depriving liquids or solids in solution of color by the use of animal charcoal. How to separate Immiscible Liquids : By the use of a pipette, a glass syringe, a separating funnel, or a Florentine receiver. A funnel with a stop-cock to stop the flow as soon as the heavier liquid has all passed through is called a separating funnel. A Florentine receiver, used in the distillation of volatile oils, differs from an ordinar}' receiver in havnng an overflow arranged to permit the escape of the condensed water while retaining the volatile oil. Precipitation: "The process of separating solid particles from a solution by the action of heat, light, or chemical substances." The solid particles separated are called the precipitate; the precipitate pro- ducer, a precipitant; and the liquid remaining, supernatant liquid. A precipitate may either fall or rise to the top of the supernatant liquid. The physical characteristics of precipitates are described by the words curdy, granular, fhcculent, gelatinous, crystalline, bidky, etc. A magma is a thick, tenacious precipitate. Precipitation by heat is illustrated by the coagulation and precipitation of albumin when albuminous fluids are heated; and the precipitation of silver salts by light illustrates pre- cipitation by light; and precipitation by chemical reaction occurs in a large number of instances when making official chemical salts. Ex.: the preparation of Prccip. C'arb. Calcium. Objects of precipitation: i. A method of obtaining substances in the form of pcjwder. 2. A method of purification. 3. A method of testing chemicals. 4. A methcxl of separating chemical substances. Vessels of glass called precipitating jars are made. They are larger at the bottom than the top. Hot, dense .solutions usually produce heavy precipitates, and the reverse is the case when dilute solutions are em- ploy<(l. Precipitates may be collected in a funnel on filtering paper or on strainers. CRYSTALLIZATION. Crystallization : The process of placing substances under the most favorable f ircumstances for them to assume certain inherent geometrical forms called crystals. Sulwtances that will not crystallize are called amorphous. Crystallography is that department of knowledge devoted to cr>'stals. The objects of crystallization are to increase the purity and beauty of chemicals. 1. MEANING OF TERMS. Paces — the planes bounding a crystal. Edge — the intersection of two contiguous surfaces. 24 PHARMACY. Angle — the intersection of three or more faces. Perfect crystal — a crystal in which the faces, edges, or angles have equal faces, edges, or angles opposite to them, and if the middle point of the opposite faces or edges or the opposite angles be joined by straight lines, the point at which these Unes intersect will be the center of the crystals. Axes — the lines drawn through the center of crystals. Dimorphous, tritnorphous, polymorphous, etc. — when the same body crystallizes in two or more forms belonging to different systems. Isomorphous — when different substances crystallize in the same form. Prismatic — crj'stals extended principally in the direction of their longer axes. Tabular — crystals with flat planes. Lamince — crystals in the form of thin plates. A cicular — needle-shaped. Orthometric — those in which the three axes intersect at right angles. Clinometric — those in which the axes intersect at oblique angles. 2. SYSTEMS. Six different systems of crystallization are recognized. The word system is used because "every crystallizable body assumes its own characteristic form or some form directly derived from it by a single law," so that several forms may belong to the same system. I. Monometric or Regular. — The angles of equal length intersecting at right angles. II. Dimetric or Quadratic. — Three axes, two equal, the other different in length, all intersecting at right angles. III. Trimetric or Rhombic. — Three axes of unequal length intersecting at right angles. IV. Hexagonal or RhomboJtedric . — Four axes, three of equal length, in the same plane, and inclined to one another at an angle of 60 degrees. Fourth axis different length, and intersecting the planes of the other three at right angles. V. Monoclinic or Oblique Prismatic. — Three axes of unequal length; two obliquely inclined to each other, the other axis forming right angles with these two. VI. Triclinic or Doubly-oblique Prismatic. — Three axes of unequal length, all obliquely inclined to each other. Cleavage : The tendency of crystals to split in one direction more than another. Method of obtaining crystals: i. By fusion and partial cooling (sulphur, camphor, etc.). 2. Sublimation (corrosive sublimate). 3. Dep- osition from hot, supersaturated solutions on cooling. 4. Deposition during evaporation. 5. Galvanism (deposited while current is passing through solution). 6. Precipitation. 7. By adding a solid substance having a strong affinity for water. (If CaClj be added to a solution of NaCl, the latter will crystallize out.) Water of Crystallization : In the act of crystallizing, many sub- stances combine with water. This is known as water of crystallization. CRYSTALLIZATION. 25 The amount varies in the same crystal under different circumstances. When cr\'stals lose their water of crystallization, and form a white powder on their surfaces, they are said to effloresce. Crystals that absorb water from the air are said to be hygroscopic. The act is called deli- quescence when sufficient water is absorbed to liquefy the substance. Mother liquor : The liquid remaining after the crystals have formed. Granulation : The process of heating the solution of a chemical sub- stance, with constant stirring, until the moisture has evaporated, and a sabulous, coarse-grained powder is produced. Granular Effervescent Salts : Three methods of preparation: i. The old method consisted of mixing the dry powders with dry tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate, moistening with strong alcohol, passing the pasty mass through a sieve, drying the granules in a hot room, sifting, tilling, and hermetically sealing the bottles. 2. The improved method dispenses with the alcohol and uses citric acid to replace part of the tartaric acid. The molecule of water of crystallization is liberated when citric acid is treated with sodium bicarbonate, furnishing sufficient water to form the pasty mass, without much loss of CO2. Further chemical action is prevented by quickly dr)'ing the granules. 3. E. F. Cook's improved process (1903) consists of mixing the powders on a glass plate, gently heating in an oven, manipulating with a wooden spatula, rubbing through a sieve, and dr)'ing the granules in an oven. Exsiccation : Depriving a solid crystalline substance of its water of crystallization or moisture by heating it strongly. Dialysis : The separation of crystallizable from non-crystallizable substances by osmosis. Dialyzer : A vessel with a parchment head, like a drum-head, at one end, into which the substances to be separated are placed in the form of solution. This is floated on distilled water, and by osmosis the crys- tallizable substance transudes through the membrane into the water below, leaving the non-crystallizable substance behind. Crystalloids. — Crystallizable substances — sugar, salt, chemical sub- stances. Colloids. — Non-crystallizable substances — glue, gum, starch, dextrine, etc. Diffusatr. — The impregnated distilled water. Extraction : The separation of the soluble principles from drugs by treating them with a liquid in which the principles are soluble. The solvent is (ailed a menstruum. Five modes of extraction: i. Maceration and expression. 2. Per- colation. 3. Digestion. 4. Infusion. 5. Decli(ls. Six mechanical principles employed in constructing presses: I. Spiral-twist Press. 2. Screw Press. 3. Roller Press. 4. Wedge Press. 5. Ix'ver Press. 6. Hydraulic Press. (For full descriptions of these presses, see Remington's '* Pharmacy.") Digestion : Maceration with gentle heat 26 PHARMACY. PERCOLATION. Percolation: Percolation, also called Displacement, is the process whereby a powder contained in a suitable vessel is deprived of its solu- ble constituents by the descent of a solvent through it. Familiar example : The percolation of water through wood ashes, by which it is exhausted of its potash, etc., the solution being known as lye. Use of this process in Pharmacy : It is used for extracting the virtues of drugs, in the preparation of tinctures, fluid extracts, etc. Percolator : A percolator is a cylindrical vessel with a porous dia- phragm below, into which the drug, in the form of a powder, is intro- duced, and its soluble portions extracted by the descent of a solvent through it. Rationale of the process : The solvent, which is poured on the top of the powder, in passing downward exercises its solvent power on the successive layers of the powder until saturated, and is impelled down- ward by the combined force of its own gravity and that of the column of liquid above, minus the capillary force with which the powder tends to retain it. Menstruum : The solvent is known technically by this name. Percolate : The liquid coming from the percolator, impregnated with the soluble principles of the drug. Why percolation is also called the process of displacement : Because it was first observed that ether, poured on powdered bitter almonds, displaced the fi.xed oil which it contains without materially mixing with it. Condition in which the soluble principles exist in the powdered drug, and the effect of the solvent upon them : The soluble princi- ples in the powdered drug exist in a hard and dry condition, and are generally contained in cells which are more or less disintegrated in grinding. The solvent takes up first the principle liberated by grinding, and afterward permeates the cells. Why each succeeding portion of percolate is less highly colored and less active than the one preceding it : Because the first portion of menstruum, in its descent through the powder, has the first oppor- tunity to come in contact with the -largest portions of the soluble princi- ples, which are to be found in the finer dust scattered through the powder, and in the thoroughly disintegrated particles, which offer but slight resistance to the passage of the menstruum. DIRECTIONS OF THE U. S. P. UPON PERCOLATION. Percolation, as directed in this Pharmacopoeia, consists in subjecting a substance, in powder, contained in a vessel called a percolator, to the solvent action of successive proportions of menstruum in such a manner that the Hquid, as it traverses the powder in its descent to the receiver, shall be charged with the soluble portion of it, and pass from the percolator free from insoluble matter. When the process is successfully conducted, the first portion of the PERCOLATION. 27 liquid, or percolate, passing through the percolator will be nearly satur- ated with the soluble constituents of the substance treated; and if the quantity of menstruum be sufficient for its exhaustion, the last portion of the percolate will be nearly free from color, odor, and taste, other than those of the menstruum itself. The Percolator most suitable for the quantities contemplated by this Pharmacopoeia should be nearly cylindrical, or slightly conical, with a funnel-shaped termination at the smaller end. The neck of this funnel end should be rather short, and should gradually and regularly become narrower toward the orifice, so that a perforated cork, bearing a short glass tube, may be tightly wedged into it from within until the end of the cork is flush with the outer edge of the glass tube, which must not project above the inner surface of the cork, should extend from 3 to 4 Cm. beyond the outer surface of the cork, and should be provided with a closely-fitting rubber tube, at least one-fourth longer than the percolator itself, and ending in another short glass tube, whereby the rubber tube may be so suspended that its orifice shall be above the surface of the menstruum in the percolator, a rubber band holding it in position. The shape of a percolator should be adapted to the nature of the drug to be operated upon. For drugs which are apt to swell, particularly when a feebly alcoholic or an aqueous menstruum is employed, a conical percolator is preferable. A cylindrical or only slightly tapering perco- lator may be used for drugs which are not liable to swell, and when the menstruum is strongly alcoholic, or when ether or some other volatile liquid is used for extraction. The size of the percolator selected should be in proportion to the quantity of drug to be extracted. When properly packed in the percolator, the drug should not occupy more than two- thirds its height. The percolator is best constructed of glass, but unless otherwise directed, may be made of any suitable material not af- fected by the drug or menstruum. The percolator is prepared for percolation by gently pressing a small tuft of cotton into the neck above the cork, and this may be moistened by pouring a few drops of the men.struum upon the cotton, to facilitate the passage of the first portion of |)er( olate, whi( h is often very dense. Tne Process. — The powdered substance to be percolated (which must be uniformly of the fineness directed in the formula, and should be perfectly air-dry before it is weighed) is put in a basin, the specified quantity of menstruum is poured on, and the |M>wder is thoroughly stirred with a .sfiatula or other suitable instrument, until it af)pears uniformly moistened. The moist powder is then passed through a cfjarsc sieve — No. 40 powders, and those which arc finer, requiring a No. 20 sieve; whilst No. 30 prtion of menstruum to drug. Why the Pharmacopoeia directs that the drug shall be passed through a coarse sieve after moistening : To render it uniform. Why the powder should be moistened : First, a moist powder, like a moist sjKjngc, greedily absf)rbs moisture, but a dry powder, like a dry sponge, rcfK'ls attempts to moisten it; second, dry powders have a tendency to swell when moistened, which, owing to the pressure of the particles again.st each other and the sides of the percolator, prevent moisture from prnctrating them. Exceptions to the rule for moistening powders : Powders should not be moistenfd, first, when the addition of the menstruum would produce lumping, owing to the aflhrsivc nature of the drug; second, when the mr)istened powder wouUl offer t<^>o little resistance to the pa.s.sage of the menstruum; third, those in whi( h the menstruum is ion volatile or too inflammable to render moistening desirable or safe. The cold percolation of .sugar in making syrups illu.strates the first; the prepara- tion of oleoresins with ether illustrates the se( ond and third. Of what the porous diaphragm should be composed : Porous cotton, a fleeply notchcfl (f)rk, or a ixTforatcd jdug «)f ( ork f)r wckkI, The jK>rous diaphragm shouUI \)c (nvercd with (Iran .sanfl, or a disk of scored filter pa[>cr, except when absorbent cotton is used. Always 30 PHARMACY. moisten the porous diaphragm with a portion of the menstruum before packing the percolator. How a percolator should be packed : It should be packed in layers, each succeeding layer being packed according to the directions, "moder- ately" or "firmly," as the case may be, care being taken to use the same degree of pressure with each layer. How to test the correctness of the packing: By the descent of the menstruum, which should descend slowly and uniformly. General rule in relation to the degree of pressure to use in packing percolators : Porous, spongy drugs, and menstrua largely aqueous, require moderate packing. If a strongly alcoholic menstruum is directed, pack firmly. How to add the menstruum: Cover the top of the powder with a sheet of scored filter paper, place a weight upon it to keep it in place, and add the menstruum in divided portions, care being taken to follow with the succeeding portion before the first one has entirely disappeared, to prevent fissures forming in the powder, and the leaking of the men- struum through the fissures. Why the Pharmacopoeia directs previous maceration of the powder before percolation : Because most drugs are not easily ex- tracted by the menstruum, owing to the toughness of the powder, or nature of the desired principles, and maceration secures contact with the solvent for a longer time. How this maceration is best e£fected : By introducing the moistened drug loosely into the percolator, and covering it closely, to prevent loss by evaporation. How it can be determined if the drug is exhausted: Only by knowing beforehand what the active principles of the drug are, and testing the percolate, until they are no longer contained therein. For example: The absence of bitterness in the percolate, from nux vomica, opium, and cinchona, indicates that the bitter alkaloids, to which their activities are due, have been thoroughly extracted from the drug; the absence of color in the percolate of cochineal and saffron indicates that the desired coloring matters have been exhausted from the drugs, and the absence of astringency in the percolate, of drugs whose activities are due to tannic ac-id, indicates that it has been com- pletely extracted. Best menstruum for extracting a drug : The best menstruum for extracting a drug is one that will deprive it of its active and desirable principles, and leave in the residue those principles which are either inert or objectionable. Other important points to be taken into consideration in choos- ing a menstruum : A menstruum should always be chosen exactly adapted to the characteristics of the drug, and which will cause the retention of the soluble principles in a permanent form under the varving conditions of climate, and at the same time permit exposure to light, heat, and air without injury. How this can be determined : Only by experiment. It cannot be accurately predetermined what anioiit of men- struum a powder will absorb and retain after percolation ceases : I PERCOLATION. 31 The amount varies according to the nature of the drug employed, some- times as much as eight to twenty per cent. Great advantage percolatioii has over maceration in respect to the character of liquid left in the residue : Maceration leaves a finished tincture in the residue; in percolation it is merely menstruum, the active portions of the drug having been dissolved in the preceding percolate. How retained menstrua can be recovered : By distillation, or by treating the residue, first with weak alcohol, then with water. Expedients that may be resorted to when water causes a swell- ing of the substance and stops percolation : Mix the residue with clean sawdust, rice chaff, or other inert dry substances, then per- colate with water. How recovered distilled alcohol may be purified : By treating it with fjermanganate of potassium (12 grains to the gallon), letting it stand a few days, then decanting or filtering. How to control the flow of the percolate in conducting the operation of percolation: By the amount of pressure in packing; by rabing or lowering the receiver containing the nozzle of the delivery tube, as directed by the U. S, P. ; by using a stop-cock (objectionable) ; or by adopting one of the several forms of percolators devised for that puryjose. Some of the special percolators devised as improvements on the ordinary cylmdrical and conical percolators, and the prin- ciples upon which they are founded: i. Drusse's glass percolator. In thi.s percolator evaporation is prevented by means of a ground glass cover. The flow of the percolate is checked by screwing in the cover; should it flow too slowly, a piece of twine between the cover and the side ^*nll permit the necessary atmospheric pressure. 2. Squibb's Well-tube Percolator. In this percolator a large glass tube, called a well-tube, is placed in the center of a stoneware crock and slightly raised from the bottom by absorbent cotton; around it is packed the substance to be percolated, the menstruum is poured on the powder, tri( klcs through and rises in the well, from which it is siphoned. 3. Double-tube Percolator. An ordinary percolator is used. In it is placed a well-tube, with a smaller tube telescoped therein, the end of the latter projecting for a few inches below the percolator through a tight- fitting cork. The well-tube rests on absorbent cotton. The menstruum percolates through the powder, permeates the cotton, and ri.scs in the well-tube to the top of the .smaller tube therein, over which it runs into the tube and out, being received in a vessel below. The height of the fXTcoIate in the well-tube, and con.srquently the rapidity of the flow, i> controlled by raising or lowering the inner tulx*. 4. Susi)cnded Percolator (Hancc Bros. & White). This percolator is .so arranged, being suspended by trunnions from a beam, that it can l>e readily turned upside rlown and emptied of its contents. It is suitable for large o[>rratif>ns. How to support a percolator: Several methods arc in use: First, The ordinary retort stand (flimsy). Second, Remington's Percolating Stand; this instrument consists of two parallel shelves, one above the 32 PHARMACY. Other; each shelf consists of two parallel strips having slots down the center, fastened to which, by thumb-screws working in the slots, are cross-pieces, having their inside edges hollowed out to receive the per- colator. The cross-pieces may be slid either way to enlarge or reduce the space between them so as to fit percolators of all sizes. This ex- cellent apparatus is suspended from tne wall by brackets. The advan- tage is that it enables all percolating and filtering operations to be carried on with convenience in one place, thus saving time and labor. Third, Shinn's Percolating Closet consists of adjustable retort rings sliding up and down on gas-pipe supports, with conveniently arranged shelves, all enclosed in a convenient closet. What kind of receiving bottles should be used for the perco- late : Wide mouth bottles are preferred. Where special accuracy is required, use a flask with a double mark on the neck. Bottles may be graduated by pasting a paper slip on the side, pouring in accurately measured quantities of water, carefully marking the height at each addition. A strip of adhesive plaster answers an excellent purpose. What is meant by repercolation : Repercolation is a process intro- duced by Dr. Squibb, and consists in "the successive application of the same percolating menstruum to fresh supplies of the substance to be percolated." Its advantages : By passing the weaker portions of the percolate through fresh portions of drug, it becomes thoroughly saturated. In this way a portion of the percolate will do work as menstruum, resulting in the saving of menstruum. Fractional percolation : A term used to define percolation when applied to two successive portions of powder. (Principle identical with repercolation.) CLASSiriCAIIOM OF OFFICIAL PREPAKATIONS. 33 PART II. THE FORMS OF PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS DIRECTED BY THE U. S PHARMACOPOEIA. CLASSIFICATION OF OFFICIAL PREPARATIONS. LIQUIDS. SOLIDS. Made without per- Made by percola- Made by percola- Made without per- colatioo or mac- tion or macer- tion or macera- colation or mac- eration. ation. tion. eration. Aqueous Sdutums. Aqueous Liquids. Extracts, Powders, Waters, Infusions, Resins. Triturations, Solutions. Decoctions. Masses, Confections Aqufoun Solutions AUokolic Liquids. ^^V^tAA V.\^LAVyilO, Containing Sweet or Viscid Sub- stances. Syrups, Pills, Tinctures, Wines, Fluidextracts. Troches, Cataplasms^ Honeys, Cerates, Mucilages, Ethereal Liquids. Ointments, Emulsions, Oleoresins. Plasters, Mixtures, Glyccritcs. Acetous Liquids. Vinegars. Papers, Suppositories. AUokolic Solutions. Spirits, "^ Elixirs. Ethereal Solutions. Collodions. Oleaginous Solu- tion:. LinimetUs, OUaUs. Roman type, {ntenul um. 4 IttHc type, eztenul uie. B4 PHARMACY. LIQUIDS. AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS. AQUyE— WATERS. Aquae, or Waters : Aqueous solutions of volatile substances. There are eighteen official waters. Official Directions. — The medicated waters, when prepared from volatile oils, are intended to be, as nearly as practicable, saturated solu- tions, which must be clear and free from solid impurities. In the official processes the solution of the volatile oils is facilitated by the use of purified talc; but the solution may, if preferred, be aided by replacing the purified talc by pulped or shredded filter paper; waters may also be made by the addition of volatile oils to hot water and sepa- ration of excess of the former, or by the distillation of the drug or volatile oil with water, if by either of these methods the finished product cor- responds in all respects with official requirements. Six Methods of Preparation. (i) Simple Solution in Cold Water. — Agitation. — Aqua Amygdalae Amarae; Chloroformi; Creosoti. Passing Gases through Water. — Aqua Ammoniae; Ammoniac Fortior; Hydrogenii Dio.xidi;* Liquor Chlori Compositus.f (2) Solution in Hot Water. — Shake the oil with hot water, let stand until cold, decant and filter. Volatile oils are made more soluble in hot than in cold water. (3) Filtration through an Absorbent Powder. — Aqua Anisi; Camphorae; Cinnamomi; Fcjeniculi; Menthae Piperitae, and Menthae Viridis are made by percolation through impregnated Purified Talc. In preparing Aqua Camphorae, a little alcohol is used to aid in the trituration of the camphor. (4) Filtration through Pulp or Shredded Filter Paper. — Per- mitted by U. S. P. (8th Rev.). Drop vol. oil upon white filtering paper, tear paper into shreds, transfer to flask or stoneware jar, add boiling water in portions, shake thoroughly, cool, filter, and adjust quantity by pouring distilled water. through the filter. (5) Percolation through Cotton Impregnated with the Sub- stance.— Official in U. S. P. of 1880, abandoned because troublesome and wasteful. Drop oil on absorbent cotton, pull apart to insure thorough division, pack in funnel, percolate water through it. Place pieces of dry cotton inside of funnel to prevent drops of oil which may escape solution passing through. (6) Distillation. — Aqua Aurantii Florum Fortior; Aurantii Florum; Hamamelidis; Rosae Fortior; Rosae; and Aqua Destillata. ♦ Although H2O2 is not a gas in the usual sense of the term, the solution is classed here for sake of convenience. t See also under Liquors. Included here as it is mainly composed of volatile sub- stances. LIQUIDS — WATERS. 35 Aqua Ammoniae. Contains lo per cent, ammonia gas by weight. Externally stimulant, irritant or caustic. Internally antacid and stim- ulant. Average dose, i Cc. (15 iTjj). Should be largely diluted when taken internally. Useful in heartburn, sick headache, syncope. Slowly injected into a vein, a powerful stimulant to heart and respiration. Aqua Ammoniae Fortior (Stronger Ammonia Water). Contains 28 per cent, gas by weight. Used for making Aqua Ammonia, or prop- erly diluted (4 or 5 to 8) as a rubefacient, vesicatory, or escharotic. Apply on cotton confined in top of a pill box. Aqua Amygdalae Amarae. (o.i per cent.) Useful vehicle. Average dose, 4 Cc. (i fl. dr.). Aqua Anisi. (0.2 per cent, oil.) Useful vehicle. Average dose, 16 Cc. (4 fl. dr.). Aqua Aurantii Florum. Prepared by diluting the stronger water with equal volumes distilled water, and is also used as a vehicle. Av- erage dose, 16 Cc. (4 fl. dr.). Aqua Aurantii Florum Fortior (Triple Orange Flower Water). Water saturated with the volatile oil of P>csh Orange Flowers, obtained as a by-product in the distillation of the Oil of Orange Flowers. Vehicle. .Average dose, 8 Cc. (2 fl. dr.). Aqua Camphorae. Camphor 0.8 dissolved in Alcohol and afterward triturated with Purified Talc. Vehicle. Average dose, 8 Cc. (2 fl. dr.). Aqua ChlorofOrmi. A saturated solution with excess of Chloroform present. .\ntisei)tic vehicle. Average do.se, i6 Cc. (4 fl. dr.). Aqua Cimiamomi. (0.2 per cent.) Vehicle. Use cautiously in in- flammatory affe< tions. Average do.se, 16 Cc. (4 fl. dr.). Aqua Creosoti. 1 [)er cent. Creosote. Antiseptic. Stimulant ex- ternally. Lercent.) Vehicle. Averagcdose, i6Cc. (4fl. dr.). Aqua Hamamelidis. (So-called Distilled Extract of Witch Hazel, or I'ond's Extra* t.) .\vcrago do.se, 8 Cc. (2 fl. dr.). Aqua Hydrogenii Diozidi (Solution of Hydrogen Peroxide). 3 per cent, by weight of jiure Hydrogen Dioxide. Oxidizer, deodorant, disin- fectant. Coagulates the albumin of tissues. Al.so used in the arts for bleaching purj)oscs. Average dose, 4 Cc. (i fl. dr.). Aqua Menthae Piperitae, and Aqua Menthae Viridis. (0.2 per cnt.) ,\n- usrful vehicles. .Averagcdose, 16 Cc (4 fl. dr.). Aqua Rosae (Rf>se Water). Prepared by mixing equal volumes of Trifiie R(«c Water and Distilled Water. Vehicle. Average do.sc, 16 Cc (.\ fl. dr.). Aqua Rosae Fortior (Triple Rose Water), Water saturated with the volatile oil of rose petals, obtained as a by-product in the distillation of oil of rose. Average dose, 8 Cc. (2 fl. dr.). 36 PHARMACY. LIQUORES— SOLUTIONS. Liquor. — An aqueous solution of a chemical substance. Liquors are divided into two classes, according to the method of preparation, — viz., simple solutions and chemical solutions. Simple Solutions. Liquor Acidi Arsenosi. Should contain Arsenious Acid, correspond- ing in amount to i per cent, of Arsenic Trioxide. Medical properties same as Fowler's Solution. Average dose, 0.2 Cc. (3 nji). Liquor Antisepticus. (Similar to Listerine, etc.) Boric Acid, 20 Gm.; Benzoic Acid, 1 Gm.; Thymol, i Gm.; Eucalyptae, 0.25 Cc; Oil of Peppermint, 0.50 Cc; Oil of Gaultheria, 0.25 Cc; Oil of Thyme, 0.10 Cc; Alcohol, 250 Cc; Water, 20 Cc. to make 1000 Cc. Average dose, 4 Cc. (i fl. dr.). Liquor Arseni et Hydrargyri lodidi (Solution of Arsenic and Mer- curic Iodide) (Donovan's Solution). Contains i per cent, of each of the active ingredients. Alterative. Average dose, 0.1 Cc. (i J nj). Liquor Calcis (Solution of Calcium Hydrate, Lime Water). A saturated solution. Antacid, tonic and astringent. Average dose, 16 Cc (4 fl. dr.). Liquor lodi Compositus (Lugol's Solution). Should contain not less than 5 per cent. Iodine, 10 per cent. Potassium Iodide. Average dose, 0.2 Cc. (3 TTj). Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis Dilutus (Lead Water). Contains 4 per cent, of the stronger lead water. Astringent and sedative externally. Liquor Potassii Hydroxidi. (Liquor Potassae, U. S. P., 1880.) An aqueous solution containing about 5 per cent, of Potassium Hydroxide. Average dose, i Cc. (15 tt]^). Liquor Sodii Hydroxidi. (Liquor Sodae, U. S. P., 1890.) An aque- ous solution containing about 5 per cent, of Sodium Hydroxide. Average dose, I Cc. (15 n^). Liquor Sodii Arsenatis. Should contain Sodium Arsenate corre- sponding in amount to not less than 1 per cent, of Exsiccated Sodium Arsenate. Average dose, 0.2 Cc. (3 iTJi). Chemical Solutions. Liquor Ammonii Acetatis (Spirit of Mindererus). An aqueous solution which should contain not less than 7 per cent, of Ammonium Acetate, together with small amounts of acetic and carbonic acids. Made by dissolving 5 Gm. of the Carbonate in 100 Cc. diluted Acetic Acid. Diaphoretic in fevers. Average dose, 16 Cc (4 fl. dr.). Liquor Chlori Compositus. — Compound Solution of Chlorine. Chlorine Water. (To replace Aqua Chlori,- U. S. P., 1890.) An aqueous solution containing, when freshly prepared, about 0.4 per cent, of Chlorine with some Oxide of Chlorine and Potassium Chloride. Aver- age dose, 4 Cc (i fl. dr.). Liquor Cresolis Compositus. — (Similar to Lysol.) Cresol, 500 Gm. ; Linseed Oil, 350 Gm.; Potassium Hydroxide, 8 Gm.; Water to 1000 Gm. LIQUIDS SOLUTIONS. 37 Liquor Ferri Chloridi. An aqueous solution of Ferric Chloride which should contain not less than 29 per cent, of the anhydrous salt, corresponding to 10 per cent, of metallic iron. Average dose, o.i Cc. (i§ ^)- Used in preparing Tincture of Ferric Chloride; also exter- nally as a styptic to arrest hemorrhage. Liquor Ferri et Ammonii Acetatis (Basham's Mixture). Contains in each thousand Cc. Tr. Ferri. Chlor. 40 Cc, Acid Acetic Dil. 60 Cc, Sol. Ammon. Acet. 500 Cc, Aromat. Elix. 120 Cc, Glycerin 120 Cc, Water to 100 Cc. To the Sol, Ammon. Acet. (which should not be alka- line) add, successively, the Acid, Tr., Elixir, and Glycerin, and then enough Water to make 1000 Cc. Actively chalybeate, also astringent, and very largely used in Bright's disease. Average dose, 16 Cc. (4 fl. dr.). Liquor Ferri Subsulphatis (Solution of Basic Ferric Sulphate, Monsel's Solution). An aqueous solution of variable chemical com- position, containing an amount of basic ferric sulphate corresponding to not less than 13.57 per cent, of metallic iron. Styptic to bleeding surfaces; used internally in hemorrhage of stomach and bowels. Aver- age dose, 0.2 Cc. (3 nj). Liquor Ferri Tersulphatis. An aqueous solution which should con- tain about 36 per cent, of normal Ferric Sulphate, corresponding to not less than 10 per cent, of metallic Iron. Used for preparing other Iron preparations, as in the preparation of the antidote for Arsenic. Liquor Formaldehydi (Formalin). An aqueous solution, contain- ing not less than 37 per cent, by weight of absolute Formaldehyde (H.CC>H = 29.79), an oxidation product of methyl alcohol. Liquor Hydrargjyri Nitratis. A liquid which should contain about 60 per cent, of Mercuric Nitrate, and about 1 1 per cent, of free HNOs- Caustic apnlication to chancre, etc Liquor Magnesii Citratis. Made by dissolving 33 Gm. Citric Acid in 120 Cc of Water and adding 15 Gm. Magnesium Carbonate; dis- solving; filtering into a bottle holding 360 Cc. (containing 120 Cc Syrup of Citric Acid), adding enough Water to nearly fill the bottle, dropping in 2.5 Gm. Potassium Bicarbonate; shaking until dissolved; corking, and securing the cork with twine. Average dfose, 360 Cc (12 fl. dr.). Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis. (Sometimes called Goulard's Extract.) An aqueous liquid, containing not less than 25 per cent, of Lead Sub- acetate. Used externally as a sedative in sprains, etc, when dilute, from i or i part to 16 i>arts distilled water. Liquor Potassii Arsenitis (Fowler's Stjlution). A scientific sub- stitute for Tasteless Ague Drop. An aqueous .solution which should con- tain Potassium Arsenate corresponding in amount to i per cent, of Arsenic trioxide, formed by the combination of Ansenous acid with Potassium of the Potassium Bicarbonate (Carbon Dioxide Vx-ing evolved). (Ornfiound Spirit of Lavender is added to give it taste, and prevent its Uing mistaken for water; 100 np. equal anout 1 gr. Arsenic. Aver- age d«)se, 0.2 Cc (3 np). Liquor Potassae Citratis (Mistura Pota.ssii Citratis). An aqueous liquid, containing in solution not less than 8 per cent, of anhydrous Potassium Citrate, together with small amounts of citric and carbonic acids. Made by dissolving separately Potass. Bicarb, and Citric Acid, 38 PHARMACY. and afterward mixing the solution under the names netUral 'mixture, saline mixture, or effervescing draught; long used as a refrigerant diapho- retic. Average dose, i6 Cc. (4 fl. dr.). Liquor Sodae Chlorinatae (Labarraque's Solution). An aqueous solu- tion of several Chlorine compounds of Sodium, containing at least 2.4 per cent, by weight of available Chlorine. Stimulant, antiseptic, and resolvent. Average dose, i Cc. (15 nj). Also, use locally for fetor, etc. A powerful disinfectant. Liquor Sodii Phosphatis Compositus. Sodium Phosphate, 1000 Gm.; Sodium Nitrate, 40 Gm.; Citric Acid, 130 Gm.; Dist. Water, to 1000 Cc. Average dose, 8 Cc. (2 fl. dr.). Liquor Zinci Chloridi. An aqueous solution containing about 50 per cent, by weight of Zinc Chloride. A substitute for Burnett's Dis- infecting Fluid. Used locally to disinfect fetid discharges; also em- ployed for preserving anatomical specimens. For additional information regarding liquores see under the head of the bases entering into them (Part III). AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS CONTAINING SWEET OR VISCID SUBSTANCES. SYRUPI— SYRUPS. Syrup : A dense saccharine solution, generally medicated or flavored. Sugar : Sugar is in white, dry, hard, distinctly crystalline granules, permanent in the air, odorless, having a purely sweet taste, and a neutral reaction. Commercially known as "granulated sugar." Simple Syrup: When water alone is used in making the solution of sugar. Medicated Syrups: When the water contains soluble principles from various medicinal substances. There are twenty-nine official Syrups, which may be classed, according to method of preparation, as tabulated on pages 40 and 41. MELLITA— HONEYS. Mellita, or Honeys : Thick liquid preparations closely allied to syrups, differing merely in the use of honey as a base instead of syrup. There are three official honeys : — I. Mel: Commercial Honey. A saccharine secretion deposited in the honeycomb by Apis Mellifica. ^. Mel Depuratum; Clarified Honey. Commercial honey clarified by heating and straining. 3. Mel Rosae — 120 Gm. Fldext. Rose; Clar. Honey to 1000 Gm. MUCILAGINES— MUCILAGES. Mucilagines, or Mucilages : Thick, viscid, adhesive liquids, pro- duced by dissolving gum in water, or by extracting with water the muci- laginous principles from vegetable substances. I. Without Heat. — (2) Mucilago Acaciae — 340 Gm.; Acacia, 330 Gm.; Lime-water to 1000 Gm. Sassafras Medullae — 2 Gm. Sas. Pith.; Water to 100 Cc. UQUIDS — EMULSIONS. 39 3 With Heat.— (2) Mucilago Tragacanthae — 6 Gm.; 18 Gm. Glycerin; Water to 100 Gm. Ulmi — 6 Gm.; Water to 100 Cc. Av- erage dose of the above mucilages, 16 Cc. (4 fl. dr.). EMULSA— EMULSIONS. Emulsion : A soft, liquid preparation resembling milk, and consisting of an oily or resinous substance suspended in water by means of gum, yolk of egg, or other viscid matter. Emulsions may be divided into three classes: Natural Emulsions, Gum-Resin and Seed Emulsions, and Oil or Artificial Emulsions. 1. Natural Emulsions. — Those that exist ready formed in nature. Examples: milk, egg yolk, various plant juices, etc. The emulsions that result when asafetida, ammoniac, myrrh, etc., are triturated with water belong to this class. The resinous and oily sub- stances present are suspended in the water by the gummy matter present. 2. Manufactured Emulsions. — Two general methods for their preparation : — 1. Continental Method. Make a nucleus by triturating together oil, 2 parts; powdered {granulated) acacia, i part; water i§ parts by weight. When the oil is easy to emulsify the amount of acacia to oil may be reduced to 1-4. Directions: (i) Stir the oil with the gum in a dry mortar. Add the water immediately, all at once, and stir rapidly until a thick, creamy emulsion results, which is then diluted as desired; or (2) triturate the acacia with the water, add the oil at once, triturate to make nucleus; or (3) shake the oil and water together in a flask, and pour the mixture over the gum previously placed in a mortar, and triturate rapidly. 2. English Method. Make a thick mucilage of gum and water in a mortar, and to it add gradually and alternately the oil and water until the emulsion is completed. Other emukifying agents than acacia may be employed, such as traga- canth, yolk of egg, Irish moss, quillaja bark, extract of malt, casein, pancrcatin, and gelatin. There are six official emulsions: — Emulsum Amygdalae (Emulsion of Almond) [Mistura Amygdalae, U. S., 1880. Milk of Almond]. Sweet Almond, 60 Gm.; Acacia, 10 Gm.; Sugar, 30 Gm.; Water, q. s. to make 1000 Cc. Demulcent. Average dose, 120 Cc (4 fl. oz.). Emulsum Asafcetida (Emulsion of Asafetida). A.safetida, 40 Gm.; Water to 1000 Cc Antispasmrxlic. Average dose, 16 Cc (4 fl. dr.). Emulsum Chloroformi (Emulsion of Chloroform) [Mistura Chloro- formi, U. S. P., 1880]. Chloroform, 40 Cc; Exp. Ol. Almond, 60 Cc; Tragacanth, powd., 10 Gm.; Water, q. s. to make 1000 Cc. Anodyne. Average dose, 8 Cc (4 fl. dr.). Emulsum Olci Morrhu« (Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil). Cod Liver Oil, 500 Cc; Acacia, 125 Gm.; Syrup, 100 Cc.\ Ol. Gaultheriae, 4 Cc; Water, to make 1000 C( . Average dose, 8 Cc (4 fl. dr.). Emulsum Olei Morrhuae cum Hypophosphitibus (P^mulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphitcs). Ctxi Liver Oil, 500 Cc. ; Acacia, 1 25 Gm. ; Calc. Hypophos., 10 Gm.; Potass. Hypophos., 5 Gm.; Sodium Hypo- 40 PHARMACY. ^ U -S "^i: 1«5 •^ Sri « tn X rt 5 d o , 8 < UH ^ 1 O W 0° CJ " ?0o ■> M c« o oCJc/2 o c « 11 EH o< -fa « . o . w . . . . .(, J y M oU U O o U U U .U :U oUUmUUU -KK °K <-• «; o • o,*' ^ . w 8ot^^--£0^8 So. -jJEoE-2 2£Q OiO -,0-o ^JeeJ;2^^^ H H E W J 2 aw X--3 t: £2 i$ :<,y C2B 2W UO 2 'i ^u.2o,-oO^^CO 2^ EE 00 M " o 2« ^■^' . o - e:-2 E O 1/1 E^^ E _ 4> r ,° ^Uh»-« Oh o ^.O J J e U. i u 9 42 PHARMACY. phos., 5 Gm.; Syr., lOo Cc; . Ol. Gaulth., 4 Cc; Water to make 1000 Cc. Other appropriate flavors may be used. Average dose 8 Cc. (4 fl. dr.). Emulsum Olei Terebinthinae (Emulsion of Oil of Turpentine). Rect. Oil of Turpentine, 15 Cc; Exp. Oil. of Almond, 5 Cc; Syr., 25 Cc; Acacia, 15 Gm.; Water, to make 100 Cc. Average dose, 4 Cc (i fl. dr.). MISTUR^— MIXTURES. Misturae, or Mixtures: Aqueous liquid preparations intended for internal use, which contain suspended insoluble substances. The term mixture is used rather indiscriminately. There are four official mixtures, as follows: Tiile. Constituents. Properties and Dose. MiSTURA. CretaeiChalk Mixture), Ferri Composita {Grif- fith's Mixture) , Glycyrrhizae Composita {Brown Mixture), . . . Rhei et Sodx, Comp. Chalk Powder, 20 Gm.; Cinnamon Water, 40 Cc; Water, sufficient to make 100 Cc. Ferrous Sulphate, 6 Gm.; Myrrh, i8Gm.; Sugar, 18 Gm.; Potas- sium Carbonate, 8 Gm.; Spirits Lavender, 60 Cc; Rose Water, sufficient to make 1000 Cc. Ext. Liquorice, pure, 30 Cc; Syrup, 50 Cc; Acaria, 3oGm.; Camphorated Tr. Opium, 120 Cc; Wine of Antimony, 60 Cc; Spirits of Nitrous Ether, 30 Cc; Water, sufficient to make 1000 Cc. Sodium Bicarbonate, 35 Gm.; Fid. Ext. Rhubarb, 15 Cc; Fid. Ext. Ipecac 3 Cc; Gly- cerin, 350 Cc; Spirit of Pepper- mint, 35 Cc; Water, sufficient to make 1000 Cc. Antacid, 16 Cc (4 fl. dr.). Tonic, 16 Cc. (4 fl. dr.). Expectorant, 8 Cc. (2 fl. dr.). Child 4 Cc (i fl. dr.). Carminative. (I fl. dr.). Dose 4 Cc. GLYCERITA— GLYCERITES. Glyceritae, or Glycerites : Mixtures or solutions of medicinal sub- stances in glycerin. There are six official glycerites, as follows: — Title. Glyceritum. Glyceritum Acidi Tan- nici. (jGlycerite of Tannic Acid), Glyceritum A m y 1 i . (Glycerite of Starch) Constituents. Tannic Acid, 20 Gm.; Glycerin, 80 Gm. Starch, 10 Gm.; Glycerin, 80 Gm.; Water, 10 Cc. Properties and Dose. Astringent, 2 Cc. (30 T[[). Emollient, base, and Ex- cipient. LIQUIDS — SPIRITS. 43 TUU. Constituents. Properties and Dose. GLYCERmnc. Glyceritum Borogly- cerini. {Glyceriie of Boroglycerin) Boric Acid, 310 Gm.; Glycerin, Antiseptic. Glyceritum Ferri et to make 1000 Gm. Quinin.T et Strych- niax Phosphatum,.. Fr. Phos. Sol., 80 Gm.; Quinine, For making Syrup, etc.. 104 Gm.; Strych., 0.8 Gm.; 1 Cc (15 m). Acid Phos.. 200 Cc; Glycer., Glycoittim Hydrastis. (PlyceriU oi Hydras- SOD Cc; Water to 1000 Cc. tis) Hydrastis, 1000 Gm.; Glycerin, SCO Cc; Alcohol and Water, to 2 Cc. (30 TTl). Glyceritum Phenolis make 1000 Cc. (Glycerite .\cidi Car- bolid, Phann., 1890), Liquefied Phenol, 20 Cc; Gly- cerin, 80 Cc. 0.3 Cc (s m). ALCOHOLIC SOLUTIONS. SPIRITUS— SPIRITS. Spiritus, or Spirits : Alcoholic solutions of volatile substances. They may be classified according to the method of preparation, as follows: I. Simple Solution. 2. Solution with maceration. 3. Gaseous Solution. 4. Chemical Reaction. 5. Distillation. There are twenty official spirits. Those made from volatile oils are frequently called essences. I. SPIRITS PREPARED BY SIMPLE SOLUTION. TUU. SpiBrrus. itthcris, yflthcris Composttus (.Hoffmann's Ano- dyne) AuuDOOue Aroaudcus, Amygdal« Amarsr Anisi Auraotii Compoiitus, . Camphont Chlavofonni Cimumomt. OauJthcrix Glyceritis .Nilratis, Tunipcri Juniperi Cornpositus, . . Lavandttlc. Constituents. 32s Cc. Ether; 67s Cc. Ale. 325 Cc. Ether; 650 Cc. ale; 2$ Cc. Ethereal Oil. 34 Gm. Ammonia Carb.; 90 Cc. Ammonia Water; Oils, Lemon, I^avendcr, Nutmeg. Oil. I i vol. OW, 10 i vol. Oil, Orange 20 i vol.; Oil, Lemon, si vol.; Oil. Corian- der, Hi vol.; Oil, Anise, l^i vol. 100 Gm. Camphor; Ale. to 1000 Cc. 60 Cc. Chloroform; 940 Cc. Ale. 100 Cc. Oil; Qoo Cc. Ale. 50 Cc. Oil; oso Cc. Ale. I Gm. C,Hi(0 . NO,)3; 99 Gm. Ale Properties and Dose. 50 Cc. Oil; oso Cc. Ale. 8 Cc. Oil, Juniper, i Cc; OH. Caraway; i Cc Oil. Fennel; Stimulant, 4 Cc. (1 fl. dr.). Anodyne; Stimulant, 4 Cc (i rf. dr.). Stimulant, 2 Cc. (30 TH). 0.5 Cc (8 ni). 4Cc(i fl. dr.). Flavor. Stimulant; Sedative, i Cc ' (15 ni). Se fH). . Diuretic, 8 Cc (2 fl. dr.). 1400 Cc Ale. W. to 2000 Cc 50 Cc Oil. Qso Cc. Ale a Cc. (30 ni). 44 PHARMACY. 2. SPIRITS PREPARED BY SOLUTION WITH MACERATION. Title. Constituents. Properties and Dose. Carminative, 2 Cc (30 ITl). Spiritus. Menthae Piperitae, | 100 Cc. Oil; to Gm. Herb, Alco- hol to 1000 Cc. Menthae Viridis, | 100 Cc. Oil; 10 Gm. Herb, Alco- | Carminative, 2 Cc (30 TTl). hoi to 1000 Cc 3. SPIRITS PREPARED BY GASEOUS SOLUTION. Title. Constituents. Properties and Dose. Spiritus Ammoniac, Str. W. Ammon.; Heat, Alcohol, 10 per cent. Gas. Assay. Stimulant, 0.3 to 2 Cc. (5 to 30 lU). 4. SPIRITS PREPARED BY CHEMICAL REACTION. Title. Constituents. Spiritus /€:theris Nitrosi, . Not less than 4 per cent. Ethyl Diaphoretic, diuretic. 2Cc Nitrite. (30 ni). Properties and Dose. S. SPIRITS PREPARED BY DISTILLATION. TitU. Constituents. Strength and Dose. Spiritus. Frumenti, Distillation of mash of fermented grain, and at least four years old. Distillation of fermented juice of grapes, and at least four years old. 37 5< to 47.5 ^ wt. or 44 li Vini Gallici, to 55 fc vol. 30 Cc. (i fl. oz.). 39 5i to 47 ^ wt., or 46 * to 55^ vol. 30 Cc (i fl. oz.). ELIXIRIA— ELIXIRS. Elixiria, or Elixirs : Elixirs are aromatic, sweetened, spirituous preparations, containing small quantities of active medicinal substances. There are three official elixirs: — Elixir Adjuvans (Adjuvant Elixir). Fldext. Glycyr., 120 Cc; Aromat. Elix., 880 Cc. Elixir Aromaticum (Aromatic Elixir). Comp. Spts. Orange, 12 Cc; Syr., 375 Cc (Pur. Talc, 30 Gm., for filtering); Alcohol, 238 Cc; Dist. Water, q. s. to make 1000 Cc Elixir Ferri, Quininae et Strychninae Phosphatum.— Sol. Per. Phos., 17.5 Gm.; Quinin, 8.75 Gm.; Strychnin, 0.275 Gm.; Phos. Acid, 2 Gm.; Ammon. Carb., 9 Gm.; Alcohol, 60 Cc; Acetic Acid, 28.65 Cc; Ammon. Water, to neutralize Distilled Water, Aromat. Elixir q. s. to make 1000 Cc. Average dose, 4 Cc (i fl. dr.). LIQUIDS — LINIMENTS. 46 ETHEREAL SOLUTIONS. COLLODIA— COLLODIONS. Collodia, or Collodions : Collodions are liquid preparations intended for external use, having for the base a solution of Pyroxj'lin, or gun- cotton, in a mixture of ether and alcohol. They leave a film on evapora- tion, which serves as a protection or an application of a medicinal in- gredient to the skin. In the following description: P. = Pyroxylin; E. = Ether; A. = Alcohol. There are four official collodions: — Collodium (Collodion). 40 Gm. P.; 750 Cc. E.; 250 Cc. A.; decant the clear collodion from the sediment. Collodium Cantharidatum (Cantharidal Collodion). 60 Gm. Canth.; 85 Gm. Flex. C; Chloroform, q. s. to exhaust Canth. Recover C. by dist., evap. the residue until it weighs 15 Gm.; dissolve this in the F. C.; let settle and decant the clear Canthar. Collod. from any sediment. Collodium Flexile (Flexible Collodion). 920 Gm. Col.; 50 Gm. Canada Turpentine; 30 Gm. Castor Oil. To make 1000 Gm. Collodium Stjrpticum (Styptic Collodion). 20 Gm. Tannic Acid; 5 Cc. .\.; 25CC. E. ; Col.,q. s. ft. looCc. OLEAGINOUS SOLUTIONS, FOR EXTERNAL APPLICATION. LINIMENTA— LINIMENTS, U. S. P. Solutions of various substances or mixtures in oily or alcoholic liquids containing fatty oils, intended for application to the skin by rubbing. There are eight official liniments: Three with fixed oil base — ammonia, calcis and camphora; four with alcohol as the principal liquid — brlladonna, chloroform, saponis, and saponis mollis; one contains oil of turpentine, viz., turpentine liniment. TilU. Bau. CoHstUuents. I.ivrvrvTi'M. Ammonia; (Ammonia), (VnlatiU Linimeni). Brllarlonnc (Bella- Cotton Seed Oil. Alcohol. Cotton Seed Oil. Alcohol. Alcohol. Alcohol. Oil of Turpentiiie. Ammonia Water, 350 Cc; Alcohol, SO Cc; Cotton Seed Oil. 570 Cc. Oleic Acid, 30 Cc Camphor, 50 Gm.; FHext. Bella- Calcis (Carron Oil) Camphor*- (Camphor), ChWofonni (Chloro- form) donna, to make 1000 Cc. Lime Water, Linseed Oil. rqiial parts. Camphor, aoo Gm.; Cotton Seed Oil, 800 Gm. Chloroform, 300 Cc; Soap Liniment, Saponis (Soap) S«Dnnts Motfis (Soft Sep) tine) 700 Cc. Soap (Gran.). 60 Gm.; Camphor. 45 Gm.; Oil RoBemary, 10 Cc; Alco- hol, 7*5 Cc; Water to make 1000 Soft Soap. 650 Gm.; Oil I^avcndcr Flower*, ao Cc; Alcohol, to make 1000 Cc Ro«n Cerate, 650 Gm/, Oil Turpen- tine, 3SO Gm. 46 PHARMACY. OLEATA— OLEATES. Oleata, or Oleates : The official Oleates are liquid preparations, made by dissolving metallic salts, or alkaloids, in oleic acid. They are not assumed to be definite chemical compounds. Title. WUh Olive OU. Oleatum: Atropinae, Atropine, 2 Gm.; Oleic Acid, 50 Gm.; Olive Oil, to 100 Gm. Cocainae, Cocaine. 5 " " " " " " " " " " Veratrinae, Veratrum, 2 " *' " " " " " " " " Without Olive Oil. Quininae, Quinine, 25 Gm.; Oleic Acid, 75 Gm. to make 100 Gm. Metal- lic Base. Hydrargyri, Yellow Mercuric Oxide, 25 Gm.; Oleic Acid to 100 Gm. AQUEOUS LIQUIDS MADE BY PERCOLATION OR MACERATION. INFUSA— INFUSIONS. Infusa, or Infusions : Infusions are liquid preparations, made by treating vegetable substances with either hot or cold water. They are not boiled, though boiling water is often employed. Infusions — Four Methods. I. Prepared by Maceration. — General Formula, U. S. P. — "An ordinary infusion, the strength of which is not directed by the physician, nor specified by the Pharmacopoeia, shall be prepared by the following formula : — "Take of— The Substance, coarsely comminuted, fifty grammes, 50 Gm. Boiling Water, iooo cubic centimeters, 1000 Cc. Water, a sufficient quantity To make 1000 cubic centimeters, 1000 Cc. "Put the substance into a suitable vessel provided with a cover, pour upon it the Boiling Water, cover the vessel tightly, and let it stand for half an hour. Then strain, and pass enough water through the strainer to make the infusion measure 1000 cubic centimeters. "Caution. — The strength of infusions of energetic or powerful sub- stances should be specially prescribed by the physician." Various styles of infusion jars, pitchers, and mugs are described in Remington's "Practice of Pharmacy." Infusion Digitalis (Infusion of Digitalis). Dig., 15 Gm.; Alcohol, 100 Cc; Cin. Water, 150 Cc; Boiling Water, 500 Cc; Cold Water, q. s. ft. IOOO Cc Macerate one hour. Average dose, 8 Cc. (2 fl. dr.). Infusum Sennae Compositum. (Compound Infusion of Senna) (Black Draught). 60 Gm. Senna; 120 Gm. Manna; 120 Gm. Mag. LIQUIDS— TINCTURES. 47 Sulph.; 20 Gm. Fennel; Boiling W., 800 Cc; Cold W., q. s. ft. 1000 Cc. Average dose, 120 Cc. (4 fl. oz.). 2. By Digestion. — Let stand at a moderate heat below boiling. Very useful method, though it may not be directed in formula. 3. By Percolation. — Should be used whenever practicable. Infusum Pnini Virginianse (Infusion of Wild Cherry). 40 Gm. (No. 20 powd.) Wild Cherrv-; Glycerin, 50 Cc; Water, q. s. to make 1000 Cc. Average dose, 60 Cc. (2 fl. oz.). 4. By Diluting Fluid Extracts. — "Improper and unjustifiable, except in those few cases in which the active and desirable principles of the drug are equally soluble in alcohol and in water, or in the men- struum used for both fluidextract and infusion." DECOCTA— DECOCTIONS. Decocta, or Decoctions : Decoctions are liquid preparations, made by boiling vegetable substances with water. For description of various decoction vessels, see Remington's " Prac- tice of Pharmacy." General Official Formula. — "An ordinary decoction, the strength of which is not directed by the physician, shall be prepared by the following formula : — " Take of— The Substance, coarsely comminuted, ... 50 Gm. Water, a sufficient quantity To make 1000 cubic centimeters, 1000 Cc. "Introduce the Substance in a suitable vessel provided with a cover, pour upon it 1000 Cc. of Cold Water, cover it well, and boil for fifteen minutes; then let it cool to about 40° C. (104° F.), express the liquid, and pass through the strainer enough cold water to make the product measure 1000 Cc. "Caulion. — The strength of Decoctions of energetic or powerful sub- stances should be specially prescribed by the physician." ALCOHOLIC LIQUIDS MADE BY PERCOLATION OR BIACERATION. TINCTUR/E -TINCTURES. Tincture : A tinrture is an alcoholic solution of a mrdi( inal substance. Difference between Tincture and Spirit: The former, with one exception, are solutions of non-volatile substances in alcohol, while the latter are of volatile substances. Processes Used : Percolation, maceration, solution or dilution. Menstrua Employed : Alcohol, diluted alcohf)! of various strengths, aromatic spirits of ammonia, or mixtures of aW ohol, water, and glycerin. Example of a Tincture made by solution or dilution : Tr. Iodine, madr by dis-solving lo^iinr in aIrf)ho|. Two general classes of Tinctures : Simple and compound Tinctures. 48 PHARMACY. Why Glycerin is used in Tinctures : To prevent precipitation on standing. There are sixty-three Official Tinctures, which may be classified according to percentage of active constituents as follows: — SYLLABUS OF TINCTURES. Classes: Per cent. Most Active Const. Constituents in looo Cc. Menstruum Cc. IN 1000 Cc. Dose. TiNCTURA. Class I = 1 .6 per cent. Opii Camphorata, . . Class 2 = 2 per cent. Nucis Vomicae, Class 3 = 45 per cent. Lavandulae Compos- ita, .... Pwd. O., Benz. Acid.Camph., each4Gm.; Ol. Anise. 4 Cc. Ext. Nux. Vom., 20 Gm. O). Lav. Fl., 8 Cc; Ol. Rosem., 2 Cc; S. Cin., 20 Gm.; Cloves, s Gm.; Nut- meg, 10 Gm.; R. Saund., 10 Gm. Gambir, 50 Gm.; S. Cin.. 25 Gm. Kino, so Gm. Musk, 50 Gm. Card.. 25 Gm.; S. Cin., 25 Gm.; Caraway, 12; Coch.. S- Iodine, 70 Gm.; KI so Gm. Aconite, 100 Gm. Aloes, 100 Gm., Glycyr., 200 Gm. Belladonna Lvs., 100 Gm. Indian Cannabis, 100 Gm. Cantharides, 100 Gm. Capsicum, 100 Gm. Coich. seed (0.55 P- c. Colch- icine), 1*00 Gm. Digitalis, 100 Gm. Gelsemium, 100 Gm. Gent., IOC Gm.;B. Or. Peel, 40 Gm.; Card., 10 Gm. Hyoscyam. (0.8 myd. alks.), 100 Gm. G. 40, D. A. to 1000. A. 750, W. 2S. A. 7SO, W. 2SO. D. Alcohol. G. 150, A. 650, W. 200. A. so, W. SO. G. so, D. Alco- hol. Alcohol. A. 700, W. 300. D. Alcohol. D. Alcohol. Alcohol. Alcohol. A. 950, W. 50. A. 600, W. 400. D. Alcohol. 8 Cc. (2 fl. dr.). 0.6 Cc. (10 TTl). 2 Cc. (30 TTl). Class 4=5 per cent. Gambir Composita,. Kino 4 Cc (i fl. dr.). 4Cc (ifl. dr.). Moschi 4Cc. (i fl. dr.). Class 5 = 6.2 percent. Cardamomi Com- posita 4 Cc. (i fl. dr.). Class 6=7 per cent, lodi, 0.1 Cc. (i>i m). Class7=io percent. 0.6 Cc (10 m). Aloes, 2 Cc. (30 m). Belladonnas Folio- o.s Cc (8 m). Cannabis Indicae,... Cantharidis, Capsici Colchici Seminis, . . . Digitalis, o.6Cc.(iorn). 0.3 Cc (s Til). o.sCc(8Tn). 2Cc(3oni). I Cc. (is ni). Oelsemii, A. 650, W. 3SO. o.sCc (STTl). Gentianae Composita, Hyoscyami, A. 600, W. 400. 4Cc. (ifl. dr.). D. Alcohol. I Cc. (15 m)- A. = Alcohol. W. = Water. D. A. = Dilute Alcohol. Acetic Add. Glycerin. Ac. A. LIQUIDS — TINCTURES. Syllabus of Tinctures. — (Continued.) 49 Classes: Per cent. Most Active Ccmst. Constituents in 1000 Cc. Menstruum Cc. IN 1000 Cc. Dose. TlNCrURA. Class 7= lo per cent. Lobeliae, Lobelia, 100 Gm. Gr. Opium (12-12.5 cryst. morph.), 100 Gm. G. Opium (12-12.S cryst. morph.), 100 Gm. Physostig. (o.is p. c. ether- sol, alkaloids), 100 Gm. •Sanguinaria, 100 Gm. Squill, 100 Gm. Stram. (0.3s p. c. myd. alks.), 100 Gm. Strophanthus, 100 Gm. Vanilla, 100 Gm.; Sugar, 200 Gm. Vcratrum, 100 Gm. Sol. Ferric Chlor., 3S0 Cc. Aloes. Myrrh. Glycyr., each 100 Gm. Arnica, 200 Gm. A.safetida, 200 (Jm. Bitter Orange Peel, 200 Gm. Benzoin, 200 Gm. Calendula, 200 Gm. Calumba. 200 Gm. Cardamom, 200 Gm. (!imicifujia, 200 Gm. Cinch. (4 p. c. A. eth.-sol. alk). 200 Gm. R. Cinchon., 100 Gm., Bitter Orange Peel. 80 Gm., Ser- pent. 20 Gm. Saigon Cin., 200 Gm. Nutsall. 200 Gm. Guaiac, 200 Gm. Guaiac. 200 Gm. Hydraatis. 200 Gm. Tr. I>eod. Opium. 1000 Cc; Fldezt. Ipecac. 100 Cc. D. Alcohol. A. so. W. so. A. 200, P. Benz. 75, Water to 1000 Cc. Alcohol. Ac. A. 20, A. 600, W. 400. A. 750. W. 250. D. Alcohol. A. 6so, W. 350. A. 6so. W. 3SO. Alcohol. Alcohol,7so, VV. 2 so. A. 750, W. 250. D. Alcohol. Alcohol. A. 600. W. 400. Alcohol. A. 600. W. 400. D. Alcohol. Alcohol. A. 675. W. 250. G. 75. G 75. A. 675. W. 250. G. 75. A. 675. W. 250. G. 100. A. 000. Alcohol. Spts. Ammon. Arom. A. 650, W. ISO. DILAlcohof. fEx. I Cc. (is Opii, Lm. 4 Cc. (i fl.dr.). o.s Cc. (8 m). Opd E>eodorati Physostigmatis. Sanguinaria; Sdllse o.s Cc. (8 m). I Cc. (is ni). 1 Cc. (is m). I Cc. (i^ m). o.s Cc. (8 ni). Strophanthi, Vanilbe o.s Cc. (8 m). Veratri, I Cc. (is n\). Class 8-13.3 per cent. Fe»ri Chloridi ClaM9-2o per cent. Aloes etMyrrhz,... o.s Cc. (8 m). 2Cc. (30 m). :g:l:;!!l!: 4Cc. (i fl.dr.). 1 Cc. (.5 "1). 4Cc. (i fl.dr.). 4Cc. (i fl.dr.). 4 Cc. (i fl. dr.). 4Cc. Alcohol. W. - Water. D. A. - Dilute Alcohol. Acetic Add. 5 G. - Glycerin. Ac. A. 50 PHARMACY. Syllabus or Tinctures. — {Continued.) Classes: Per cent. Most Active Const, Constituents in 1000 Cc. Menstruum Cc. IN 1000 Cc. Dose. TmCTURA. Class 9=20 per cent. Krameria, 200 Gm. Myrrha, 200 Gm. Pyrethrum, 200 Gm. Quassia, 200 Gm. Quillaja, 200 Gm. Rhubarb, 200 Gm.; Card., 40 Gm. Rhub., 200 Gm.; S. Cin., 40 Gm.; Cloves, 40 Gm.; Nutmeg, 20 Gm. Serpentaria, 200 Gm. Balsam of Tolu. 200 Gm. Valerian, 200 Gm. Valerian, 200 Gm. Ginger, 200 Gm. Benz., 100 Gm.; P. Aloes, 20 Gm.; Storax, 80 Gm.; B. Tolu, 40 Gm. Sweet Orange Pe^l from fresh fruit, 500 Gm. Lactucarium, 500 Gm. Lemon Peel from fresh fruit, 500 Gm. 500 Gm. Dil. Alcohol. Alcohol. A. 350. W. 650. Decoction 4- A. 350. G. 100, A. 500, W. 400. G.^oo.^A.500, iic?h°ol.^— A. 750, W. 250. Spts. Ammon. Arom. Alcohol. Alcohol. Alcohol. G.2SO, P. Benz., D. A. Alcohol. Alcohol. 4 Cc. (i fl. dr.). Myrrhae, I Cc. (15 TTl). Pyrethri, 2 Cc. (30 V\). Quillajs, Rhei 4 Cc. (i fl. dr.). Rhei Aromatica, ... Serpentariae Tolutana, 2 Cc. (30 m). 4Cc. (i fl. dr.). 2 Cc. (?o rri) ValerianjE, 4 Cc. (i fl. dr.). Valerianae Ammoni- ata, 2 Cc. (30 TTl). Zingib^ris, 2 Cc. (30 TTl). Class 10= 24 percent. Benzoini Composita, Class 1 1 = so per cent. Aurantii Dulcis, Lactucarii, Limonis Corticis,... Class 12 = 50 per cent. Tincturae Herbanim Recentium, 4 Cc. (i fl. dr.). 1 Cc. (is TTl). 2 Cc. (30 TTl). A. - Alcohol. W. = Water. D. A. = Dilute Alcohol. Acetic Acid. G. = Glycerin. Ac. A. STANDARDIZED TINCTURES. When Assayed by the Process Given by the Pharmacopceia. Tinctura: Aconiti . Belladonnae Foliorum. Cinchonae .should contain in 100 Cc. 0.045 Gm. Aconitine. ColchiciSeminis. Hydrastis ...... Hyoscyami Nucis Vomicae . . Opii Opii Deodorati . Physostigmatis . . Stramonii 0.030 " Alkaloids. 0.750 " Anhydrous, ether-soluble alkaloids. 0.040 " Colchicine. 0.400 " Hydrastine. 0.007 " Mydriatic alkaloids. O.IOO " Strychnine. 1.2 to I .25 Gm. Crvst. morphin. 1.2 to ] " 0.014 Gm. Ether-sol. alkaloids. 0.025 " Mydriatic " UQUIDS — MEDICATED WINES. 51 TINCTURES OF RECENT PLANTS. Tincturae Herbarum Recentium: " These tinctures, when not other- wise directed, are to be prepared by the follo^^'ing formula: — Take of The Fresh Herb, bruised or crushed, 500 grammes, or. . 500 Gm. Alcohol, 1000 cubic centimeters, or looo Cc. "Macerate the Herb with the alcohol for fourteen days with occa- sional stirring; then strongly express the liquid and filter through paper." VINA MEDIC.\TA— MEDICATED WINES. Vina Medicata, or Medicated Wines : Medicated Wines are liquid preparations containing the soluble principles of medicinal substances dissoh^ed in Wine. The U. S. P. does not recognize any special variety of Wine, but only the general classes of white and red. Amount of Alcohol which Wine should contain : Not less than 7 nor more than 12 per cent. b>' weight (equivalent to 8.5 to 15 per cent, by N-olumc) of absolute alcohol. Vinum Album (White Wine). An alcoholic liquid, made by fer- menting the juice of fresh grapes, the fruit of Vitis vinijera (Fam. Vitaceac), freed from seeds, stems, and skins, and subjected to the usual cellar-treatment for fining and aging. A pale, amber-colored or straw- colored liquid, having a pleasant odor free from yeastiness, and a fruity, agreeable, slightly spirituous taste, without excessive sweetness or acid- ity. When White Wine is prescribed without further specification, it is recommended that a dry White Wine of domestic production be employed. Vinum Rubrum (Red Wine). An alcoholic liquid, made by fer- m^'ntin^ thr juice of fresh, red-colored grapes, the fruit of Vitus vinijera^ I- ■ of their skins, and subjected to the usual cellar-treatment tnd aging. A deep red liquid, having a pleasant odor free \x•>u^ vr-'iclded by a given menstruum, but on amount of active constituents present in the finished product. Solid extracts are prepared either — (a) From the drieid and powdered drug, by extraction with a solvent, or (6) From the fresh, moist drug, by expression alone. Tufo degrees of consistency recognized By U. S. P. — The soft, or pilular, and the hard extract. The latter admit of being reduced to powder. There are twenty-eight official Extracta which may be classed accord- ing to menstrua employed, as follows: — I. ALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS. TUU. Dose Metric. D0S4 Emg. ExnucTVM— asas*"^ * tS* * Made from fluidcstnct 60 PHARMACY. II. HYDRO-ALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS. TUle. Dose Metric. Dose Eng. EXTRACTUM— Belladonnae Foliorum, loMg. 30 Mg. 10 Mg. 250 Mg. 125 Mg. 65 Mg. 250 Mg. 2S0Mg. 250 Mg. 10 Mg. 10 Mg. 250 Mg. I Gm. igr. 4gr. 2gr. I gr. 4gr. 4gr. 4gr. JiJ; 4gr. 15 gr. Colocynthidis, ♦Digitalis, Ergotae (with DU. HCl and Monhyd. Sod. Carb.) ♦Euonymi, ♦Hyoscyami, •. . ♦Leptandrse, Rhamni Purshianae, *Rhei, Scopolae, ♦Stramonii, *Sumbul, ... Taraxaci ♦ Made from fluidextract. III. AQUEOUS EXTRACTS. TiUe. EXTRACTUM — Aloes (Boiling Water), Colchici Cormi (with Acetic Acid), Gentians, ^ fGlycyrrhizae, Glycyrrhizae Punim (with Ammonia Water and Glycerin), Haematoxyli, Krameriae, Malti, Nucis Vomicae (with Acetic Acid), Opii, Quassiae, Dose Dose Metric. Eng 125 Mg. agr. 65 Mg. 250 Mg. 1 gr, 4gr. I Gm. iSgr. 1 Gm. 15 gr. I Gm. 15 gr. SooMg. 8gr. 16 Cc. 4fldr. isMg. igr. 30 Mg. igr. 6s Mg. I gr. fThe commercial extract of licorice root. IV. COMPOUND EXTRACTS. Title. Dose Metric. Dose Eng. ExTRACTUM — Colocynthidis Compositum, 500 Mg. 8gr. SOLIDS — POWDERS. 61 mydriatic alkaloids, colchicine, mydriatic alkaloids, strychnine, morphine. ether-soluble alkaloid, mydriatic alkaloids. STANDARDIZED EXTRACTS. Exm actum: Belladonnae FoUonun, i .4 per cent. Colchici Cormi, 1 .4 " " Hj-osc^ami 0.3 " " Nuds VomictB, 5.0 " " Opii 20.0 " " Physostigmatis 2 .0 " " Sc^mIc a.o " " Stramooii i.o " " The extracts of Cimicifuga, Euonymus, Leptandra, Physostigma, and Cascara Sagrada, contain glycyrrhiza (peeled, Russian). Extracts of Pilular Consistence : Ext. belladonnae foliorum, can- nabis indicaj, colchici cormi, digitalis, ergotae, gentiana?, glycyrrhizae purum, hyoscyami, malti (thick honey), rhei, scopolae, stramonii, sum- bul, taraxaci. Extracts, Solid : Ext. aloes, glycyrrhizae, haematoxyli, krameriae. Extracts, Powdered : Cimicifugae, colocynthidis, colocynthidis com- posituni, cuonymi, leptandrae, nucis vomicae, opii, physostigmatis, quas- siae. rhamni purshians. RESIN/E— RESINS. Resins or Resins : The official resins are solid preparations, con- sisting principally of the resinous principles from vegetable bodies, pre- pared by precipitating them from their alcoholic solution with water. Thf re are three official resins: — Jalapae (p^^mring a tincture into water). Dose, 125 Mg. (2 gr.). Podophylli (pouring a tincture into water acidulated with HCl). Dost purgative, 15 Mg. (\ gr.); laxative, 5 Mg. (^ gr.). Scammonii (pouring a tincture, made by digesting Scammony in boiling alcohol, into water). Dose 200 Mg. (3 gr.). SOLID PREPARATIONS MADE WITHOUT PERCOLATION OR MACERATION. PULVERES— POWDERS. There are nine official powders: — TUU. Accuaildi Compoatus (Anttkamnia?). AiDfTuuims. Crete ComfXMitus. Eflenrexens Compontus (SddKu Powder). Constituents. Properties and Dose. AceUnilid, 70 Gm.; Caffdn, 10 Relieves pain, 500 Mg. Gm.; Sodium Ricarb., ao Gm. (8 gr.). P. Cinnamon, ^5 fim.; P. (;ingcr, Aromatic, iGm.(is gr.). 35 Gm.; P. Cardamon, 15 Gm.; ' P. Nutmeg, 15 Gm. | Prep.Chalk, 3oGm.; Acada, ao For Chalk Mixture, a Gm.; Sugar, 50 Gm. Sodium Bicarb.. 31 Gm.; Roch- ellc .Salt, 93 Gm.; Tartaric Acid, 27 Gm.; Mix the Sod. Bicarb, and Roch. ftalt, and divide into 12 ptj». (blue papen). Divide the T. Acid into la pU. (white papers). Gm. (30 gr.). Laxative, i set of a pow- ders. 62 PHARMACY. TUle. PuLVis : Glycyrrhizae Compositus (Licorice Powder). Ipecacuanhse et Opii (Dover's Powder). Jalapae Compositus. Morphinae Compositus (Tully's Powder). Rhei Compositus. ConstiluetUs. P. Senna, i8o Gm.; P. Licorice, 236 Gm.; Washed Sulphur, 80 Gm.; Oil Fennel, 4 Gm.; Su- gar, SCO Gm. P. Ipecac, 10 Gm.; P. Opium, loGm.; Sugarof Milk,8oGm. Ten grains contain a grain each of the active constituents. P. Jalap, 35 Gm.; Potass. Bitart., 65 Gm. Morph. Sulph., 1.5 Gm.; P. Camphor, 32 Gm.; P. Liquor- ice, ^2> Gm.; Precip. Calc. Carb., 33.5 Gm. P. Rhubarb, 25 Gm.; Magnesia, 6s Gm.; P. Ginger, 10 Gm. Property and Dose. Laxative, 4 Gm. (60 gr.). Diaphoretic, 500 Mg. (8 gr). Cathartic, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). Diaphoretic, 500 Mg. (8 gr.). Laxative, Antacid, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). TRITURATIONES— TRITURATIONS. Triturationes, or Triturations : A class of powders first introduced into the U. S. P. of 1880, for the purpose of fixing a definite relation between the active ingredient and the diluent. General formula for their preparation, as directed by the U. S. P. Take of — Definite Formula. The Substance, 10 grammes, 10 Gm. Sugar of Milk, in moderately fine powder, 90 grammes, 90 Gm. To make 100 grammes, 100 Gm. Weigh the Substance and Sugar of Milk separately; then place the Substance, previously reduced, if necessary, to a moderately fine powder, in a mortar; add about an equal measure of Sugar of Milk, mix well by means of a spatula, and triturate the powders thoroughly together. Then add fresh portions of the Sugar of Milk, from time to time, until the whole is added, and continue the trituration after each addition until the Substance is intimately mixed with the Sugar of Milk, and reduced to a fine powder. There is one official trituration : — Trituratio Elaterina. Elaterin, 10 Gm.; Sug. Milk, 90 Gm. Dose, 30 Mg. (i gr.). MASS^— MASSES. Massae, or Masses : Pill masses are official under this name. They are kept in bulk by pharmacists. There are two official masses: — Massa Ferri Carbonatis. 100 Gm. Fer. Sulph.; 46 Gm. Monohyd. Carb. Sod.; 38 Gm. Clarif. Honey; 25 Gm. Sugar; syrup and distilled water, each q. s. Syrup is added to the ferrous sulphate solution and the wash water, to protect the ferrous salt against the absorption of oxygen. Dose, 250 Mg. (4 gr.). SOUDS — PILLS. 63 Massa Hydrargjrri. S3 Gm. Hg; lo Gm. Glycyrr.; 15 Gm. Althaea; 9 Gm. Glycerin; Honey of Rose, 33 Gm. Triturate the Hg with Honey of Rose until it is extinguished and globules of mercury arc no longer visible under a lens magnifying at least 10 diameters. Add the Glycerin, then the Glycyrrhiza and .\lthjea gradually, and continue trituration until the mass is homogeneous. Dose, 250 Mg. (4 gr.). CONFECTIONES— CONFECTIONS. Confectiones, or Confections : Saccharine, soft solids, in which one f>r more metiicinal substances are incorj>orated, with the object of af- fording an agreeable form for their administration and a convenient method for their preservation. Old names, conserves and electuaries, under which they have been in use for centuries. Thf*rr are two official confections: — C fectio Ro«aB.— R. Rose, 80 Gm.; P. Sugar, 640 Gm.; Clar. i2oGm.; Rose W., 160 Gm. ^3cuu«. — Sen., 100 Gm.; Cas. Fist., 160 Gm.; Tamarind, 100 Gm.; Prune, 70 Gm.; Fig, 120 Gm.; P. Sug., 555 Gm.; Ol. Coriander, 5 Gm.; Water, to make 1000 Gm. PILULiC— PILLS. i«, or Pills: Small, solid bodies, of a globular, ovoid, or len- lafx*, which arc intended to be swallowed, and thereby produce action. : A hat a pill mass is composed, and what is required of it: Ii is composed of ingredients and excipients. It is required that the mass be 1, adhesive; 2, firm; 3, plastic. How excipients are divided : Liquid and solid. Liquid Excipients. I. Water; u.v only when ingredients p^isscss inherent adhesiveness iha* »»->»'T will develop, idhrsive. \'a«ia: more adhesive. 4. MuiiU((r .\fafia: most adhcsivi*. Pills are liable to become hard and inv»hihlr if a* a< ia in any form is used a.i exc ipicnt. . « rrin v»mrwhat adhesive. It is hygrr»fw-opic and keeps pills .v>ft. uiiv verv adhesive. Colorless, and non-volatile at ordinary for glur»»s<-, hut colors white pills. .. ..antagcs of glucose, but possesses the disad- h: Glycerin — adhesiveness of starch and jelly. ' tionahle feature. I Similar to above. it. Glucose, 4 OS. av.; Glycerin, i oz. nzoic Add, I grain. Dissolve benzoic III .1' 4> la, then the ^ucose, and let stand till at may be 1 1 y av.; .\ «r^' '■'■ d. 64 pharmacy. Solid Excipients, 1. Confection of Rose : Useful when it is desired to dilute active ingre- dients and increase bulk. 2. Bread Crumb: Used in making pills to contain croton oil, volatile oils, etc. 3. Powdered Althaea: too bulky for ordinary use. 4. Soap: valuable for resinous substances. Not only makes excellent mass, but increases the solubility of resins. 5. Rosin Cerate: for oxidizable substances, resins, etc. 6. Cacao Butter: for pills of permanganate of potassium, etc. 7. Petrolatum : for oxidizable substances as above. How to divide the mass : On a graduated pill tile, or a pill machine. The former is made of porcelain, but preferably of plate glass. In either case the pill mass is rolled into a cylinder. In the former the mass is divided into the required number of portions with a spatula. In the latter it is divided by laying it upon the grooves of the lower board in the pill machine; the upper board is applied so that the cutting surfaces correspond with those on the lower board, and "by a slight backward and forward motion, with downward pressure, the mass is divided." How to finish pills and keep them from adhering together: Finish them either by rolling between the thumb and finger, or rotate them under an adjustable pill finisher. To prevent them from adhering together, dust with rice flour, powdered magnesium carbonate, lyco- podium, powdered althaea, or powdered licorice root. How pills may be coated : Pills may be coated with various sub- stances. With gold or silver, "by first placing a drop of syrup of acacia in a mortar, and after carefully spreading it over the surface with the end of the finger, dropping in the pills, rotating them so that they shall be uniformly coated with a very thin layer of mucilage, and then drop- ping them into the gold or silver leaf contained in the coater — "a smooth globular box, opening in the middle." An ordinary pill box will answer the purpose. With gelatin, by a simply constructed machine, in which the pills, arranged automatically in rows, are impaled on a system of pins, afterward dipped in a hot solution of gelatin, twirled gently until the coating is set, and rapidly dried by rotating on a wheel, after which they are removed from the pins. This can be accomplished in fifteen minutes. With sugar, by rotating them with a mixture of sugar and starch in a pill coater, which consists of a caldron-shaped copper vessel revolving at an incline, and heated by steam. The process can only be accomplished economically on the large scale. How compressed pills are manufactured: On the small scale by Remington's compressed pill machine. It is made of cast steel, and has at the ba^e two countersunk depressions, with a short post in the center of each; a lenticular depression is made in the upper surface of each post. Steel cylinders fit over the posts, and plungers fit in the cylinders, with lenticular depressions to correspond with those on the posts. The powder is compressed into pills between the lenticular surfaces by blows on the plungers with a mallet; the pills are removed by lifting the cylinders. On the large scale by power presses, working on a similar principle. SOLIDS— PILLS. There are fifteen official pills: — 65 Titie. Constituents. Dose. PIIULJE. AkKs. Aloes et Fcrri. Aioes et Blastiches (.Moes and Mntic Udy WdMlcr Dinner PQb). Akxset Myrrhc. A»fGebdf. CailMrticr Cowpnatr. Caiharticy Vfytahilw Fcrri Carboiutb(Femic- — ChdYbeate ad's nik.) Fori O^. '^ttta Purified Aloes and Soap, each 13 Gm., in 100 pills. Purified Al<«s. Sulph. Iron and Aromat. Powder, each 7 Gm.; Confect. Ro^, q. s., in 100 pills. Purified Aloes, 13 Gm.; Mastic, 4 Gm.; Red Rose, 3 Gm.; in too pills. Purified Aloes, 13 Gm.; Myrrh. 6Gm.; Aromat. Powd.. 4 Gm.; S>Tup. q. s. 100 pills. As.. 20 Gm.; Soap, 6 Gm.; 100 pUls. Ext. Col. Comp., 80 Gm.; Calo- md, 60 Gm.; Jalap (resin), 20 Gm.; Gamboge, 15 Gm.; 1000 pills. Ext. Col. Comp., 60 Gm.; Ext. Uvoacyam., 30 Gm.; Resin of Jaiiap,2oGm.; Kxt. I^eptandra, IS Gm.; Resin Podophyllum, M Gm.; Oil of Peppermint, 8 Cc. in 1000 pills- Ferrous Sulphate, 1 6 G m . ; Potass. Cmrb.. 8 Gm.; Sugar, 4 Gm.; Tragacanth, 1 Gm.; Althcm. i Gm.; Glycerin and Water, q. s. in too pilb. Rcidacrd Iron, a Gm.; Iodine, 5 Gm.; P. Glycjrrr., 4 Gm.; SOBU-, 4 Gm.; Kxt. Glycyrr., I Gm.; Acacia, 1 Gm.; q. i. each Water, BaU. Tolu, and Ether. (See U. S. P.) Aloin. i.toGm.; Strychnin. 0.05 Gm.; Ext. Bd. I^eaves, 0.80 Gm.; Ipecac, 0.40 Gm.; Glycrr- &lam,^jtioCtm.', .Syr., toopillt. pDurd <>•- - ' - <;m.; boap. Pkoa^ Mtlwm, A.00 Gm.; At-... '•- • ^^- t with • rd in In 4Cc.of arri certe, I vol \'. loGm. Ilal> IS Cc. Etbrr . :•». Fodbphyl., tA Gm.; Ext. Bdhd. Lmvci. 0.8 Gm.; Cap- Gm.; S««. Milk. t.6 Gm.; ft. *** RMwb. ijGn.; Aloc%^ieGm.; Uytik, 6 Gmj Ol. Pep., 0.% Gm.. to too pOb. As a laxative, 1. 2, or 3 pills at bedtime; as a purge, 5 imUs. 2 pills. 3 pills. From 3 to 6 pills. 3 pills. 2pilU. a pills. a pills. a pills. t pin. I piO. t pin. 66 PHARMACY. TROCHISCI— TROCHES. Trochisci, or Troches : Troches, or lozenges, are solid, discoid, or cylindrical masses, consisting chiefly of medicinal powders, sugar, and mucilage. They are prepared by making the ingredients into a mass which is rolled into a thin sheet, and cut into proper shape with a lozenge cutter. TABLE OF TROCHES. TitU. ConstUuents — loo Troches. Each Troche contains: Trochisci. Acidi Tannici. Ammonii Chloridi Cubebae. Gambir. Glycyrrhizae et Opii. Krameriae. Potassii Chloratis. Santonini. Sodii Bicarbona- tis. Tannic Acid, 6 Gm.; Sugar, powd., 65 Gm.; Tragacanth, powd., 2 Gm.; Stronger Orange Flower Water, a sufiicient quan- tity. Ammonium Chloride, 10 Gm.; Extract of Liquorice, 20 Gm.; Tragacanth, powd.. 2 Gm.; Sugar, powd., 40 Gm.; Syrup of Tolu, a sufficient quantity. Oleoresin of Cubeb, 2 Gm.; Oil of Sas- safras, I Cc, Extract of Liquorice, 25 Gm.; Acacia, powd.. 12 Gm.; Syrup of Tolu, a sufficient quantity. Gambir, powd., 6 Gm.; Sugar, powd., 65 Gm.; Tragacanth, powd., 2 Gm.; Str. Or. Fl. Water, a sufficient quantity. Extract of Liquorice, 15 Gm.; Powd. Opium, 0.5 (im.; Acacia, powd., 12 Gm., Sugar, powd., 20 Gm.; Oil of Anise, 0.2 Cc; Water, a sufficient quantity. Extract of Kramcria, 6 Gm.; Sugar, powd., 6s Gm.; Tragacanth, powd., 2 Gm.; Stronger Orange Flower Water, a suf- ficient quantity. Potassium Chlorate, 15 Gm.; Sugar, powd., 60 Gm.; Tragacanth, powd., 3 Gm.; Water, a sufficient quantity. Santonin, 3 Gm.; Sugar, powd., 90 Gm.; Tragacanth, powd, 3 Gm.; Stronger Orange Flower Water, a sufficient quan- tity. , Sodium Bicarbonate, 18 Gm.; Sugar, powd., 54 Gm.; Nutmeg, bruised, i Gm.; Mucil- age of Tragacanth, a sufficient quantity. Tannic Acid, 0.06 Gm. (i gr.). Ammonium Chloride, 0.1 Gm. (2 gr.). Oleoresin Cubeb, 0.0a Gm. (J gr.). Gambir, 0.06 Gm. (I gr.). P. Opium, 0.00s Gm. (J gr.). Ext. Krameria, 0.06 Gm. (i gr.). Potassium Chlorate, o.ois Gm. (i gr.). Santonin, 0.03 Gm. (i gr.). Sodium Bicarbonate, 0.18 Gm. (3gr.). SOLID PREPARATIONS FOR EXTERNAL USE. CATAPLASMA— CATAPLASMS. Cataplasms are soft, ointment-like, medicated substances, of such consistency that they may be easily spread upon muslin or similar ma- terial, and produce local or systemic effects. Cataplasma Kaolini, Cataplasm of Kaolin: Kaolin, 577 Gm.; Boric Acid, 45 Gm.; Thymol, 0.5 Gm.; Methyl Salicylate, 2 Gm.; Oil ol Peppermint,. D.s Gm..; Glycerin, 375 Gm.; to make 1000 Gm. SOLIDS — OINTMENTS. 67 CERATA— CERATES. Cerata, or Cerates : Cerates are unctuous substances of such con- sistency that they may be easily spread, at ordinary temperatures, upon muslin or similar material, with a spatula, and yet not so soft as to liquefy and run when applied to the skin. Why they are called cerates : Owing to the presence of wax (Cera). What substances are used for bases : Oil, lard, petrolatum. Wax, and sometimes paraffm or s|Krmaccti, in the presence of wax, are used to raise the melting-point of the bases. There are six official cerates. Two classes: — TitU. Composition. Cennm (Simpk Cerate). Ccnttiin Camphone. Centum Canthandis (Blister- ing Cerate) Ceratum Fhunbi Subacetatis, . Cetatun Restiue (Basilicon Ointineot) CcnnuD Rcwue Compoaitum (Dnlrier's Sdve) White Wax. 300 Gm.; White Petrolatum, aoo Gm.; Benzoated Lard, 500 Gm. Camfihor IJniment, 100 Gm.; White Wax. 350 Gm.; \\'hite Petrolatum, 150 Gm.; Benzoatcd I>ard, 400 Gm. Cantharides, 320 Gm.; Liquid Petrolatum, 150 Gm.; Yellow Wax. 180 Gm.; Rosin, 180 Gm.; Lard, i7oGm. Solution of I.ead Suhacetate. 20 Gm.; Wool-fat, 20 Gm.; Paraffin, 20 Gm.; White Petrolatum, 38 Gm.; Camphor, 2 Gm. Rosin, 350 Gm.; Yellow Wax, 150 Gm.; Lard, 500 Gm. Rosin, 225 Gm.; Yellow Wax, 225 Gm.; Prepared Suet, 300 Gm.; Turpentine, 115 Gm.; Linseed Oil, 135 Gm.; to make 1000 Gm. UNGUENTA— OINTMENTS. Ungucnta, or Ointments : Fatty preparations, of a softer consis- tence than cerates, intended to be applied to the skin by inunction. TMk. Ptr eemt. #/ Aetkm WMtc Wax. ao; Bciu. Lard. 80. Bork Add. to. Stroofer Row Water, 19. Ext. BcBadoo. Leave*, to. Hg^ so; Oleatc Hg.. a. Hg.. to. Pumthn. 10; Wht. PclroU- turn. 80. Sperm.. ti.$: ^^'h^. Wax. 12; 01. Aim.. $6. .Sod. Ror.. 5. Dil. Alch.. s; Woolfat, 20; B. Lard. 63. B. Lard. 94. Olive oh. ^; 01. Uv.FL. I. Prep. Suet, ay, B. I..ar4, 2%. Wbl. Peirolii.. so; H. Woof. fat, 40. 68 PHARMACY. TiOe. Unguentum. Hydrargyri Dilutum, . . Hydrargyri Nitratis. . . . Hydrargyri Oxidi Flavi, Hydrargyri Oxidi Rubri lodi lodoformi, Phenolis, Picis Liquidae, Potassii lodidi, Stramonii, Sulphuris, Veratrinae, Zinci Oxidi, Zinci Steratis, Per cent, of Active Constituent. Mercurial Ointment. 67. Hg. Nitrate, abt., 12.5. Yellow Hg. Ox., 10. Red Hg. Ox., 10. Iodine, 4; Potass. lod., 4. Iodoform, 10. Phenol, 3. Tar, 50. Potass. lod., 10; Potass. Carb., 0.6. Ext. Stramon., 10. Washed Sulphur, 15. Veratrin, 4. Zinc Oxide, 20. Zinc Stearate, 50. Base. Petrolatum, 3^. Lard. Water, 10; H. Wool-fat, 40; Pet., 40. Water, 10; H. Wool-fat, 40; Pet., 40. Benz. Lard, 80; Glycerin, 12. Lard, 90. Wht. Petrol.. 97. lard, 35; Yel. Wax, 15. B. Lard, 80; Water, 10. H. Wool-fat, 20; B. Lard, 65; Dil. Ale, s- B. Lard. 85. B. Lard, 90; Ol. Aim., 6. B. Lard, 80. Wht. Petrolatum, 50. EMPLASTRA— PLASTERS. Emplastra, or Plasters : Substances intended for external applica- tion, of such consistence that they adhere to the skin, and require the aid of heat in spreading them. Plasters are usually spread on muslin, leather, paper, etc., and have as a basis, lead plaster, a gum-resin, or Burgundy pitch. As plasters are usually bought of the manufacturer, ready-made, a description of the process for spreading them is omitted. There are seventeen official plasters. Four classes: — PLASTERS CONTAINING LEAD OR ADHESIVE PLASTER AS THEIR BASIS. Title. Emplastrum. Adhaesivum, . Belladonnae,* Capsid, Hydrargyri, . Opii, Plumbi, Saponis, Constituents. Rubber, 20 Gm.; Petrol., 20 Gm.; Lead Plaster, 960 Gm. Ext. Bel. Lvs., 300 Gm.; Adhesive PI., 700 Gm. Oleores. Caps., 0.25 Gm.; Adhesive PI., q. s. Mercury, 30 Gm.; Oleate of Mercury, 1 Gm.; H. Wool- fat, 10 Gm.; Lead Plaster, 59 Gm. Ext. Opium, 6 Gm.; Water, 8 Cc; Adhesive PI.. 90 Gm. Soap, 100 Gm.; Lead Acetate, 60 Gm.; Water, sufficient quantity. Soap, 10 Gm.; Lead Plaster, 90 Gm.; Water, sufficient quantity. * Should not contain less than 0.38 per cent., nor more than 0.42 per cent, of mydriatic alkaloids. SOUDS — SUPPOSITORIES. 69 CHARTA— PAPERS. Charta, or Papers : A small class of preparations intended for ex- ternal application, made by applying the medicinal substance to the surface of the paper by the addition of some adhesive liquid. Charta Sinapis.— Black Mustard, loo Gm.; Rubber, lo Gm.; Petroleum Benzin, Carbon Bisulphide, of each q. s. Percolate Mustard wth Petroleum Benzin, to rid it of fixed oil; dr>'. Dissolve Rubber in mixture of loo Cc. each, Petroleum Benzin and Carbon Bisulphide; make semi-liquid magma with mustard. Brush on rather stiff, well-sized paper. Each 60 sq. cent, of paper should contain about 4 Gm. black mustard deprived of oil. Before it is applied to the skin. Mustard Paper should be dipped in warm water for about fifteen seconds. SUPPOSITARIA— SUPPOSITORIES. What Suppositories are : Solid bodies of various weights and shapes, adapted for introduction into the different orifices of the human body and melting readily at blood heat. Vehicles: The vehicles usually employed are Oil of Theobroma; Glvcerinated Gelatin, or Sodium Stearate. kequirements in preparing them: They should be prepared of materials of sufficient consistency to retain their shape when inserted, and, at the same time, melt at the temperature of the body. U. S. Pharmacopoeial Process for Making Oil of Theobroma Suppositories. /. Rolled Suppositories. Reduce the Medicinal Substance, if dry, to a very fine powder, or, if an extract, .soften it with an appropriate liquid, then mix it thoroughly in a mortar with about an equal weight of grated Oil of Theobroma, and incorpKJrate the remainder of the Oil of Theobroma until a homo- geneous, plastic ma.ss is obtained, adding, if necessary, a small quantity of Expressed Oil of Almond. Roll the mass on a graduated tile until a cylinder of the proper length is formed, divide this into the required number of equal parts, and with a spatula, or other convenient mechanical aid, form them into the desired shape. //. Fusion and Moulding. If the process of fu.sion is preferred, mix the Medicinal Substance with about an equal weight of grated Oil of Theobroma, as above directed, then thoroughly incorporate it with the remainder of the Oil of Theobroma, previou.sly melted to a gentle heat, in a suitable vessel provided with a lip; then allow it to cool to alx^ut 38° C. (100.4° !'•)» and, when the mixture Ix'gins to congeal, \h)\\t it immediately into suitable, well-cooleil moulds. Keep the moulds at a freezing temperature until the suppt^itories have hardened and are ready to Ix* removed. Raising the Melting-point 0/ Oil of Theobroma: For suppositories containing chloral, phenol, their derivatives, or substances which soften 70 PHARMACY. the vehicle, raise the melting-point of the Oil of Theobroma by the addition of from ten to fifteen per cent, of spermaceti, but the melting- point must not be raised above 37° C. (98.6° F.). U. S. PharmacopCBial Process for Making Glycerinated Gelatin Suppositories. For suppositories made with Glycerinated Gelatin the following process may be used: Take of— The Medicinal Substance, the prescribed quantity. Glycerinated Gelatin. Glycerin. Water, each, a sufficient quantity. Mix the Medicinal Substance, if solid and soluble, in Water or Glycerin, or if a miscible liquid, with a little water, and add sufficient Glycerin to make the weight of the mixture one-half that of the finished mass. Then thoroughly incorporate it with an equal weight of melted Glycer- inated Gelatin, and pour it at once into suitable moulds which have *been greased with a small quantity of petrolatum. Cool the moulds thoroughly before removing the suppositories. How to Facilitate the Filling of the Mould in Making Urethral Suppositories : Warm the moulds sufficiently before pouring. How to Prepare Firmer Glycerinated Gelatin Suppositories: Substitute Mucilage of Acacia for a portion of the Water or Glycerin. How to Proceed if the Medicinal Substance be Insoluble in Water or Glycerin : Thoroughly levigate the insoluble substance in a warm mortar with a sufficient quantity of Glycerin to make the weight of the mixture one-half that of the finished mass. Then thoroughly incorporate it with an equal weight of melted Glycerin Gelatin, and p)our it into suitable moulds as above directed. With bulky powders about one- half of the Glycerin may be replaced with water before levigation. How Glycerinated Gelatin Suppositories May be Protected: Glycerinated Gelatin suppositories should be protected against the effects of heat and moisture and dry air by keeping them in tightly closed containers in a cool place. Weights and Shapes Directed for Suppositories by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. Rectal Suppositories should be cone-shaped or spindle-shaped, and when made from Oil of Theobroma should weigh about two grammes. Urethral Suppositories {Bougies) should be pencil-shaped, pointed at one extremity, and either seven centimetres in length, weighing about two grammes, or fourteen centimetres in length, weighing about jour grammes, when made with Glycerinated Gelatin. If prepared with Oil of Theobroma, they should weigh about one-half the above quantities. Vaginal Suppositories should be globular or oviform in shape, and weigh about ten grammes if made with Glycerinated Gelatin, and about jour grammes if made with Oil of Theobroma. SOLroS— SUPPOSITORIES . 71 Directions for Making Suppositoria Glycerini (the only official suppository): Take of Glycerin, 30 Gm.; of Monohydrated Sodium Carbonate, 0.5 Gm.; Stearic Acid, 2 Gm.; Water, 0.5 Cc; to make 10 rectal suppositories. Dissolve the Monohydrated Sodium Carbonate in the water and add it to the Glycerin, contained in a dish, on a water- bath, add the stearic acid, and heat the mixture carefully until carbon dioxide ceases to be evolved, and the liquid is clear. Then pour the melted mass into suitable moulds, remove the suppositories when they are cold, and prescr%'e them in tightly-stoppered glass vessels. Three classes of suppository moulds* : i. Individual moulds. 2. Divided moulds. 3. Hinged moulds. Suppository Capsules: "Dr. F. E. Stewart has suggested the em- ployment of gelatin shells, with conical caps, to be used as suppositories. The medicating ingredients are inserted in the lower portion ; the upper margin is then moistened with water, and the cap inserted. Before introducing them into the rectum, they should be wet with sufficient water to enable them to slip in easily." ♦ For ezceUent descriptions of the various forms of suppository moulds, see Reming- ton's " Practice of Pharmacy." 72 PHARMACY. PART III. THE PREPARATIONS OF THE INOR- GANIC MATERIA MEDICA. HYDROGEN, OXYGEN, AND WATER. H; I. O; 15.88. H2O; 17-88. Hydrogen and oxygen are colorless, odorless gases, of no special in- terest pharmaceutically, except that they combine to form water, which is of the greatest importance in pharmacy. Hydrogen is also unity for quantivalence and atomic weight. H is combustible; O aids combustion. AQUA, U. S. — Water. Potable water in its purest obtainable state. A colorless, limpid liquid, without odor and taste at ordinary tempera- tures, and odorless when heated to boiling; of a perfectly neutral re- action. AQUA DESTILLATA, U. S.— Distilled Water.— A colorless, limpid liquid, without odor or taste, and of a neutral reaction. When 1000 Cc. are evaporated on a water-bath to dryness, not more than 0.075 Gm. of residue should remain. In pharmacy, water is used principally as a solvent. AQUA HYDROGENII DIOXIDI, U. S.— Solution of Hydrogen Dioxide, or Peroxide. — A slightly acid, aqueous solution of Hydrogen Dioxide (H2O2; = 33.76), which should contain, when freshly prepared, about 3 per cent, by weight of the absolute Hydrogen Dioxide, corre- sponding to about 10 vol. of available Oxygen. A colorless liquid, without odor, slightly acidulous to the taste, and producing a peculiar sensation and soapy froth in the mouth, liable to deteriorate upon keeping, or protracted agitation. If the stopper in the bottle be replaced by a pledget of cotton, deterioration is retarded. Made by decomposing barium peroxide with phosphoric acid, BaOj + 2H3PO4 = Ba(H2P04)2- + H2O2. Remove traces of the barium salt in the sol. by the cautious addition of H2SO4. Antiseptic and disinfectant. Keep in cool place. THE INORGANIC ACIDS. Acids are distinguished from other bodies by three properties, i. They all contain hydrogen, and are sometimes called hydrogen salts. The hydrogen is capable of being replaced by metals to form salts. 2. Those which are soluble in water have a characteristic, sour taste. DILUTED H^'DROCHLORIC ACID. 73 and corrosive action. 3. They act on litmus and other vegetable sub- stances, changing their color. The inorganic acids will be considered in the following order: — First, Hydracids, or those not containing O, derived from non-metallic ele- ments. Ex.: HCl, HBr. Second, The non-metallic oxygen acids. Ex.: HNO., H^SO^, HjSO,, etc. Third, Arsenic Trioxide and Chro- mium Trioxide (formerly known as Arsenous and Chromic Acids), and the weak acid obtained from Boron, will not be treated as acids, but will be described under the headings of the elements from which they are derived. The suffixes "ous" and "ic" are used as terminations to the names of acids containing O; the former denoting a lower proportion of O, the latter a higher amount. Ex.: SulphuroMS acid, H2SO3, contains less O than sulphuric acid, H2SO4. Many of the official inorganic acids are solutions of gases in water, the amount of gas in solution varying in the stronger acids; but the official class known as dilttted acids are intended to be uniform. Medical Properties. — Tonic and refrigerant in the dilute form; caustic and corrosive poisons when strong. Antidotes. — Large amounts of mild alkalies administered with some bland, fixed oil. (Soap, carbonate or bicarbonate of sodium, dissolved in water; after which, draughts of oil.) ACIDUM HYDRIODICUM DILUTUM, U. S.— Diluted Hy- driodic Acid. — A solution of Hydriodic Acid (HI = 126.9), containing not less than 10 per cent, of Hydriodic Acid. A clear colorless liquid, odorless, acid taste, strongly acid reaction. Sp. gr. 1.106. Dose, 0.3 to 0.6 Cc. (5 to 10 nj). ACIDUM HYDROCHLORICUM, U. S.— Hydrochloric Acid. Muriatic Acid. A liquid composed of 31.9 per cent., by weight, of absolute Hydrochloric Acid, [HCl = 36.18], and 68.1 per cent, of water. It should be kept in glass-stoppered bottles. A colorless, fuming liquid, with a sp. gr. 1.58 at 25° C, (77° F.); pungent odor; intensely acid taste. Preparation. — Principally as a by-product in the manufacture of soda- ash, by decomposing NaCl at a high temperature with HjSO^. The process has two ste|>s: — First Step. — Decomf>osition of half of the NaCl. 2NaCl + H,SO, - HCl + NaCl -f NaHSO,. Sodium Sulphunc Hydrochlo- Sodium Arid .Sodium Chioride. Acid. ric Acid. Chloride. Sulphate. Second Step. — Decomposition remaining NaCl at 220° C. (428° P.), or over. NaCl + NaHSO« - HCl + Na,SO«. Sodium Acid Sodium Hvdrochio- S«xlium Chloride. Sulphate. nc Acid. Sulphate. The yellow color in common hydrochloric acid is due to organic sub- stances, a trace of iron, nitrogen f>«-roxide, (;r free ( hlorine. ACIDUM HYDROCHLORICUM DILUTUM, U. S.— Diluted Hydrochloric Acid. .\ colorless liquid, containing 10 per cent, of 74 PHARMACY. absolute HCl, and prepared by diluting loo Gm. Hydrochloric Acid with 219 Gm. Distilled Water. Sp. gr. 1.049. ACIDUM HYDROBROMICUM DILUTUM, U. S.— Diluted Hydrobromic Acid. — A liquid composed of not less than 10 per cent., by weight, of absolute Hydrobromic Acid, [HBr = 80.36], and about 90 per cent, of water. It should be kept in amber-colored, glass-stop- pered bottles, protected from the light. A clear, colorless and odorless liquid. Sp. gr. i,o'j6; strongly acid taste. Preparation. — Two methods — first, distillation; second, double de- composition and precipitation. First Method (distillation). — Decompose potassium bromide with sul- phuric acid. This forms acid potassium sulphate (crystals) and hydro- bromic acid (Hquid). Separate the liquid HBr from the crystals and distill it in a retort nearly to dryness, then add q. s. distilled water to make the product contain 10 per cent, actual HBr. KBr 4- H2SO, = KHSO, -\- HBr. Potassium Sulphuric Acid Potassium Hydrobromic Bromide. Acid. Sulphate. Acid. Second Method (precipitation). — Add tartaric acid to a solution of potassium bromide (400 gr. acid to 340 gr. bromide in 4 fl. oz. water). Tartrate of potassium precipitates and HBr remains in solution. ACIDUM HYPOPHOSPHOROSUM, U. S.— Hypophosphorous Acid. — A liquid composed of 30 per cent., by weight, of absolute Hypo- phosphorous Acid, [PO . H2(OH) = 65.53], ^"^ 7° P^'" cent, of water. It should be kept in glass-stoppered bottles. A colorless liquid, without odor, and having an acid taste. Sp. gr., about 1.130 at 25° C. (77° F.). AGIDUM HYPOPHOSPHOROSUM DILUTUM, U. S.— Diluted Hypophosphorous Acid. — A liquid composed of 10 per cent, by weight of absolute Hypophosphorous Acid, [PO . H2(OH) = 65.53], ^^^ 9° per cent, of water. Sp. gr. about 1.042 at 25° C. (77° F.). ACIDUM NITRICUM, U. S.— Nitric Acid. HNO3. Aqua Fortis. — A colorless, fuming, liquid, very caustic and corrosive, and having a peculiar, somewhat suffocating odor, composed of 68 per cent., by weight, absolute Nitric Acid, [HNO3, or NO2 . OH = 62.57]. ^p. IX. 1.403 at 25° C. (77° F.), and 32 per cent, water, (HNO3 = 62.89). Preparation. — By acting on Chili Saltpetre (sodium nitrate) with H2SO4. If two molecules of NaNOj and one of H2SO4 be taken, the reaction will be as follows: — Decomposition of ist molecule NaNOg. NaNOa + H2SO4 = NaHS04 -f HNO3. Sodium Sulphuric Acid Sodium Nitric Nitrate. Acid. Sulphate. Acid. Then by raising the heat, the NaHSO^, acts upon the second molecule of NaNOa. Decomposition of 2d molecule NaNj. NaNOa + NaHSO^ = Na2S04 + HNO3. Sodium Acid Sodium Sodium Nitric Nitrate. Sulphate. Sulphate. Acid. SULPHURIC ACID. 75 There are several varieties of nitric acid in commerce. The official acid of 1.4 1 4 sp. gr. is termed 43° acid. The ordinary weaker commer- cial acid of 1.355 sp. gr. is called 38° acid. The reddish acid, known as nitrous acid, is nitric acid containing more or less nitrogen tetroxide (N,04). The same acid may be made by impregnating nitric acid with nitrogen dioxide (NjOj). The effect of red heat on nitric acid. — It evolves O, as follows: — 4HNO3+ Heat = (NjO«)2+ 0,+ (HjO)^. The Great Characteristic Property of Nitric Acid. — It oxidizes sulphur and phosphorus, giving rise to sulphuric and phosphoric acids, and it o.xidizes all the metals with but few exceptions. It is the great oxidizing agent. ACIDUM NITRICUM DILUTUM, U. S.— Dilute Nitric Acid.— Should contain 10 per cent., by weight, absolute Nitric Acid. Sp. gr. 1.054 at 25° C. (77° F.). Prepared by diluting 100 Gm. Nitric Acid with 580 Gm. Distilled Water. ACIDUM NITROHYDROCHLORICUM, U. S.— Nitrohydro- chloric Acid. Nitromuriatic Acid. Aqua Regia. — A golden-yellow, fuming, and very corrosive liquid, having a strong odor of CI, and con- taining nitrosyl chloride and free chlorine. It is made by mixing to- gether 180 Cc. nitric acid, 820 Cc. hydrochloric acid in a capacious open glass vessel, and, after effervescence ceases, preserving in a cool, dark place, in glass-stoppered bottles, half full. HNO, + 3HCI = NOCl + CI2 + 2H2O. Niuic Hy(irochloric Nitrosvl Chlorine. Water. Add. Acid. Chloride. Nitrohydrochloric acid should be kept in a cool, dark place, because it loses CI by heat, and its CI is converted into HCl by the action of light and the decomposition of its water. It is called Aqua Regia, because of its power of dissolving gold, the king of metals. It is indispensable, in keeping and disj>ensing it, that care should be taken not to confine it until all effervescence ceases, or explosion is likely to occur. And the same care should be exercised in dispensing it in mixtures. Average df>s<*, 0.2 Cc. (3 np). ACIDUM NITROHYDROCHLORICUM DILUTUM, U. S.— Diluted Nitrohydrochloric Acid. — A colorless, or pale yellowish liquid, having a faint odor of CI, with a very acid ta.ste, made by mixing 40 Cc. nitric acid with 180 Cc. hydrochloric acid, and after effervescence has entirely ceased, diluting with 780 Cc. distilled water to make 1000 Cc. These directions .should be literally obeyed, because, unless the acids are mixed while concentrated, NOCl and CI are not produced. Should be kept in dark-amber colored, glass-stoppered bottles, in a cool place. Average dose, i Cr. (15 irp). ACIDUM SULPHURICUM, U. S. Sulphuric Acid. Oil of Vit- riol.— \ colorless liquid, of an oily consistence, inodorous, and very caustic and corrosive. Sp. gr. not below 1.826 at 25" C. (77° F.). 76 PHARMACY. A liquid composed of not less than 92.5 per cent., by weight, of abso- lute Sulphuric Acid, [HjSO^ or S02(OH)2 = 97.35], and about 7.5 per cent, of water. It should be kept in glass-stoppered bottles. Sulphuric Acid is prepared by burning S or FeSj (iron pyrites) in the air, by which SOj is formed. These fumes are conducted into leaden chambers and allowed to mix with steam and nitrous fumes obtained from the decomposition of sodium nitrate. The SOj is oxidized into SO3 by the nitrous fumes containing nitrogen tetroxide (NgO^), which gives up part of its O for that purpose. SO3 then unites with the HgO (steam) present to form H2SO4. The H2SO4 condenses on the floor of the leaden chambers and is afterward drawn off and concentrated. The reactions are as follows: First two molecules of SOj react with one molecule of NgO^, thus : — 2SO2 + N2O4 = 2SO3 + N2O2. Sulphur Nitrogen Sulphur Nitrogen Dioxide. Tetroxide. Trioxide. Dioxide. Then N2O2 + 02= N2O4 Nitrogen Oxygen. Nitrogen Dioxide. Tetroxide, *Then SO3 + H2O = H2SO4 Sulphur Water. Sulphuric Trioxide. Acid. The nitrogen tetroxide thus acts as a carrier of atmospheric O, whereby the SO2 is changed into SO3. This latter compound unites with steam (H2O) to form H2SO4. ACIDUM SULPHURICUM AROMATICUM, U. S— Elixir of Vitriol. — An aromatic elixir of sulphuric acid, prepared by mixing together Sulphuric Acid 11 1 Cc; Tr. Ging. 50 Cc; Ol. Cinnam. i Cc; Alcohol to 1000 Cc. Should contain not less than 20 per cent., by weight, of absolute Sulphuric Acid, partly in the form of ethyl-sulphuric acid. Sp. gr., about 0.933 ^^ 25° C. (77° P.). ^Average dose, i Cc. (15 nR)- ACIDUM SULPHURICUM DILUTUM, U. S.— Diluted Sul- phuric Acid. — A colorless Uquid, containing 10 per cent., by weight, of absolute Sulphuric Acid, with sp. gr. 1.067 at 25° C. (77° P.), and prepared by diluting 100 Gm. Sulphuric Acid with 825 Gm. Distilled Water to make 925 Gm, Average dose, 2 Cc. (30 ttr). ACIDUM SULPHUROSUM, U. S.— Sulphurous Acid.— An aque- ous solution containing not less than 6 per cent., by weight, of sulphur dioxide, [SO2 = 63.59], and about 94 per cent, of water. A colorless liquid having the characteristic odor of burning sulphur and an acid, sulphurous taste, with sp. gr. 1.028, at 25° C. (77° P.), and strongly acid reaction. Average dose, 2 Cc. (30 nj). Preparation. — By pouring 60 Cc. H2SO4 on 20 Gm. coarsely powdered charcoal, in a flask connected with a wash-bottle, and a bottle partially filled with 1000 Cc. distilled water. Gentle heat is appUed, and the COMPOUND SOLUTION OF CHLORINE. 77 gas distilled over. A bottle containing a solution of NajCOj is pro- vided to absorb the excess of gas that bubbles up through the distilled water, and the latter is kept cool by placing ice around the bottle, as cold water will absorb more gas than warm water. Equation for the reaction that occurs : — 4HjS04 + C, = 4SO2 + 2CO2 + 4H2O Sulfuric Carbon Sulphur Carbon Water. Add. Dioxide. Dioxide. ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM, U. S— Phosphoric Acid— 5yrM/>v Phosphoric Acid. A liquid compound of 85 per cent., by weight, of absolute Orthophosphoric Acid, [H3PO4 or PO(OH3) = 97- 29], and 15 per cent, of water. It should be kept in glass-stoppered bottles. A colorless liquid of a syrupy consistence, without odor, and having a strongly acid taste, of sp. gr. 1.707. The process for making this acid was abandoned by the U. S. P. of 1890 on account of the danger usually attending the operation, and because it can be made more profitably on the large scale. A modi- fication of this process, safe to use, is as follows: Pour 12 fl. oz. dist. water mixed with 1 1 fl. oz. HNO3 into a 2-pint flask. Add 40 grains bromine and shake gently until dissolved. Now add 2 oz. P. and set aside so that nitrous vapors mav be carried off without injurv. ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM DILUTUM, U. S— Diluted Phos- phoric Acid. — A colorless liquid of sp. gr. 1.057 at 25° C. (77° F.), con- taining 10 per cent, absolute orthophosphoric acid, by weight, and prepared by diluting 100 Gm. of phosphoric acid with 750 Gm. distilled water to make 850 Gm. Average dose, 2 Cc. (30 nji). A precipitate sometimes occurs on mixing this acid with tincture of chloride of iron, generally due to the presence of pyrophosphoric acid. Pyrophosphate of iron is formed as an insoluble gelatinous precipitate. CHLORINE, BROMINE, AND IODINE. (THE HALOGENS.) CI: 3518. lir; 7036. I; 12590. The four Halogens (salt producers) arc Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, riunrine. The last is not used in Pharmacy. CHLORINE— CHLORINE. CI; 35.18. ' 'rnish-ycllow, gaseous body, having a very suffocating odor, and sp. pr. 2.45 Cwhcn liquefied, 1.38). LIQUOR CHLORI COMPOSITUS, U. S. Compound Solution of Chlorine. Chlorine Water. [To replace Acjua (Jhlori, Pharm. 1800]. .An aqueous Rolutir)n, containing, when freshly prepared, about 0.4 ]Kr cent, of Chlorine, [CI = 35- 18], with some oxides of chlorine and fKitassium chloride. Made by passing CI gas, generated by heating HCI with Pota.ssium Chlorate and water, into dbtilled water until a saturated solution is produced. 78 PHARMACY. CALX CHLORINATA, U. S.— Chlorinated Lime. Chlorinated Calcium Oxide. [Calx Chlorata, Pharm. 1890.] A compound result- ing from ti e action of chlorine upon calcium hydroxide, and containing not less than 30 per cent, of available chlorine. It is often improperly called "Chloride of Lime." A white, or grayish-white, granular pow- der, becoming moist and gradually decomposing on exposure to air, and having a repulsive, saUne taste. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. = 250 Mg. (4. gr.). Its chemical formula is probably CaOClj, yielding by decomposition with water, calcium hypochlorite and calcium chloride. It is used as a disinfectant and for bleaching purposes, and its usefulness depends on its chlorine, which being loosely combined, is, therefore, available. LIQUOR SOD^ CHLORINATiE, U. S.— Solution of Chlorinated Soda. Laharraque's Solution. — [Liquor Sodae Chlorata, Phami. 1890.] An aqueous solution of several chlorine compounds of sodium, contain- ing at least 2.4 per cent., by weight, of available chlorine. A clear, pale greenish liquid, having a faint odor of chlorine with a disagreeable alkaline taste, and an alkaline reaction, made by decomposing solution of chlorinated lime with monohydrated sodium carbonate. Equation expressing the reaction : — Ca(OCl)2 + CaCIj + 2Na,C03 = 2NaOCl -f aNaCl -f- 2CaC03. Chlorinated Lime. Scxnum Chlorinated Soda. Calcium Carbonate. Carbonate. Eau de Javelle (Javelle Water) is a French preparation made with K2CO3 instead of NajCOa- BROMUM, U. S.— BROMINE. Br; 79.36. A heavy, dark brownish-red, mobile liquid evolving, even at ordinary temperatures, reddish fumes highly irritating to the eyes and lungs; peculiarly suffocating odor, resembling that of chlorine. Prepared by decomposing crude magnesium bromide (bittern) with chlorine gas. Sp. gr., 2.990 to 3.000 at 15° C. (59° F.). Should contain not less than 97 per cent, of pure Bromine. MgBrj + 2CI = MgClz + 2Br. Magnesium Chlorine. Magnesium Bromine. Bromide. Chloride. lODUM, U. S.— IODINE. I = 125.90. Heavy, bluish-black, dry and friable, rhombic plates, of a metallic lustre, distinctive odor, sharp and acrid taste, formerly obtained ex- clusively from the ashes of seaweed (kelp), but now made from the mother-liquor obtained from the crystallization of sodium nitrate in South America, in which it occurs in the forms of sodium iodide and iodate. It should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Iodine. (The U. S. P. gives process for assay.) Average dose, 0.005 Gm. = 5 Mg. (tV gr-). Preparation. — The iodides are decomposed by CI, iodine being set free, whilst the iodine from the iodates is precipitated by acid sodium PRECIPITATED SULPHUR. 79 sulphite. Kelp contains iodine in the form of Nal. The solution from it is treated with HjSO^ and distilled with MnOj. The I condenses in glass receivers. 2NaI + 2H,S04 + MnO, = I, + MnSO, + Na^SO^ + zH.O. Sodium Sulphuric Manganese Iodine. Manganese Sodium Water. Iodide. Add. Dioxide. Sulphate. Sulphate. The U. S. P. preparations of Iodine: Titictura lodi, Liquor lodi Com- ffosUus, Unguentum lodi. SYRUPUS ACIDI HYDRIODICI, U. S.— Syrup of Hydriodic Acid. — A syrupy liquid, containing i per cent, of absolute Hydriodic Acid [HI ='i26.'9], having the sp. gr. of about 1.190 at 25° C. (77° F.), and made by mixing 100 Gm. of Diluted Hydriodic Acid with 300 Gm. of Water, and 600 Gm. of Syrup. Average dose, 4 Cc. (i fl. dr.). SULPHUR AND PHOSPHORUS. S; 31-83. P; 30.77. SULPHUR. S; 31.83. Sulphur occurs uncombined in Sicily and in other parts of the world, and is widely diffused in the form of sulphates and sulphides. Roll sulphur is prepared by fusing sulphur, permitting it to stand, to separate impurities, and then pouring into cylindrical moulds. Three forms of sulphur are official: sublimed, ivasfied, and precipitated sulphur. SULPHUR SUBLIMATUM, U. S.— Flowers of Sulphur.— Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Sulphur. A fine, yellow pow- der, having a slight characteristic odor, and a faintly-acid taste, made by conducting the vapor of sulphur into a cool chamber, where it con- denses in the form of crystalline powder. Average dose, 4 Gm. (60 gr.). U. S. Preparations: Sulphur Ijytum, Sulphur PrcPcipUatum. SULPHUR LOTUM,U. S.— Washed Sulphur. [S = 31.83.]— A fine yellow powder, without fxlor or taste, made by washing sublimed sulphur with water containing ammonia, to rid it of sulphuric acid and other impurities. Average dose, 4 Gm. (60 gr.). U. S. Preparations: Ptdvis GlycyrrhizcB Compositus, Unguentum Sulphuris. SULPHUR PRiECIPITATUM, U. S.— Precipitated Sulphur. [S =- 31.83.] — A fine amorphous powder, of a pale yellow color, without ♦xior or ta.ste, made by precipitating a s^)lution of calcium disulphide with hydrfx:hloric acid. Average dose, 4 Gm. (60 gr.). Calcium disulphide is prepared by boiling unslaked lime with sublimed sulphur, cooling, and filtering off the clear solution of calcium disulphide, which is then precipitated with HCl. Equations describing the reactions that fx;cur: — I St. The lime and sulphur react to form calcium disulphide and cal- cium ihiosulphite (hyposulphite). jCaO + 6S - aCaS, -I- CaS,0,. Calnum Sulphur. Caldum Calcfum Oxide. Disulphide. Thiosulphate. 80 PHARMACY. 2d. HCI is added, which precipitates the sulphur. 2CaS2 + CaSjOs + 6HCI = sCaClz + 6S + 3H2O. Calcium Calcium Hydrochloric Calcium Sulphur. Water. Bisulphide. Thiosulphate. Acid. Chloride. Should contain, when dried, not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure sulphur. SULPHURIS lODIDUM, U. S.— Sulphur Iodide.— Brittle masses of a crystalline fracture and a grayish-black, metallic lustre, having the odor of iodine and a somewhat acrid taste; made by heating 20 Gm. sulphur with 80 Gm. iodine. It is also known as suhiodide 0} sulphur, or iodine disulphide (?), S2T2. CARBONEI DISULPHIDUM, U. S.— Carbon Disulphide. [CS^ = 75.57.] — A clear, colorless, highly refractive liquid, very diffusive, having a strong, characteristic but not fetid odor, and sharp, aromatic taste. Sp. gr. 1.256 to 1.257 at 25°' C. (77° F.). Made by the direct com- bination of carbon and sulphur, at a moderate red heat. Preparation. — Charcoal is heated to redness, in a vertical cylinder provided with a lateral tubulure near the bottom, through which sulphur is admitted. The sulphur melts, volatilizes, and unites with the carbon, forming carbon bisulphide. This distills over and condenses in tubes, which collect it while allowing the H2S formed at the same time to escape. It is then purified by agitation with mercury, and distillation in contact with white wax. By repeated rectification it can be made odorless. Used principally as a solvent. Best solvent for rubber, etc. PHOSPHORUS. P; 30.77. PHOSPHORUS, U. S. PHOSPHORUS. [P = 30.77.]— It should contain not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure phosphorus. A translucent, nearly colorless solid, of a waxy lustre, having, at ordinary temperatures, about the consistence of beeswax. Average dose, 0.0005 Gm. = 0.5 Mg. (ik gr.)- . Phosphorus is prepared by deoxidizing phosphoric acid with carbon. This is accomplished by heating acid calcium phosphate, obtained by treating calcium phosphate with sulphuric acid, with charcoal. Ca3(PO,)2 + 2H2SO, = = CaH,(PO,)2 + 2CaS04. Calcium Sulphuric Acid Calcium Calcium Phosphate. Acid. Phosphate. Sulphate. The process is conducted in a retort. Carbon, at a high temperature, takes oxygen from the phosphoric acid, and becomes carbonic acid. Phosphorus and carbonic oxide distill over, and the former is condensed in water, while the latter escapes. Red Phosphorus (Amorphous Phosphorus). — A non-luminous, non- poisonous, red amorphous powder, consisting of phosphorus in one of its allotropic forms, prepared by allowing phosphorus to remain in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide for several days, at a temperature ranging from 215° to 250° C. (4i9°-482° F.). By heating it to 280° C. (536° F.) it is converted into ordinary phosphorus. Phosphorus forms with oxygen two oxides — phosphorus, P2O3, or CHARCOAL. 81 phosphorous trioxide, and piwsphork, PjOj, or phosphorous pentoxide. Corresponding to the last of these are three acids, known as orthophos- phoric (tribasic phosphoric), H3PO4, phosphoric, H4P2O7, and meta- phosphoric, HPO3. Ort ho phosphoric Acid is formed by dissolving P2O5 in boiling water. Pyro phosphoric A cid is formed by the heating of the tribasic phos- phoric acid to 213° C. (415.4° F.). Afela phosphoric Acid is formed by the ignition of the tribasic acid. or by dissolving PjOj in cold water. Phosphorous Acid, H3PO3, cannot be formed directly from phosphorous trioxide. This is a dibasic acid, containing one H atom not replaceable by metal. Hypopfiosphorous Acid, HjPOj, is not capable of being derived di- rectly from hypophosphorous oxide. It is monobasic, containing two hydrt)gen atoms not replaceable by metal. CARBON, BORON, AND SILICON. C; 1 1.9 1. B; 10.9. Si; 28.2. CARBON. C; 11.91. Carbon is a constituent of all organic substances, and found in nature in the forms of coal, plumbago, diamond, etc. The two oxides of carbon and their corresponding acids are, carbon dioxide, CO,, and carbonic acid, HjCOjCCO, -|- HjO = H,CO,), carbon monoxide, CO, which is of little interest in pharmacy. Carbon Dioxide, CO,. — A colorless, odorless gas, with slightly acid taste, heavier than the air, incombustible and a non-supporter of com- bu.stion. Water absorbs its own volume of it at ordinary temperature and pressure, and many times its volume under cold and pressure. A qua A cidi Carbonici or " Soda Water." A solution of Carbon dioxide in water made under pressce, and dispensed under the well-known name, "Soda Water." It was formerly official. CARBO ANIMALIS, U. S.— Animal Charcoal. B(yne Black, or Ivory Black. — Charcoal prepared from lx)nc. Dull black, granular fragments, or a dull-black powder, odorless and nearly tasteless. Preparation. — Bones consist of calcium phosphate and carbonate with animal matter. In the destructive distillation, which is conducted in iron cylinders without access of air, the N and H of the animal matter unite to form NH,, which distills over, leaving most of the C behind wnth the calcium .salts. Bone Spirit and Bone Oil. — The ammoniacal liquor and dark tarry liquid that distill over arc known as bone spirit and bone oil, respectively. CARBO ANIMALIS PURIFICATUS, U. S.— Purified Animal Charcoal. -Animal charcoal purified from calcium .salts by HCl. CARBO LIGNI, U. S.— Charcoal.— Prepared by burning wood out of contar t with the air, whereby its vf)latilc portions, hydrogen, oxygen, water, etc., are dissipated, carbon, mixed with mineral salts, being left. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). 7 82 PHARMACY. BORON. B; 10.9. Boron exists in three allotropic forms, amorphous, crystalline, and graphitoidal (same as carbon V The result of its combination with O and H is Boric (Boracic) Acid, H3BO3. ACIDUM BORICUM, U. S.— Boric Acid. Boracic Acid. H3BO3 = 61.54. — Is obtained in the lagoons in Tuscany; in California lakes, etc., in the forms of boric acid and borate of sodium (borax). Boric acid is made by decomposing borax with HCl : — NazB.O^ . 10H2O + 2HCI = 2NaCl + 4H3BO3 + 5H2O. Sodium Borate. Hydrochloric Sodium Boric Water. Acid. Chloride. Acid. It should contain not less than 99.8 per cent, of pure Boric Acid, [B(OH)3]. Acidum Boricum occurs in the form of transparent, colorless scales, of a somewhat pearly lustre, or six-sided, tricHnic crystals, or a light, white, very fine powder; slightly unctuous to the touch; odorless, having a faintly bitter taste, and permanent in the air. Soluble in 18 parts of water, 15.3 parts of alcohol, and 4.6 parts of glycerin at 25° C. (77° F.); in 3 parts of boiling water and 4.3 parts of boiling alcohol. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. = 500 Mg. (7^ gr.). Official Preparation. — Unguentum Acidi Borici. LIQUOR ANTISEPTICUS. Antiseptic Solution. See Liquores, Part I. SILICON. Si; 28.2. Silicon exists in three allotropic forms, amorphous, crystalline, and graphitoidal. It is found in combination with Al, Mg, and Ca, in pumice, meer- schaum, asbestos, talcum, soapstone, etc., and as an anhydride (siUca) in sand, flint, quartz, etc. KAOLINUM, U. S. Kaolin. A native aluminium silicate, con- sisting chiefly of the pure silicate, [HjAljSijOg + HjO = 257.12], pow- dered and freed from gritty particles by elutriation. Sometimes called China Clay, or Porcelain Clay. Used for making Cataplasma Kaolini (see under Cataplasms, Part II). TALCUM, U. S. Talc. A native, hydrous magnesium silicate, also called French chalk or Soapstone. TALCUM PURIFICATUM, U. S. Purified Talc. Talc, in fine powder, 500 Gm.; HCl, 500 Cc; Water, q. s. Wash with portions of HCl and Water, then with water, repeatedly, until a portion of the wash water (filtered and acidified with HNO3) fails to become opalescent upon the addition of Silver Nit. Sol. Transfer magma to strainer, drain, dry at 110° C. (230° F.). Used for making medicated waters. POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE. 83 POTASSIUM, SODIUM, LITHIUM, AND AMMONIUM. K; 38.86. Xa; ^2.88. Li; 6.98. NH4; 17.93- Alkaline Metals and their Cfiaracteristics. — The alkaline metals are Potassium, Sodium, and Lithium. They are characterized, i, by their silvery-white appearance; 2, softness; 3, powerful affinity for oxygen; 4, lightness, being lighter than water, on which they float and take fire spontaneously, owing to their power of decomposing that fluid. They are all univalent. The metals may be obtained by exposing their carbonates, mixed with charcoal, to an intense heat, carbon monoxide being liberated, and the vaporized metals condensed in appropriate receivers. Ammonium is a compound radical, consisting of NH4, but, owing to its many analogies with the alkali metals, classed with them. Characteristics of Alkalies. — i. They combine with acids to form salts. 2. They restore the color of reddened litmus, turn vegetable blues to green, and yellow to brown. 3. Their taste is characteristic and, if concentrated, caustic. POTASSIUM. K; 38.86. Sources of Potassium Salts. — Formerly, wood ashes; now, the prin- cipal source is an impure chloride from the Stassfurt mines, in Germany. Lye, Potash, and Pearlash. — When wood is burned to ashes, the salts of potassium contained therein are converted into carbonates. Wood ashes are placed in a conical wooden vessel, termed a leach, and water allowed to percolate through, which becomes impregnated with the potas- sium carbonate contained in the ashes, and the solution is called lye. By evaporating lye to dryness in an iron pot, a solid remains, consisting principally of impure carbonate, which is called potash. Potash, cal- cined on the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, loses its water and be- comes white. It is then known as pearlash, and is an impure carbonate of pota.ssium. POTASSII HYDROXIDUM, U. S. Potassium Hydroxide. KOH = 55.74. [Potas.sa, Pharm. 1890.] Potassium Hydrate, Potas- sium Hydroxide, Caustic Potash. Should contain not less than 85 per cent, of pure anhydrous Potassium Hydroxide, and not more than 2 per cent, of other inorganic substances, with the excefition of water. Dry, white flakes, fu.sed ma.s.ses, or in pcn( ils, hard and brittle, showing a crystalline fracture; odorless or having a faint odor of lye; very acrid and caustic taste; strongly alkaline reaction. Great caution is necessary in ta.sting and handling it, as it rapidly destroys organic tis.sucs. Ex|x)scd to the air, it readily absorbs carbc^n dioxide and moisture, anfl deliquesces. Prepared from wood ashes by lixiviating, evaporating, purifying, rcdis- solving, treating with lime, evaporating, fusing, and ca.sting into moulds. K,CO, 4- Ca(OH), - 2KHO + CaCOj. PoUMJum Calcium Potassium Calcium Carbonate. Hydroxide. Hydroxide. Carbonate. 84 PHARMACY. LIQUOR POTASSII HYDROXIDI, U. S. Solution of Potas- sium Hydroxide. [Liquor Potassae, Pharm. 1890.] An aqueous solution, containing about 5 per cent, of Potassium Hydroxide, [KOH = 55.74]. A clear, colorless liquid, odorless, having a very acrid and caustic taste, and strongly alkaline reaction. Made by dissolving 60 Gm. of Po- tassium Hydroxide in 940 Gm. Distilled Water. Average dose, i Cc. (15 nR)- POTASSII ACETAS, U. S.— Potassium Acetate. KC 2H3O2; 97.44. — It should contain, when thoroughly dried, not less than 98 per cent, of pure Potassium Acetate, [CH3COOK]. A white powder, or in crys- talline masses of a satin-like lustre, odorless, and having a warming, saHne taste. Very deliquescent on exposure to the air. Average dose, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). Made by decomposing potassium bicarbonate with acetic acid, filtering and evaporating, carefully avoiding contact with iron. KHCO3 + HC2H3O2 = KC2H3O2 -\- CO2 -I- H^a Potassium Acetic Acid. Potassium Carbon Water. Bicarbonate. Acetate. Dioxide. POTASSII BICARBONAS, U. S.— Potassium Bicarbonate. KHCO3; 99.41. — Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Potassium Bicarbonate, [CO(OH)(OK)]. Colorless, transparent, mono- clinic prisms, or a colorless, odorless, granular powder; saline and slightly alkaline taste; permanent in the air. Average dose, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). Made by passing carbon dioxide into a solution of carbonate, evaporating, and crystallizing, K2CO, -f CO, -f- H2O = 2KHCO3. Potassium Carbon Water. Potassium Carbonate. Dioxide. Bicarbonate. POTASSII BITARTRAS, U. S.— Potassium Bitartrate. KHC4- H4O8 = 186.78. Cream oj Tartar. It should not contain less than 99 per cent, of pure Potassium Bitartrate, [C2H2(OH)2(COOH){COOK)]. Colorless or slightly opaque, rhombic crystals, or a white, somewhat gritty powder; odorless; pleasant, acidulous taste; permanent in the air. Ma,de by purifying argnl, the sediment deposited in wine casks during fermentation. Average dose, diuretic, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). POTASSII BROMIDUM, U. S.— Potassium Bromide. KBr; 118.22. — Should contain not less than 97 per cent, of pure Potassium Bromide. Colorless or white cubical cr\'stals, or a granular powder; odorless, and having a strongly saline taste. Permanent in the air. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Made by treating solution of potassa with bromine and charcoal. The rationale of the process is as follows: Bromine added to solution potassa forms bromide and hromate. The solution is evaporated to dryness, and heated with charcoal, which deoxidizes the bromate, CO escaping. 2KBr03 + 3C2 = 2KBr -\- 6CO Potassium Carbon. Potassium Carbon Bromate. Bromide. Monoxide. POTASSII CARBONAS, U. S.— Potassium Carbonate. KjCO,; 137.27. Sal Tartar. — Should contain, when thoroughly dried, not less SOLUTIOX OF POTASSIUM CITRATE. 85 than 98 per cent, of pure Potassium Carbonate, [CO(OK)2]. A white, granular powder; odorless; strongly alkaline taste; very deliquescent. ^Iade by purifying pearlash, by dissolving it in cold water, filtering, evaporating, and granulating. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). POTASSII CHLORAS, U. S.— Potassium Chlorate. KCIO,; 121.68. — Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Potassium Chlorate, [ClOj . OK]. Great caution should be observed in handling it, as dangerous explosions are liable to occur when it is heated or sub- jected to concussion or trituration with organic substances (cork, tannic acid, sugar, etc.), or with sulphur, antimony sulphide, phosphorus, or other easily o.xidizable substances. Colorless, lustrous, monoclinic prisms or plates, or a white, granular powder; odorless; cooling, characteristic taste; permanent in the air. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Made by reacting on potassium chloride with calcium hypochlorite. The rationale of the process is as follows: When solution of calcium hypochlorite is boiled, it is decomposed into calcium chlorate and chloride; and when calcium chlorate is heated with potassium chloride, double decomposition forms potassium chlorate and calcium chloride. ist. 3Ca(OCl), + boiling = 2CaCl2 -f CaCOjCl),. Caldum Calcium Calcium Hypochlorite. Chloride. Chlorate. 2d. Ca(0,Cl), + 2KCI = 2KC10s + CaClz. Caldum Potassium Potassium Calcium Chlorate. Chloride. Chlorate. Chloride. Official Preparation. — Trochisci Potassii Chloratis. POTASSII CITRAS,U. S.— Potassium Citrate. KaCHgO^H- H^O; 322.08. Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Potassium Citrate, [CjH^fOH) (COOK), + H2O]. Transparent, prismatic crys- tals, or a white, granular powder; odorless; cooling, saline taste; de- liquescent on exposure to air. Average dose, i Gm, (15 gr.). Made by decomposing potassium bicarbonate with citric acid, filtering, evapor- ating, and granulating. 3KHC0, + H,C„H,0, = =- K3CeH,0, + ^H^O + 3CO2. Water. Carbon PoUMium Citric Add. Potassium Bicarlx>nate. Citrute. Dioxide. POTASSII CITRAS EFFERVESCENS, U. S. -Effervescent Potassium Citrate. — Potassium Citrate, 200 Gm,; Sodium Bicarb., 477 Gm.; Tartaric Acid, 252 Gm.; Citric Acid, 162 Gm. Dry the KgCgHjO;, powder, mix with the Citric and Tartaric Acid, then thoroughly incor- porate the Sodium Bicarb. Dry between 93° and 104° C. (199.4° and 219.2° P.); when moi.st, granulate, then dry at 54° C. (129,2° F.), Average dose, 4 Gm. (60 gr.), LIQUOR POTASSII CITRATIS,U.S.~ Solution of Potassium Citrate. — \t\ aqueous liquid containing in .sf)lution not less than 8 [>cr cent, of anhydrous Potassium Citrate, [C,H<(OH)(COOK)j = 304. 2J with small amounts of citric and carbonic acids. Made by mixing to gether Potass. Bicarb. 8 Gm., Citric Acid 6 Gm., Distilled Water suffi- cient quantity to make 100 Cc. Average dose, 16 Cc. (4 fl. dr.). 86 PHARMACY, Neutral Mixture. — A more agreeable preparation made by nearly saturating lemon juice with Potass. Bicarb. Official in U. S. P. of 1880 under name Mistura Potassii Citratis. POTASSII CYANIDUM, U. S.— Potassium Cyanide. KCN; 64.70. Should contain not less than 95 per cent, of pure Potassium Cyanide. White, opaque, amorphous pieces, or a white, granular pow- der; odorless when perfectly dry ; deliquescent in the air and exhaling the odor of hydrocyanic acid. Great caution should be used in tasting and handling this salt. Average dose, o.oio Gm. (i gr.). Made by fusing potassium ferrocyanide with potassium carbonate, separating the insol- uble precipitate of metallic iron, and pouring the fused mass on a slab. K,Fe(CN)6 + K2CO3 = 5KCN + KOCN + CO, + Fe. Potassium Potassium Potassium Potassium Carbon Iron. Ferrocyanide. Carbonate. Cyanide. Cyanate. Dioxide. POTASSII DICHROMAS, U. S.— Potassium Dichromate. K2Cr207 = 292.28. [Potassii Bichromas, Pharm. 1890.] Should con- tain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Potassium Dichromate, [CrjOj- (OK)2]. Large, orange-red, transparent, triclinic prisms, or four-sided tabular crystals; odorless; acidulous, metallic taste; permanent in the air. Average dose, o.oio Gm. (i gr.). Made by treating potassium chroTnate, prepared from chrome iron ore, with sulphuric acid, evap- orating, and crystallizing. The ore is heated with potassium carbonate and chalk in contact with air, and the following reaction takes place: — Then- 2(FeOCr203) Chrome Iron Ore. -f- 4K2CO3 Potassium Carbonate. + 70 Oxygen. =" 4(K2CrO,) Potassium Chromate. + Fe203 - Ferric Oxide. f 4CO2; Carbon Dioxide. 2(K2CrO,) + H2SO, = K2Cr20, + K2SO4 + HjO. POTASSII ET SODII TARTRAS, U. S.— Potassium and Sodium Tartrate. Rochelle Salt. KNaQH^Og + 4H2O ; 280.18.— Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of Pure Potassium and Sodium Tartrate, [C2H2(OH)2(COOK)(COONa) + 4H2O]. Colorless, trans- parent, rhombic prisms or a white powder; odorless, cooling, saline taste. The crystals slightly effloresce in dry air. Average dose, 8 Gm. (120 gr.). Made by treating solution of potassium bitartrate with sodium carbonate. 2KHC4H,06 + NajCOj = 2KNaC,H,06 + H2O + CO2. Potassium Sodium Potas.sium and So- Water. Carbon Bitartrate. Carbonate. dium Tartrate. Dioxide. POTASSII FERROCYANIDUM, U. S.— Potassium Ferrocya- nide. K4Fe(CN)6 + 3H2O; 419.62. Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Potassium Ferrocyanide. Large, soft, transparent, yellow, four-sided, monoclinic tabular crystals or prisms; odorless, and having a mild, saline taste. Slightly efflorescent on exposure to the POTASSIUM NITRATE. 87 air. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7^ gr.). Made by treating nitrogenized substances (refuse animal matter) with crude pearlash, by which impure potassium cyanide is formed, lixiviating, and treating with freshly precipitated ferrous carbonate, which produces ferrocyanide of potassium, by the following reaction: — 6KCN + FeCOa = = K,Fe(CN)« + K2CO3. Potassium Ferrous Potassium Potassium Cyanide. Carbonate. Ferrocyanide. Carbonate. POTASSII HYPOPHOSPHIS, U. S.— Potassium Hypophosphite. KFHjOj = 103.39. — Should contain not less than 98 per cent, of pure Potassium Hypophosphite, [PO . HjOK]. Caution: Explo.sion liable to occur when triturated or heated with nitrates, chlorates, or other oxidiz- ing agents. White, opaque, hexagonal plates, or crystalline masses, or agranular powder; odorless; pungent, saline taste; very deHquescent. Average dose 0.500 Gm. (7^ gr.). Made by precipitating calcium hy- pophosphite with pota.ssium carbonate, filtering, evaporating, and gran- ulating, keeping it below 100° C. (212° F.) during the operation for fear of explosion. Ca2HjP02 + K2CO3 = 2KH2PO2 + CaCOj. Calcium Potassium Potassium Calcium Hypophosphite. Carbonate. Hypophosphite. Carbonate. POTASSII lODIDUM, U. S.— Potassium Iodide. KI; 164.76.— Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Potassium Iodide. Colorless, transparent, translucent, or opaque white cubical crystals, or a white, granular powder, having a peculiar, faint, iodine-like odor, pun- gent, saline, afterward bitter taste. Permanent in dry air, but slightly delicjuescent in moi.st air. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7^ gr.). Made by treating .solution of p<^)tassa with iodine, evaporating to dryness and heat- ing with charcoal. The result is, the formation of two salts, Iodide and lodate of Pota.s.sium : — 6KOH + (1,^3 ^ 5KI -f- KIO3 -f 3H2O. Potassium Iodine. Potassium Potassium vVater. Hydroxide. Iodide. lodate. By evaporating to dryness, the mixed salts are obtained, and by ex- posing to heat with charcoal, the itnlate is deoxidized to iodide. Official Preparation. — Unguentum Potassii lodidi, POTASSII NITRAS, U. S.— Potassium Nitrate (Nitre). KNO,; 100.43. — Should contain not less than 99 per ( ent. of pure Pota.ssium Nitrate [NOjOK]. Colorles.s, transparent, six-sided, rhombic prisms, or a white, crystalline powder; odorless, ccx)ling, i)ungcnt ta.ste. SHghtly hygTfwcopic in moist air. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7 J gr.). Usually a natural prcxluct; prmluced artificially, however, m what are known as ni4re beds, consi.sting of earth, wood-ashes, animal and vegetable refu.se. Ammonia is pnxluced by decomposition, is oxidized and nitric acid formed, which unites with the potas.sa in the ashes, and jxitassium nitrate results. This is separated by lixiviation, filtration, eva|K>ration, and crystallization. It is commonly called Nitre or Salt- petre. 88 PHARMACY. POTASSII PERMANGANAS, U. S.— Potassium Permanganate. KMnO^ = 156.98. — Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Potassium Permanganate, [MnOa . OK]. When in concentrated solu- tion or in the dry condition, should not be brought in contact with organic or other readily oxidizable substances. Slender, monoclinic prisms, of a dark purple color, almost opaque by transmitted light, and of a blue, metallic lustre by reflected light; odorless, and having a taste at first sweet, but afterward disagreeable and astringent. Average dose, 0.065 Gm. (i gr.). Made by boiling a solution of potassium manganate with water. 3K2Mn04 + 3H2O = = KjMnjOg + MnOjH, + 4KOH. Potassium Water. Potassium Manga- Potassium Manganate. Permanganate. nese Peroxide. Hydroxide. The acid is used to neutralize the potassium hydrate liberated by the reaction, for in the presence of an excess of potassa, the permanganate otherwise remains in the condition of manganate. POTASSII SULPHAS, U. S.— Potassium Sulphate. K2SO,; 173.07. — Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Potassium Sulphate, [S02(OK)2]. Hard, colorless, transparent, six-sided, rhombic prisms, terminated by pyramids, or a white powder; odorless and having" a somewhat bitter, saline taste; permanent in the air. Average dose, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). Made by purifying the residue from nitric acid manufacture, also from other sources, as Kainile, the mineral found in the Stassfurt salt-beds, which is a double sulphate of potassium and magnesium. It may be made directly at any time, by decomposing potassium nitrate with sulphuric acid. 2KNO3 + H2SO, = K2SO, + 2HNO3. Potassium Sulphuric Potassium Nitric Nitrate. Acid. Sulphate. Acid. SODIUM. Na; 23. The Salts of Sodium are generally more frequently used than those of Potassium, because they are relatively cheaper and often more soluble. SODII HYDROXIDUM, U. S. Sodium Hydroxide. [Soda, Pharm. 1890. Caustic Soda. Sodium Hydrate.] It should contain not less than 90 per cent, of pure anhydrous Sodium Hydroxide, and not more than 2 per cent, of other inorganic substances, with the ex- ception of water. May be prepared by oxidizing the metal by water, and evaporating. LIQUOR SODII HYDROXIDI. Solution of Sodium Hydroxide. [Liquor Sodae, Pharm. 1890.] An aqueous solution, containing about 5 per cent, of Sodium Hydroxide, [NaOH = 39.76]. A clear, colorless liquid; odorless; very acrid and caustic taste; strongly alkaline reaction. Made by dissolving 56 Gm. of Sodium Hydroxide in 944 Gm. of Dis- tilled Water. Prepared in similar manner to Liq. Potass. Hydrox. Average dose, i Cc. (15 vji). SODIUM BICARBONATE. 89 SODn ACETAS, U. S.— Sodium Acetate. NaCjHjOa -f 3H2O = 135.10. — Large, colorless, transparent, monoclinic prisms or a granular crystalline powder; efflorescent in warm dry air; odorless; saline, bitter taste; nei'tral or faintly alkaline reaction. Should contain in an un- eflaoresced condition not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Sodium Acetate, [CHj . COONa -I- 3H,0]. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Made by decomposing sodium carbonate with acetic acid. 2HC^,0, + Na,CO, = Sodium = 2NaC^,02 + HjO + COj. Acetic Acid. Sodium Acetate. Water. Carbon Carbonate. Dioxide. SODn ARSENAS, U. S.— Sodium Arsenate. NajHAsO^ + 7H,0 = 309.84. — Should contain in an uneffloresced condition not less than 98 per cent, of pure Di-sodium-ortho-arsenate, [AsO(OH)(ONa)2 -f yHjO]. Colorless, transparent, monoclinic prisms, odorless, and having a mild, alkaline taste; caution should be used in tasting this salt, as it is very poisonous. Efflorescent in dry air, and somewhat deliquescent in mobt air. Average dose, 0.005 ^"^' (tV g^.). Made by heating together arsenious acid, sodium nitrate, and sodium carbonate. The rationale of this process is, that when these three salts are fused together, sodium pyroarsenate is formed, while nitrous anhydride and carbon dio.xide escape as gases. AsjO, -I- 2NaNOj -f NajCOj = Na.AsjO^ + N2O3 + COj. Arsenic Sodium Sodium Sodium Nitrous Carbon Trioxidc. Nitrate. Carbonate. Pyroarsenate. Anhydride. Dioxide. The sodium pyroarsenate is then converted into orthoarsenate by dis- solving the former in water, filtering and crystallizing. The ortho- arsenate is the official salt. Na^ASjO, + 15H2O = aCNajHAsO^, 7H2O). Sodium Water. Sodium Orthoarsenate. Pyroarsenate. SODII ARSENAS EXSICCATUS, U. S.— Exsiccated Sodium Arsenate. NajH.AsO^ = 184.68. — Should contain not less than 98 per cent, of pure anhydrous Di-soIaiCyU,0, -f CO, + H2O. Ben7>^c Acid. Sodium Sodium Carbon Water. Carbrmate. Bt-nzoatc. l)ioxide. SODII BICARBONAS, U. S.— Sodium Bicarbonate. NaHCO, - 83.43. — Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Sodium Bicar- 90 PHARMACY. bonate, [CO(OH)(ON'a)]. A white, opaque powder, permanent in dry air, but slowly decomposed in moist air, odorless, cooling, mildly alkaline taste. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Made by washing commercial sodium bicarbonate with distilled water. Official Preparation.— Trochisci Sodii Bicarbonatis. Sodium bicarbonate is largely prepared by the ammonia-soda or Sol- vay's process. Solvay's Process. — Carbon dioxide is passed into a solution of com- mon salt in ammonia water, which results in a double decomposition. Sodium bicarbonate is precipitated and ammonium chloride remains in solution. NaCl + NH3 + CO2 + H2O = HNaCOa + NH.Cl. Sodium Ammonia Carbon Water. Sodium Ammonium Chloride. Dioxide. Bicarbonate. Chloride. SODII BISULPHIS, U. S.— Sodium Bisulphite. NaHSO, = 103.35. — Should contain not less than 90 per cent, of pure Sodium Bisulphite. Opaque, prismatic crystals, or a granular powder, e.xhaling an odor of sulphur dioxide, and having a disagreeable, sulphurous taste. Exposed to the air, the salt loses sulphur dioxide, and is gradually oxi- dized to sulphate. Average dose, 0.500 Gm.(7J gr.). Made by saturat- ing a solution of sodium carbonate with sulphurous acid. NajCOj + 2H2SO3 = = 2NaHS03 + CO2 + H2O. Sodium Sulphurous Sodium Carbon Water. Carbonate. Acid. Bisulphite. Dioxide. SODII BORAS, U. S.— Sodium Borate. Na2B^07 + loHjO = 379.32. {Borax.) — Should contain in an unefBoresced condition not less than 99 per cent, of pure Sodium tetraborate. Colorless, trans- parent, monoclinic prisms, or a white powder; odorless; sweetish alka- line taste; slightly efflorescent in dry air. Made by purifying the neutral salts, found in immense quantities in California, as a crystalline deposit in the blue mud of an offset of Clear Lake. It is sometimes, also, called biborate of sodium, and is found native in Thibet, Persia, etc. Another name given it is Tincal. Tuscany is also a source "of borax, where it occurs, principally, as crude boric acid. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7^ gr.). SODII BROMIDUM, U. S.— Sodium Bromide. NaBr; 102.24.— Should contain, when dried, not less than 97 per cent, of pure Sodium Bromide. Colorless, or white, cubical crystals, or a white granular powder; odorless; saline, slightly bitter, taste. The salt absorbs water from the air without deliquescing. Made by treating ferrous bromide with sodium carbonate. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). The ferrous bromide is made by acting on iron wire with bromine, in the presence of water, and, after filtering, adding NajCOa. FeBrj -f NaaCO, = 2NaBr + FeCOg. SODII CARBONAS MONOHYDRATUS, U. S.— Monohydrated Sodium Carbonate. Na2C03 + HjO = 123.19. — Should contain not less than 85 per cent, of pure anhydrous Sodium Carbonate, [CO(ONa)2], corresponding to not less than 99.5 per cent, of the crystallized monohy- drated salt. A white, crystalline, granular powder, odorless, and having SODIUM CHLORATE. 91 a Strongly alkaline taste. When exposed to the air, under ordinary conditions, it absorbs only a slight percentage of moisture; exposed to warm, dr>' air at or above 50° C. (122° F.) the salt effloresces, and at 100° C. (212° F.) it loses its water of crystallization (1452 per cent.). Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Leblan'c's Process. — Common salt is converted into sodium carbon- ate, in this process, by two steps. First Step. — Salt is converted into sodium sulphate by sulphuric acid. 2NaCl + HjSO, = NajSO^ + 2HCI. Sodium Sulphuric Sodium Hydrochloric Chloride. Acid. Sulphate. Acid. Second Step. — The sodium sulphate, or salt cake, is decomposed by calcium carbonate and charcoal, at a high temperature, so as to yield sodium carbonate. NajSO^ + CaCOj + C4 = NajCOj + CaS + 4CO. Sodium Calcium Carbon. Sodium Calcium Carbon Sulfate. Carbonate. Carbonate. Sulphide. Monoxide. The sulphate, first dried, is mi.xed with its own weight of limestone and half its weight of coal, and fused into a black mass. Sodium sul- phate is converted by the coal into sodium sulphide, which reacts with the limestone (calcium carbonate), so as to form calcium sulphide and sodium carbonate. The black mass is now digested in warm water, which takes up the alkali and leaves the insoluble impurities, called soda waste, which is afterward used in the manufacture of sodium hypo- sulphite. By evaporating to dryness, a mass is obtained, which is cal- cined with sawdust, which converts the alkali — owing to the carbonic acid resulting from its combustion — fully into carbonate. Redissolving in water, and evaporating to dryness, gives the commercial salt. Soda- ash contains about 50 f)er cent, of sodium carbonate. Cryolite Process. — Largely used in the United States. Cryolite, which consists, mainly, of a double fluoride of aluminium and sodium (.\1,F, . 6NaF), is heated with chalk. Calcium fluoride is formed, while the sodium and aluminium combine to form sodium aluminate, which is dissolved out by lixiviation. The sodium aluminate is converted into carbonate by passing carbon dioxide, under pressure, through the sf>lution. The alumina separates from the soda, becomes insoluble, and is deposited. (ALF,.6NaF) -f 6CaCO, = Al,0,.3Na,0 -f 6CaF, 4- 6CO,. Cryolite. Caldum Sodium Aluminate. Calcium Carbon Carbonate. Fluoride. Dioxide. SODII CHLORAS, U. S.— Sodium Chlorate. NaClO, - 105.70.— Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Sodium Chlorate, (CIO, . ONa]. Caution : exf)losive when heated or triturated with organic sul)stances or oxidizable substances. Colorless, transparent crystals (principally cubes with tetrahedral facets), or a crystalline powder, per- manent in dry air; odorless; cooling, saline taste. Average dcjse, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Made by double decomposition between sodium bitartrate and potassium chlorate. (Wittstein's process.) 92 PHARMACY. The details of the process are as follows : — First, acid sodium tartrate is prepared by decomposing sodium car- bonate with tartaric acid. NajCO., + 2H2C4H,06 = 2NaHC4H406 + CO2 + HjO. Sodium Tartaric Acid Sodium Carbon Water. Carbonate. Acid. Tartrate. Dioxide. Then the acid sodium tartrate is added to the potassium chlorate: — NaHC4H,06 -f KCIO3 = NaClOa + KHQH.Oe- Acid Sodium Potassium Sodium Acid Potassium Tartrate. Chlorate. Chlorate. Tartrate. SODII CHLORIDUM, U. S.— Sodium Chloride. NaCl; 58.06.— {Coftimon Salt.) — Should contain, when dried, not less than 99 per cent, of pure Sodium Chloride. Colorless, transparent, cubical crystals or a white crystalline powder, permanent in dry air; odorless; purely saline taste. Obtained by evaporating sea water, and the salt from salt wells, springs, etc. Average dose, emetic, 16 Gm. (240 gr.). SODII CITRAS, U. S. Sodium Citrate.— 2Na3C6H507 + i iHjO = 709.20. — Should contain not less than 97 per cent, of pure Sodium Citrate, [2C3H,(OH)(COONa)3 + iiHjO]. A white, granular powder, odorless, and having a cooling, saline taste. It slowly effloresces on exposure to dry air. Prepared by adding sodium carbonate to a solu- tion of citric acid until effervescence ceases, evaporating and granulating the product. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). SODII HYPOPHOSPHIS, U. S.— Sodium Hypophosphate. NaPHjOj 4- HgO; 105.29. — Should contain not less than 98 per cent, of pure Sodium Hypophosphite, [PO . HjONa -|- HgO]. Caution : ex- plosive when heated or triturated with oxidizing agents. Small, colorless, transparent, rectangular plates, of a pearly lustre, or a white, granular powder; odorless; bitterish-sweetish, saline taste; very deliquescent on exposure to the air. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Made by double decomposition between calcium hypophosphite and sodium carbonate. Ca2H2P02 + Na2C03 = 2Na2HP02 + CaCOa. Calcium Sodium Sodium Calcium Hypophosphite. Carbonate. Hypophosphite. Carbonate. Sometimes this salt explodes with violence during evaporation; this was supposed to be due to the employment of too much heat, but it occurs at the heat of a water-bath. Evaporation should, therefore, be performed below 100° C. (212° F.). 5NaH2P02 = Na4P207 + NaPOj + 2PH3 -f- 2H2. Sodium Sodium Sodium Phosphoretted Hydrogen. Hypophosphite. Pyrophosphate. Metaphosphate. Hydrogen. Hydrogen and phosphoretted hydrogen are evolved, the latter being spontaneously inflammable. Hypophosphorous acid is the acid present in this salt. SODII lODIDUM, U. S.— Sodium Iodide. NaT; 148.78.— Should contain not less than 98 per cent, of pure Sodium Iodide. Colorless, SODIUM PHOSPHATE. 93 cubical ci^-stals, or a white crystalline powder; odorless; saline and slightly bitter taste; in moist air it deliquesces and frequently undergoes decomposition, the salt assuming a brown tint. Average dose, 0.500 Gm, (7J gr.). Made by treating ferrous iodide with sodium carbonate. Fel, + NajCOj = aNal + FeCOj. Ferrous Sodium Sodium Ferrous Iodide. Carbonate. Iodide. Carbonate. SODII NITRAS, U. S.— Sodium Nitrate. NaNO, = 84.45. (Cubic Nitre. Chili Saltpetre.) — Should contain not less than 99 p)er cent, of pure Sodium Nitrate [NOj . ONa]. Found in Chili and Peru. Colorless, transparent, rhombohedral crystals; odorless; cooling, saline, and slightly bitter taste. Hygroscopic in moist air. Made by purifying the native salt. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). // is tfie cheapest source for obtaining nitrates. SODn NITRIS, U. S.— Sodium Nitrite. NaNOj = 68.57.— Should contain not less than 90 per cent, of pure Sodium Nitrite, [NO .- ONa]. WTiite, opaque, fused masses or pencils, or colorless, trans- parent, hexagonal crystals; odorless, mild, saline taste. When exposed to the air, the salt deliquesces and is gradually oxidized to sodium nitrate, and becomes unfit for use. Average dose, 0.065 Gm. (t gr.). SODII PHENOLSULPHONAS, U. S.— Sodium Phenolsulpho- nate. NaC^H^O^S + HjO + 230.45. fSodii Sulphocarbolas, Pharm. 1890.] — Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Sodium Para- phenolsulphonate, [CeH/0H)S03Na 1:44- 2H2O]. Colorless, trans- parent, rhombic prisms; odorless; ctxjling, saline, bitter taste; somewhat efflorescent in dry air. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). SODn PHOSPHAS, U. S.— Sodium Phosphate. Na2HP04-f i2HjO = 355.61. — Should contain, in an effloresced condition, not less than 99 per cent, of pure Di-sodium -ortho-phosphate, [PO . (OH) (0.\a)j-f- i2H,0]. Large, colorless, monoclinic prisms, or agranular, cr>stallinc salt; odorless; cooling, saline taste. The crystals effloresce in the air, and gradually lose five molecules of their water of crystalliza- tion (25.1 per cent.). Average dose, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). Made by treating acid calcium phosphate with sodium carbonate. The details of the process are as follows: — Arid calcium phosphate is made from bones, by treating them with sulphuric acid, after thorough calcination. To the concentrated liquid obtained by boiling this .solution down, carbonate of .sodium is added until the phosphoric acid is completely saturated. The liquid is then filtered and set aside to crystallize. Details. — Bones consist of neutral calcium phosphate and animal matter. The latter is separated by burning them to whiteness, leaving a powder called bone phosphate or bone a.sh, a.ssociated with .some cal- cium carbonate. When this is mixed with sulphuric acid, the calcium carbonate is decomposed, giving rise to effervescence. The calcium phosphate undergoes partial decompf)sition; the greater part of the lime being liberated, precipitates as calcium sulphate, while the phos- phoric acid combines with the undccomposed portions of the phosphate, 94 PHARMACY. and remains in solution as an acid calcium phosphate, holding dissolved a small portion of calcium sulphate. CajaPO^ + 2H2SO, = = CaH^aPO^ + 2CaS04. Calcium Sulphuric Acid Calcium Calcium Phosphate. Acid. Phosphate. Sulphate. "In order to separate the acid phosphate from the precipitated mass of calcium sulphate, boiling water is added to the mixture. The whole is strained, and the sulphate washed as long as acid phosphate is re- moved, which is known by the water f)assing through in an acid state. The different Hquids which have passed the strainer, consisting of the solution of acid calcium phosphate, are mixed and allowed to stand, and, by cooling, a portion of calcium sulphate is deposited, which is got rid of by decantation. The bulk of the liquid is now reduced by evaporation, and, in consequence of the diminution of water, a fresh portion of calcium sulphate is deposited, which is separated by subsi- dence and decantation, as before. The acid calcium phosphate solution being heated, is now saturated by means of a hot solution of sodium carbonate, the carbonic acid is liberated with effervescence, and the alkali, combining with the excess of acid of the acid phosphate, produces sodium phosphate, while the acid calcium phosphate, by the loss of its excess of *acid, becomes the neutral phosphate, and precipitates. CaH,2P04 + NajCOj = CaHPO^ + Na2HP04 + H^O + CO,. Acid Calcium Sodium Calcium Scxlium Water. Carbon Phosphate. Carbonate. Phosphate. Phosphate. Dioxide. "The calcium phosphate is separated by filtration, and the filtered liquor which is a solution of sodium phosphate, is evaporated, so as to crystallize." — (Remington.) SODII PHOSPHAS EFFERVESCENS, U. S. Effervescent Sodium Phosphate. — Exsiccated Sod. Phos., 200 Gm,; Sod. Bicarb., 477 Gm.; Tartaric Acid, 252 Gm.; Citric Acid, 162 Gm. To make about 1000 Gm. Powder the Citric Acid, and mix it intimately with the Ex. Sod. Phos. and Tart. Acid, then thoroughly incorporate the Sod. Bicarb. Heat to between 93° and 104° C. When moist, granulate through a No. 6 tinned iron sieve. Dry at not exceeding 54° C. Bottle tight. Average dose, 8 Gm. (120 gr.). SODII PHOSPHAS EXSICCATUS, U. S. Exsiccated Sodium Phosphate. Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure anhy- drous Sodium Phosphate, [PO . (OH)(ONa)2]. A white powder which absorbs moisture readily, made by allowing the crystals of Sodium Phos- phate to effloresce for several days in warm air, at a temperature of from 25° to 30° C, then drying in an oven at 100° C. until the salt ceases to lose weight. Average dose, i Gm. (.15 gr.). SODII PYROPHOSPHAS, U. S.— Sodium Pyrophosphate. Na4P207 + 10H2O; 443.02. — Should contain, in an uneffloresced con- dition, not less than 99 per cent.of pure Sodium Pyrophosphate, [(P0)20 .- (ONa)4 + 10H2O]. Colorless, transparent, monoclinic prisms or a crystalline powder. Odorless; cooUng, saline and feebly alkaline taste; LirHITTM BENZOATE. 95 slightly efflorescent in warm air. Made by heating sodium phosphate to redness, dissolving and crystallizing. SODII SALICYLAS, U. S.— Sodium Salicylate. NaQH^Oj; 158.89. — Should contain not less than 99.5 percent, of pure Sodium Sali- cylate, [C4H4(OH)COONa]. White, niicrocrystallinc powder or scales, or an amorphous, colorless powder, or having not more than a faint pink tinge; odorless, and having a sweetish, saline taste. Average dose, 1 Gm. (15 gr.). Made by decomposing sodium carbonate with salicylic acid. 2HC7H5O3 -f Na^COj = = 2NaQH503 + HjO -f CO2. SaUcylic Add. Sodium Sodium Water. Carbon Carbonate. Salicylate. Dioxide. SODII SULPHAS, U. S.— Sodium Sulphate. Na2S04+ loHjO; 319.91. {Glauber's Salt.) — Should contain, in an uneffloresced condition, not less than 99 per cent, of pure Sodium Sulphate, [S02(ONa)2 + loHjO]. Large, colorless, transparent, monoclinic prisms or granular cr>'stals. Odorless; saline bitter taste. The salt effloresces rapidly in the air, and finally loses all of its water of crystallization. Average dose, 16 Gm. (240 gr.). Made by treating common salt with sulphuric acid. SODII SULPHIS, U. S.— Sodium Sulphite. NajSOg + 7H2O; 250.39. — Should contain, in the uneffloresced and air-dried condition, not less than 94 per cent, of pure Sodium Sulphite. Colorless, trans- parent, monoclinic prisms; odorless; cooling, saline, and sulphurous taste. Exf)osed to the air, the salt effloresces, and is slowly oxidized to sulphate. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Made by saturating a solution of sodium carbonate with SO2 gas, thus forming acid sodium sulphite, to which is added an equal weight of sodium carbonate, which forms the neutral sulphite. Na,CO, -f- SOj = Na^SOj -f- CO,. Sodium Sulphur Sodium Carbon Carbonate. Dioxide. Sulphite. Dioxide. SODII THIOSULPHAS, U. S.— Sodium Thiosulphate. Na^Sj- O, -f sHjO; 246.46. [Sodium Hyposulphis, Pharm. i8qo.] Should contain not less than 98 per cent, of pure Sodium Thio.sulphate. Color- less, transparent, monoclinic prisms. Permanent in the air below ^t,° C. (91.4° F.), but efflorescent m dry air above that temperature; slightly rJrliqueM ent in moi.st air; odorless; cooling, somewhat bitter taste; neu- tral reaction. Made by decomposing calcium thiosulphate with sodium sulphate. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). CaSjO, + Calcium • Thiosulphate. LITHIUM. Li - 6.98. LITHII BENZOAS, U. S.— Lithium Bcnzoate. LiC^HjO, - 1 27. 1 1. — Should (ontain not less than 98.5 per (ent. of pure Lithium Benzoate, (C^Hj . COOLi]. A light, white powder, or small, shining, crystalline scales; odorless, or having a faintly benzoin-like odor; cooling Na^SO, - Na,S,0, + CaSO«. Sodium Sodium Calcium Sulphate. Thiosulphate. Sulphate. 96 PHARMACY. and sweetish taste; permanent in the air. Average dose, i Gm. (i gr.). Made by treating lithium carbonate with benzoic acid. LijCOa + 2HC7H5O2 = Lithium Benzoic Carbonate. Acid. LITHII BROMIDUM, U. S— Lithium Bromide. LiBr = 86.34. — Should contain, when well dried, not less than 97 per cent, of pure IJthium Bromide. A white, granular salt; odorless; sharp, somewhat bitter taste; very deliquescent. Made by decomposing ferrous bromide with lithium carbonate. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). 2LiC7H502 + HjO + CO2. Lithium Water. Carbon Benzoate. Dioxide. FeBrj + u,co, - = 2LiBr + FeC03. Ferrous Lithium Lithium Ferrous Bromide. Carbonate. Bromide. Carbonate. LITHII CARBONAS, U. S.— Lithium Carbonate. LijCOj = 73.51. — Should contain not less than 98.5 per cent, of pure Lithium Carbonate [CO . (OLi)2]. A light, white powder; odorless; alkaline taste; permanent in the air. Made by precipitating lithium sulphate with ammonium carbonate. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7J gr.). LITHII CITRAS, U. S.— Lithium Citrate. U^C^H^Oj + 4H2O = 280.08.-;— Should, when carefully dried, contain not less than 98.5 per cent, of pure Lithium Citrate, [C3H4(OH)(COOLi)3l. A white powder or colorless crystals; odorless; cooling, faintly alkaline taste; deliquescent on exposure to moist air. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7A gr.). Made by decomposing the carbonate with citric acid. 3U,CO, + sHaCeH^O, = 2Lij,C«H,0, + 3H2O + 3CO2. Lithium Citric Acid. Lithium Water. Carbon Carbonate. Citrate. Dioxide. LITHII CITRAS EFFERVESCENS, U. S.— Effervescent Lithium Citrate. — Made by mixing 195 Gm. of Citric Acid (uneffloresced crys- tals) with 50 Gm. of Lithium Citrate and 300 Gm. of Tartaric Acid (dried and powdered), then thoroughly incorporating therewith 570 Gm. of dried and powdered Sodium Bicarbonate; drying in an oven at 93°-94° C. (i99.4°-2i9.2° F.); and, when the mixture has acquired a moist consistency, granulating. Average dose, 8 Gm. (120 gr.). LITHII SALICYLAS, U. S.— Lithium Salicylate. UC,U,0, = 142.99. — Should contain not less than 98.5 per cent, of pure Lithium Salicylate, [C6H4(OH)COOLi]. A white, or grayish white powder; odorless; sweetish taste; dehquescent in a moist atmosphere. Average dose, I Gm. (15 gr.). Made by decomposing lithium carbonate with salicylic acid. U2CO3 -f- 2HC7H5O3 = 2LiC7H503 f HjO + CO2. Lithium Salicylic Lithium Water. Carbon Carbonate. Acid. Salicylate. Dioxide. AMMONIUM. AQUA AMMONIA, U. S.— Ammonia Water.— A colorless, trans- parent liquid; very pungent characteristic odor; acrid, alkaline taste; AMMONIUM BROMIDE. 97 Strongly alkaline reaction, consisting of an aqueous solution of ammonia [NHj = 16.93] containing 10 per cent, by weight of the gas. Made by mixing ammonium chloride with milk of lime, and distilling over the gas into distilled water. The reaction is as follows : — 2NH«C1 + Ca(HO), = 2NH3 + CaClj + 2H2O. Ammonium Calcium Ammonia. Calcium Water. Chloride. Hydroxide. Chloride. AQUA AMMONIiE FORTIOR, U. S.— Stronger Ammonia Water. — 28 [>cr cent, bv weight aqueous solution NH3. Sp. gr. 0.897, at25°C.(77°^^)• SPIRITUS AMMONIiE, U. S.— Spirit of Ammonia.— An alco- holic solution of ammcjnia containing 10 per cent, by weight of the gas. SPIRITUS AMMONIiE AROMATICUS, U. S.— Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia. — An aromatic hydro-alcoholic solution of ammonium carbonate. (See Spiritus, Part II.) LIQUOR AMMONII ACETATIS, U. S.— Solution of Ammonium Acetate. {Spirit 0} Mindcrcrus.) — An acjucous solution of Ammonium Acetate, [CH, . COONH^ = 76.51], containing about 7 per cent, of the salt, together with small amounts of acetic and carbonic acid. A clear, colorless liquid, free from empyreuma; mildly saline taste; acid reaction. Made by mixing solution of acetic acid and ammonium carbonate. (NH,HC03)NH4NH3C02 -h sHCjHsO, = Add Ammonium Carbonate Acetic Acid, and Carbamate. aNH.CjHgO, -f 2CO2 -f HjO. Ammonium Carbon Water. Acetate. Dioxide. AMMONII BENZOAS, U. S.— Ammonium Benzoate. NH^- QHjO,; 138.06. — It should contain not less than 98 per cent, of pure Ammonium Benzoate, [CgHj . COONH4], and should be kept in well- stoppered bottles. Thin, white, laminar crystals, or a crystalline pow- der, gradually losing ammonia on cxpostirc to the air; odorless; saline, bitter, afterward slightly at rid taste. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Made by dissolving iK>niS(jic acid in water of ammonia. HQH/), + NH,HO - NH4C7H5O2 + H,0. Benzoic Ammonia Ammrmium Water. Acid. Water. Benzoate. AMMONII BROMIDUM, U. S.— Ammonium Bromide. NH«- Br; 97.29. — It should contain not le.ss than 97 [>cr cent. f)f pure .\mmo- nium Bromide, and .should be kept in well-stopi)ered l>ottles. Colorless, transparent, prismatic crystals, or a white crystalline powder permanent in the air; n Water. Oxide Dioxide. MAGNESII OXIDUM PONDEROSUM, U. S. -Heavy Magne- sium Oxide. Heavy Magnesia. [Magnesia Ponflcrosa, Pharm. 1S90.] MgO; 40.06. — Should contain, after ignition, not less than 96 per cent. of pure Magnesium Oxide. A white, dcn.se and very fine powder, which should conform to the reaction and tests of Magnesii Oxidum. Average dose, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). Made by calcining heavy magnesium carly)natc. MAGNESII SULPHAS, U. S.— Magnesium Sulphate. MgSO^ 4- 711,0 ; 244.69. (Epsom Salt.) — Should (ontain nf)t less than 99.7 per cent, of pure Magnesium Sulphate, [SOj . OjMg f 711/)]. Small, col- orless, prismatic needles or rhombic prisms; odorlcs.s; cooling, saline 100 PHARMACY. and bitter taste; slowly efflorescent in the air. Made by treating native magnesium hydrate \^dth sulphuric acid. Native magnesium hydrate is found in the United States, and is a silicious hydrate, practically free from lime. The mineral is treated with the acid, dried, and calcined, in order to convert into red oxide any ferrous sulphate which may be present. It is then dissolved in water, and calcium sulphide added to separate any remaining portion of iron. Purified by recrystallization. Dolomite, the double carbonate of magnesium and calcium, is used in England for preparing Epsom salts. The carbon dioxide is driven off by heat, converting the residue into hydrates, which are treated with HCl. The calcium chloride formed by this reaction is dissolved out from the magnesium salt with water, and the latter converted into sul- phate by treating it with sulphuric acid. MAGNESII SULPHAS EFFERVESCENS, U. S.— Effervescent Magnesium Sulphate. — Dry 500 Gm. of Magnesium Sulphate, mix it with 136 Gm. of Citric Acid, and 211 Gm. of Tartaric Acid, and thor- oughly incorporate with it 403 Gm. of Sodium Bicarbonate, heat to 98°- 104° C. (i99.4°-2i9.2° F.), and when the mixture has acquired a moist consistency, granulate, and dry at not exceeding 54° C. (129.2° F.). Average dose, 16 Gm. (240 gr.). LIQUOR MAGNESII CITRATIS, U. S.— Solution of Magnesium Citrate. — Made by dissolving magnesium carbonate 15 Gm. in a solution of citric acid (33 Gm. Water of S.), flavoring with Syr. Cit. Acid, 60 Cc, bottling (capacity of bottle 360 Cc), and dropping into bottle Potass. Bicarb. 2.5 Gm.; cork tightly, shake till P. B. is dissolved. CALCIUM. Ca; 39.8. CALX, U. S.— Lime. Calcium Oxide. CaO; 55.68.— Hard, white or grayish-white masses, which, in contact with the air, gradually attract moisture and carbon dioxide, and fall to a white powder; odor- less; caustic taste. Made by calcining white marble, or the purest varieties of native calcium carbonate, and containing, when in the anhydrous state, not less than 90 per cent, of pure Calcium Oxide. LIQUOR CALCIS, U. S.— Lime Water. Solution of Calcium Hydroxide. — A clear, colorless liquid; odorless; alkaline taste; alka- line reaction. Made by dissolving lime in water. Contains about 0.14 per cent, of pure Calcium Hydroxide, [Ca(OH)2]. Varies with tem- perature. CALX SULPHURATA, U. S.— Sulphurated Lime.— A pale gray powder, exhaling a faint odor of hydrogen sulphide, having a nauseous and alkaline taste, gradually decomposing by exposure to moist air. A mixture containing at least 55 per cent, of calcium sulphide (CaS; 71.63), together with unchanged calcium sulphate (CaS04; 135.15), and carbon, in varying proportions. Made by heating dried calcium sulphate, charcoal, and starch to bright redness until the mixture has lost its black color, cooHng, powdering, and transferring the powder to small, glass-stoppered vials. Average dose, 0.065 ^"^- (^ g''-)* CALCIUM HYPOPHOSPHITE. 101 CALCII BROMIDUM, U. S.— Calcium Bromide. CaBrj; 198.52. — It should contain not less than 97 per cent, of pure Calcium Bromide. A white, granular salt; very deliquescent; odorless; sharp saline taste. Average dose, 1 Gm. (15 gr.). Made by dissolving calcium carbonate in hydrobromic acid. CaCO, + 2HBr = CaBr, + H^O + COj. Caldum Hydrobromic Calcium Water. Carbon Carbonate. Acid. Bromide. Dioxide. CALCII CARBONAS PR^CIPITATUS, U. S.— Precipitated Calcium Carbonate. CaCO,; 99.35. — Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Calcium Carbonate. A fine, white powder, perma- nent in the air; odorless and tasteless. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Made by double decomposition between calcium chloride and sodium carbonate. CaCl, + NajCO, = CaCO, + 2NaCl. Calcium Sodium Calcium Sodium Chloride. Carbonate. Carbonate. Chloride. Precipitated calcium carbonate is also known as Precipitated Chalk. CRETA PILffiPARATA, U. S.— Prepared Chalk (Drop Chalk).— Native CalciumCarbonate, freed- from most of its impurities by elutria- tion. A white to grayish white, very, fine, amorphous powder, often molded into conical drops, permanent in the air; odorless and taste- less. Average dose, iGm. (i5gr.). MLstura Cret^e, Pulvis Cretae Compositus, see Part II. CALCn CHLORIDUM, U. S.— Calcium Chloride. CaCl^', 1 10.16. — Calcium Chloride, rendered anhydrous by fusion at the lowest possible temperature. .Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure calcium chloride. White, slightly translucent, hard fragments, very deliquescent; odorless; sharj), saline taste; neutral, or faintly alkaline reaction. Made by acting on calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid. CaCO, + 2HCI = CaCl, + COj + HjO. Calciam Hydrochloric Calcium Carbon Water. Carbonate. Acid. Chloride. Dioxide. CALCII HYPOPHOSPHIS, U. S.— Calcium Hypophosphite. Ca(PH,Oj),; 168.86. — Should contain not le.ss than 98 per cent. Calcium Hypoph^>sphitc, [(PO . OH,)2Ca]. Caution: liable to explode when tri- turated or heated with nitrates, chlorates, or other oxidizing agents. Colorles.s, transparent, monrKlinic prisms, or small, lustrous scales, or a white, rr>'slalline pf>wder, f)ermanent in dry air; txiorless; nauseous, bitter taste. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7J gr.). Made by heating phfisf>hr>rus with milk of lime. 8P f 3Ca(HO), + 6H,0 - jCaH/POj), -f aPHj. Phcjftphorus. Calcium Water. Calcium Phosphoretted Hydrate. Hypophosphite. Hydrogen. It Is necessary to provide for the safe e.scape of the phosphoretted hydrogen gas evolved in this rea( tion, by conducting it, by a hood, into a powerful draught. No higher heat than 85° C. (iSs® F.) should be used, for fear of explosion. 102 PHARMACY. CALCII PHOSPHAS PR^CIPITATUS, U. S.— Precipitated Calcium Phosphate. Ca3(P04)2; 307.98.— Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Calcium Phosphate, [(PO . 03)2Ca3]. A bulky, white, amorphous powder, permanent in the air; odorless and tasteless. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Made by treating bone ash with HCl, and precipitating it with ammonia. See also Syrupus Hypophosphitum, Syrupus Hypophosphitum Com- positus, Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis, and Syrupus Calcis, under Syrupi, Part II. CALCII SULPHAS EXSICCATUS, U. S.— Exsiccated Calcium Sulphate. {Dried Gypsum.) — A powder containing about 95 percent., by weight, of Calcium Sulphate (CaS04; 135.15), and about 5 per cent, of Water; prepared from the purer varieties of native gypsum (CaSO^ + 2H2O; 170.91), by carefully heating until about three-fourths of the water has been expelled. Occurring as a fine, white powder, without odor or taste. Keep dry. For Syrupus Calcis, Linimentum Calcis, Syrupus Hypophosphitum, Syrupus Hypophosphitum Compositus, Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis, Pulvis Cretae Compositus, Mistura Cretae, see under appropriate heads in Part I. BARIUM. Ba; 136.4. This element furnishes to the Pharmacopoeia one salt, used for testing, and two test-solutions. STRONTIUM. Sr; 86.94. STRONTII BROMIDUM, U. S.— Strontium Bromide. SrBr,-|- 6H2O; 352.94. — Should contain not less than 97 per cent, of pure Stron- tium Bromide. Colorless, transparent, hexagonal crystals; odorless, and having a bitter, saline taste. Very deliquescent. Average dose, I Gm. (15 gr.). Made by di.ssolving the carbonate in hydrobromic acid, evaporating and crystallizing. STRONTII lODIDUM, U. S.— Strontium Iodide. Srl^ -|- 6H2O = 446.02. — Colorless, transparent, hexagonal plates; odorless, and having a bitter, saline taste. Deliquescent, and colored yellow by exposure to light and air. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7J gr.). Made by evaporating a solution of strontium hydroxide in hydriodic acid. STRONTII SALICYLAS, U. S.— Strontium Salicylate.— SrCC^Hg- 03)2+ 2H2O = 394.72. Should contain not less than 98.5 per cent, of pure Strontium Salicylate, [(CgH^ . OH . COO)2Sr + 2H2O]. A white, crystalline powder; odorless, and having a sweetish, saline taste. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Made by decomf)Osing strontium with a strong hot solution of salicylic acid, filtering and crystallizing. ZINC, ALUMINIUM, CERIUM AND CADMIUM. ZINCUM.— ZINC. Zn; 64.9. ZINCUM, U. S.— Zinc. Zn = 64.9.— Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure metallic zinc. A bluish-white metal, showing a ZINC CHLORIDE. 103 crystalline fracture; in the form of thin sheets, or in irregular granular pieces, or moulded into thin pencils, or in fine powder. Prepared by roasting calamine (impure carbonate) with charcoal, and collecting the zinc vapors in water. Used in making H and in preparing the Zn salts. ZINCI ACETAS, U. S.— Zinc Acetate. Zn(C2H302)2 + aH^O = 217.82. — Should contain, in the uneffloresced condition, not less than 99-5 per cent, of pure zinc acetate, [(CH, . COO)2Zn + 2H2O]. Soft, white, six-sided, monoclinic plates, of a pearly lustre, gradually effloresc- ing in dry air, and losing some of its acid; faintly acetous odor, and in dilute solution an astringent, metallic taste; acid reaction. Average dose, 0.125 Gm. (2 gr.). Made by heating zinc oxide with acetic acid. ZnO + 2HC2H,02 = Zn(C2H302)2 + H2O. Zinc Oxide. Acetic Acid. Zinc Acetate. Water. ZINCI BROMIDUM, U. S.— Zinc Bromide. ZnBr2 = 223.62. — Should contain, when anhydrous, at least 97 per cent, of pure Zinc Bromide. A white, granular powder, very deliquescent; odorless, sharp, saline, and metallic taste; slightly acid reaction. Average dose, 0.125 Gm. (2 gr.). Made by double decomposition of zinc sulphate and potassium bromide. ZnSO« + -KBr = ZnBr2 f K2SO4. Zinc Potas.sium Zinc Potassium Sulphate. Bromide. Bromide. Sulphate. ZmCI CARBONAS PRiECIPITATUS, U. S.— Precipitated Zinc Carbonate. — Hydrous Zinc Carbonate, which, upon ignition, should yield not less than 72 per cent, of zinc oxide, [ZnO = 80.78]. An im- palpable white powder, of somewhat variable chemical composition; peimanent in the air; odorless and tasteless. Made by double decom- position of zinc sulphate and sodium carbonate. SNa^CO, -I- 5ZnSO« -f ^HjO - Sodium Zinc Water. Carbonate. Sulphate. (ZnCO,)23Zn(HO), + 5Na2SO, -t- 3COJ. Zinc Carlx»nate. Sodium Oarbon Sulphate. Dioxide. Conduct at boiling heat, to prevent loss by the action of the CO, on the neutral rarbfjnate, which occurs if cold .solutions are used. ZmCI CHLORIDUM, U. S.— Zinc Chloride. ZnCl,; 135.26,— Should contain, when anhydrous, not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Zinc Chloride. A white granular jK)wder, or porcelain-like mas.ses, irregular, or moulded into jK-ncils, very deli(juescent; odorless; of such intensely caustic propxrrties as to make tasting dangerous, unless the salt \je dLs.soived in much water; the dilute solution has an astringent metallic taste. Acid reaction. Made by evaporating the official solu- tion of chloride of zinc. aZn + 4HCI - aZnCl, + 4H. Zinc. Hydrochloric Zinc Hydrogen. Add. Chloride. 104 PHARMACY. LIQUOR ZINCI CHLORIDI, U. S.— Solution of Zinc Chloride. {Burnett's Disinjecting Fluid.) — An aqueous solution of ZnClg containing about 50 per cent, of the salt. Made by heating zinc with hydrochloric acid. 2Zn + 4HCI = 2ZnCl2 + 4H. Tiac. Hydrochloric Zinc Hydrogen. Acid. Chloride. ZINCI lODIDUM, U. S.— Zinc Iodide. Znlj; 316.70.— Should contain, when anhydrous, not less than 98 per cent, of pure zinc iodide. A white, granular powder; odorless; sharp, saline and metallic taste; very deliquescent, and upon exposure to air and light becoming brown from liberated iodine; acid reaction. Average dose, 0.065 Gm. (i gr.). Made by digesting zinc with iodine diffused in water. Zn + 2HI = Znl, + 2H. Zinc. Hydriodic Acid. ZINCI OXIDUM, U. S.— Zinc Oxide. ZnO; 80.78.— Should con- tain not less than 99.0 per cent, of pure Zinc Oxide. A very fine, amorphous, white or yellowish-white powder, free from gritty particles, without odor or taste; it gradually absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. Made by calcining zinc carbonate. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.)- On the 4arge scale, this salt is made by heating calamine and coal together, and separating the impurities by blowing the mixed vapors up a large tower, allowing the heavier particles to subside, and then by a powerful draught blowing outside into a room containing muslin bags, where it is deposited. It may be prepared by exposing the precip. carbonate to a low red heat until the water and carbonic acid are wholly expelled. ZINCI PHENOLSULPHONAS, U. S.— Zinc Phenolsulphonate. Zn{C^llf)^?>)2+ 8H2O = 551.56. {Zinc Sulphocarbolate.)~Sho\ild contain, in uneffloresced crystals, not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Zinc Paraphenolsulphonate[(C6H4(OH)S03)2Zn 1:4+ 8H2O]. Color- less, transparent, rhombic prisms or tabular crystals; odorless, and having an astringent, metallic taste. Exposed to the ^ir the salt efflo- resces, and upon exposure to light and air may become slightly pink. Average dose, 0.125 ^^- (2 gr)- ZINCI STEARAS, U. S.— Zinc Stearate.— A very fine, white pow- der, tasteless, and having a very faint odor, resembling that of fat. Made by adding a solution of 75 Gm. of Zn Acetate in 5000 Cc. of water to a solution of 200 Gm. of dried Castile Soap in 3000 Cc. of hot water. The latter solution must be cold before mixing. The precipitate is washed and dried without heat. ZINCI SULPHAS, U. S.— Zinc Sulphate. ZnSO^ -I- 7H2O ; 285.41. Should contain, in uneffloresced crystals, not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Zinc Sulphate, [SO . OgZn + 7H2O]. Colorless, transparent rhombic crystals; odorless; astringent metallic taste; efflorescent in dry air; acid reaction. Made by acting on zinc with diluted sulphuric acid. CERIUM OXALATE. 105 2Zn 4- 2H2SO4 + H2O = 2ZnS04 + 4H + HjO. Zinc. Sulphuric Water. Zinc iiydrogen. Water. .Acid. Sulphate. ZINCI VALERIAS, U. S.— Zinc Valerate. ZnCQHaOj)! + 2H,0 = 301.28. — [Zinci Vaierianas, Phami. 1890.] — Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Zinc Valerate, [(C4H9 . COO)2Zn + 2H2O]. White, pearly scales, having the odor of valeric acid, and a sweetish, a.stringent, and metallic taste; acid reaction. On exposure to the air, it slowly loses valeric acid. Average dose, 0.125 Gm. (2 gr.). Made by double decomposition of zinc sulphate and sodium valerianate. 2NaC5H,02 + ZnSO, = Zn(C6H902)2 + NazSO^. Sodium Zinc Zinc Sodium Valerate. Sulphate. Valerate. Sulphate. ALUMINUM. Al; 26.9. ALUMEN, U. S. — ^Alum. (Potassium Alum. Aluminum and Potassium Sulphate.) AlK(SO<)2 + 12H2O; 471.02. — Large, colorless, octahedral cr>'stals, sometimes modified by cubes, or in crystalline frag- ments; odorless; sweetish, strongly astringent taste. Made by treating alum -clay (chiefly aluminum silicate) with sulphuric acid and potassium sulphate. ALUMEN EXSICCATUM, U. S.— Exsiccated Alum. {Dried Alum.) A1K(S04)2 = 256.46. — Should contain not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Aluminium and Potassium Sulphate. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7I gr.). A white, granular powder, attracting moisture when exp'sta!line fragments, permanent in the air; odorless; sweetish, and aften^ard astringent taste. Made by treating aluminum hydrate with sulphuric acid and crystallizing. CERIUM. Ce; 139 2- CERH OXALAS, U. S.— Cerium Oxalate.— A fine white powder, without onding in amount to not less than 13 per cent, of metallic iron. Thin, transparent scales, varying in color from garnet-red to yellow'ish brown, only slightly deliquescent; odorless; sweetish and slightly ferruginous taste; neutral reaction. Prepared by dissolving ferric hydrate in solution of acid ammonium tartrate, and scaling. .\verage dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr). FERRI ET POTASSn TARTRAS, U. S.— Iron and Potassium Tartrate. (Potussio-Ferric Tartrate.) — Should contain P'er. et Pot. Tart, corresponding in amount to not less than 15 per cent, of metallic iron. Thin, transparent scales, varying in color from garnet-red to reddish-bro\*Ti; odorless; sweetish, slightly ferruginous taste; slightly deliquescent in the air. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Prepared by adding to ferric hydrate acid potassium tartrate and a trace of water of ammonia, and scaling. '' Boule de Mars," an olive-shaped ball of Ferri et Potassii Tartras, de>nsed by the French. When a mild chalybeate drink is required the ball is suspended in a glass of water until the necessary quantity is dis- solved to constitute a dose. FERRI HYDROXIDUM, U. S.— Ferric Hydroxide. {Ferric Hydrate. Hydrated Oxide of Iron.) — Fc(OH)3; 106.14. [Ferri Oxidum Hydratum, Pharm. 1890.] — Frequently used as an antidote for arsenic, and prefiarcd by adding water of ammonia to solution of ferric sul- phate, collecting and washing the precipitate. The reaction is as follows: Fe^SO, + 6NH,HO = 2Fc(HO)3 + 3(NH,)2SO,. Ferric .Ammonium P'erric Ammonium Sulphate. Hydroxide. Hydroxide. Sulphate. The reaction occurs when it is used as an antidote as follows: — 4Fe(HO), -f- AsjO, = l^-e^CAsOJ^ + FeCHO), + 5H2O. Frrrir Arsenic Ferrou.s P'errous \Vat;.r. Hydroxide. Trioxide. Arsenate. Hydrate. Hydrated oxide of iron should not be retained for any length of time on hand, because it decomposes even when kept under water. The ingredients, however, should always be ready for immediate use, weighed out in suitable Ixittles, and kept in an accessible and well-known place, rcarjy for instant use in case of emergency. FERRI HYDROXIDUM CUM MAGNESII OXIDO, U. S.— Ferric Hydroxide with Magnesium Oxide. [Ferri Oxidum Hydratum rum .Magnesia, Pharm. 1H90.] (Arsenic Antidote.) — Solution of Ferric Sulf.hatc 40 Cc; Magnesia 10 Gm.; Water, a sufficient ouantity. Mix the solution of ferric sulphate with 125 Cc. of Water, and keep the liquid in a large, well -stoppered bottle. Rub the Magnesium Oxide with cold Water to a smooth and thin mixture, transfer this to a lK)ttle capable of holding about 1000 Cc, and fill it with Water to about three-fourths of its rafiadty. When the preparation is wanted for use .shake the Magnesium Oxide mixture to a homogeneous, thin magma, add it gradu- ally to the diluted solution of Ferric Sulphate, and shake them together 110 PHARMACY. until a uniform, smooth mixture results. The two mixtures should be kept on hand for immediate use. Average dose, arsenical antidote, I20 Cc. (4 fl. oz.). This preparation is to be preferred to the above as an antidote for arsenic, as it is not necessary to wash the precipitate, and the reaction that occurs leaves in solution sulphate of magnesium, which acts as a cathartic and carries off the ferrous arsenate formed. The two mixtures should always be kept on hand for immediate use. Average dose, arsenical antidote, 120 Cc. (4 fl. oz.). FERRI HYPOPHOSPHIS,U.S.— Ferric Hypophosphite. FeCPH^- 02)3 ; 24Q.09. — Should contain not less than 98 per cent, of pure Ferric Hypophosphite. [(PHjO . 0)3Fe.] A white, or grayish-white powder; odorless; nearly tasteless; permanent in the air. Average dose, 0.200 Gm. (3 gr.). Made by double decomposition between calcium hypo- phosphite and ferrous sulphate. On evaporation, the resulting ferrous hypophosphite is changed to ferric hypophosphite. This is one of the hypophosphites recommended by Dr. Churchill in the treatment of phthisis : — Ca(H2P02)2 + Fe.SO, = CaSO, + FeiH.PO^),. Calcium Ferrous Calcium Ferrous Hypophosphite. Sulphate. Sulphate. Hypophosphite. FERRI PHOSPHAS SOLUBILIS, U. S.— Soluble Ferric Phos- phate.— ^Should contain Ferric Phosphate corresponding in amount to not less than 12 per cent, of metallic iron. Thin, bright green, trans- parent scales, permanent in dry air when excluded from light, but when unprotected, soon becomes dark and discolored; odorless; acidulous, slightly saline taste; slightly acid reaction. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Prepared by mixing solution of citrate of iron and phosphate of sodium, evaporating in scales. This is not a definite chemical compound, but is sometimes termed sodio-ferric citro-phosphate, and greatly resembles the official ferric pyrophosphate. It is a scaled salt, and quite different from the insoluble slate-colored powder of phosphate of iron, formerly official. FERRI PYROPHOSPHAS SOLUBILIS, U. S.— Soluble Ferric Pyrophosphate. — Thin, green, transparent scales; odorless; acidulous, slightly saline taste; permanent in dry air when excluded from light, but when unprotected, soon becomes discolored; slightly acid reaction. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Made by mixing solutions of citrate of iron and pyrophosphate of sodium, evaporating in scales. The compound is a mixture of several salts, and not a definite chemical compound. It consists of sodio-ferric pyrophosphate, sodio-ferric citrate, and ferric citrate. It differs from the salt official in 1870, which was an insoluble ferric phosphate, Fe43P207, dissolved in solution of ammonium citrate. FERRI SULPHAS, U. S.— Ferrous Sulphate. FeS04+ 7H2O; 276.01. — Should contain not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Ferrous Sulphate, [SO2 . OjFe + 7H2O]; the crystals should not be effloresced. Large, pale bluish-green, monoclinic prisms, efflorescent in dry air; CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE. Ill odorless; saline, styptic taste; acid reaction. Average dose, 0.200 Gm. (3 gr)- Made by treating iron with diluted sulphuric acid, evaporating and crj'stallizing: — Fe, + 2H2SO4 = = 2FeS04 + 4H. Iron. Sulphuric Ferrous . Hydrogen. Add. Sulphate. FERRI SULPHAS EXSICCATUS, U. S.— Dried Ferrous Sul- phate.— A grayish-white powder prepared by exsiccating 100 Gm. of frrrous sulphate at a temperature about 40° C. (104° F.), and still con- taining about 15 per cent, water of crystallization; and then heating on water-bath, constantly stirring, until the product weighs from 64 to 65 Gm. Powder, and bottle tightly. Three grains represent about five grains of the cr)'stals. Average dose, 0.125 ^"^- (2 gr). FERRI SULPHAS GRANULATUS, U. S.— Granulated Ferrous Sulphate. [Ferri Sulphas Praecipitatus, Pharm. 1880.] FeS047H20; 276.01. — A ver\' pale bluish-green, crystalline powder, efflorescent in dry air, but when in contact with moisture, becoming gradually oxidized; odorless; saline, styptic taste; acid reaction. Made by precipitating an aqueous solution of ferrous sulphate with alcohol. Average dose, 0.200 Gm. (3 gr.). LIQUOR FERRI SUBSULPHATIS, U. S.— Solution of Ferric Subsulphate. (Solution of Basic Ferric Sulphate. MonseVs Solution.) — \n aqueous solution of variable chemical composition containing an amount of basic ferric sulphate corresponding to not less than 13.57 per cent, of metallic iron. It is a dark reddi.sh-brown liquid; sp. gr. 1.548 at 25° C. (77° F.); odorless, or nearly .so; acid, strongly styptic taste; acid reaction. Made by heating ferrous sulphate in a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acid. LIQUOR FERRI TERSULPHATIS, U. S.— Solution of Ferric Sulphate. — An aqueous solution which should contain about 38 per cent, of normal Ferric Sulphate, [Fe2(S02.02)3 = 39705], correspond- ing to not less than 10 per cent, of metallic iron. It is a dark reddish- brown liquid; sp. gr. about r.432 at 25° C. (77° F.); almost odorless; acid, strongly styptic taste; acid reaction. Made by heating ferrous sulphate in a mixture of nitric acid with excess of .sulphuric acid. This solution differs frcjm the .solution of .subsulphate of iron merely in containing a larger proportion of sulphuric acid. It is a solution of the true persulphate Fe/SO,),, or normal ferric .sulphate. Solution of persulphate of iron is the name under which Monsel's solution is errone- ously prescribed. The latter is a solution of a subsalt, Fe40(S04)5. The reaction is as follows: — 6FeSO« -»- ^H^SO^ + 2HNO, - 3Fe,3S04 4- 2NO + 4H3O. Ferrom Sul|i^uric Nitric Ffrric Nitrogen Water. SuJphate. Add. Acid. Sulphate. Dioxide. CHROMIUM. Cr; 51.7. CHROMII TRIOXIDUM.— Chromium Trioxide. CrO, = 99.34. [Acidum Chromicum, Pharm. 1890.] {Chromic Acid. Chromic A nhy- 112 PHARMACY. drid:) — It should contain not less than 90 per cent, of pure Chro- mium Trioxide (chromic acid anhydride). Small, needle-shaped crys- tals or rhombic prisms of a dark purplish-red color and a metallic lustre; deliquescent in moist air, destructive to animal and vegetable tissues; odorless. Made by decomposing potassium bichromate with sulphuric acid. KzCr^O^ + 2H2SO, = 2Cr03 + 2KHS04 + H^O. Potassium Sulphuric Chromium Potassium Water. Bichromate. .\cid. Trioxide. Acid Sulphate. POTASSII DICHROMAS, U. S.— Potassium Dichromate. (See under Potassium.) NICKEL, COBALT, AND TIN. Ni; 58.3- Co; 58.56. Sn; 118.1. There are no official preparations of these metals. None of the unof- ficial salts of cobalt are of pharmaceutical interest. Tin and nickel are of great importance in the arts. LEAD, COPPER, SILVER, AND MERCURY. LEAD. Pb (Plumbum); 205.35. Lead i^ obtained by roasting the native sulphide, Galena. It is a heavy, soft, bluish metal, with a sp. gr. of 1 1.45. Lead and its compounds are poisonous; and as this metal is used to a large extent in the manufacture of water-pipes, the effect of water on lead is of interest. Pure water is a solvent of lead to a certain extent, owing to the formation of a slightly soluble hydroxide or carbonate. The purer the water the more dangerous it is in this way. If traces of sulphates or chlorides be present in the water, however, an insoluble coating is formed on the surface of the metal, which protects it from further decomposition. PLUMBI ACETAS, U. S.— Lead Acetate. Pb(CjH30j)2 + 3HjO; 376.15. {Sugar oj Lead.) — Should contain not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Lead Acetate, [(CH3 . COO)2Pb + 3H2O]. Colorless, shining, transparent, monoclinic prisms or plates, or heavy, white, crystalline masses, or in granular crystals, faintly acetous color; sweetish, astringent, afterward metallic taste. Efflorescent, and absorbing carbon dioxide, on exposure to the air. Average dose, 0.065 Gn^- (i gr.)- Made by heating lead oxide with acetic acid, evaporating and crystallizing: — PbO + 2HC2H3O2 = Pb(QH302)2 + H2O. Lead Oxide. Acetic Acid. Lead Acetate. Water. The commercial salt is unfit for use, because it usually contains car- bonate and oxide of lead. LIQUOR PLUMBI SUBACETATIS, U. S.— Solution of Lead Subacetate. (Goulard's Extract.) — An aqueous liquid, which should contain in solution not less than 25 per cent, of Lead Subacetate (ap- proximately Pb20(CH2C002)2; 543- 74)- It is a clear, colorless liquid; COPPER SULPHATE. 113 odorless; having a sweetish, astringent taste and an alkaline reaction; sp. gr. 1.235 at 25° C. (77° ¥.). Made by boiling solution of lead acetate with lead o.xidc. The subacetate is not a definite salt, but as found in official solutions it is a mi.xturc of o.xvacetatcs, produced by boiling the normal acetate in water in contact with the oxide. The following reaction occurs: — 3PbO + 3Pb(C,H30,), - Lead Oxide. Lead Acetate. Pb,0(C,H,0,), 4- Pb302(C^30,),. Lead Oxyacetates. LIQUOR PLUMBI SUBACETATIS DILUTUS, U. S.— Diluted Solution of Lead Subacetate. {Lead-Water.) — Made by diluting 40 Cc. of solution of subacetate of lead with sufficient distilled water to make 1000 Cc. The opalescence of lead-water is due to the formation of a trace of carbonate if the distilled water used has not been recently freed from carbonic acid gas by boiling and cooling it. A few drops of acetic acid will clear it, however; but it should be dispensed opalescent, to distin- guish it from lime-water, for which it has often been mistaken, with serious results. PLUMBI lODIDUM, U. S.— Lead Iodide. Pblj; 457i5- Should contain not less than 99 per cent, of pure Lead Iodide. A heavy, bright yellow powder, odorless; tasteless; permanent in the air. Made by double decomposition between lead nitrate and potassium iodide: — 2KI + Pb2NO, = Pblj + 2KNO3. Potassium Lead Lead Potas.sium Iodide. Nitrate. Iodide. Nitrate. PLUMBI NITRAS, U. S.— Lead Nitrate. Pb(N03)2; 328.49 — Should contain not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Lead Nitrate [(NO, . 0),Pb]. Colorless, tiansparent, cKtahedral crystals, when ob- tained by the sfK)ntaneous evajioration of cold solutions; odorless; sweetish, astringent, afterward metallic, taste; permanent in the air. Made by treating lead oxide with diluted nitric acid, evaporating and crvstallizing. PLUMBI OXIDUM, U. S.— Lead Oxide. PbO; 221.23. f^^'^'- arge.) — Should contain not less than 96 per tent, of pure Lead Oxide. A heavy, yellowish or reddi.sh-yellow |)owder or minute .scales. Odor- less; tasteless. On exposure to the air it slowly absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7^ gr.). Made by roasting lead ore. Red Lead b a higher oxide. PbjO^. Made by sprinkling hot litharge with water, powdering, drying and heating out of contact with air. COPPKR. Cu; 63.1. CUPRI SULPHAS, U. S.- Copper Sulphate. {Cupric Sulphate.) CUSO4-I- 511,0; 247.85.— .Should (ontain not less than 99.5 i)er cent. of pure Copper Sulphate, [SO, . 0,Cu + sH,0]. Large, transparent, 9 114 PHARMACY. deep-blue, triclinic cr>'stals; slowly efflorescent in dry air; odorless; nauseous, metallic taste. Average dose, Astringent, o.oio Gm. (^ gr.); Emetic, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Commonly called blue vitriol. Made by treating copper with diluted sulphuric acid, evaporating the solution, and crystallizing. SILVER. Ag; 107.12. ' A brilliant white metal, very malleable and ductile, having a specific gravity of 10.4 to 10.5. ARGENTI CYANIDUM, U. S.— Silver Cyanide. AgCN; 132.96. — Should contain not less than 99.9 per cent, of pure Silver Cyanide, corresponding to 80.48 per cent, of metallic silver. A white powder, without odor or taste, permanent in dry air, but gradually turning brown by exposure to light. Made by passing hydrocyanic gas into solution of silver nitrate, or by mixing solutions of silver nitrate with potassium cyanide : — AgNOj + KCN = AgCN + KNO3. Silver Potassium Suver Potassium Nitrate. Cyanide. Cyanide. Nitrate. ARGENTI NITRAS, U. S.— Silver Nitrate. AgNOj; 168.69.— Should contain not less than 99.9 per cent, of pure Silver Nitrate. Color- less, transparent, tabular, rhombic crystals, becoming gray or grayish- black on exposure to light in the presence of organic matter; odorless; bitter, caustic, and strongly metallic taste; neutral reaction. Made by treating metallic silver with nitric acid, evaporating and crystallizing: — Ag3 + 4HNO3 = 3AgN03 + NO -f 2H2O. Silver. Nitric Acid. Silver Nitrate. Nitrogen Water. Monoxide. ARGENTI NITRAS FUSUS, U. S.— Moulded Silver Nitrate. (Lunar Caustic. Toughened Caustic.) — Should contain not less than 94.8 per cent, of pure Silver Nitrate. Made by fusing and moulding silver nitrate in the form of points or cones. The description applied to mitigated caustic answers for the fused nitrate except the fracture of the latter is fibrous instead of granular. The official process calls for a small portion of HCl, which is added to give greater toughness to the pencils. ARGENTI NITRAS MITIGATUS, U. S.— Mitigated Silver Nitrate. (Mitigated Caustic. Diluted Silver Nitrate.) [Argenti Nitras Dilutus, Pharm. 1890.] — Should contain not less than ^^.^ per cent, of pure Silver Nitrate. A white, hard solid, generally in form of pencils or cones of a finely granular fracture, becoming gray, or grayish-black on exposure to light in presence of organic matter. Odorless, having a caustic, metallic taste and a neutral reaction. Made by melting together one part of nitrate of silver and two of nitrate of potassium, and moulding. ARGENTI OXIDUM, U. S. — Silver Oxide. Ag^O; 230.12.— Should contain 99.8 per cent, of pure Silver Oxide, corresponding to not less than 92.9 per cent, of pure metallic silver. Should not be trit- urated with readily oxidizable or combustible substances, and should MILD MERCUROUS CHLORIDE. 115 not be brought in contact with ammonia. A heavy, dark brownish black powder, liable to reduction by exposure to light; odorless; me- tallic taste. Average dose, 0.065 Gm. ( I g^.). Made by precipitating solution of silver nitrate with solution of potassium hydro.xide : — aAgXO, + 2KHO = = AgjO + Silver 2KNO3 + H2O. Sa\-er Xitralc. Potassium Potassium Water. H>-droxide. Oxide. Nitrate. MKRCURV. Hg; 198.5. HYDRARGYRUM, U. S.— Mercury. Hg; 198.5. (Quicksilver.) — .\ shining, silver-white metal; odorless and tasteless; liquid at ordinary temperatures, containing not less than 99.9 per cent, of pure metallic mercury. Mercury may be purified from mechanical impurities by squeezing it through chamois, or by distillation with HCl, after which the HCl is washed out with distilled water, and the mercury dried by the aid of filtering paper and a water-bath. HYDRARGYRUM AMMONIATUM, U. S.— Ammoniated Mer- cury. HgXH^Cl = 249.61. {White Precipitate. Mercuric Ammonium Chloride.) — It should contain not less than 78 per cent, and not more than 80 per cent, of metallic mercury. White, pulverulent pieces, or a white, amorjihous powder, permanent in the air; odorless, and ha\ing an earthy, afterward styptic 'and metallic taste. Made by pre- cipitating solution of mercuric chloride with water of ammonia: — HgCl, + 2NH,HO = NH.Cl + NH^HgCl -I- 2H2O. Mercuric Water of Ammonium Mercurammonium Water. Chloride. Ammonia. Chloride. Chloride. HYDRARGYRI CHLORIDUM CORROSIVUM, U. S.— Cor- rosive Mercuric Chloride. — HgCijI 264.86. (Corrosive Sublimate. .Mercuric Chloride.) — .Should contain not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Mercuric Chloride. Heavy, colorless, rhombic crystals, or crystalline mas.scs, permanent in the air; odorless; acrid and persistent metallic taste. Average dose, 0.003 Gm. (^ gr.). Made by subliming mercuric sulphate with stxlium chloride. The mercuric sulphate is formed by Ijoiling Hg with H2SO4: — 2HySO, + Hg - HgSO, -f SOj -f 2H2O. Sulphuric Mercury. Mercuric Sulphurous Water. Acid. Sulphate. Add. This is mixed with NaGl and sublimed. The following reaction oc- curs. Sodium sulphate remains behind: — HgSO^ -i- (NaCl), - Na,SO« + HgCIj. Mercuric Sodium Sooium Mercuric Sulphate. Chloride. Sulphate. Chloride. HYDRARGYRI CHLORIDUM MITE, U. S.— Mild Mercurous Chloride. Hg(*l; 233.^- (Calomel. Mercurous Chloride. Proto- chlorifk oj Mercury. Subchloridc 0} Mercury.) — Should ( ontain nf)t less than (x^5 pc" t<*nl- ^>^ P"''^ Mercunms ('hloridc. .\ white, impalpable powder, becoming ycUowish-whitc on being triturated with strong prcs- 116 PHARMACY. sure and showing only small, isolated crystals when viewed under a lens having a magnifying power of one hundred diameters; permanent in the air; odorless and tasteless. Average dose, Laxative, 0.125 Gm. (2 gr.); Alterative, 0.065 Gm. (i gr.). Prepared by subliming mer- curic sulphate and mercury with sodium chloride. In preparing calomel, mercuric sulphate is formed in the same manner as in the preparation of corrosive sublimate; this is then triturated with a quantity of mercury equal to that used in forming it, thus producing mercurous sulphate, which is then sublimed with sodium chloride. Sodium sulphate remains behind : — 2H2SO, + Hg = HgSO^ + SO3 + 2H20. Sulphuric Mercury. Mercuric Sulphur Water. Acid. Sulphate. Dioxide. HgSO, + Hg = Hg,SO«. Mercuric Mercury. Mercurous Sulphate. Sulphate. Hg2S04 + 2NaCl = HgjClj + Na^SO^. Mercurous Sodium Mercurous Sodium Sulphate. Chloride. Chloride. Sulphate. HYDRARGYRI lODIDUM FLAVUM, U. S.— Yellow Mercur- ous Iodide. Hgl; 324.40. [Hydrargyri lodidum Viridc, Pharm. 1880.] {Protiodide of Mercury. Yelloic (or Green) Iodide oj Mercury.) — It should contain not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Mercurous Iodide. Bright, yellow amorphous powder. Odorless and tasteless. By exposifre to the light it becomes darker, in proportion as it undergoes decomposition into metallic mercur>' and mercuric iodide. Average dose, 0.0 10 Gm. (1 gr.). To make, first prepare crystals of mercurous nitrate. Dissolve the crystals in solution HNO3. Now make solution KI and fX)ur it into the solution Mercurous Nitrate. Wash the precipi- tate by 10 decantations. Dry in dark. HYDRARGYRI lODIDUM RUBRUM, U. S.— Red Mercuric Iodide. Hglj; 450.30. (Biuwdide 0} Mercury. Red Iodide 0} Mer- cury.)— A scarlet-red, amorphous powder, permanent in the air; odorless and tasteless. Average dose, 0.003 Gm. {4^ gr.). Made by double decomposition between mercuric chloride and potassium iodide : — HgClj + 2KI = Hglj -f 2KCI. Mercuric Potassium Mercuric Potassium Chloride. Iodide. Iodide. Chloride. HYDRARGYRI OXIDUM FLAVUM, U. S.— Yellow Merc-iric Oxide. HgO; 214.38. — A light orange-yellow, heavy, impalpable pow- der, permanent in the air and turning darker on exposure to light and containing not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Yellow Mercuric Oxide, made by double decomposition between Mercuric Chloride and Sodium Hydroxide. HgClj -1- 2NaHO = HgO + 2Ka + HjO. Mercuric Sodium Mercuric Sodium Water. Chloride. Hydroxide. Oxide. Choride. HYDRARGYRI OXIDUM RUBRUM, U. S.— Red Mercuric Oxide. HgO; 214.38. {Red Precipitate.) — Should contain not less ARSENOUS IODIDE. 117 than 99.5 per cent, of pure Red Mercuric O.xide. Heavy, orange-red, cr\stalline scales, or a cr>'staliine powder, becoming more yellow the finer it Is divided, permanent in the air; odorless, with somewhat metallic taste. Made by decomposing mercuric nitrate by heat : — aHg(NO,), = 2HgO -1- 4NOj + O2. Mercuric Mercuric Nitrogen Oxygen. Nitrate. Oxide Dioxide. ANTIMONY, ARSENIC AND BISMUTH. .\NTIMONY (STIBIUM). Sb; 119.3. ANTIMONII ET POTASSII TARTRAS, U. S.— Antimony and Potassium Tartrate. 2K(SbO)C4H^O„+ H20= 659.80. {Tartar Emetic. Tartarated Antimony.) — It should contain not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure .\ntimonv and Potassium Tartrate, [2C2H2(OH)2- (COOK)COO.SbO -f 2H2O].' Colorless, transparent crystals of the rhombic system, becoming opaque and white on exposure to air, or a white, granular powder; without odor; sweet, afterward disagreeable metallic taste; feebly acid reaction. Average dose. Expectorant, 0.005 Gm. (^5 gr.); Emetic, 0.030 Gm. {\ gr.). Made by boiling antimonous oxide and acid potassium tartrate together with water, evaporating and cr}'stallizing: — 2KHC«H«0. + SbjO, = 2KSbOC,H,Oe + H2O. .\dd Potassium Antimonous Antimony Potassium Water. Tartrate. Oxide. Tartrate, .ARSENIC. As; 74.4. ARSENI TRIOXIDUM, U.S.— Arsenic Trioiide. AS2O3; 196.44. [.\cidum Arsenosum, Pharm. 1890.] (Arsenous Acid. Arsenous Anhy- dride. Arsenous Oxide. White Arsenic.) — Should contain not less than 99.8 f>er cent, of pure .\rsenic Trioxide. A heavy soHd, occurring either as an opaque white fK)wder, or in irregular masses of two varieties: one, amoqjhous, trans[>arent and colorless, like glass; the other, crys- talline, o[)ac|ue, and white, resembling j>ortelain. I'rctjuently the same piece has an opaque, white outer crust enclosing the glassy variety. Contact with moist air gradually changes the glassy into the white, opaque variety. Both are txlorless and tasteless. Average dose, 0.002 Gm. (3^ gr.). Prepared by roasting arsenical ores, and resubliming the .sublimate. The oxide f AsjO,) Ix-iomes an at id (IIjAsO,) when added to water. ARSENI lODIDUM, U. S.— Arsenous Iodide. Asl,; 452.10. {Arsenic Iodide.) — Should (ontain not less than 82.7 percent, of Iodine, and 16.3 f>er cent, of Metallic Arsenic. An orange-rerl, inodorous, CTAstalline powder, stable when protected from rlirci t sunlight and kept in a co'>.i^iung, and dissolving in eight times its weight of distilled water. Pure decrepitated common salt, equal in weight to the dry chloride, is then added, previously di.ssolved in four parts of water. The mixture is then evaporated to dryness, with constant stirring. TEST-SOLUTION OF PLATINIC CHLORIDE.— 2.6 Gm. of chlo- roplatinic acid, HjPtCl, + 6H2O, in 20 Cc. of water. 120 PHARMACY. PART IV. PREPARATIONS OF THE ORGANIC MATERIA MEDICA. Organic Chemistry : The science of the carbon compounds. The following pages treat of both official and non-official organic substances, and the former may be distinguished from the latter by the letters U. S. following the official names. THE CELLULOSE GROUP. CELLULOSE. CeHioOg. Cellulose : The woody fibre of plants, forming the skeleton for the vegetable tissues. It is seen in the pure condition in raw cotton, the hairs of the seed of the cotton plant, and in many vegetable products. It is white, translucent, unalterable in the air; sp. gr. 1.5; insoluble in all the usual solvents, but soluble in ammoniacal solution of oxide of copper; converted into dextrin by treating with strong sulphuric or phosphoric acid, and, further, converted into glucose if the mixture be diluted with water and heated. Lignin : The substances which are found adhering to the cellulin skeleton of plants and vegetable tissues. Parchment paper : Cellulose, in the form of unsized paper, after treatment with a mixture consisting of 2 parts HjSO^, sp. gr. 1.840, and I part HjO, by measure, cooled to 15° C. (59° F.) and washing in dilute NH^HO. For what parchment paper is used in pharmacy : As a septum for dialysis. Important principle in pharmacy owing to the insolubility of cellulose in ordinary solvents : As cellulose forms the bulk of inert matter in plants, and is insoluble in ordinary solvents, active principles soluble in such solvents can be readily separated from it. Such a solvent is known as a menstruum (pi. menstrua). GOSSYPIUM PURIFICATUM, U. S.— Purified Cotton. [Gos- sypium, Pharm. 1880.] {Absorbent Cotton.) — The hairs of the seeds of Gossypium Herbaceum or of other cultivated species of Gossypium (Fam. Malvacece), freed from adhering impurities, and deprived of fatty matter by boiling it in a weak alkaline solution, rinsing it THE CELLULOSE CROIT. 121 in a weak solution of chlorinated lime, to whiten it, clipping it in a very dilute solution of HCl, washing with cold water, drying, and carding. The loss is about lo per cent. PRODUCTS RESULTING FROM THE DECOMPOSITION OF CELLULOSE. PYROXYLINUM, U. S.— Pyroxylin. (Soluble Gun-Cotton.)—\ \CT\ inflanimahle, slightly explosive substance, resembling cotton, formed by acting on cotton i Gni. with nitric acid 14 Cc. and sul- phuric acid 22 Cc. until a portion taken out is found soluble in a mixture consisting of i per cent. Alcohol, 3 per cent. Ether (by vol- ume), after which it is washed and dried. It belongs to a series of closely related nitro-compounds, in which the nitric acid radical replaces the hydroxyl of the cellulose formula. This may be shown by taking the double formula, for cellulose, CijHjoOio, and the displacement of the HO, thus: — 6HN05 Nitric Add. + %."]£:« = C.3H.,0,(N0,)e Cellulose-hexanitrate. + 6H,0. Water. 5HNO, .Nitric .\cid. + ^d&o2!° = C,,H,0,(N03), Cellulose- pentanitrate. + 5H,0. Water. 4H\0, Nitric .\dd. + ""^Z- = C„H,eO,.(N03), Cellulose-tetranilrate. + 4H2O. Water. ^^"\^'d Nitnc Aad. -f- ""^^di- = C,3H„0,(N03)3 Cellulose-trinitrate. -f .11,0. XVater. 2HNO, Nitric Aad. -1- ""elC'^ = C.3H.,0 (N03)3 Cellulose-dinitrate. + 2H,0. Water. The soluble pyroxylin used in preparing collodion is a var>'ing mixture of the di-, tri-, tetra-, and pentanitrates, but mainly tetranitrate. The hexanitrate Is a true explosive gun-cotton, and is in.soluble in ether, alcohol and water. Celluloid. — .\ .substance made from pyroxylin, camphor and coloring matter heated together and pt)werfully pressed into apj)roj)riate moulds. Pyroxylin was once extensively employed by [)hotograi)h('rs for pro- ducing the basis of the .sensitized film upon which impressions are made. It is now replaced to a great extent by gelatin. Pharmaceutically pvroxvlin is used in colknlion. (See Collodia, Part H.) ACIDUM OXALICUM.- Oxalic Acid. HjC,04 4-2H5,0; l25.IO.— S'm.)ll, colorless, j>rismatic cr\'stals; cxlorless, and with a very sour taste. M.ulc by acting on cellulin, .sugar, or starch, with nitric acid; but pre- lum d on a commcn iai .scale by heating .sawdust with a mixture of two molecules caustic .scxia and one molecule caustic [)otash. The gray mass resulting is washed with Na,CO,, whereby the iK)tash is removed as car- bonate, and the less .soluble .srKlium oxalate remains. This is converted into calcium oxalate by milk of lime, and then decomposed with HjSO*, and purified by recrystallization. 122 PHARMACY, PRODUCTS RESULTING FROM THE DESTRUCTIVE DIS- TILLATION OF CELLULOSE AND LIGNIN. When wood is distilled in close vessels without air several solid, liquid, and gaseous products are formed, of which the principal ones are the following: — Solid. — Charcoal, inorganic salts, etc. Liquids. — i. Aqueous liquid, containing acetic, formic, butyric, crotonic, capronic, propionic acids, acetone, methylic alcohol, fur jural, methylatnine, pyrocatechin, and small quantities of empyreumatic oils and resins. 2. Tarry liquid, containing toluol, xylol, cumol, methol, mesitylene, pseudocumol, phenol, cresol, guaiacol, creasol, phlorol, and methylcreasol, naphthalene, paraf.n, Pyrene, chrysene, reteyie, mesit. Gases. — Carbon dioxide, carbon monox- ide, marsh gas, acetylene, ethylene, propene, and others. The most important of these : Charcoal, tar, acetic acid, acetone, methylic alcohol, and creosote. ACIDUM ACETICUM, U. S.— Acetic Acid. CH3COOH = 59.58. — A clear, colorless liquid, having a strong vinegar-like odor, purely acid taste, strongly acid reaction, composed of not less than 36 per cent, absolute acetic acid and about 64 per cent, water. Obtained by the oxidation of ethyl alcohol or by the destructive distillation of wood. Acetic acid is also made by distilling vinegar, which, in turn, is made by oxidizing dilute alcoholic liquids. In Ciermany it is made by oxidizing alcohol, by pouring a very dilute alcoholic solution on l)eechwood shav- ings, which exposes a large surface to the air. Two strengths of acetic acid found in commerce :^ The official acid and No. 8 acid. The former has a sp. gr. of about 1.045; ^'^^ latter 1.037, ^"^ is 20 per cent, weaker. It is called No. 8 acid because it was formerly used in the proportion of i to 8 to make dilute acetic acid or distilled vinegar. ACIDUM ACETICUM DILUTUM, U. S.— Diluted Acetic Acid. ■ — The liquid used as the menstruum for the official vinegars, containing not less than 6 per cent, absolute [CH3COOH]; sp. gr. 1.008. Made by diluting 100 Gm. acetic acid with 500 Gm. distilled water, to make 600 Gm. Sp. gr. about 1.009 at 25° C. (77° P.). Average dose 2 Cc. (30 "I)- ACIDUM ACETICUM GLACLALE, U. S.— Glacial Acetic Acid. CH3COOH == 59.58. — A clear, colorless liquid, of a strong, vinegar-like odor, and a very pungent, purely acid taste. Somewhat below 15° C. (59° F.), a crystalHne solid. Made by heating sodium acetate until the water of crystallization has been driven off, powdering the residue, and distilling it with concentrated sulphuric acid. The reaction is as follows : — ^aC^HgO^ + H2SO4 = = HCHgOj + NaHSO,. Sodium Sulphuric Glacial Acid Sodium Acetate. Acid. Acetic Acid. Sulphate. ACIDUM TRICHLORACETICUM, U. S.— Trichloracetic Acid.— HC2H3O2 = 162.12. A monobasic organic acid, [CCI3.COOH], usu- THE CELLULOSE CROUP. 123 ally obtained by the oxidation of hydrated chloral with fuming nitric acid. White, deliquescent, rhonibohedral crystals, having a slight character- istic odor. ACETONUM, U. S.— Acetone.— A liquid containing not less than P9 per rent, by weight of absolute acetone, [Dimethyl-kctone, CH3- CO . CHj = 57.61]. It should be kept in well-closed vessels, in a cool place, remote from lights or fire. A transparent, colorless, mobile and volatile liquid of a characteristic etheric odor and a pungent, sweeti.sh taste. Sp. gr.: about 0,790 at 25° C. (77° F.). Miscible with water in all proportions, without cloudiness; also miscible with alcohol, ether, chloroform, and volatile oils. May be made by distiUing drj' calcium acetate at 290° C. (554° F.). PIX LIQUIDA, U. S.— Tar.— A product obtained by the destructive distillation of the wtMKlof Piitiis puluslris and of other species of pinus (Fam. Pinacerr). It is asually obtained as a by-product in the manu- facture of charcoal or acetic acid. Semiliquid, viscid, blackish-brown, non-cn»'stalline, translucent in thin layers, becoming granular and opaque with age; odor empyreumatic, terebinthinate; taste sharp and empy- reumatic. Average dose, 0.500 Om. (7^ gr.). Official Preparations. — Syrupus Picis Liquida?, Unguentum Picis Liquidaj. OLEUM PICIS LIQUIDAE, U. S.— Oil of Tar.— An almost color- less liquid, distilled from tar, soon a((|uiring a dark, reddish-brown color when expxJsed to the air; having a strong, tarry odor and taste; sp. gr. afxmt 0.965. Black Pitch. — The residue left after the distillation of tar. OLEUM CADmUM, U. S.— Oil of Cade. {Oil of Juniper Tar. Oleum Juniperi Empyreumaticum.) — A product of the dry distillation of the wtxxi ()i Juniperus Oxycedrus. A brownish or dark brown, clear, thick liquid, having a tarry (xlor and a somewnat burning taste, CREOSOTUM, U. S.- Creosote.— A mixture of phenols and phenol derivatives, chiefly guaiacol and cre.sol, obtained during the distillation of wood-tar, preferably of that derived from the bush, Fagus silvatica or Fagus ferruginea (Fam. Fagacetr). An almost colorless, yellowish (not pinki.sh), highly refractive, oily liquid; jienetrating, .smoky cnlor; burning, caustic taste. It shoulsure to light. Sp, gr. not below 1.072 at 25° (', (77° F,), Creos*ite consists mainly of the following phenols: guaiacol or o.vy- cresol, r.H,0„ lx>iling at' 200° C, (392** F.); creosol, C'hH,oC)„ l>oiling at 21 7** ('. (422.6° F.); melhylcreosol, (',11,/),. lx)iling at 214° ('. (417'' F.) to 218OC. (424.4° F,); phlorol,i\\\,oO, Ixniing at 219° C. (426.2° F.). When wood tar Ls distilled, a solution of several layers Is formed. The lower, oily layer is treated with KjCO,, to neutralize the acid present. Fractional distillation, with alternate treatment of the distillate with H,.Sr\ and KHO, to separate impurities, and final distillation, yields the prfKluct called creosote, which comes over Ix'tween 205° and 220° C. (401 "and 428° F.), Nearly all of the liquid sold for creosote in the market is impure carbolic 124 PHARMACY, acid or coal tar creosote. It is distinguished from true wood creosote by the tests for identity given in the U. S. Pharm., 8th rev. Official Preparation. — Aqua Creosoti. GUAIACOL, U. S.— Guaiacol. QH^Oz = 123.13.— One of the chief constituents [C2H4(OH)(OCH3)i : 2] of creosote, the product from beechwood tar, obtained by collecting and purifying the fraction of creosote, boiling between 200° and 205° C. (392° and 401° F.); or prepared synthetically from either catechol by methylating, or from ortho-anisidin by diazotizing and boiling. A colorless, crystalline solid, melting at 28.5° C. (83.3° F.), or a colorless refractive liquid, boiling at 205° C. (401° F.), having an agreeable, aromatic odor. Average dose, 0.5 Cc. (8 vci). GUAIACOLIS CARBONAS, U. S. — Guaiacol Carbonate. (DuotaJ.) (€71170)2003 = 272.05.— A guaiacol derivative, [(Cf,H^- (00113)0)2 . CO], obtained by the action of carbonyl chloride upon sodium-guaiacolate. White, crystalline powder of neutral reaction, almost tasteless and odorless. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr,). PRODUCTS RESULTING FROM THE NATURAL DECOM- POSITION OF CELLULIN AND LIGNIN AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. Coal. — A fossil formation found in the earth, formed by the decomposi- tion of cellslin, lignin, etc., under the changing influence of moisture, temperature, and pressure. Coal Tar. — A residue left after the dry distillation of bituminous coal in the process of making illuminating gas. It consists of a large number of products in the forms of solids, liquids, and gases, a number of which form very valuable products in the arts. NAPHTHALENUM, U. S.— Naphthalene. C.oHs; 127.10, [Naphthalinum, Pharm. 1890.] {Naphtalin. Naphthalin.) A hydro- carbon obtained from coal-tar and purified by crystallization. Color- less, shining, transparent laminae, slowly volatilized on exposure to air; by exposure to light acquiring a brownish color; strong, characteristic odor resembling that of coal-tar; burning, aromatic taste. May be obtained by subjecting coal-tar to distillation, when it passes over after the coal naphtha. Frequently produced by dry distillation of organic bodies. Also known as coal-tar camphor^ and employed to prevent the ravages of moths in woolen clothing. BETANAPHTHOL, U. S.— Betanaphthol. CioHyOH = 142.98.— [Naphtol, Pharm. 1890.] A monatomic phenol occurring in coal-tar, but usually prepared from naphtalin. Colorless, or pale bufl-colored, shining, crystalline laminae, or a white, or yellowish-white, crystalline powder, having a faint phenol-like odor and a sharp and pungent, but not persistent taste. Permanent in the air. When naphthalene is di- gested with fuming HgSO^, two acids may be obtained; at a temperature of 80° to 90° C. (176° to 194° F.) aJphnapthalene sulphonic acid is chiefly formed, but at 200° C. (392° F.) the beta variety is the principal THE CELLULOSE GROUP. 125 product. When the beta acid is fused with an alkali hydroxide and HCI added, the bclanapthol is liberated. CRESOL, U S. — Cresol. QH^ . OH = 107.25. — A mixture, [C,H«(CHj).OH], of the three isomeric Cresols obtained from coal- tar, freed frtim phenol, hydrocarbons and water. Cresol, or crcsylic acid, is an important constituent of coal-tar. It consists of a mixture of three isomers e.\isting in the coal-tar approximately in the proportion of 40 j)er cent, of metacresol, 35 per cent, of orthocresol, and 25 per cent. of paracrfsol. As cresol has a higher boiling-point than phenol, it is separated from it by fractional distillation. LIQUOR CRESOLIS COMPOSITUS, U. S.— Compound Solution of Cresol. — .\n antiseptic preparation closely resembling lysol, creolin, soiirol, and solutol. Made by dissolving 50 Gm. of Potassium hydroxide in water, adding 350 Gm. of linseed oil, mixing thoroughly, adding 500 Cm. of Cresol (which must correspond with the U. S. P. tests), and stirring until a clear solution is produced. Finally, sufficient water is added to make the finished product weigh 1000 Gm. PHENOL,U.S.— Phenol. C„HsOH = 93.34. [Acidum Carbolicum, Pharm. 1880.] {Carbolic Acid.) — Hydroxybenzene, obtained either from coal-tar by fractional distillation and subsequent purification, or made synthetically. It should contain, when assayed by the U. S. P. process, not less than 96 per cent, of absolute Phenol. Made by distilling crude carbolic acid, and separating and purifying the distillate by repeated crystallization. Colorless, interlaced, or separate needle-shaped crys- tals, or a white, crystalline mass, sometimes acquiring a reddish tint. Characteristic, somewhat aromatic odor; when copiously diluted with water it has a sweetish taste, with a slightly burning after-taste, and whc" 'in,i.ii.t..,i , iMteri/x^ and whitens the skin and mucous membranes; fair/ .\vcrage dose, 0.065 Gm. (i gr.). (>;; :iins. — Phenol Liquefactum; Unguentum Phenolis. PHEHOL LIQUEFACTUM, U. S.— Liquefied Phenol.— A liquid compoicd of not less than 86.4 jKrr cent., by weight, of absolute Phenol, and about 13.6 per cent., by weight, of water. Prepared by melting the Phenol by placing the unstoppered container in a water-bath at gentle heat, tran.sferring to a tared ves.sel, and adding to each 9 Gm., I Gm. of distilled water. Dose, 0.05 Cc. (i n\,). OffUial Preparation. — Glycerilum Phenolis. THYMOL, U. 8.— Thymol. C^H^O - 148.98.— A phenol, fC.H,- (CH >H,) I :3:4), occurring in the volatile oil of Thymus vuJ,. m tome other volatile oils. I^arge, colorless, translucent, rhombir pnsnis; aromatic, thyme-like odor; pungent, aromatic taste, with a very tJi^i caustic effect on the lips. Obtained from the volatile oib of several plants by which terpenes are separated. Has been ob- tafawd syntbeCiaUly. AveragedoK, 0.125 Gm. (2 gr.). THTMOLIS lODIBUM, U. S.-Thrmol Iodide. r^H^O,!, - 545.76. (^rijto/.)—r>i thymol Diiodide. [(\H, . CH, . C,0, . OI),], ob- tained by the condensation of two molecules of thymol and the intro- dttctkm of two atoms of iodine into the phenolic groups of the thymol; 126 PHARMACY. it contains 45 per cent, of iodine. A bright, chocolate-colored, or reddish- yellow, bulky powder; very slight, aromatic odor. May be made by adding thymol dissolved in sodium hydroxide solution to an aqueous solution of iodine and KI. The precipitate is washed and dried. RESORCINOL, U. S.— Resorcinol. [Resorcinum, Pharm. 1890. Resorcin.] C6Hg02; 109.22. (Resorcinol.) — A diatomic phenol [metadihydroxybenzene, CeH4(OH)2 i : 3)], obtained usually by the reaction of fused sodium hydroxide upon sodium metabenzenedisul- phonate. Colorless, needle-shaped crystals. It acquires a pinkish tint on exposure to light and air. Faint, peculiar odor, followed by a bitter taste; neutral or only sUghtly acid reaction. It is a diatomic j)henol isomeric with pyrocatechin and hydroquinone. Average dose, 0.125 ^"^- (2 gr.). ACIDUM SALICYLICUM, U. S. — Salicylic Acid. HQH5O3; 137.01. — A monobasic organic acid, [C6H4(OH)COOH i : 2], existing naturally in combination in various plants, but generally prepared .synthetically from phenol. Light, fine, white, prismatic needles, or a bulky, white, crystalline powder, permanent in the air, odorless, or having a slight gaultheria-like odor; sweetish, afterward acrid taste; acid reaction. Prepared by treating sodium phenol (or carbolate) with carbon dioxide. The sodium phenol is prepared by evaporating to dry- ness equal amounts of concentrated caustic soda solution and phenol; this is then heated to 100° C. (212° F.), while a stream of dry CO2 is passed over it^ The temperature is gradually raised as soon as the phenol distills over, until it reaches 250° C. (482° F.), until no more phenol distills. Half of the phenol used remains in the retort as sodium salicylate, while the other half distills over unchanged. The reaction is as follows : — 2NaCeH50 + CO2 = Phenol. -f NaC,H O3 Normal Sodium Sodium Phenol. Carbon Dioxide. Salicylate. The sodium salt thus obtained is then dissolved in water, decomposed by HCl, and the salicylic acid is filtered out, washed and crystallized, or purified by sublimation and superheated steam or by dialysis. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. = 500 Mg. (7I gr.). PHENYLIS SALICYLAS, U. S.— Phenyl Salicylate. C.gHioO., = 2 1 2.47. [Salol, Pharm. 1890.]— The salicylic ester [CfiH^(OH)COOC6H5 I : 2] of phenyl. A white, crystalline powder, faint, aromatic odor, slight, characteristic taste. Prepared by heating salicylic acid with phenol in the presence of certain acid chlorides (phosphoryl chloride or carbonyl chloride); the elements of water are withdrawn by this action, and the phenol group is caused to unite with the salicylic radical. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7J gr.). ACETPHENETIDINUM, U. S.— Acetphenetidin. C,3H,„N02 = 177.79. {Phenacetin.) — A phenol derivative [Acctparaphenctidin, C6H4(OC2H5).NH-CH3CO i : 4], the product of the acctylization of para-amidophenetol. White, glistening, crystalline scales or fine crv>tal line powder. Odorless and tasteless. Made by treating paraphcnetidin, AMYLACEOUS AND MUCILAGINOUS PRINCIPLES. 127 CjH4(NH,)OC,H5, vvnth glacial acetic acid, which introduces the acetyl group, and acet|)araphcnctidin, C6H4(NHC2H30)OC2H5, is formed. METHYLTHIONINiE HYDROCHLORIDUM, U. S.— Methyl- thionine Hydrochloride. Methylene -Blue. Ci^HigNaSCl = 317.36. — Tetramclhyhhioninc Hydrochloride, obtained by the action of hy- drogen sulphide upon an oxidation product of para-amido-dimethyl- amine. A dark green, crystalline powder, or in the form of prismatic crystals having a bronze-like lustre. Made by treating an acid solution of di«iethylparaphenylene diamine with hydrogen sulphide and ferric chloride. Average dose, 0.25 Gm. (4 gr.). ACETANILIDUM, U. S.— Acetanilide (Antifebrin). QH^NO; 134.OQ. (Phrnylacelamide.) — The monacctyl derivative [CftH5NH(CH3.- CO)] of aniline. Colorless, shining, micaceous, crystalline lamina*, or a crystalline powder, permanent in the air. Odorless, slightly burning t;i-t<\ neutral reaction. Made by heating a mixture of aniline and i:' i' ial acetic acid to the boiling-point; the cooled, congealed residue 1^ [iurified by sublimation or recrvstallization. AliTIPYRINA, U. S.— Antipyrine. CnHjaN^O = 186.75. — Phenyldimethylpyrazolon, [C3HN20(CH3)2.CeHj, obtained by the con- densation of phenylhydrazine with aceto-acetic ether, and methylation of the product. A colorless, crystalline powder or tabular crystals; almost «»dorless; slightly bitter taste; neutral reaction. Made by acting on phenyl- hydrazine with aceto-acetic ether when phenylmethylpyrazolon is formed; this is methylated by treatment with methyl-iodide, resulting in the formation of phenyldimethylpyrazolon or antipyrine. Average dose, 0.3 Gm. (5 gr.). AMYLACEOUS AND MUCILAGINOUS PRINCIPLES AND THEIR PRODUCTS. ABdYLUM, U. S.— Starch. -Com Starch.— The stanh grains ob- tained fmm the fruit of Zea Mays (Fam. (iramincfr), in fine i)owder, or irregular, angular white mas.ses, consisting of s^)mewhat spherical but u.sually polygonal grains, about o.oio to 0.025 Mm. in diameter, with a lenticular, circular, or triangular central fissure. Inds. It is usually marie from j)otat(K*s by separating the cellular substanrc from the starch, by grating anrl pressing the soft mass upon a sieve, the stanh granules falling through. It may Ix*, also, prt pared from wheat or com, by allowing the grain to ferment, which 'lisintegrates it, and stopping the fermentation before the starch is affected. The quality of starch depends largely upon the quality and fiurity of the water used in washing it. Chemical Composition 0} SUirch. — It has the same chemical composi- tion as rellulr»se, C'„H,o(V and is closely allied to it and its properties. Office of Starch in the Vegetable Kinf^dom. — It is stored up in plants as a food, in anticipation of future usefulness in the formation of plant tissues. Description of the Starch Granule. — In young plants the starch granule 128 PHARMACY. is always spherical, but it subsequently becomes ovoid, lenticular, poly- hedral, or irregular in shape. Various plants exhibit characteristic starch granules peculiar to each, which may be identified by the microscope. The granule occurs in concentrically arranged layers of different densities, arranged around a central point, usually situated at one end of the granule, and called the hilutn. Official Preparation. — Glyceritum Amyli. MALTUM, U. S.— Malt.— The grain of barley, Hordeum distichon (Fam. GraminecE), partially germinated artificially, and then dried. Official Preparation. — Extractum Malti. CHONDRUS, U. S.— Chondrus. (Irish Moss.)—T\ve dried plant of Chondrus crispus (Fam, Gigartinacece), an alga growing in the Atlantic Ocean, containing 70 per cent, carrageenin, a mucilaginous principle differing from gum by not precipitating with alcohol; from starch, by not becoming blue with iodine; and from pectin, by not precipitating with subacetate of lead. GUMS AND MUCILAGINOUS SUBSTANCES. Gum, now known by the name, arabin, is a vegetable substance, forming a thick, glutinous liquid with water; insoluble in alcohol, and converted into mucic and oxalic acid with nitric acid. Three Proximate Principles found in Gum. — Arabin, or arable acid, C12H22O1, (soluble), found in acacia; Bassorin, C12H20O10 (insoluble), found in tragaoanth; Cerasin (insoluble), found in cherry gum. Gums differ from starch or cellulin by being soluble in water or by swelling up in contact with it. They differ from sugar by being incapable of vinous fermentation with yeast. ACACIA, U. S. — Acacia. (Gum Arabic.) — A gummy exudation from Acacia Senegal, and other species of acacia (Fam. Leguminosce), consisting, mainly, of calcium, potassium, or magnesium arabate; oc- curring in roundish tears of various sizes, or broken into angular frag- ments; whitish or yellowish-white; translucent; very brittle, with a glass-like, sometimes iridescent fracture; nearly inodorous; taste in- sipid, mucilaginous; insoluble in alcohol; slowly and completely soluble in water, forming an odorless, mucilaginous liquid, which shows an a( id reaction with blue Htmus paper; yields a gelatinous precipitate with basic lead acetate T. S., ferric chloride T. S., and concentrated solution of sodium borate. It is not colored blue (absence of starch), or red (ab- sence of dextrin) by iodine T. S., nor does it yield a brownish-black precipitate with ferric chloride T. S., or reduce alkaline cupric tartrate V. S. The powder contains few or no starch grains or fragments of vegetable tissues, and yields not more than 4 per cent, of ash. Sp. gr. 1.31 to 1.525. Official Preparations. — Mucilago Acaciae, Syrupus Acaciae. TRAGACANTHA, U. S.— Tragacanth.— A gummy exudation from Astragalus gummijer and from other species of Astragalus (Fam. Legu- minosce), consisting of 33 per cent, of bassorin, 53 per cent, soluble gum SUGARS AND SACCUARINE SUBSTANCES. 129 (not arabin), ii per cent, water, 3 per cent, impurities; occurring either in flaky, leaf-like pieces or in tortuous, vermicular filaments, of a whitish color, somewhat translucent and resembling horn in appearance; hard, and more or less fragile, but ditTicult of pulverization unless exposed to a freezing temperature or thoroughly dried and powdered in a heated mortar; odorless; ver>' little taste; sp. gr. 1.384; introduced into water, it absorbs a certain proportion, swells very much, and forms a soft, adhesive paste, but does not dissolve; agitated with an additional quan- tity of water, this paste forms a uniform mixture; but in the course of one or two days, the greater part separates, and is deposited, leaving a portion dissolved in a supernatant fluid; the gelatinous mass is turned blue by iodine, and the fluid portion is not precipitated by alcohol; wholly insoluble in alcohol. Tragacanth appears to be composed of two diflferent constituents, one resembling acacia, soluble in water; the other insoluble, but swelling in water. The former differs from acacia in affording no precipitate with |)otassium silicate or ferric chloride. Official Preparation. — Mucilago Tragacanthse. ULMUS, U. S. — Elm. (Slippery Elm.) — Contains a mucilage pre- cipitated by alcohol and lead acetate. Official PrefHiratiou. — Mucilago Ulmi. SASSAFRAS MEDULLA, U. S.— Sassafras Pith.— Contains a del- icate mucilage, which is not precipitated by alcohol. Official Preparation. — Mucilago Sassafras Medulla:. ALTH^A, U. S.— Althaea. (J/«r5/;wa//(m'.)— Contains a large quantity of mucilage, Ci2^m^m associated with asparagin, sugar, and starch. LlHUM, U. S. — Linseed. — Contains 15 per cent, mucilage, CuHjo- O,^ in the epithelium, and 20 to 35 per cent, fixed oil in the nucleus, besides resin, sugar, wax. etc. The mut ilage is soluble in water, readily soluble in hot water, forming a thick, viscid liquid, precipitated by alcohol and subacetate of lead. SUGARS AND SACCHARINE SUBSTANCES. Sugars are organic bwHes, having a sweet taste, generally o[ vegetable origin and cr>stallizable; of a neutral reaction; soluble in water, their solutions being opti( ally active to polarized light. T-iio Cla.txrs nf Sugar. — Fermentable and non-fermental»le sugars. I. FERMENTABLE SUGARS are the most im|)ortant, In-ing largely consumefl in f long as a precipitate is produced, and redissolving the pre- tipitaic in water with the aid of NH^HO, and scaling. Yield, about 10 per cent, .\verage df)sc, 0.230 (im. (4 gr.). TRITICUM, U. S.— Triticum. {Couch 6>tf55.)— Contains triticin, a principle revmbling inulin, also glucose, Icvulosc, etc. Official Preparation. — Fluidextractum Tritici. DERIVATIVES OF SUGAR THROUGH THE ACTION OF FERMENTS. Fermentation. — Decomposition occurring in organic IxkHcs on ex- jKwurr to the action of moisture, air and a wann tenii)crature, resulting m the formation of new proilut ts, callefl when the pnxlucts are worth- less or offensive, putrefaction; when useful, fermentation. Two Classes into which Ferments are Divided. — Ferments arc divided into two clasws— organized, or physiolr »gi( al ferments (three ( lasses, viz., mould growths, rei>resenteout 0.936 at »S° C. (59° F.), and 0.930 at 25° C. (77° F.). Alcohol, distilled water, each 500 Cc. or each i pint. Mix them. Or alcohol 408 Gm., water 500 Om., 50 parts by weight; add enough distilled water to produce 92.3 parts by weight. Mix them. Rule /or Preparing Diluted Alcohol from Alcohol oj any HtgJter Per- centage. — " Divide the alcoholic jx.Tcentage of the alcohol to Ix' diluted by 45.5 and subtract i from the quotient. This gives the number of p.irt^ of water to be added to i part of the akohoL" All terms denote weight in this rule. Result ij Alcohol and Water are mixed togetJter. — A rise in temjK*raturc and a contraction of volume takes place. (55 gallons of alcohol -f- 45 gallons of water equal 96} gallons — a loss of jf gallons.) United States Proof Spirits. — U. S. Proof Spirit contains 50 per cent, by volume of al^solute alcohol. . Whisky and brandy arc referred to under Spiritus, Part II. ^THER, U. S.— Ether. [Stronger Ether.}— A liquid composed of alx^ut 96 fx-r cent., by weight, of al>s«*lut(' Ether, or Ethyl (Jxide, [(C,n5)20; 73.52], and about 4 per cent, of alcohol containing a little water. A transparent, colorless, mobile liquid, having a characteristic 134 PHARMACY. odor, and a burning and sweetish taste. Sp. gr. 0.716 to 0.717 at 25° C. (77° F.). Should be kept in partially filled well-stoppered containers, preferably tin cans, in a cool place, remote from lights or fire. Average dose, I Cc. (i5TT\^). Made by acting on alcohol with H2SO4, between the temperatures of 130° and 137.7° C. (266° and 280° F.). The follow- ing reactions occur: — then, H2SO, = C2H5H.SO, -f H2O; jlphuric Ethylsul] " Acid. Acic Alcohol. Sulphuric Ethylsulphuric Water. • id. C2H5HSO, -I- C2H5HO = (C,H5)20 + H2SO,. Ethylsulphuric Alcohol. Ether. Sulphuric Acid. Acid. It will be seen that the sulphuric acid is not consumed in the process, but is regenerated, so that theoretically the making of ether is continuous. Official Preparations. — Spiritus iEtheris; Spiritus ^Etheris Compositus (Hoffmann's Anodyne). Substitute usually sold for Hoffmann's A nodyne. — After the rectification of crude ether, an additional distillate is obtained, consisting of ether and alcohol, impregnated with a little ethereal oil. This is ''doctored'' to conform to the taste, smell, etc., of Hoffmann's Anodyne, and may be detected by mixing it with water, with which it forms a clear solution, instead of the milky solution characterizing the genuine article. Castor oil is sometimes added to circumvent this test, which may be detected by mixing equal parts with water, and collecting the separated oil on filtering paper; castor oil leaves a permanent, greasy stain, distinguishing it from ethereal oil. Preparations of the Esters of the Ethyl and Amyl Series. OLEUM iETHEREUM, U. S.— Ethereal Oil.— A volatile liquid, consisting of equal volumes of heavy oil of wine and stronger ether, occurring as a transparent, nearly colorless liquid; of a peculiar, aromatic ethereal odor; a pungent, refreshing, bitterish taste; and a neutral reaction to dry Htmus paper; sp. gr. 0.905 at 25° C. (77° F.). Made by distilling alcohol and sulphuric acid together at a temperature between 150° and 157° C. (302° and 314.6° F.), until the liquid ceases to come over, or until a black froth begins to rise in the retort; separating the yellow ethereal liquid and exposing it to the air for twenty-four hours, in a shallow capsule, transferring it to a wet filter, and washing with distilled water and draining, then adding an equal volume of stronger ether. When alcohol is distilled with a large excess of sulphuric acid, there are produced heavy oil of wine, sulphurous acid, olefiant gas, and empy- reumatic products. This occurs toward the close of the distillation, and the products generally separate into two layers, one consisting of water holding sulphurous acid in solution, and the other, of ether con- taining the heavy oil of wine. The heavy oil of wine is obtained by separating it from the other products, exposing for twenty-four hours, to dispel the ether, and washing with water to free it from all traces of sulphurous acid. DERIVATIVES OF SUGAR. 135 The above refers to the products formed in the latter stages of distilla- tion. In the earlier stage, ethyl-sulphuric acid, CjHjHSO^, is formed, which, during the process, is decomposed, so as to yield ether. But if there is a large excess of sulphuric acid present, the ethyl sulphuric acid is decomposed, so as to form a small quantity of heavy oil of wine. This is a mixture of ethyl sulphate, (€2115)2504, ethyl sulphite, (C2H5)2SOs, with polymeric forms of ethylene, C2^^4' SPIRITUS iETHERIS NITROSI, U. S.— Spirit of Nitrous Ether. (5-arW Spirit 0} Nitre.)— \n alcoholic solution of Ethyl Nitrite (NO . O- C2H5 = 74.51] yielding, when freshly prepared and tested by the U. S. P. process, not less than 4 per cent, of Ethyl Nitrite. A clear, mobile, volatile, and inflammable liquid, of a pale yellowish or faintly greenish- yellow tint, haWng a fragrant, ethereal, and pungent odor, free from acridity, and a sharp burning taste. Sp. gr. alxmt 0.823 ^^ 25° C. (77° F.). Average dose, 2 Cc. (30 TT\^). Prepared by distilling a mixture of alcohol, sulphuric acid, and sodium nitrite together, using a well- colored condenser, and a receiver surrounded by ice, connected air-tight, and further connected \Wth a small vial containing water, into which the connecting tube dips. The distillate is then washed first with ice- cold water to remove any alcohol which may have passed over, and then yi\\\\ ice-cold solution of monohydrated sodium carbonate in distilled water to remove traces of acid, the ethereal layer separated and agitated with p called urotropin, cystogett, jormin, etc. CHLORALUM HYDRATUM, U. S.—Hydrated Chloral. C,HClj- 0 + HjOj= 164.12. [Chloral, Pharm. 1890.] (Chlorul J fydrutr.)— A crys- talline ssolute aliohol for six or eight weeks. The pure chloral thus formed is then mixed with the necessary amtjunt of water, and the resulting hydrated chloral cast into cakes or purified by crystallization : — then, CjH.H.O + 2CI - C,H,0 4- 2HCI; Alci'hdl. ^^'hloriiu;. Arrtuldfhyd. HydruchJoric Add. CjH^O + tA\ " ( H( 1,0 + 3HCI. Acetaldehyd. ('hlarine. ( hlurat. IlytJruchluric Add. 138 ALDEHYDE, ITS DERIVATIVES AND PREPARATIONS. CHLORALFORMAMIDUM, U. S. — Chloralformamide. C3H,- CI3NO2 = 190.96. {Chlor amide.) — A crystalline solid, [CCI3 . CH- (OH)NH . COHj, an addition product of chloral, CCI3COH, and form- amide, CH(OH)NH. Colorless, lustrous crystals, without odor, and having a somewhat bitter taste. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). CHLOROFORMUM, U. S.— Chloroform. [Chloroformum Puri- ficatum, Pharm. 1880.]— -A liquid, consisting of 99 to 99.4 per cent., by weight, of absolute chloroform, [CHCI3 = 118.45], and 0.6 to i per cent, of alcohol. A heavy, clear, colorless, mobile, and diffusible lif|uid, of a characteristic, ethereal odor, and a burning, sweet taste; sp. gr. not below 1.476 at 25° C. (77° F.); consisting of 99 to 99.4 per cent, by weight of absolute chloroform, and i to 0.6 per cent, of alcohol; neutral reaction. May be made by several processes, one of the most economical by reacting on acetone with chlorinated lime; the liquid products (ketones) resulting from the decomposition of crude acetates at high temperatures may also be used. 2C3H6O + 6Ca(OCl)2 = 2CHClj + 2Ca(OH)2 + Acetone. Calcium Chloroform. Calcium Hypochlorite. Hydroxide. Ca(C2H302)j + 3CaCl2. Calcium Calcium Acetate. Chloride. Chloroform can also be produced by substituting three atoms of chlorine for three hydrogen atoms of methane, marsh gas, CH4. It is, therefore, chemically termed trichlor methane. Purification of Chloroform. — Chloroform sometimes contains, as an impurity, a chlorinated pyrogenous oil, from which it may be purified by treating with H2SO4, dried NajCOj, and distilling with deodorized alcohol. The pyrogenous oil is decomposed by the H2SO4, and, in turn, blackened by it; the chloroform is separated from the H2SO4, agitated with solution of Na2C03, to neutralize adhering acid, then mixed with alcohol, to preserve it from decomposition, and redistilled from lime, to separate water. Official Preparations. — Aqua Chloroformi, Spiritus Chloroformi, Emul- sum Chloroformi, Linimentum Chloroformi. BROMOFORMUM,U. S.— Bromoform.— A liquid consisting of 99 per cent., by weight, of absolute Bromoform, [CHBrj = 250.99], and I per cent, of absolute alcohol. A heavy, transparent, colorless, mobile liquid, with an ethereal odor, and a penetrating, sweet taste, resembling that of chloroform. Made by the action of Br on alcohol in the presence of alkalies or alkali hydroxides, or preferably by the reaction of sodium hypobromite upon acetone, just as chloroform is made by the "acetone process." Average dose, 0.2 Cc. (3 xvjl). lODOFORMUM, U. S.— Iodoform. CHI3 = 390.61. — Triiodo- ■methane, usually obtained by the action of iodine upon alcohol, in the presence of an alkali or alkali carbonate. A fine lemon-yellow powder or lustrous crystals of the hexagonal system, having a peculiar, very penetrating and persistent odor, and an unpleasant, slightly sweetish, iodine-like taste. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Made by heat- ing alcohol, acid potassium carbonate, and iodine together, with PRODUCTS FROM ACID SACCHARINE FRUITS. 139 water, and passing chlorine gas through the mixture, to cause the separa- tion of iodoform, which may be fihered out, and purified by washing with distilled water and drying (Fiihol's Process) : — C^.HO + 81 + 2KHCO3 - Alcohol. Iodine. Acid Potassium Carbonate. 2KI -H 2CHIj -h 3HjO + 2COj. Pblasidum lotloform. Water. Carbon Iodide. Dioxide. Official Preparation. — Unguentum lodoformi. lODOLUM, U. S.— lodol. C,H, . NH = 566.17.— Tetraiodopyrrol, a derivative of the l>ase pyrrol, obtained by the direct action of iodine upon the Ixise in the presence of alcohol. A light grayish-brown, crystal- line powder, without odor or taste. Made by dissolving pyrrol and iodine in alcohol and allowing the liquid to stand for twenty-four hours; the iodol which Is formed is precipitated by the addition of water. .Average dose, 0.250 Om. (4 gr.). PRODUCTS OF THE ACTION OF FERMENTS UPON ACID SACCHARINE FRUITS. Important alcoholic liquid.s, which have received various names, ac- cording to the fruits from which they are derived, are formed by the actii ' ' nt ujxin acid saccharine fruits. W :,'rajx-s; cider, fn>m apples; perry, from pears, etc., occur by fc....v ..;...^ ihese fruits. For a description of the ofTicial WTiite and Red Wines see Vina, Part II. The plant furnishing the gra|xr is called Vitis vinijera. The juice of the fruit contains grajx? sugar, tannin, acid j>otassium tartrate, calcium tartrate, fxitassium sulphate, sotlium chloride, pectin, albuminous prin- ciples, and water. The aroma of wines depends upon the formation of certain compound ethers during the fermentation, and also during the ageing or ripening Difference between Sweet and Dry Wine. — When the rjuantity of sugar in the juice is large, and the amount of ferment insuflu lent to convert it all into alcohol, sweet wine is prrxluced. When the quantity of ferment is sufficient to convert all the sugar into alcohol, a strong, or generous, wine is formed. If only a motlerate amount of sugar is present, with enouf^ ferment to convert it all into alcohol, the wine is termed dry. Sparkling Xature and Roughness. — Wine containing carbonic acid eas is called ' ' when the gas is absent it is called stUl. When fer- mented - • d.H. it becomes rough and astringent, owing to the presence «.. ... -'in the seem the juice *if the grafK- during fermentation and clarification. he precipitation is due to the fact that these matter:^, though soluble in gra|)e juice, are insoluble in the dilute solution of alcohol formed by the fermentation. 140 PHARMACY. SPIRITUS VINI GALLICI, U. S.— Brandy.— An alcoholic liquid obtained by the distillation of fermented grapes, and at least four years old. It should have a pale, amber color, a distinctive taste and odor, slightly acid reaction, and sp. gr. not above 0.941 nor below 0.925, corresponding, approximately, with the alcoholic strength of 39 to 47 per cent, by weight, or 46 to 55 per cent, by volume. ACIDUM TARTARICUM, U. S. — Tartaric Acid. H^QH.O,; 148.92. — A dibasic organic acid, [C2H2(OH)2(COOH)2], usually pre- pared from argol. It should contain not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Tartaric Acid. Colorless, translucent, monoclinic prisms, or crystalline crui->ts, or a white powder; permanent in the air; odorless; purely acid taste; acid reaction. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7 J gr.). Prepared by saturating the excess of acid in acid potassium tartrate or cream of tartar (prepared from argol) with calcium carbonate, and decomposing the resulting insoluble calcium tartrate by sulphuric acid, which precipitates it in combination with the lime, as calcium sulphate, and liberates the tartaric acid. Only one-half the tartaric acid is thus obtained. The remainder may be procured by decomposing the neutral potassium tartrate remaining in the solution after the precipitation of the calcium tartrate, by calcium chloride in excess. This may be de- composed by sulphuric acid, together with the first portion: — then, 2KHC,H,Oe -f- Acid Potassium Tartrate. CaCOj = Calcium Carbonate. K,C,H,0« Potassium Tartrate. + CaC,H,0„ Calcium Tartrate. + H2O + CO2; Water. Carbon Dioxide. K2QH,0« Potassium ^ Tartrate. + CaClj = Calcium Chloride. CaC,H,Oe + 2KCI, Calcium Potassium Tartrate. Chloride. 2CaC4H,Oe + Calcium Tartrate. 2H2SO, = Sulphuric Acid. 2CaSO, -}- 2H2C,H,Oe. Calcium Tartaric Acid. Sulphate. and Official Preparation. — Pulvis Effervescens Compositus (Scidlitz Pow- der)'. LIMONIS SUCCUS, U. S.— Lemon Juice.— Contains about 7 per cent, of citric acid. Average dose, 30 Cc. (1 fl. oz.). ACIDUM CITRICUM, U. S.— Citric Acid. H^C^^H^O, + H2O; 2C8.50.— A tribasic organic acid, [CH3H,(OH)COOH)3 + H2O]. It should contain not less than 99.5 per cent, of pure Citric Acid. Color- less, translucent, right-rhombic prisms; odorless; having an agreeable, purely acid taste; efflorescent in warm air and deliquescent when exposed to moist air. Obtained from the juice of limes and lemons, by saturating the boihng juice with calcium carbonate, and decomposing the resulting calcium citrate with sulphuric acid, concentrating, and crystallizing: — 2H3C,H,07 + 3CaC03 = Ca32CeH507 + 3H2O -f- 3CO2; Citric Acid in Calcium Calcium Citrate. Water. Carbon Lemon Juice. .Carbonate. Dioxide, VOLATILE OILS. 141 then, Ca,2QH,0, + 3HjSO, = 2H,QH,0, + sCaSO^. Calcium Citrate. Suli^uric Citric Aad. Calcium Add. Sulphate. Official Preparation. — Syrupus Acidi Citrici. TAMARINDUS, U. S.— Tamarind.— The preserved pulp of the fruit of Tomarindus indica. Contains citric and tartaric acids and small quantities of malic acid. Used in preparing confection of senna. RHUS GLABRA, U. S. — Rhus Glabra. (5uma<:A.)— Contains malic acid, which e.xists in it as calcium and potassium malate. Official Preparation. — Fluidcxtractum Rhois Glabra;. Acid Saccharine Fruits Containing Pectinous Bodies. Pectin. — A peculiar principle existing in certain fruits, and formed by the action of two other principles, pectase and pectose, upon each other during the process of ripening. The moderate action of heat and water upon the fruits causes the citric, tartaric, or malic acid therein contained to act on the pectose, softening it and converting it into pectin. The pectin is then acted upon by the ferment pectase, which causes it to gelatinize on cooling, through the production of pectosic acid. This explains the formation of fruit jellies. VOLATILE OILS. Volatile or essential oils are fxiorous print if)les found in various parts of plants, pre-existing, or produced by the reaction of certain constituents when brrmght in contact with water; or sometimes formed thmugh de- structive distillation, as the oil of amber; or thev may be obtained from the a ' '" ' •']. oil from amlx*rgris. F' V.ilnlile Oils may be Divided. — First, Terpenes, '»r h .-.i^ hur; tyfje, volatile oil of mustard. Fourth, Nitrogennted oils, a small dass, containing hydnicyanic acid; ty|x>, (lil of bitter almond. Two Proximate Principles of which Volatile Oils Consist. — Stearopten and eleopten, the former congealing at a lower temperature than the latter. Some of the stearoptens are ( ailed camphors. Sr.'fVj.f n/ Lif>ht and Air on Volatile Oils. — The fragrance of the oil is otpne is develojied, and the oil* thicken, rcsinify, or deposit ■ rompounds. Action of Acids and Alkalies on Volatile Oils. — Strong nitric acid drrnrnpoHcs them with great rapidity; Mime oils react with iodine with violence. Alkalies, with the exception of a few oils with which cheniical compounds, have, generally, but little cfTect on V'M.itiif 'n\s. Principal AduUerations. — Fixed ail: delected by dropping the sus- 142 PHARMACY. pected oil on a piece of filtering paper; if a fixed oil is present, the stain will not evaporate on gently heating. Alcohol: detected by shaking in a graduated tube, with glycerin or water, which takes up the alcohol and decreases the volume of oil. Or if a large quantity of alcohol has been used, by setting fire to a small portion in a dish in a dark room, when the lambent blue flame of burning alcohol will be seen, in contrast to the yellow, sooty flame of volatile oil. Other tests are metallic sodium, calcium chloride, and aniline red. Volatile oils, or cheaper grades o} the same oil, or a cheaper oil having a similar odor: test, by the olfactories. Preparation. — Volatile oils are usually prepared from plants, and gen- erally, either by distillation with water, distillation per se, expression, or solution. 1. Distillation with Steam. — Put the substance from which the oil is to be extracted into a still, and add enough water to cover it; then distill, by a regulated heat, into a large refrigeratory. Separate the distilled oil from the water which comes over with it. 2. Distillation per se. — Distillation "by itself," or without the use of water. Ex. : Certain oleoresins, copaiba, etc. 3. Expression. — The volatile oil of orange will illustrate this process. The advantage is, that heat is not employed; but the disadvantage is, that expressed oils have a small portion of albumin, which renders them turbid. 4. Solution or Absorption. — This operation is effected by maceration, digestion, percolation with carbon bisulphide or similar solvent, en- fleurage, or the pneumatic process. Used in cases where the oils are so delicate that they are decomposed by distillation, and exist in such small proportion in the plant that it does not pay to express them. Maceration. — This is accomplished by allowing the odorous pc^rtion of a plant to stand in contact with a bland, inodorous, fixed oil. The oil absorbs the odor, and, after a certain length of time, it is strained. The odorous fixed oil is generally used in perfumes. Digestion. — Similar to maceration, except moderate heat is employed. Enfleurage. — A cold process, and much used for delicate flowers; con- ducted by sprinkling the flowers on thin layers of purified, inodorous fat spread on glass. The glasses are fixed in frames resembling window sashes. The frames are piled in a stack, and left undisturbed for twelve hours or three or four days. When strong pomade is desired, fresh flowers are added from time to time, as long as absorption continues, and the pomades are known commercially as Nos. 6, 12, 18, and 24, which indicate their strength. When the volatile oils are desired, they are extracted from the pomade by macerating the latter, in a finely chopped condition, in pure alcohol; afterward separating the small amount of fatty matter dissolved by the alcohol, by refrigerating and filtering. Pneumatic Process. — Used only with very delicate volatile oils. It consists in forcing a current of air through a vessel filled with fresh flowers, into another vessel containing melted purified fat, with revolving circular plates half immersed therein. These circular plates become coated with fat, and absorb the odor from the perfumed air. Percolation. — Odorous flowers are percolated with purified carbon VOLATILE OILS. 143 disulphide. The latter is distilled, thus separating it from the volatile oil. Official Products from the Rutaceae. Aurantii Diilcis Cortex. {Syr.; Tr.) Aurantii Amari Cortex. {Fldext.; Tr.) Oleum Aurantii Corticis. {S pis. Com p.) Aurantii Florum.* {Aq.; Aq. Fort.; Syr.) Limonis Cortex. {Tr.) Oleum Limonis. Official Products from the Labiatae. Menthol, U. S. — Menthol. r,oH,/)H; is4-98.— A secondary alc.hol, [C\H,(CHj)(OH)(C3H7) 1:3:4], obtained from the oil from .Mrnih^r pipcrit. Com p.; Spts.) Oleum Rosmarini. Hedeoma {Pennyroyal). Oleum Hedeomae. f/Laimh\\xm.{HorehoHnd). {Cxm- tains a volatile oil asscxiated with resin, and a bitter j)rinciple, Marrubiin.) Oleum Thymi. Salvia {Sage). (Contains a volatile oil, which consists of a terpenc, C,oH„, and an oxygenated portion, sal- viot, C,»H„0.) Scutellaria (Skullcap). (Contains a volatile oil, tan- nin, and a bitter principle.) {Fldext.) Official Products of the Aromatic Umbelliferae. Sumbul, U. S. — Sumhul. — The dried rhizome and nxjt of an unde- tcrmincfi plant, prr>bably of the family Umhellijercr, contains about 0.5 percent, of a volatile oil and about 10 jx-r cent, of a resinous com txjund having a musky fxior. Average dose, 2 ()m. (30 gr.). {Ext.; Fldext.) Oleum Aniti, U. S.—Oil oj Anise.— \ volatile oil distilled from Anise or from the fruit of Star Anise {Illicium Verum, Fam. Magno- liacea). At lo** to 15® C. (50** to 59° F.) it s^)lidifies to a crystalline masA, which doe« not resume its fluidity until the temjx-rature rises to abrnil 17® C. (62.6® F,). Oil oJ Illicium (.Star Anise) has ncaHy the Mmc properties, except that it congeals at about 2° C. (35.6** F.). It con-^i-^^ts of a small fjuantity of hydnx arb*>n, C,nH,„, but mainly of anethol, C^H,/). which is present in two mrxiific ations — one, s^ilid at ordinary t. nir,*r.ifurrs and heavier than water (anise camphor, solid anethol), the .id and more volatile (liquid attethol). Anethol, both in th<* i in the solid form, is present, and is the chief constituent of ibe oiU of anise, star anise, and fennel. Average d(«c, o.a Cc. (3 if|). Official Preparations. — Arjua Anisi, Spiritus Ani.si. Carum. Oleum Cari. Foeniculum (Fennel). Oleum Foeni- culi (Aqua). Coriandrum. (Furnishes alxmt 1 fx-r cent, of an agreeaMc, aromatic oil, also about to per cent of fixed oil.) Oleum doriandri. Aniaam. • The iowm are Ml cAdal; ike prapantfoM are. 144 PHARMACY. Official Aromatic Products, with their Volatile Oils. Oleum Cinnamomi. Oil of Cinnamon. Oil of Cassia. From Cassia Cinnamon (Fam. Lauracece). This oil consists of cinnamic aldehyd, CgHgO, which, by moderate oxidation, yields the corresponding cinnamic acid, CgHjsOj, but by more energetic oxidation, yields benzoic acid, C7Hfi02. Oil of Ceylon cinnamon, when it is not very fresh, contains cinnamic acid in sufficient quantity to give a permanent cloudiness to cinnamon water made from it. Official Preparations. — Aqua Cinnamomi, Spiritus Cinnamomi. Cinnaldehydum, U. S. — Cinnamic Aldehyde. {Synthetic Oil of Cassia.) CgHgO = 132.07. — An aldehyde obtained from Oil of Cin- namon, or prepared synthetically, containing not less than 9^ per cent, of pure Cinnamic Aldehyde, [CgHg . CH : CH . COH]. ' It is nearly identical with the oil distilled from Cassia Cinnamon. A colorless liquid, having a cinnamon-like odor and a burning, aromatic taste. Average dose, 0.05 Cc. (i njj). Eugenol, U. S.—Eugenol. C,oH,jC, =» 162.86.— An unsaturated, aromatic phenol, [C6H3(OH)(OCH3), C3H5 4:3: i], obtained from Oil of Cloves and other sources. A colorless, or pale yellow, thin liquid, having a strongly aromatic odor of cloves, and a pungent and spicy taste. Exposure to air causes it to become darker and thi( ker. Sp. gr. : 1.072 to 1.047 3^t 25° C. (77° F.). Average dose, 0.2 Cc. (3 itr). Vanilla, U. S. — Vanilla. — The cured, full-grown, but immature fruit of Vanilla planijolia (Fam. Orchidacece). Contains a trace of a volatile oil, 10 per cent, of fixed oil, resin, sugar, etc., and vanillin, CgHgOg. Official Preparation. — Tinctura Vanillae. Vanillinum, U. S. —Vanillin. CgHgO, = 150.92. — Methyl- protocatechuic aldehyde, [CgHj . OH . OCHj . COH 4:3:1], occurring naturally in Vanilla, or made artificially from several orthodihydroxy- benzene derivatives. Fine, white, crystalline needles, having the odor and taste of vanilla, and having an acid reaction. Average dose, 0.030 Gm. (igr.). Eucalyptol, U. S. — Encalyptol. C,oHjgO; 152.78. — An organic oxide (cineol), obtained from the volatile oil of Eucalyptus Globulus (Fam. Myrtacece), and from other sources. A colorless liquid, having a characteristic, aromatic, and distinctly camphoraceous odor, and a pungent, spicy, and cooling taste. Average dose, 0.3 Cc. (5 njj). Saffrolum, U. S.Safrol. C,oH,o02 = 160.86.— The methylene ether of allylpyrocatechol, [CgHg . C3H5(OOCH2) i : 3 : 4], found in oil of sassafras, camphor oil, and other volatile oils, purified, if necessary, by re- peated chilling and crystallization. A colorless or faintly yellow liquid with a sassafras-like odor. Average dose, 3 Cc. (5 rrji). Oleum Gaultheriae, U. S. — Oil of Gaultheria. (Oil of Winter- green.) — It is the heaviest of all the volatile oils, having the sp. gr. r.172 to 1. 180 at 25° C. (77° F.). It is an almost colorless liquid, having a characteristic, strongly aromatic odor; a sweetish, warm, and aromatic taste. Oil of Wintergreen is nearly identical with Volatile Oil of Betula. Official Preparation. — Spiritus Gaultheriae. VOLATILE OILS. 145 Oleum Betuls. (Oil of Sweei Birch.)— A volatile oil obtained by distillation from the bark of Betula lenUi. It is identical with Methyl Salicylate, CHjC^H^O,, and nearly identical with Oil of Gaultheria. Methylis SaUcylas, U. S. —Methyl SalicylaU. CHjC^H^Os - 150.92. (Arli/icial {or Synthetic) Oil of Wittier green.) — An ester, [C,H«(OH)COOCH, I : 2], produced synthetically; it is the princi- pal constituent of Oil of Gaultheria and Oil of Betula. For flavor- ing purposes. Oil of Gaultheria, Oil of Betula, and Methyl Salicylate may be renrdcd as identical i)roducts. A colorless liquid, having a charac- teristic, strongly aromatic wintergrecn odor and a sweetish, warm, and aromatic taste. Average dose, 1 Cc. (15 nji). Cinnamomum Saigonicum. (Tr.) Cinnamomum Zeylani- cum {Cevlon Cinnamott). Caryophyllus (Cloi'cs). Oleum Cary- ophylli. lPimenta(.4//5^iV^). Oleum Pimenta. Oleum Cajuputi. Eucalyptus. (Contains a volatile oil, resin, etc.) (Fldext.) Oleum Eucalypti. Myristica {Nutmeg). Oleum Myristicae. {Spts.) Oil of Maie is a fi.xed oil made by expressing nutmegs Ix'tween hot plates, or macerating them in carbon disulphide and distilling.) Sas- safnts. Oleum Sassafras. Calamus. (Contains a volatile oil, hav- ing the composition of a tcr]K«nc, C,oH,5, soft resin, a hitter principle, acorin, sUrch, and mucilage.) (Fldext.) Cardamomum. (Contains 5 per cent of an oxj'genatcd volatile oil, 10 j)er cent, of fixed oil, starch, mucilage, etc. (tr.; Tr. Comp.) Zingiber (Ginger). (Owes its virtues to about 4 per cent, of volatile oil (terpene), having the com- position Ci«H,4, and a soft, pungent, aromatic resin, which is soluble in alcohol and ether.) (Fldext.; Oleores.; Syr.; Tr.) Stearoptens from Volatile Oils. Can^jhora, U. S.— C'am/>//f>r. C,oH,„0; 150.98.— The dextnigy rate modification of thr saturated ketone, [C,H,aC'0], obtained from Cinna- momum Camphora (Fam. I^auracetr) and purified by sublimation. It occurs in while, translucent mas.scs, of a tough consistence and crystal- line structure; readily pul veritable in the presence of a little alcohol, ether, or chloroform, having a penetrating, characteristic odor, and a pungent, aromatic lante. Average df>se, 0.125 Gm. (2 gr.). OffUiai Preparations. — Aqua Cam[>hora?, Ccratum Camphorsc, Lini- mentum Camphonc, Spirilus Camphora. Aci''-— r.--~i.^.:..._ Tj s.— Camphoric Acid. H,r,„H,«0, - 198 ' [C,H,/COOH)], obtained by the oxida- tion 'orlr , nionmUnir i)ri.smatic cry.stals or platr ^ C. (77° F.), and in 10 parts of b '"I. less soluble in ether and chk - I Gm. (15 gr.). Cn ' mated Cam ptwr. C,oH,.- r lu4i of camphor, [C^H^Br , COj. ' s permanent in the air, and un- ^\\r,\ri\ f'V light. milM hut chara» trriHlic camphoraceous odor and ta,stc; neutral to litmus paper. Made by heating camphor and bromine II 146 PHARMACY. together, cooling, dissolving the crystalline mass in petroleum benzine, and recrystallizing. Average dose, 0.125 ^™- (2 gr-)- Official Substances Containing Nitrogenated and Sulphurated Oils, with Allied Products. Amygdala Amara, U. S. — Bitter Almond. — The ripe seed of Amyg- dalus Pruntis, var. amara (Fam. Rosacea), containing a glucoside called amygdalin, which splits into benzyl-aldehyd, or oil of bitter almond, hydrocyanic acid and glucose, under the influence of emulsin, or synaptase, a ferment, which becomes active in the presence of water: — C„H„NO„ + 3H3O = Crystallized Water. Amygdalin. 2(C«H,20e) + HCN -f QH«0 + H^O. Dextro-glucose. Hydrocyanic Oil of Water. Acici. Bitter Almond. Oleum Amygdalae Amarae, U. S. — Oil of Bitter Almonds. — A vola- tile oil obtained from Bitter Almond and other seeds containing amyg- dalin, yielding, when assayed by the U. S. P. process, not less than 85 per cent, of benzaldehyde, and not less than 2 per cent, of hydrocyanic acid. A clear, colorless or yellow, thin and strongly refractive liquid, having a peculiar, aromatic odor; a bitter and burning taste. Preparation. — The bitter almond cake obtained after extracting the fixed oil is mixed with water, and distilled by passing a current of steam through it. The emulsin reacts on the amygdalin in presence of the aqueous vapor, and oil of bitter almond, or bcnzyl-aldehyd, is produced: — CjoH^^NO,, + 2H2O = QH^O + 2QH,20e + HCN. Amygdalin. Water. Benzyl- Glucose. Hydrocyanic Aldeliyd. Acid. As sweet almond does not contain amygdalin, oil of bitter almond cannot be prepared from it. Official Preparation. — Aqua Amygdalae Amarae; Spiritus Amygdalae Amarae; Syrupus Amygdalae. Benzaldehydum, U. S.— Bewza/ffe/tyrf^. C7HeO= 105.25. Synthetic Oil of Bitter Almonds. — An aldehyde, produced artificially, or obtained from natural oil of bitter almond or other oils, and containing not less than 85 per cent, of pure Benzaldehyde, [QHg . COH]. A colorless, strongly refractive liquid, having a bitter-almond-like odor, and a burn- ing, aromatic taste. Sp. gr. about 1.045 ^^ 25° C. (77° F.). Average dose, 0.03 Cc. {Inn). Artificial benzyl aldehyd is made by the action of chlorine upon hot toluene, CyHg. Benzyl chloride, QH^CHjCl, and benzal chloride, CgHg- CHCI2, results, and these yield benzyl aldehyd on treatment with man- ganese dioxide and other oxidizing agents. Oil of Myrbane, or nitro-benzol, is an entirely different product, made by reacting on benzol with nitric acid. Its odor is similar to, but not identical with, oil of bitter almond. It is used for perfuming soaps. Prunus Virginiana, U. S,—Wild Cherry.— The bark of Prunus VOLATILE OILS. 147 srrotir.,: la:-; A' ^ : -■ - , lollcctcd in autumn, and carefully dried and pri'>itTvrd, .ont.ii- ~ :»r -'iaiiti, emulsin, tannin, bitter principle, starch, etc., and furnisher tin ^umc reaction with water, with the production of oil of bitter almond and hydrocyanic acid, as bitter almond. OffUial Preparations.— IninsMm Pruni Virginianar, Syrupus Pruni Virginianar, Fluidextractum Pruni Virginiana?. Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum, U. S. — Diluted Hydrocyanic Acid. (Prussic Acid.) — .\ colorless liquid, of a characteristic odor and taste, resembling bitter almonds; composed of 2 per cent, absolute hydnx-yanic acid (HCN; 26.84) and 98 per cent, of alcohol and water. It should be kept in a small, dark, amber-colored, cork -stoppered vial in a cool place. Average dose, o. i Cc. (ij itr). Made by distilling trigether |K»tassium fcrrocyanide, diluted alcohol, and sulphuric acid, and diluting to the proper strength with distilled water: — (K.FeCy.), + (H,SO^), = Potassiutn Sulphunc Fcrrocyanide. Acid. KjFcjCy, + (KHSOJ, -f 611 Cy. PocUBum Potassium Hydrocyanic FentNis Acid Sulphate. Add. FeiTocyanidr. (E%erilt'8 Sail.) SckeeWs Hydrocyanic Acid Is a stronger solution, containing about 5 per cent, anhydrous acid. SinapU Alba, U. S.—WhUr Mustard.— The seed of Sinapis alba (Fam. Crutiferer) rr>ntains sinalbin, C„H44N,0,ftS„ a crystalline gluco- side which, under the influence of a peculiar fennent, myrosin, and water, is split into aerinyl Ihiocyanate, C^H^NOS, whi( h is a pungent, volatile oil (this is not the official oil of mustard), sinapine sulphate, C|»H^NO,HySO,, and glucose. The seed contains, in addition, 20 per cent, of fixed oil, mucilage, gum, etc., but no starch. Stnapis Nigra, U. S.— Black Mustard. — The seed of Brasica nif^ra (Fam. Crunjrrfr) contains potas.sium myrtinatc ( KC',oH„NSjO,o), rr-^-- ' "• 7c per cent, of fixed oil, mucilage, et( . Under the m and water, the potassium myronatr is converted i;.: - iriate, or volatile oil of mustard. This action takes place at ordinar)* trmpeiaturea, and explains the pungency of aqueous mixtures of ground mustard. Official Preparation.— CharXA Stnapis — Mustard Paper. Oimtm Sinapis Volatile, U. S.— Volatile Oil 0} Mustard.— \ volatile oil obtained from black mustard by maceration with water, and subse- quent di«tilUtion, yirjHing. when assayed by the U. .S. P, process*, not Ies5 1? ■ vanale. CI " yanatr or allyl thiocarhamide; it is abo t«.M.. «Mir.»wv/.iMMi< ' is prepared nrtifKially by di.sttlting MyHodUt with potatsimm ilr. It is a < f>lorlrss fir pale-yellow, Hmpid and strongly rrfra' ' ,1. having a very pungent and acrid odor. Great caution sboukl be caerdsed when handling this oil. 148 PHARMACY. OFFICIAL DRUGS AND PRODUCTS CONTAINING VOLATILE OIL WITH SOFT RESIN. Piper, U. S. — Pepper. Contains pipertne, a feeble alkaloid, 2 per cent, volatile oil (a terpene, CjoHje), a pungent resin. Piperina, U. S. — Pipertne, CjyHigNOj; 283.04. — A feebly basic substance, [CHjOj . C^U^ . CH : CH . CH : CH . CON . C,H,;], ob- tained from Pepper and other plants of the Piperacecp. Colorless or pale-yellowish, glistening, monorlinic crystals, permanent in the air; odorless. When put into the mouth, it is at first tasteless, but on pro- longed contact it develops a sharp, biting taste. Average dose, 0.200 Gm. (3 gr.). Piperin is decomposed by alkalies in alcoholic solution into piperic acid, C,2Hj(,04, and piperidine, CgHuN. Cubeba, U. S. — Cubeh. — The dried unripe but fully grown fruit of Piper Cubeba (Fam. Piperaceo') contains about 10 per cent, of vola- tile oil, 3 per cent, of resin, cubebin, cubebic acid, wax, fat, etc. {Fldext.; Olenres.; Troch.; Tr.) Capsicum. {Cayenne Pepper. African Pepper.) — Contains cap- saicin, CgHj^Oj, which occurs in colorless crystals, volatile, intensely acrid, and soluble in alcohol, ether, and fixed oils. Capsicum also con- tains traces of a volatile alkaloid and a volatile oil, fixed oil, resin, color- ing matter, etc. {Emp.; Fldext.; Oleares.; Tr.) Copaiba, U. S. — Copaiba. Balsam 0} Copaiba.) — An oleoresin, de- rived from one or more South American species of* Copaiba (Fam. Leguminosce), which contains copaivic acid, volatile oil, and a bitter principle. Copaivic acid, C20H30O2, the resinous mass left after dis- tilling the oil, forms a series of amorphous salts. Serpentaria, U. , S. — Serpentaria. {Virginia Snakeroot.) — The dried rhizome and root of Aristolochia Serpentaria (Virginia Ser- pentaria) and of Aristolochia reticulata (Texas Serpentaria) (Fam. Aristolochiacecp), contain i per cent, of volatile oil, a bitter principle, starch, sugar, etc. {Fldext.; Tr.) Matico. (Contains about 2 per cent, of volatile oil, a pungent resin, a crystalline principle, artanthic acid, and tannin.) {Fldext.) Oleum Cubebae. Oleum Copaiba. Oleum Santali {Oil of Sandal Wood). Buchu. (Contains a volatile oil and resin, a bitter principle, mucilagp, etc. The stearopten diosplienol is colored dark green by ferric chloride.) {Fldext.) Humulus {Hops). (Contains a small quantity of volatile oil; their bitterness is due to the resin and lupulin present.) Lupuli- num. (Contains 10 per cent, of volatile oil, which, on exposure, yields valerianic acid, trimethylamine, a bitter principle (lupamaric acid), C82H70O7, resin, wax, and an alkaline liquid termed Cupuline.) {Fldext.; Oleores.) Camiabis Indica {Indian Hemp). (Contains a resinous substance, cannahinine, volatile oil, and tetano-cannabinine.) {Ext.; Fldext.; Tr.) Valeriana. (Contains about i per cent, of volatile oil, valerianic acid, resin, etc.; there are also present some acetic and formic acids.) {Fldext.; Tr.; Tr. Val. Am.) Viburnum Opulus {Cramp VOLATILE OIL WITH EXTRACTIVE PRODUCTS. 149 Bark). (Fldext.) Viburnum Pnmifolium ( Black Haw). (Con- tains valerianic arid, a bitter, resinous principle, vihurnin. (Fldext.) Sambucus {Elder). (Contains a little volatile oil and resin, etc.) Oleum Chenopodii {Oii of American Wormseed). Oleum Jtmiperi. {Spts.; Spts. Comp.) Sabina {Sax'ine). (Contains a terpene, C,oH,g, and resin, mth a trace of tannin.) {Fldext.) Oleum Sabinae. Official Drugs and Products containing Volatile Oil Associated with Bitter Principle or Extractive. Arnica. (Contains a trace of volatile oil, and a bitter principle, arnicin, with resin, etc. {Tr.) Calundula {Marigold). (Contains a small quantity of a volatile oil, a bitter principle, etc. Calendulin is not the active principle, having very little taste.) {Tr.) Oleum Eri- gercmtis {Oil oj Fleabane). Anthemis {Chcmomiie). (Contains a volatile oil and a bitter principle, which has been called anthemic acid.) Ifatricaria {German Chumomile). (Contains a dark-blue vola- tile oil; the bitter principle Ls termed anthemic acid.) Eupatorium {Thoraughuxni, Boneset). (Contains a volatile oil and resin, eupatorin, etc.) {Fldext.) Grindelia. (Contains a volatile oil and a bitter and rrsinous principle.) {Fldext.) Eriodictyon {Verba Santa). (Con- tains a bitter resin, volatile oil, etc.) {Flde.xt.) Mezereum. (Con- tains dapknin, C„H,40,,, a glucoside, asscxiated with an acrid, soft resin, and oil.) {Fldext.) Aspidium {Male Fern). (Contains plicic acid, Cg^HnOj, filix red, filitannic acid, fi.xed oil, etc.) {OleDres.) Cjrpripedium {Lady's Slipper). (Contains resins, an acrid principle, volatile oil, tannin, starth, etc.) {Fldext.) Phytolacca {Poke Root). (Contains an acrid resin, tannin, etc.) {Flde.xt.) ZtA {Corn Silk). (Contains, when dried, maizenic acid, fixed oil, resin, etc.) Stillingia {Queen's Root). (Contains an acrid resin, starch, fixed oil, glim, etc.) {Fldext.) Pjrrethrum {PellUory). (Contains an acrid, bro%m resin, and fixed oils, inulin, mucilage, etc.) {Tr.) Xan- thozylum {Prickly Ash). (Contains a soft resin, a crystalline resin, a bitter i>rinnple, and an acrid, green oil.) {Flde.xt.) Sabal {Saw p.,/^.,,,..i (Contains a vcilatile «iil, fixed '5tallinr), lactucopicrin (bitter and amorphous), Uutucerin in large quantity, nearly 60 (>er cent, (this principle is inert and crystallizahte), caoutchouc, rrsin, aHfiaragin, volatile oil, mucilage, etc) (Tr) RESnfS, OLEORESmS, GUM-RESIlfS, AND BALSAMS. Resins : Natural cif induced. Milid or Mrmi-solid exudations from ' ' ' ' ' ' * r, mostly soluble in alco* It a mcjdcrate heat w ..«. ...^. _.;. ^..;.....;,u.., .luis. Some of them are 150 PHARMACY. acids, and combine with alkalies, forming soaps, as in the case of common resin. They are commonly the oxidized terpenes of plants. Description : When pure, they are usually transparent, hard, and brittle; when they contain water, are opaque and no longer hard, and brittle. Three Classes : Natural Oleoresins (oil and resin), generally obtained by incising the trunks of trees which contain them; ex., turpentine. Gum resins; natural mixtures of gum and resin — usually exudations from plants; ex., myrrh. Balsams: resinous substances which contain benzoic, cinnamic, or analogous acids; ex., balsam of tolu. Terebinthina. — Turpentine. (Contains abietic anhydride, which may be converted into abietic acid, C^^Hg^O^,, a bitter principle, and 25 per cent, of volatile oil.) Oleum Terebinthinae. (Has the composition Cj(,H,e, and is the type of the terpenes.) {Linimentum.) Oleum Terebinthinae Rectificatum. (Emulsum.) Terebenum, U. S. — Terebem. — A liquid consisting of dipentine and other hydrocarbons, obtained by the action of concentrated H2SO4 on oil of turpentine and subsequent rectification with steam. A color- less, thin liquid, having a rather agreeable, thyme-like odor, and an aromatic, somewhat terebinthinate taste; sp. gr. about 0.850 at 25° C. (77° F.). Average dose, 0.5 Cc. (8 nji). Terpini RydTSiSyV.S.—Ter pin Hydrate. CioHjoOz -f HjO; 188.74. The hydrate [CioH,8(OH)2 + H2O] of the diatomic alcohol terpin. Colorless, lustrous, rhombic prisms, nearly odorless, and having a slightly aromatic and somewhat bitter taste. Permanent in the air. Made by acting on a mixture of oil of turpentine with nitric acid. Average dose, 0.125 ^rn. (2 gr.). Resina, U. S. — Rosin. (Colophony.) — The residue left after dis- tilling off the volatile oil from turpentine consists of abietic anhydride, which passes into abietic acid when treated with diluted alcohol. It is a transparent, amber-colored substance, hard, brittle, with a glossy and shallow conchoidal fracture, and having a faintly terebinthinate odor and taste; sp. gr, 1.070 to 1.080. Official Preparations. — Ceratum Resinae, Ceratum Resinae Com- positum. Terebinthina Canadensis, U. S. — Canada Turpentine. {Balsam 0} Fir.) — A liquid oleoresin obtained from Abies balsatnea (Fam. Conifercp). It contains resin, associated with a terpene, CjoHjg, and a small quantity of a bitter principle. It is a viscid, pale yellowish or greenish -yellow, transparent liquid; odor agreeable; taste terebin- thinate, bitter and slightly acrid. Mastiche, U. S. — Mastic. — A concrete, resinous exudation from Pistacia Lentiscus (Fam. Anacardiacece), containing a resin (mastichic acid, C20H32O2), which is soluble in strong alcohol; also masticin, a resinous principle, which is insoluble in alcohol; a small quantity of volatile oil is likewise present. Average dose, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). Asafcetida, U. S. — Asafetida. — A gum resin obtained from the root of Ferula faetida, and probably other species of Ferula (Fam. RESINS, OLEORESINS, GUM RESINS, AND BALSAMS. 151 UmbeUijeret). It contains a sulphurated volatile oil (ferulyl sulphide), about 20 per cent, of gum, and 70 per cent, of resin. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Official Preparations. — Emulsum Asafoetidae, Tinctura Asafoetidae, Pilul* Asafnetidac Elastica, U. S.— India Rubbrr. {Caoutchouc.)— The: prepared milk- juiceof various species of Hevea (Fam. Eupliorhiaceot)^ known in com- merce as Para Rubber. MyrrllA,n. S. — Myrrh. — A gum resin obtained from Commiphora Myrrha (Fam. Bursrracrtt), contains 3 per cent, of an oxygenated vola- tile oU, a bitter principle, and about 30 per cent. Qf gum and 60 per cenL of resin. Official Preparation. — Tinctura Myrrha. GuaUcum, U. S. — Guaiac. [Guaiaci Resina, Pharm. 1890.] — The re^iin of the wood of Guaiacum officinale and of G. sanctum (Fam. ZygophyUacett) consists of guaiacic acid (C„H,oOo), guaiaconic acid (C,A»0»), guaiaretic acid (C„Hjj04), beta resin, gum, etc. Average dooc, I Gm. (15 gr.). Oficial Preparations. — Tinctura Guaiaci, Tinctura Guaiaci Ammo- BalMmnm Penivianum, U. S.— Balsam of Peru.— A balsam ob- tained from Tolui/era Pereira (Fam. Leguminoscr) contains cinnamic and benwoic acids, benzyl cinnamate, C^^{C^HJ)02, resin, benzyl ben- aoaie, stilbene, etc. .Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Balwiimini Tolutanum,U. S.— Balsam of Tolu.—.\ balsam obtained from Tolui/era Balsamum (Fam. Leguminoscr), contains cinnamic and benzoic acids, resins, a volatile oil called benzyl benzoate, C^HsCC^H;)©,, benzyl cinnamate, a terpene, C,oH,«, termed tolene, and other unimpor- tant constituents. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Offkiai Preparations.— ^mdurti Tolutana, Syrupus Tolutanus. Benzoinum, U. S. — Benzoin. — A balsamic resin obtained from Styrax Benzoin, and another unidentified sfx'< ies of Sty rax (Fam. Styracea), contains benaoic acid, cinnamic acid, (CJIaO,), a fragrant, volatile oil, and resins; in some varieties vanillin is found. Average dose, I Gm. (15 gr.). Official Preparations.— Adei» Benzoinatus, Tinctura Benzoini, Tinc- tura Benxuini Composita. Styrax, U. S. — Slorax. — The balsam prepared from the inner bark r.f Liquidambar orientalis (Fam. J/amamelidaceo') lonXninsiinnamic 7j4c add, styracin, CV^7(C»H,)0„ storesin, C«H«0,. ethyl . C,Ht(C^»)0^ phenyl propyl cinnamate, C,VI^(C,H„)0„ styrol, C»l

in by sub- lunation, or prepared artificially. It should be kept in dark ambcr- odored, well-«topperrd bottles, in a cool place. White, or vellowish- vhitf, lustrous scales, or friable needles, permanent in the air; nearly 152 PHARMACY. odorless, or having a slight characteristic odor resembling that of ben- zoin, an acid, pungent taste, somewhat volatile at a moderately warm temperature, and acquiring a yellow color on exposure to light. Soluble in 281 parts of water, and in i part of boiling alcohol; also soluble in 3 parts of ether, 7 parts of chloroform, and readily soluble in carbon- disulphide, benzene, fixed and volatile oils; sparingly soluble in petroleum benzin. Average dose, 500 Gm. = 500 Mg. (7 J gr.). It is found natural in benzoin, balsam of tolu, etc., but is usually made artificially — 1. From the urine of cattle, by treating it with lime, evaporating, de- composing the lime hippurate with HCl, purifying the hippuric acid with animal" charcoal, and treating with HCl, when benzoic acid and glycocine are produced: — C9H9NO3 + H2O = C7H6O2 + C2H5NO2. Hippuric Water. Benzoic Glycocine. Acid. Acid. 2. From naphtalin, CjoHg, by treating it with HNO3; phthalic acid is produced which, when treated with excess of Ca(HO)2, yields calcium benzoate and carbonate. The calcium benzoate is treated with HCl, and the benzoic acid is precipitated. 3. Ffom toluene. Benzotrichloride is first formed, and this, when treated with water in close vessels, yields benzoic acid : — CeHg.CCla + 2H2O = CeHg.COOH + ^HCl. Benzotrichloride. Water. Benzoic Acid. Hydrochloric Acid. Benzosulphinidum, U. S. — Benzosulphinide. Saccharin. /SO2. QHi^ /NH = 181.77. — The anhydride of ortho-sulphamide-ben- ^CQ/ zoic acid (benzoyl sulphonic-imide). A white, crystalline powder, nearly odorless, having an intensely sweet taste even in dilute solutions. Made from the coal-tar product, toluene, by converting it into tnluene- sulphonic chloride. This is treated with ammonia whereby the sul- phamide is formed, wlfich by oxidation is converted into the sulphimide, saccharine being the anhydride of ortho-sulphamide-benzoic acid. Aver- age dose, 0.200 Gm. (3 gr.). FIXED OILS, FATS, AND SOAPS. Source of Fixed Oils and Fats, and how Distinguished : They are obtained from both the vegetable and animal kingdoms. Charac- teristics: — Greasy to the touch; leave a permanent oily stain on paper; insoluble in water, but soluble in ether, chloroform, carbon disulphide, benzol, benzin, turpentine, and volatile oils, usually mixing with one another without separating; when pure, generally colorless or of a pale yellow color, with distinctive odor and taste, often caused by impurities, as they are rendered odorless and tasteless by refining them. When heated moderately, if solid, they melt; if liquid, they become thinner; decomposed by heating strongly in the air, with evolution of offensive nXED OILS, FATS, AND SOAPS. 153 vapors, they bum w-ith a sooty flame and much heat. Sp. gr. 0.870 to 0.985. On exposure to air, they acquire an acrid, disagreeable taste and add reaction, owing to a change that occurs, termed rancidity, be- lieved to be due to impurities, like albuminous substances, which act as fennents, induce decomposition, liberate the fatty acids, and produce volatile, odorous acids, like caproic, caprjlic, butyric, and valerianic acids. Rancid oils may often be purified by shaking thoroughly with hot water, then with a cold solution of CO,, and washing with cold water. What they are chemically : They are esters of higher members of the fatty acids, the alcohol being glycerin and the radical glyceryl. They are sometimes called glycerides of oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids. Olein is liquid, the other two solid. Almond oil being principally com- posed of olein, is, at ordinary temperatures, liquid; tallow, being largely stearin, b solid at the same temperatures. Oletn : The oleate of the triad radical glyceryl, having the chemical composition CjH5(C„HaO,)„ obtained by treating oils or fats .with boibng alcohol, co«jling, to deposit the concrete principles, the olein re- maining in solution, which is obtained by evaporating off the alcohol, or by compressing one of the solid fats, or a liquid fat concreted by cold, between folds of bibulous paper, which absorb the olein and give it up afterward by compressing under water. Olein is a liquid of oily consistence, congealing at — 6* C. (21.2** F.); colorless, when pure; ^*nth little 'ing in color from yellowish to light amix-r, having not more than slight fluorescence, even after being melted; transparent in thin layers, completely amorohous; without odor or taste, but giving off, when heated, a faint petroleum -like odor. The degree of hardnesA of petrolatum is due to the greater or less proportion of paraflfm presciiL Petrolatum is known commercially as cosmolinr, vaseline, petrolina, dtodarolina, etc. Liquid Petrolatum, as albolene, etc., etc. Petrolatum Allmm.U.S. -W^Ai^ Petrolatum. ~\ colorless mixture of hydrcxarljr*n», chiefly ortii>ns from petroleum, and purifying the residur. A white unctumis mass, of alxmt the consistency of an ointment; trmns|>aiTnt in thin layers; completely amorphous, without odor or taste. PrtrDlatttm Liquidum, U. S. —Liquid Petrolatum.— h mixture of hydrocarbons, chidly of the methane series, obtained by distilling on most of the Ugbter and more volatile fiortions from petroleum, and purifyfaig the liquie seed of Strophatt- thus Kombi (Fam. Apocynacffr) deprived of its long awn, contains a glucoside, strophanthin, which yields, on decomposition, glucose and strophanihidiH. Official Preparation. — Tinctura Strophanthi. Strophanthinum, U. S. — Strophanthin. — \ glucoside, or mixture of glucosides, obtained from Strophanthus. A while or faintly yellowish fr>-stalline powder, containing varying amounts of water of crystalli- zation, which it docs not lose entirely without dccomixjsition. Taste, intensely bitter; great caution should be used in testing it. Permanent in the air. Average dose, 0.0003 ^^- dhjf P"-)- SAntoninum, U. S.—Santonin. C,aH,gO,; 244.29.— The inner anhydride or lactone of santonic acid, obtained from Santonica. Color- less, shining, flattened rhombic prisms; odorless, and nearly tasteless • put into the mouth, but aftenaard develojiing a bitter taste; !t in the air, but turning yellow on exposure to light. Average drccipitated santonin is purifu-*! by dissolving it in alcohol, treating with animal chanoal, and cr>-stallizing. (Trochisci.) ErgoU, U. S.— Ergot. {Ergot oj Rye.)— The stierotium of Clarice ps purpurea. rrplaHni? the grain of SecaU cerenU (Fam. Graminaceo-). ' " ' ■/ acid, sclererythrin, sclrromucin, sclrro- is al.v) nresent scJrroxanthin an ,i-. .». tivity U due to cornuiine, ergotic acid, and ',". ';- -icid), with 25 |icr cent of fixed oil, mycosc, and protein com- iK.ur, ; Kr, ! It should be preserved in a clos« rm should be dropped U[xm it fmtn lime to lime, to prcvrni ; pmcnt of innctU. Vvhcn more than one vcar f»ld it is unfit for u Official Preparations.— V\}x\6vx\T^i\\im Krgota;, Kxtractum Ergotc, Vintim Ergots. Otnffama {CeiUian). 'HJde gentinpirrin (whigrnin and grafN* sugar), ■"' -"*"' '* " <')|. I"* *'" 't''^ i"'">""^*'>. »"*' •*» little fixed oil.) Calumba H 'nlumlw). (C)wrs its virtue to rolomhin, ,. „ ' 'i/w, Ixilh of whif h arr ver>' bitter; start h and jrjlom- bir acid are prraent, with a mufilagr whirfj is often tmublrHomr by interfering with percolating oi>crali«mH.) {Fldcxt.; Tr.) Quassia. 158 PHARMACY. (Contains guassin, CjoHijOj, which is intensely bitter and soluble in both alcohol and water; there are also present resin, mucilage, etc.) (FldexL; Ext.; Tr.) Chirata. (Contains a bitter glucoside, chiratin, CzfiH^gOjs, and a very bitter principle, ophelic acid, CigHjoOio.) (Fldext.) Salicinum {Salicin). (A glucoside, obtained from several species of SaJix and Populua, which splits into saligenin and sugar under the influence of dilute acids and heat.) Taraxacum {Dandelion). (Owes its bit- terness to taraxacin, CgHjgO, an acrid crystalline principle, soluble in alcohol and water; it also contains pectin, sugar, resin, gum, etc.) {Fldext.; Ext.) Lappa {Burdock). (Contains a bitter substance, inulin, sugar, mucilage, etc.) {Fldext.) Convallaria {Lily of the Valley). (Contains a glucoside, convallarin, which is split into con- valleretin by the action of dilute acids. Also contains the glucoside coitval- lamarin, which is the active principle.) {Fldext.) Cusso {Brayera). (Contains a bitter resinous princi})le, kosin, tannin, gum, sugar, etc.) San- tonica {Levant Wormseed). (Contains about 2 per cent, of santonin, resin, volatile oil, gum, etc.) Gossypii Cortex {Cotton Root Bark). (Contains a yellow resin, which becomes red upon exposure to air, fi.xed oil, tannin, starch, sugar, etc.) Santalum Rubrum {Red Saunders). (Contains santalic acid, a resinous substance, pterocarpin, and santol.) Drugs Containing Saponified Principles, with their Preparations. Quillaja. {Soap Bark.) (Owes its action to a peculiar principle, saponin, C32H54O15, a glucoside, splitting upon heating with dilute acids into sapogenin and sugar.) {Fldext.; Tr.) Sarsaparilla, U. S. — SarsapariUa. — The dried root of Smilax medico, Smilax ornata, Smilax papyracece, or a dried root known commer- cially as Honduras Sarsaparilla, which is probably obtained from Smilax officinalis, contains a glucoside analogous to, if not identical with, saponin, termed parillin. When boiled with dilute acids, it splits into parigcnin and grape sugar. Official Preparations^ — Fluidextractum Sarsaparillae, Fluidextractum Sarsaparillae Compositum, Syrupus Sarsaparillae Compositus. Senega, U. S. — Settega. — The dried root of Poly gala senega (Fam. Polygalacece). Senega contains poly gallic acid (sometimes called sene- gin), fi.xed oil, pectose, etc. Polygallic acid is analogous to, if not identi- cal with, saponin. Liquid preparations of senega are very apt to gelatin- ize, owing to the presence of pectin; this is obviated by using water of ammonia, or other alkali, to dissolve it. Official Preparations. — Fluidextractum Senegae, Syrupus Senegae. Drugs Containing Cathartic Principles, and their Preparations. Senna, U. S. — Senna. — The dried leaflets of Cassia aciitifolia (Alex- andria Senna), and of Cassia angustijolia (Indian Senna) (Fam. Legu- minoseo'), contain cathartic acid which, under the influence of dilute acids and heat, splits into calhartogenic acid and glucose; there are also present phceoretin, sennacrol, cathartomannit, crysnphan, mucilage, etc. Cathartic acid is believed to be the chief purgative principle, DRUGS CONTAINING CATHARTIC PRINCIPLES, ETC. 159 allhoii ' tl of the others possess cathartic properties. Average 0,f..... . i.f .rations. — Fluide.xtractum Sennjc, Infusum Sennae Com- positum, Syrupus Sennae, Confectio Senna*. Rheum, U. S. Rhubarb. — The dried rhizome of Rheum officinale^ Rheum palmatum, and the variety Uinf^utitum (Fam. Polygonacetr), or pn»bably other species of Rheum, grown in China and Thibet, and de- pri%-ed of most of the bark and carefully dried. Contains chrysophanic acid, emodin, rhein, rkubarberon, and the resins, erythroretin, phetretin, and aparetin. The astringent properties of rhubarb arc due to rheo- tannic acid, C„H^O,^. Official Preparations. — E.xtractum Rhei, Fluide.xtractum Rhci, Tinc- tura Rhei, Tinctura Rhei Aromatica, Syrupus Rhei, Syrupus Rhei \ raticus, Mistura Rhci et Soda, Pulvis Rhei Comjxjsitus, Pilulse ; Compositar. Chrjtarobinum, U. S. — Chrysarohin. Ca,H„0, = 494.46. — A neutral principle extracted from (loa Powder, a sul>stance found dcpOBitra in the wood of Vouacapoua Araroba (Fam. Le^uminosa-). In its coflnncrrial, more or less impure, form it is commonly misnamed Clwyioplianic Acid. A pale orange-yellow micro-crystalline powder, tastden, odorleaft, and irritating to the mucous membrane. {Unguen- JalMp^f U. S.— Jalap. — The dried tuberous root of Exoganium Purga (Fam. Corn'otrmlacetr), yielding, when a.«vsayed by the U. S. P. prorrs*, not lc» than 7 per cent, of total resin, of which not more than 1 5 per cent, should be soluble in ether. Jalap contains from 1 2 to 20 per rent, of rwin, the ^ater part of which is conx'olvulin, C^jHinoO,,, a ghiroBkle, insoluble in ether; there are also present gum, sugar, starch, etc. {Pulv. Com p.; Resin.) Rluiinntss Purshiana (C'^scara Sagrada). Contains a neutral crys- talli/-i»''' '■-■" ''\Ac, purshianin, or cascarin, aUo rhamnelin, emodin, and (krr- i, muns, and tannic, malli* , and oxalic a< ids. ^f^. ; .rations. — Extractum Rhamni Purshianar, Fluidcxtractum Rhamni I'unhianc, Fluidrxtrartum Rhamni Punsphere for twenty-four boors, making into a paste with ether, setting the paste aside, covered cksdy, for six hours, then expressing it powerfully Ix'twcen tinned plates, so as to obtain the liquid portion. The resulting < ake is again made into a paste with ether and water, and expressed as before, after which the ttqiuds are mixed and evafx^rated spontaneously to a syrupy con- 'len ^nead on glass or tin plates, and dried qui( kly in a drying Water and ether form a sf^luble com[K)und with the tannic acid, and the ctprcMinn separates it from the paste, after which the ether and water are driren off by the heat {Gtycer.; Ung't.; Track.) Addtim Gmllicum, U. S. — Gallic Acid. HQHjOj.HjO; 186.65. —An orpanir aoM. (r,H,(OH), . COOH + H,0], usually prepared from '■■" 'k-, or pale fawn-colored, si!ky, interlaced ncefll< [xrrmanent in the air; odorless; astringent and Mig.niv ,1 li jM-j. i,;,ir. Prepared by macerating nutgalls (|k)w- flrred and made into a pastr) with water, for a month, expn*ssing, re- iecting the expressed liquor, Ixjiling the residue in water, filtering, while hot. throiti^ animal charcoal, and crystallizing. Average dose, i Gm. P.rogallol, U. S, — PyrogaJhl. C.H,0, - 125.10. {PyrogaUic \ triatomic phenol, (C\H,(OH), 1:2: 3I, obtained chiefly by X gallic acid. Light, white lamliue or fine needles, ' • ing a bitter taste, ac quiring a grayish tint on exposure .ublimed, the heat converts it into pyrogallic add S£!^. C,H,0, + CO^ Pyranllk Carboa hSST Dknkk. rio^Ki, TT s.— CTiMiWr. (To fvpl«o^ Catechu, Pham. 1890 ] rPalc ^tnct prepared from the leaves and twip of Ouroupuria 'ubiaum). Irregular maases, or cubes of alxiut 35 Mm. r; rxtcmally reddish-brown, pale brownish-grav, or light turr dull-earthv, friable, rrystafUne; inodorous, bfttcrish, y/ery 4r;:igint. with a sweetish after-taMr; free from iliirdi. Average ifsc, I (;m. (15 gr.). {Tr. Comp.; Troch.) ti 162 PHARMACY. Kino. (Contains kino-tannic acid, pyrocatechin, kino-red, kinoin, gum, etc. Owing to the decomposition of the kinotannic acid, the liquid preparations frequently gelatinize.) {Tr.) Haematoxylon {Logwood). (Contains a colorless sweet principle, hematoxylin, C18HJ4O8, which is reddened upon exposure to light, and turns blackish-purple upon- contact with alkalies, yielding hcEmatein, CigHijOe . H2O. It also contains tannin, resin, etc.) {Ext.) Krameria {Rlmtany). (Con- tains about 18 per cent, of kramerotannic acid, starch, gum, rhatannic red, etc.) {Ext.; Fldext.; Tr.) Quercus {White Oak). (Contains about 10 per cent, of tannic acid, with pectin, resin, and brownish-red coloring matter.) {Fldext.) Rosa Gallica {Red Rose). (Contains quercitrin and quercitannic acid; the pale red coloring matter is made bright red by the addition of sulphuric acid.) {Fldext.; Mel.; Conjee; Syr.) Oleum Rosae. {Ungt.) Rhus Glabra (^Mmac/r). ^nhns {Black- berry). (Owes its astringent properties to tannic acid.) {Fldext. Syr.) Geranium {Craneshill). (Contains about 15 per cent, of tannic acid, with brownish-red coloring matter, starch, sugar, pectin, etc.) {Fldext.) Hamamelis Cortex {Witchhazel Bark). (Contains tannic acid, chlorophyl, bitter principle, mucilage, etc.) {Fldext.) Hama- melidis Folia {Witchhazel Leaves). {Aqua.) Chimaphila {Pip- sissewa). (Contains about 5 per cent, of tannic acid, with chimaphilin, ericolin, arbuiin, urson, sugar, gum, etc.) {Fldext.) Uva Ursi {Bear- berry). (Contains about 6 per cent, of tannic acid, with galUc acid, urson, arbtitin, ericolin, gum, resin, coloring matter, etc.) {Fldext.) Salvia {Sage). ALKALOIDS. Chemically, many of the vegetable alkaloids are closely related to pyridine, and some of them may be synthesized, starting from a pyridine base. They have many properties which show their similarity to am- monia. They are mostly composed of C, H, N, and O; in some O is wanting. Source of Alkaloids : They are found in both the animal and vegeta- ble kingdoms. Distinctive Features : First, they all contain N. The non-volatile alkaloids are mostly solid; the volatile alkaloids are chiefly liquid. Second, they restore the color of reddened litmus, combine with acids to form salts, and are precipitated from their saline solutions by alkalies. Third, they are generally the active principles of the plants in which they reside, are mostly poisonous, and have a bitter, acrid, or pungent taste. Fourth, they are mostly crystallizable and colorless, insoluble in H2O, soluble in alcohol, chloroform, benzin, benzol, and some in ether. Their salts, however, are mostly soluble in HjO, less so in alcohol; insolu- ble in chloroform, ether, benzin, and benzol. Fifth, they are mostly pre- cipitated by one or more of the following reagents: Potassio-mercuric iodide, gold chloride, tannic acid, phospho-molyhdic acid, and picric acid. Nomenclature adopted for the Alkaloids: The last syllable should terminate in ine; the Latin termination is ina; the names of neutral principles and glucosides end in in. ALKALOIDS. 163 Opium, U. S.— Opium. — The concrete, milky exudation obtained by incising unripe capsules of Papaver somnijerum (Fam. Papaveracecr), and yielding, in its normal moist condition, not less than 9 |>er cent, of morphine when assayed by the U. S. P. process. {Opii Puh'is; Opium Gran.) Two Acids found in Opium combined with the Alkaloids: Meconic and lactic acids. Number of Alkaloids Opium contains: Nineteen, of which the most important is morphine. Opii Pulyis, U. S. — Powdared Opium. — Opium dried at a tempera- ture not exceeding 8s** C. (185° F.), and reduced to a very line (No. 80) powder. Should yield not less than 12 nor more than 12.5 per cent. of arystallized morphine. Average dose, 0.065 Gm. = 65 Mg. (i gr.). Oficitd Preparations. — Opium Dcodoratum, Acetum Opii, Extractum Opii, Tinctura Opii Camphorata, Pilulx Opii, Pulvis Ipecacuanha et Opii, Trochisd Glycyrrhizae et Opii. Opinm Deodoimtum, U. S. — Deodorized Opium. Opium fn>m which the narcotine has been extracted with Purified Petroleum Benzin. Shouki yield not less than 12 per cent, nor more than 12.5 jxrr cent, of crystallized morphine. /\veragc dose. 0.065 Gm. — 65 Mg. (i gr.). Oficial Preparation oj ILxtract oj Opium. — Emplastrum Opii. Opkixn Granulatum, U. S. — Granulated Opium. — Opium dried at a temperature not exceeding 85° C (185° F.) and reduced to a coane (No. 20) |>owder. Should yield not less than 12 per cent. nor more than 12.5 \>cr cent, of cr>stallizehine, Ijy combining with the natural acids. The 'hen purified by dissolving in boiling alcohol, filtering through rcoa( and crystallising. Average dose, 0.10 Gm. — 10 Mg. Morphinjs Acetas, U. S,— Morphine AcrtaU. C'„lf,^0,C,H/),4- v> ' 2^> Thr ;v , t ,t. . (CHjCOOH . C,tH,.NO, + jHjO], of il'.»'l -Ti'.rjhin' \ V i- tf or yellowish-whitr rrvslalllinc or amor- . i-.-.'I'r, );iv;t;; i fi r.flv acctous odor, a liittcr taste, and a nrjtr.»: -r f.u-.r:, ilk lii-.. r. I tjrm. Prepare*! by acting on morphine with .1 rti. .1- .1 Av.r.i^.- .|— White, silky, glistening needles, mkro-crystalline cubes, or a 164 PHARMACY. white crystalline powder; permanent in the air; odorless; bitter taste. Made by acting on morphine with hydrochloric acid. The hydrochloride, [HCl . CJ7HJ9NO3 + 3H2O], of the alkaloid morphine. Average dose, 0.015 Gm. {\ gr.). Morphinae Sulphas, U. S.—Morphhie Sulphate. (C,7HipN03)2 . - H2SO, + 5H2O; 752.83.— The sulphate, [S02(OH)2(C,-H,,N03)2 + 5H2O], of the alkaloid morphine. White, feathery, acicular, silky crystals; odorless; bitter taste; permanent in the air. Prepared by acting on morphine with sulphuric acid. Average dose, 0.015 Gm. (igr.)- Official Preparation. — Pulvis Morphinae Compositus. Codeina, U. S.— Codeine. C,8H2iN03 + HjO; 314.83.— An alkaloid, [C,7H,g(CH3)N03 + HjO], obtained from opium or prepared from mor- phine by methylation. White or nearly translucent, orthorhomhic prisms, octahedral crystals, or a crystalline powder; slightly efflorescent in warm air; odorless; slightly bitter taste. Prepared by precipitating the hydrochlorates of morphine and codeine with ammonia, codeine remaining in solution, and afterward obtained by evaporation, crystal- lization, and purifying by dissolving in hot ether and evaporating spontaneously. Average dose, 0.030 Gm. {\ gr.). Codeina Phosphas, U. S. — Codeine Phosphate. -^ C ^^U^i^O:^. - H3PO4 + 2H2O = 430.0. The phosphate, [PO(OH)3(C,7H,«(CH3)- NO3) 4- 2H2O], of an alkaloid obtained from Opium, or prepared from Morphine by methylation. Firm, white, needle-shaped crystals or a cr}'stalline powder, without odor, and having a bitter taste. Average dose, 0.030 Gm. {\ gr.). Codeinae Sulphas, U. S, — Codeine Sulphate. (Ci8H2,N03^2- H2SO4+ 5H2O = 780.65. The sulphate [S02(OH)2 . (Ci7H,„(Cri3)- N03)2 + 5H2O] of an alkaloid obtained from Opium, or prepared from morphine by methylation. Long, glistening, white, needle-shaped crys- tals, rhombic prisms, or a crystalline powder, efflorescing in the air, odorless, and having a bitter taste. Average dose, 0.030 Gm. {\ gr.). Apomorphinae Hydrochloridum, U. S. — Apomorphine Hydrochlor- ate. C17H17NO2 . HGl = 301.34. [Apomorphinae Hydrochloras, Pharm. 1890.] — The hydrochloride of an artificial alkaloid prepared from mor- phine by the abstraction of one molecule of water. Minute grayish- white, monoclinic prisms, glistening, odorless, having a slightly bitter taste, and acquiring a greenish tint upon exposure to light and air. Average dose. Expectorant, 0.002 Gm. (3V gr.); Emetic, 0.005 Gm. (yV gr.)- Pre- pared by heating morphine in a closed tube, with a great excess of hydro- chloric acid, for two or three hours, to the temperature of 140° to 150° C. (284°-302° F.), dissolving the contents of the tube in water, adding an excess of NaHCOg, and exhausting the precipitate with ether or chloroform; the addition of HCl now results in crystals of the salt. The rationale of the process is one of dehydration; the morphine parts with one molecule of water. Cinchona, U. S. — Cinchona. {Peruvian Bark.) — The dried bark of Cinchona Ledgeriana, Cinchona Calisaya, Cinchona officinalis (Fam. ALKALOIDS. KIT) Ruhiaceai) and of hybrids of these and of other spedes of cinchona, 3rielding, whan assayed by the U. S. P. process, not less than 5 per cent. of total anhydrous dnchcxia alkaloids, and at least 4 per cent, of anhy- drous ether-soluble alkaloids when assayed by the U. S. P. process. Average dose, i Gm. (15 gr.). Cinchona Rubra, U. S.^Rrd Cinchona. (Peruvian Bark.)— The dried bark of the trunk of Cinchona succirubra (Fam. Rubiacea), or of its hybrids, yielding not less than 5 {x>r cent, of anhydrous cinchona alkakwds when assay^ by the U. S. P. process. .Average dose, i Gm. (isp.)- About twenty alkaloids have been discovered in cinchona bark. Some of these are found only in one kind of bark; some are, doubtless, "split products" (alkaloids not existing naturally in the bark, but the result of the action of chemical agents upon it). The most important alkaloids found in cinchona are quinine, quiniJine, cinchoninc, and cituhonidine. The adds |HVsent are kinic or quinic, ciucholannic, and kinovic or quin- ovic. The neutral principle is kituK'in or quiturvin; cinchonic red, volatile oil, and red and yellow coloring matters are also present. Oficial Preparations. — Fluidextractum Cinchona, Tinctura Cinchonxe, Tinctura Cinchomc Compositxe. Qainina, U. S, — Quinine. C„H,«N,0, -H 3H,0; 375.46.— .\n alka- loid obtained from the l>ark of various species of cinchona. Quinine occurs in the form of a white, flaky, or mirro-cr)'staIline powder; odor- lesB, having a bitter taste and slightly efllon-scent in di>' air. Prepared by adding to the add solution of the sulphate, ammonia water or solu- tion of toda, which predpitates the alkaloid. As quinine is soluble in ■lkalif», carefully avviid excess. Average dose, o. 250 Gm. (4 gr.). QainiiyB Snlphaa, U. S.— Quinine Sulphate. (C^H„\,0,),I I^SO, . - 7H/>; 866.15.— The sulphate. (SO^OH), . C„H,«X,0, -h 711,0], of the ■Ikalnid quinine. White, silky, light, flexible, glistening crystals, or hard, prismatic, monoclinic needles, making a very light and easily com- pmriole mass, odorless, and having a i)crsi.stent, very bitter taste. It cflumces rapidly when it is expMcd to dry air, and then becomes histfdess; wnen expOMxl to light, it Siquires a brownish tint, .\venigc dose, 0.350 Gm. (4 ^.). Prepared by treating yellow dmhona bark with hydrochloric acid, which forms with the alkaloids soluble hydro- chlorates; decomposing with lime, which prrdfiitates the alkaloid; diMulrinc oat the alkaloid from the excess of lime with boiling ah ohol; rvaporatmg; acidulating with sulphuric adrl. which forms the sulphate, then porifpng with animal charcoal, and crystallizing. QuiniMi Bitnlphat, \J. S.—Quinim Bisuiphate. C^HmNsO,.- Ilyso, + 7H/>; 544.31.— The add sulphate, l.SO,(OH), . c5i»|N,0,+ jll^Oi of the alkaloMl qufaUnc Colorless, transparent or whitish, orthfjrhombic crystals or small aemdlei, odorless; very bitter taste. It efllorcscas on expostire to the air, and turns yellow on exposure to the light Averife dost, 0.950 Gm. (4 gr.). Prepared by acting on ciuinine sulphate by stUpburlc acid. The bisulphate of qtainine contains 13 per cent, less aUudold than the sulphate 166 PHARMACY. Quininae Hydrochloridum, U. S. — Quinine Hydrochloride. C20H24- N2O2 . HCl + 2H2O; 393.76. [Quininae Hydrochloras, Pharm. 1890.] The hydrochloride, [HCl . C20H24N2O2 + 2H2'0], of the alkaloid quinine. White, silky, glistening needles; odorless, and having a very bitter taste. The salt effloresces when exposed to warm air. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Prepared by double decomposition between quinine sul- phate and barium chloride, or by dissolving the alkaloid in dilute HCl, evaporating, and crystallizing. Quininae Hydrobromidum, U. S. — Quinine Hydrobromide. C20H24N2O2 . HBr + 2H2O; 420.06. [Quininae Hvdrobromas, Pharni. 1890.]— The hydrobromide, [HBr. C20H24N2O2 + HjO], of the alkaloid quinine. White, light, silky needles; odorless, and having a very bitter taste. The salt effloresces on exposure to the air. Prepared by decom- posing quinine sulphate in alcohol, with potassium bromide, in water. K2SO4 crystallizes out, and the hydrobromate may be obtained by evap- orating and crystallizing. Quinine hydrobromate may also be made by double decomposition between quinine sulphate and barium bromide, or by dissolving the alkaloids in hot dilute hydrobromic acid. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Quininae Salicylas, U. S. — Quinine Salicylate, 2C20H24N2O2 . CyHjOj- + H2O = 935.54.— The salicylate [2C8H4(OH)COOH . C20H24N2O2 + H2O] of the alkaloid quinine. Colorless needles, permanent in the air, but on keeping readily assuming a pinkish color. Average dose, 0.050 Gm. (4 gr.). Prepared by double decomposition between solutions of quinine hydrochloride, and ammonium salicylate. Cinchoninae Sulphas, U. S. — Cinchonine Sulphate. (Cj9H22N20)2 . - H2SO4 4- 2H2O ; 717.17. The neutral sulphate [S02(OH)2 . C,9H22N20)2- -|- 2H2O] of an alkaloid obtained from the bark of several species of cinchona. White, hard, lustrous, prismatic crj'stals; odorless; perma- nent in the air; very bitter taste. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Cinchonidinae Sulphas, U. S. — Cinchonidine Sulphate. (€10^22- N20)2. H2SO4 + 3H2O; 735.05.— The neutral sulphate, [S02(OH)2 . - (Ci9H22N20)2 + 3H2O], of an alkaloid of cinchona, obtained from the bark of several species of cinchona. Odorless; very bitter taste. White, glistening, silky needles or prisms, permanent in the air. Aver- age dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Nux Vomica, U. S. — Nux Vomica. — The dried, ripe seed of Strychnos N ux-vomica (Fam. LoganacecB), yielding, when assayed by the U. S. P. process, not less than 1.25 per cent, of strychnine. It con- tains strychnine, brucine (C23H26N2O4), probably loganin, igasuric acid, protein compounds, gum, fixed oil, sugar, etc. It owes its activity prin- cipally to strychnine. Official Preparations. — Extractum Nucis Vomicae, Fluidextractum Nucis Vomicae, Tinctura Nucis Vomicae. Strychnina, U. S. — Strychnine. C21H22N2O2 = 331 •73. — An alka- loid obtained from Nux Vomica, and also obtainable from other plants of the LoganiacecB. Colorless, transparent, prismatic crystals, or a white, crystalline powder; odorless; intensely bitter taste, which is ALKALOIDS. 167 Still perceptible in a highly dilute (i in 700,000) solution; alkaline reaction; permanent in the air. Should be tasted with extreme caution. Prepared by treating nu.x vomica with hydrcx-hloric acid, dccomj)osing with lime, dissol\-ing out from the excess of lime with boiling alcohol (the brucine haWng been previously removed by treatment with diluted alcx^iol), e\-aporating the alcoholic solution, acidulating with H,S04, to form a sulphate, decolorizing and crj'stallizing, then dissolving the crystals and precipitating the alkaloid by ammonia water. Average dose, 0.001 Gm. {^ gr.). Strydmiiue llitras, U. S.— Strychnine Nitrate. C„HaN,0,HNO, - 394.30.-1" [N'OjOH . C„H^jOj of the alkaloid Str>'chnine. Colorless, needles; odorless, and having an intensely bitter taste. Shouiii ui utsted with extreme caution. Permanent in the air. Prepared by dissolving str>'chnine in wann diluted HNO,, evaporating and crystallizing. Average d<)se, o.ooi Gm. {^ gr.). Geltemimil. (YeJUrw Jasmine.) (Contains getsemine, C„H„NO„ gelseminic acid, volatile oil, stanh, resin, fat, coloring matter, etc.) (FIdejd.: Tr.) PhysottigmA. {Calabar Bean.) (Contains physostigmine or eserine, C,^-N,0,, an alkaloid; amorphous and without ta.stc; also calabarine, an alkaloid derived from eserine; and a neutral principle, physosterin; also starch, protein ctjmix>unnrld, when aMavcd bv the U. S. P. proc- caa, not less than 0.45 per cent, of mydriatic alfcaloins Averaae dose, 0.45 Gm. (f gr.). Belladonna owes iu activity to airofine, C„H„NOt, and a small quantity of kyouyamine; It also contains betUuhnnine. {PUext.; Urn) AtropiiM, U. S,—Alro^Me. C„H|,NO.; 387.04.— An alkaloid obtained from Alrota BeUadonna (Fam. Solanacea), and fn>m other pianto of the same temily. As it occur>^ i always ac- companied by a Moall proportioo of hyo^ it c annot be readily sepanlcd. White rhombic pri,...,, ..,;..:; :;ic direction r>f the major axis, as they contain more or less hyoscyamine. Odorless; bitter and acrid taste (it should be tasted with the utmost caution and oaif in dilute solution), alkaline reaction with litmtis, phenolphthalein. 168 PHARMACY, and hematoxylin T. S, Average dose, 0.0004 Gm. (yJ^ gr.). Prepared by treating a concentrated alcoholic tincture of the root with H2SO4, to convert the atropine into sulphate, distilling off the alcohol, adding water to the residuary liquid, filtering, to separate oil and resin, treating the filtrate with potassium hydrate and chloroform — the former to decompose the sulphate, and evaporating the latter to obtain the alkaloid. Official Preparation. — Oleatum Atropinae. Atropinae Sulphas, U. S.— Atropine Sulphate. (Ci7H23N03)2 .- H2SO4 = 671.43.— The sulphate [S02(OH)2 . (CnHzaNOs)^ of an alkaloid obtained from Atropa Belladonna (Fam. Solanacece), and from other plants of the same family. As it occurs in commerce, it usually contains a small amount of hyoscyamine sulphate, from which it cannot be readily separated. A white crystalline powder or micro- scopical needles and prisms (the form of the latter being probably due to the hyoscyamine present) ; odorless, bitter, nauseating taste, permanent in the air. It should be tasted with the utmost caution, and only in dilute solution. Average dose, 0.0004 Gm. (j^-^ gr.). Prepared by treating the alkaloid with dilute sulphuric acid, and evaporating at a tem- perature not exceeding 37.7° C. (100° F.). Homatropinae Hydrobromidum, U. S. — Homatropine Hydrohro- mide. CieH^iNOj . HBr = 253.49. The hydrobromide [HBr . CigHj,- NO3] of an alkaloid obtained by the condensation of atropine and mandelic acid. A white, odorless, crystalline powder, or rhombic prisms, having a bitter taste. Average dose, 0.0005 Gm. (y^j gr.). Scopola. — Should yield, when assayed by the U. S. P. process, not less than 0.5 per cent, of its alkaloids. Average dose, 0.65 Gm. (J gr.). (Ext.; Fldext.) Scopolaminae Hydrobromidum, U. S. — Scopolamine Hydrobro- mide. CiyHjjNO^ . HBr. + 3H2O = 434.92. — The hydrobromide [HBr . Cj7H2iN04 + 3H2O] of an alkaloid obtained from plants of the Solanacece, chemically identical with hyoscine hydrobromide (see Hy- oscinae Hydrobromidum). Average dose, 0.0005 Gm. {j\j gr.). Hyoscyamus. {Henbane.) — Should yield, when assayed by the U. S. P. process, not less than 0.08 per cent, of mydriatic alkaloid. Hyoscyamus contains hyoscyamine,* C17H23NO3; hyoscine, C17H23NO3; hyoscypicrin, C27H52O14; chlorophyl, mucilage, extractive matter, etc. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). {Ext.; Fldext.) Hyoscinae Hydrobromidum, U. S. — Hyoscine Hydrobromide. Ci7H2jN04HBr + 3H2O = 434.92. [Hyoscinae Hydrobromas, Pharm. 1890.]— The hydrobromide [HBr . Ci7H2iN04 + 3H2O] of an alka- loid chemically identical with scopolamine, obtained from hyoscy- amus and other plants of the Solanacece. Colorless, transparent, rhombic crystals, sometimes of large size; odorless, and having an acrid, slightly bitter taste; slightly efflorescent. Average dose, 0.0005 Gm. (y^g gr.). Hyoscyaminae Hydrobromidum, U. S. — Hyoscyamine Hydrobro- mide. [Hyoscyaminae Hydrobromas, Pharm. 1890.] CJ7H23NO3 . HBr = 367.40. — The hydrobromide [HBr. CJ7H23NO3] of an alkaloid ALKALOIDS. 109 obtained from h>*06cyainus and other plants of the Solamufet. White, prismatic ci^'stals, or a yellowish, amorphous, rcsin-like mass, having, particularly when damp, a tobacco-like odor, and an acrid, nauseous, and bitter taste; deliquescent on exposure to the air. .Average dose, 0.0005 Gm. (,J, gr.). Hyoscymmiiue Sulphas, U. S. — Hyoscyamine SulphaU. (C^Ha- N0,),H,S04 - 671.43. — The neutral sulphate [SO,(OH),. (C„- Ha>IO,)J of an alkaloid obtained from hyoscyamus and other plants • •f the Solanace remove coloring matter and oil, afterward decolori/Jng and rei r>'stallizing. Average dose, 0.0005 ^ leqM*ne. (Fldrxl.) POocarpilue Hjdrochloridum, \5.S. — PiUtcarpinf Hydrochhridr. CpHigN/^HO; 248-81. [Piloiarinna? Hydrcx hloras. Pharm. i8qo.] The ^(bocliloride [HCl . (\|H,«N,OJ of an alkaloid obtained from Pilo- carpus. Coloricaa, or white, transparent cr>'stals, odorles.s, and having a faintly bitter taste; deliqucMent on exposure to the air. Average dose, 3.0I0 Gm. {\ gr.). PrrfNired by treaUng pilocar])inc with dilute HCl, mncentrating, and crystallizing. PilocarpinjB Ultras, U. S.— Pilocarpine Nitriu. r„H„N,0,.- H.VO, - 269.20. The nitrate [NO,OH . (*„H,^\',0,J of an alkaloid ob- tained from pilocarpus. Colorless, or white shining c rystals; odorless, and IwTiM a isintly bhtrr taste; permanent in the air. Prefiared by adding pflutaipinc to dilute HNO^ rva|iorating ami cr>'stalli/Jng. Averafe doae, 0.010 Gm. (I gr.). ColcMd ComUM.— Should yield, when assayed by the U. S. P. process, miC leas than 0.35 per cent of cok hicin. Average dcwe, 0.250 (# m. (4 gr.). Cokhid 8«aMB« U. S.—Cakkkum Smi, The seed of Cnkhicnm amIumnaU, yielding, when siayrd by the U. S. P. proems, not less than 0.45 per rent, of cokfaidne. Averaor d(«e. 0.200 Gm. (3 gr.). C^okhirum contains the alkaloid coUkuine, brHh in corm and seed. In the former there are pfttent stanh, gum, fat. sugar, rrsin, etc In the latter a (ucd oil b found in addilino to the other prinri(>lrH. The alka- loid may be eatrarted hy d^esting the srrds in hot alcohol withr>ut powdering thrm. {Exl.; Fldext.; fr.; Vin) CalchkinA, U. ^-CoUhUine ('wH^NO, - 996.35.— An alka- loid obtained frrim rr.|«hi*um f ' How leaflets, or a pale yt\- 170 PHARMACY. low, amorphous powder, turning darker on exposure to light, having an odor suggesting damp hay, and a very bitter taste. Average dose, 0.0005 Gm. (yig gr.). Veratrum. {American liellehore.) — (From Veratrum viride, or Vera- trum Album.) Contains the alkaloids jervine, pseudojervine, and ruhi- jervine, protoveratrine, and protoveratridine, jervic acid, also resins, starch, coloring matter, etc. Average dose, 0.125 ^n^- (2 gr.). {Fldext.; Tr.) Veratrina, U. S. — Veraiine. — A mixture of alkaloids obtained from the seeds of Asagrcea officinalis (Fam. Liliacece), occurring in the form of a white or grayish-white, amorphous powder; odorless and causing intense irritation and sneezing when even a minute quantity reaches the nasal mucous membrane; of acrid taste, leaving a sensation of tingling and numbness on the tongue. It should be tasted with great caution. Slightly hygroscopic in moist air. Average dose, 0.002 Gm. irh gr.). Prepared by exhausting the seeds with alcohol, recovering the alcohol by distillation, diluting the residuary liquid, which contains veratrine in its neutral combination with veratric acid, with water, to precipitate the resin, filtering, adding potassa or ammonia to precipitate the alkaloid, redissolving, decolorizing, and reprecipitating. Official Preparations. — Oleatum Veratrinae, Unguentum Veratrinae. Sanguinaria. (Bloodroot.) — Contains sanguinarine, CigHj^NO^; a colorless alkaloid which yields bright red salts; another unnamed alka- loid; also malic and citric acid, starch, resins, coloring matter, etc, {Fldext.; Tr.) Staphisagria. {Stavesacre.) — Contains three alkaloids, delphinine, delphisine, and delphinoidine, also staphisain, with fixed oil, protein com- pounds, etc. {Fldext.) Aconitum,U. S. {Aconite.) — Should yield, when assayed by the U. S. P. process, not less than 0.5 per cent, of aconitine. Aconite contains aconitine, C34H47NOU, and picraconitine , CjjH^gNO,^. Aconitic acid, HgCgOe, is present, together with resin, sugar, fat, coloring matter, etc. Average dose, 0.065 Gm. (i gr.). Aconitina, U. S. — Aconitine. — Ca^H^^NOji = 640.55. — An alkaloid obtained from aconite. It should be kept in amber-colored, well- stoppered vials. Colorless or white rhombic tables or prisms, possessing no odor, permanent in the air, and producing, in extremely diluted solu- tions, a characteristic tingling sensation when brought in contact with the mucous surfaces of the tongue or lips. The alkaloid itself should never he tasted, and its solutions only when largely diluted, and then with the utmost caution. Average dose, 0.00015 G"^- (tjo g^-)- Official Preparations. — Fluidextractum Aconiti, Tinctura Aconiti. Hydrastis, U. S. — Hydrastis. {Golden Seal.) — Should yield, when assayed by the U. S. P., not less than 2.5 per cent, of hydrastine. Hydrastis contains hydrastine, C21H21NO6; berberine, C20HJ7NO4; cana- dine, CgoHjjNO^, sugar, starch, resin, coloring matter, etc. Average dose, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). Official Preparations. — Fluidextractum Hydrastis, Tinctura Hydrastis, Glvceritum Hvdrastis. ALKALOIDS. 171 Hydnudiu, U. S.— //yrfraj/iW— C»H„NO, - 380.32.— An aUuOoid obtained from hydrastis. White to creamy white, glistening prisms, sometimes of a Urge size, possessing a bitter taste, and permanent in the air. Prepared by adding HCl or H^SO, to an alcoholic tincture, the berberine precipitating (crystalline); ammonia is then added to the filtered mother liquors, anm BuxuM tempernrems and Nectandra Rodieti. Average dose, 2 C«m. CPgr)- Iptcamanha, U. S.— /*e«af.— The dried root, to which may be attached a portion of the Mrm not exceeding 7 Cm. in length of Cepkailit i pe<4uuanha (Fam. Rubiaeea), known < (immenially a.«% Rio, BraaUiam^ or Pata ipecac, or the corrr»|ionding {Mirtion of C. acuminata, known oommerdaOy at C^rtkagena ipieae, yielding, when assayed by the U.S.?. proccM, not lot than 1.75 per cent, of ipecac alkaloids. Ipecac rantaiM cmetioe, CJHJt4/>^ ttpkaUime, C«H«^,C),. and psychoirine, ipccaoMinhir add, pectin, starch, resin, sugar, etc. Average dose, Rxpeclorant. 0.065 Gm. (1 gr.); Emetic, 1 Gm. (15 gr.). {PIdtxt.; Syr.; Tr. I. H Opii; Vim.; Pith. /. H Opii.) Coca. (E07Uinfxyhm.)ShtH^ yieM, when a«tayed by the U. S. P. process, not Ins than 0.5 per crnL of the ether-soluble alkaloids of coca. All f Iff dose, a Gm. (jo gr.). Erytkraxyhm toca contains coeaine, C„l1aNO« and kygrim combined with tannic add. (FIdext.; Vin.) Cocaioa, U. 8,— Caw^ar. Cj,fL|NO« - 300.9a.— An aUudoid fr.H ,C^gCO)NO.COOCHJ obuScd from several varieties of I.,arfr, colorfeM, foar-sidMl, monoclinic priaBt^ having a slightly 172 PHARMACY. bitter taste, and producing on the tongue a temporary numbness. Aver- age dose, 0.030 Gm. (^ gr.). (Olfatum.) Cocainae Hydrochloridum, U. S. — Cocaine Hydrochloride. Cj-Hji- NO« . HCl; 337.10.— The neutral hydrochloride [HCl . CgHialCgHsCO)- NO . COOCH3] of an alkaloid obtained from several varieties of coca. Colorless, transparent, monoclinic prisms, flaky, lustrous leaflets, or a white, crystalline powder, permanent in the air. Odor- less, saline, slightly bitter taste, producing upon the tongue a tingling sensation, followed by numbness of several minutes' duration. Average dose, 0.030 Gm. (^ gr.). Guarana. — Contains caffeine, CgHioN^Oj, about 25 per cent, of tan- nin, resin, starch, volatile oil, saponin, etc. Average dose, 2 Gm. (30 gr.). (Fldext.) Caffenia, U. S.— Caffeine. CgHioN^O.. + HjO; 210.64. (Theine.) — A feeble basic substance [C5H(CH3)3N402] obtained from the dried leaves of Thea sinensis (Fam. Ternstrcemiacecp), or from the dried seeds of the Coffea arabica (Fam. Ruhiacece); found also in other plants. White, flexible, silky, glistening needles, usually walled together in fleshy masses; permanent in the air; odorless, bitter taste, detained from a decoction of tea or coffee by precipitating with lead acetate, removing the lead by HjS, adding NH4HO, evaporating, and recrys- tallizing. Average dose, 0.065 Gm. (i gr.). Caffeina Citrata, U. S. — Citrated Caffeine. — A white powder; odor- less; having a slightly bitter, acid taste, and an acid reaction; prepared by adding caffeine to a solution of citric acid, evaporating and re- ducing the product in powder. Average dose, 0.125 Gm. (2 gr.). Caffeina Citrata Effervescens, U. S. — Effervescent Citrated Caffeine. — An effervescing, coarse, granular powder, prepared by intimately mixing citric acid, citrated caffeine, and tartaric acid, then thoroughly incorporating sodium bicarbonate, heating the mixture in an oven (93°- 104° C; i99°-2i9.2° F.), when moist rubbing through No. 6 tinned iron sieve, and drying, not above 54.4° C. (129.2° F.). Conium. {Hemlock.) — Should yield, when assayed by the U. S. P. process, not less than- 0.5 per cent, of conium. After being kept for more than two years, *conium is unfit for use. Average dose, 0.200 Gm. (3 gr.). Conium contains canine, CgHj^N; conhydrine, CgHj^NO; and methylconine, CgHigCHjN; also a little volatile oil and fixed oil. Conine is a liquid volatile alkaloid containing no oxygen, and with an odor resembling that of the urine of mice. {Fldext.) Spigelia, U. S. — Spigelia. {Pinkroot.) — Contains a bitter principle, a liquid alkaloid, spigeline, a resin, and a trace of volatile oil, with tannin and wax. {Fldext.) Scoparius. {Broom.) — Contains sparteine, sl colorless liquid alka- loid, also a glucoside, scoparin, which probably represents the diuretic and purgative action of the drug. Sparteinae Sulphas, U. S.— Sparteine Sulphate. CifiHzgNz . HjSO^ + 5H2O = 419.26.— The sulphate [S02(OH)2 . CigHaeNj + sH^O] of an alkaloid obtained from Scoparius; colorless, rhombohedral crystals, PRODUCTS FROM ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. 173 or a aysUUific powder; odorlrss, and having a slightly saline and some- what bitter taste. H\-gro5coptr. Average dose, o.oio Gm. {{ gr.)- Lobelia. — Contains lobeline, hbelk acid, loheiccrin, wax, resin, gum, etc. LoMme is a liquid alkaloid, and contains no ox}'gen. The aver* age doBC of lobelia is 0.5 Gm. (7 J gr.). i^FUUxt.; Tr.) PRODUCTS FROM ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. The animal products of pharmaceutical interest arc not numerous, but some of them are very important. Official Products Derived from the Class Mammalia. Adeps, U. S. — iMrd. — The prepared internal fat of the abdomen of the hog (Sus scroja, var. domrsticui), purified by washingr melting, and straining. I^rd sliould Ijc preserved in securely closed vessels, im- Cr^ious to fat, and in a cool place. It is a soft, white, unctuous solid, ving a faint odf>r free from rancidity, and a bland taste. Insoluble in water; very slir*^ '' ' blc in alcohol; readily soluble in ether, chloroform, carbor i , or petroleum benzin. Sp. gr., about o.Qi7at 15® C. (7; : . ... i about 0.904 at 40** C. (104° F); water at IS* C. (77* F.) taken as the standard. It melts at 38° to 40° C. (100.4° to 104* F.) to a perfectly clear liquid, which Is colorless in thin laym and from which an aqueous layer shciuld not separate. Adept Benzoinattis, U. S. — BenxoinaU'd Lard. — Benzoin 20 Gm., I^rd 1000 Gm. ^l:vnt benzoated lard Ls to be kept or usefl during warm weather 5 per cent, (or more if necessary) of the lanl should be replaced with white wax. Oteitm Adipua, U. 8,— Lard Oti.—A fixed oil expressed from lard at a low temperature. Adept Lane, V. 8.— IToo/Fa/.— The purified fat of the woo! of sheep (Oi-i- ''fed from water. AT light, peculiar cxior. whli, laii^ quaniiur^ >>i water, sparingly wn]u soluble in hot akohol, rradfly soluble in eth< at about 40* C. (i04» F.), and at a higher tt-.., -i-;^ ..ii.....! ., lUc vapor i|p»iting and burning with a htminoya, sooty flame. Adepa Laiui HydrOMt, V. 8. —Hydnm Wod-Fai.—llw purified fat I c4 sheep, Ovis aries, mixer! with not more than 30 per rer:' A yelknrish-white. or nearly white, ointment-like mass, having a (auit, peculiar odor, losotuble in water, liut miadble with twice its wdght of the latter without losfaig its ointment-like character. StTVOi PreperaftiiB, U. S.—Prrptirrd SuH. (Sevum, Pharm. 1890.I — The internal fat td the aUlcimen <»f the nheep, Ovis ariet, purified hf meltiog and straining. Suet should be kept in well-closed veiaeb hnpenrioas to fat. It sbouid not be used after It haa beoome randd It Is a wMir, soNd fat; ncsrfir inodorotia, graduallir becomtog nmdd on toair; bhnd 174 PHARMACY. Pancreatinum, U. S. — Pancreatin. — A mixture of the enzymes naturally existing in the pancreas of warm-blooded animals, usually obtained from the fresh pancreas of the hog {Sus scroja, var. domesticus) , or the ox {Bos taurus), and consisting principally of amylopsin, myopsin, trypsin, and steapsin, and proved to be capable, when assayed by the U. S. P. process, of converting not less than twenty-five times its own weight of starch into substances soluble in water. A cream-colored amorphous powder, having a faint, peculiar, not unpleasant odor, and a somewhat meat-like taste. Prepared by slicing the fresh pancreas, kneading with water, straining, and precipitating with alcohol. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7J gr.). Gelatinum, U. S. — Gelatin. — The purified air-dried product of the hydrolysis of certain animal tissues, as skin, ligaments, and bones, by treatment with boiling water. Gelatinum Glycerinatum, U. S. — Glycerinaled Gelatin. — Gelatin 100 Gm.; Glycerin 100 Gm.; Water. Pour upon the gelatin sufhcient water, previously boiled and cooled, to cover it; pour off, drain, trans- fer to lined dish, add glycerin, dissolve by heat, strain, continue heat until product weighs 200 Gm. When cold, cut in pieces; preserve. For making Suppositoria Glycerinae. (See Suppositoria, Part II.) Glandulae Suprarenalis Siccae, U. S. — Desiccated Suprarenal Glands. — The suprarenal glands of the sheep {Ovis aries) or ox {Bos taurus), freed from fat, and strained, dried and powdered. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Contains the alkaloids, epinephrine, CjHjgOjN (Abel); adrenaline, C10HJ5NO3 {Takamine); and suprarenine, CgHjgNOs (Fiirth). Glandulae Thj^oidea Siccae, U. S. — Desiccated Thyroid Glands. — The thyroid glands of the sheep, freed from fat, and cleaned, dried and powdered. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). The active principle is thyroidin. Pepsinum, U. S. — Pepsin. — A proteolytic ferment or enzyme ob- tained from the glandular layer of the fresh stomach of the hog {Sus scrofa, var. domesticus), and proved to be capable, when assayed by the U. S. P. process, of digesting not less than 3000 times its own weight of freshly coagulated and disintegrated egg albumin. Lustrous, white, pale yellow, or yellowish, transparent or translucent scales or grains or a fine white or cream-colored amorphous powder, free from any offensive odor, and having a slightly acid or saline taste. Prepared by ShefTer's process. The mucous membrane of hogs' stomachs is macerated with HjO, acidulated with HCl, strained, clarified by standing, decanted, and then the pepsin precipitated with NaCl. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Assay of Pepsin (U. S.P. process). — Pepsin o.i Gm.; Egg albumin 10 Gm.; Diluted Hydrochloric Acid and Distilled Water of each a sufficient quantity. Mix 9 Cc. of diluted hydrochloric acid with 291 Cc. of distilled water, and dissolve the pepsin in 150 Cc. of the acid liquid. Immerse a hen's egg, which should be fresh, during fifteen minutes in boiUng water; remove the pellicle and all of the yolk; rub the white, coagulated albumin through a clean No. 40 sieve. Reject the first portion that passes through the sieve, and place 10 Gm. of the succeed- PRODUCTS FROM ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. 175 ing portion in a wide-mouthed bottle of loo Cc. capacity. Add 20 Cc. of the acid liquid, and with the aid of a glass rod tipped with cork or black rubber tubing, completely disintegrate the albumin; then rinse the rod with 15 Cc. more of the acid liquid and add 5 Cc. of the solution of pepsin. Cork the bottle securely, invert it three times, and place it in a water-bath that has previously been regulated to maintain a tem- perature of 52° C. (125.6° F.). Keep it at this temperature for two and one-half hours, agitating every ten minutes by inverting the bottle once. Then remove it from the water-bath, add 50 Cc. of cold distilled water, transfer the mi.xture to a narrow graduated cylinder, and allow it to stand for half an hour. The deposit of undissolved albumin should not then measure more than i Cc. The relative proteolytic power of pepsin stronger or weaker than that just described may be determined by ascertaining, through repeated trials, the quantity of the above pepsin solution required to digest, under the prescribed condition, 10 Gm. of boiled and disintegrated egg albu- min. Divide 15,000 by this quantity expressed in Cc. to ascertain how many parts of egg albumin one part of the pepsin will digest. Moschus, U. S. — Musk. — The dried secretion from the preputial follicles of Moschus moschijerus contains cholestcrin, ammonia, an acid principle, wax, fat, albuminous and gelatinous principles, and an odorous matter not yet determined. Average dose, 0.250 Gm. (4 gr.). Official Preparation. — Tinctura Moschi. Acidum Lacticum, U. S. — Lactic Acid. CH3 . CHOHCOOH — 89.37. A colorless, syrupy liquid, odorless, of a purely acid taste, and absorbing moisture on exposure to damp air. Sp. gr. about 1.206 at 25° C. (77° F.), Average dose, 2 Cc. (30 itr). Composed of not less than 75 per cent., by weight, of absolute lactic acid and about 25 per cent, of water. Lactic acid is made from sour milk, cheese, meat juice, lactin, and from many vegetable products. Cane sugar is treated with sulphuric acid, so as to convert it into in-^ert sugar, solution of caustic soda added, and the mixture heated until it ceases to precipitate Fehling's solution; showing the absence of .sugar. Sulphuric acid is added, and the sodium sulphate formed is crystallized out, an addition of alcohol causing the prcdpitation of the remainder. The alcoholic liquid contains impure lactic acid; one-half of it is heated and zinc carlM)natc added until cfTcrvcscence ceases; the other half of the alcoholic liquid is now addcfl and the whole allowed to ccxil. Zinc la(tatc crystallizes out; this, by treatment with hydrosulphuric acid, yields zinc sulphide, lactic acicl remaining in solution. Saccharum Lactis, U. S. — Sugar of Milk. C.jHjjO,, . H,0; 359.16. — A peculiar, cr>'stalline sugar obtained from the whey of cow's milk by cvajwration and purified by recrystallization (sec also under sugars). Fel Bovia, U. S. — Ox Gall. — The fresh bile of Bos taurus contains glycocholic acid, Cj^H^jNO.; taurocJwlic acid, C^N^NSO,; hyogly- cocholic acid, C^iia^O^, hyotaurocholic acid, C„\\^^Ny.O^, and clieno- kturocholic acid, O^H^NSO,. A brownish-grccn or dark-grccn, 176 PHARMACY. somewhat viscid liquid, having a peculiar, unpleasant odor; a disagree- able, bitter taste, and a neutral or faintly alkaline reaction; sp. gr. i.oi5-i.o25at25°C. (77°F.). Fel Bovis Purificatum, U. S.— Purified Ox Gall.— Fresh Ox Gall 300 Cc; Alcohol 100 Cc. Evaporate the ox gall in a porcelain capsule, on a water-bath, to 100 Gm., then add the alcohol, mix thoroughly, and let it stand, well covered, for three or four days. Decant the clear solution, filter the remainder, and, having mixed the liquids and distilled off the alcohol, evaporate to a pilular consistence. A yellowish-green soft solid; peculiar odor; partly sweet and partly bitter taste. Average dose, 0.500 Gm. (7^ gr.). Cetaceum, U. S.— Spermaceti. — A peculiar, concrete, fatty sub- stance obtained from the head of the sperm whale, Physeter macro - cephalus. The solid fat obtained after separating the olcin by pressure, and recrystallized from alcohol, is cetin. On evaporation the alcohol cetin-elain is obtained. White, somewhat translucent, slightly unctuous masses of a scaly, crj'stalUne fracture and a p)carly lustre, with a very faint odor and a bland, mild taste. It becomes yellowish and rancid on prolonged exposure to air. Sp. gr. 0.938 to 0.944 at 25° C. (77° F.), 0.843 at ioo°C. (212° F.). Melting-point 45° to 50° C. (113° to r22° F.). Spermaceti is a mixture of various fats, which, when saponified, yield cetin-elaic acid, an acid resembling, but distinct from, oleic acid. The cetin is essentially cetyl palmitate, C,QH33(CjfiH3i02). There are small amounts of fats containing stearic acid, CjgHggC^j; ntyristic acid, Cj^Hj^O; and laiiro-stearic acid, CJ2H24O2, and the alcohol radicals corresponding to these acids. Official Preparation. — Ceratum Cetacei. Serum Antidiphtheriticum, U. S. — Antidiphtheritic Serum. — Diphtheria Antitoxin. — A fluid evaporated from coagulated blood of a horse, Equus cahallus, immunized through the inoculation of diph- theritic toxin. It should be kept in sealed glass containers, in a dark place, at temperatures between 4.5° and 15° C. (40° to 69° F.). A yellowish or yellowish-brown, transparent or slightly turbid liquid, odor- less, or having a slight, odor due to the presence of the antiseptic used as a preservative. Sp. gr. 1.025 to 1.040 at 25° C. (77° F.). Average dose, 3000 units. Immunizing dose for well person, 500 units. Official Products of the Class Pisces. Oleum Morrhuae, U. S. — Cod-liver Oil. {Oleum Jecoris Aselli.) — A fixed oil obtained from the fresh livers of Gadus morrhua, and of other species of Gadus. Preparation.— HesLt the livers in a wooden tank by means of low- pressure steam, and drain off the oil. In the case of the finest varieties, the oil, which is made only in the winter months, is drawn off by taps from the bottom of the cooking tank, and then put into a cooling house to freeze. The solid frozen mass is put into canvas bags, and sub- mitted, while at a low temperature, to severe pressure, whereby the pure oil is expressed. This constitutes the light oil of commerce. Cod-liver oil consists chiefly of olein, some palmitin, and stearin, with minute PRODUCTS FROM ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. 177 traces of iodine, chlorine, bromine, phosphorus, and sulphur. Oleum Morrhuae is a colorless or pale-yellow, thin, oily liquid; sp. gr. 0.918- 0.922; peculiar, slightly fishy, but not rancid odor; bland, fishy taste; faintly acid reaction. Official Preparations. — Emulsum Olei Morrhuae, Emulsum Olei Mor- rhua* cum Hy{>ophosphitibus. Official Products of the Class Insecta. Cantharis, U. S. — Cantharides. {Spanish Flies.) — The beetle, Cantharis vcsicatoria, thoroughly dried at a temperature not exceeding 40° C. (104° F.). Cantharides owe their blistering properties to can- tharidin, C,oH,204, a white substance, in the form of crystalline scales, of a shining micaceous appearance; inodorous; tasteless. Average dose, 0.030 Gm. (igr.). Official Preparations. — Ceratum Cantharidis, Collodium Cantharide, Tinctura Cantharidis. Coccus, U. S. — Cochineal. — The dried female insect, Pseudococcus cacti, owes its red color to carminic acid, CnW^^O^Q. It contains mucilage, fat, inorganic salts, etc. Cera Alba, U. S.— White Wax. — Yellow wax bleached. A yellowish-white solid, somewhat translucent in thin layers, having a faint, characteristic odor, and nearly tasteless. Sp. gr. 0.950 to 0.960 at 25** C. (77° F.). It is somewhat brittle when cold, and when broken presents a dull, granular, not crystalline fracture, but becomes plastic by the heat of the hand. It melts at 64°-65° C. (i47.2°-i49° F.). Cera Flava, U. S. — Yellow Wax. — A solid substance prepared from the honeycomb of the bee, Apis mellifica. A yellowish to brown- ish-yellow solid, having an agreeable, honey-like odor and a faint, balsamic taste. Sp. gr. 0.951 to 0.960 at 25° C. (77° F.). Melting- point, 62° to 64° C. (143.6° to 147.2° F.). It is somewhat brittle when cold, and when broken presents a dull, granular, not crystalline fracture. By the heat of the hand it becomes plastic. Beeswax is a mixture of three different substances, which may be separated from one another by alcohol, viz.: i, myricin, insoluble in boiling alcohol, and consisting chiefly of myricil jjalmitatc, C';„Hf,,- (CwH«0,), which is a comjxjund of palmitic acid, C^H^jO,, and myricyl aUohtH, C^H„0; 2, cerotic acid, CjyHg^Oj (formerly callcfi ccriii when obtainH only in an impure state), which is dissolved by l)oiling ah ohol, buf ' ',-^ out on ctx)ling; 3, cerolein, which remains fliss«)lved in th' '>lic liquid. This latter is probably a mixture of fatty acids, as inaitatcu by its acid reaction to litmus paper. — (Remington.) M UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. By permission of T. C. MEN TABLES FOR CONVERTING U. S. WEIGHTS LINEAR. Inches to millimetres. Feet to metres. Yards to metres. Miles to kilometres. I = 25.4000 0.304801 0.914402 1.60935 2 = 50.8001 0.609601 1.828804 3.21869 3 = 76.2001 0.914402 2.743205 4.82804 4 = 101.6002 1. 219202 3.657607 6.43739 5 = 127.0002 1.524003 4.572009 8.04674 6 = 152.4003 1.828804 5.48641 I 9.65608 7 = 177.8003 2.133604 6.400813 11.26543 8 = 203.2004 2.438405 7.315215 12.87478 9 = 228.6004 2.743205 SQUARE. 8.229616 14.48412 Square inches to Square feet to Square yards to Acres to square centimetres. square decimetres. square metres. hectares. I = 6.452 9.290 0.836 0.4047 2 = 12.903 18.581 1.672 0.8094 3 = 19-355 27.871 2.508 I.214I 4 = 25.807 37.161 3-344 1. 6187 5 = 32.258 46.452 4. 181 2.0234 6 = 38.710 55.742 5.017 2.4281 7 = 45.161 65.032 5-853 2.8328 8 = 51.613 74.323 6.689 3.2375 9 = 58.065 83.613 CUBIC. 7.525 3.6422 Cubic inches to Cubic feet to Cubic yards to Bushels to cubic centimetres. cubic metres. cubic metres. hectolitres. I = 16.387 0.02832 0.765 0.35242 2 = 32.774 • 0.05663 1-529 0.70485 3 = 49.161 0.08495 2.294 1.05727 4 = 65.549 O.H327 3.058 1.40969 5 = 81.936 O.I4158 3-823 I.762II 6 = 98.323 0.16990 4-587 2. 1 1454 7 = 1 14. 710 0.19822 5.352 2.46696 8 = 131.097 0.22654 6.I16 2.81938 9 = 147.484 0.25485 6.881 3.17181 The only authorized material standard of customary length is the Troughton standard. The yard in use in the United States is therefore equal to the British The only authorized material standard of customary weight is the Troy pound standard of mass. It was derived from the British standard Troy pound of 1758 latter, and contains 7000 grains Troy. The grain Troy is therefore the same as the grain Avoirdupois, and the pound The British gallon = 4.54346 litres. The British bushel = 36.3477 litres. 178 OFFICE OF STANDARD WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. DENHALL, Superintendent. AND MEASURES— CUSTOMARY TO METRIC. CAPACITY. Fluidrachms to miUililres to cubic centimetres. Fluidounces to millilitres. Quarts to litres. Gallons to litres. I = 3- 70 29.57 0.94636 3.78544 2 = 7.39 59.15 1.89272 7.57088 3 = 11.09 88.72 2.83908 "•35632 4 = 1479 118.30 3.78544 15-14176 5 = 18.48 147.87 4.73180 18.92720 6 = 22.18 177.44 5.67816 22.71264 7 = 25.88 207.02 6.62452 26.49808 8 = 2957 • 236.59 7.57088 30.28352 9 = 33.28 266.16 WEIGHT. 8.51724 34.06896 Grains to Ai/oirdupois ounces Avoirdupois pounds Troy ounces mil/ig-rcpnmes. to grammes. to kilogrammes. to grammes. I = 64.7989 28.3495 0.45359 31.10348 2 = 129.5978 56.6991 0.90719 62.20696 3 = 194.3968 85.0486 1.36078 93.31044 4 = 259.1957 1 13.3981 1. 81437 124.41392 5 = 3239946 141.7476 2.26796 155.51740 6 = 388.7935 170.0972 2.72156 186.62089 7 = 453.5924 198.4467 3.I7515 217.72437 8 = 518.3914 226.7962 3.62874 248.82785 9 = 583.1903 255.1457 4.08223 279.93133 I chain = 20.1169 metres. I square mile = 259. hectares. I fathom = 1.829 metres, I nautical mile = 1853.27 metres. I foot = 0.304801 metre, 9.4840158 log. I avoir, pound = 453.5924277 grammes. 15432.35639 grain* I kilogram. belotiKing; to this office, whose leng:th at 59.62^ Fahr. conforms to the British yard. of the Mint. It is of brass of unknown density, and therefore not suitable for a by direct comparison. The British Avoirdupois pound was also derived from the Avoirdupois in use in the United States is equal to the British pound Avoirdupois. 179 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. By Permission of T. C. MEN TABLE FOR CONVERTING U. S. WEIGHTS LINEAR. Metres to inches. Metres to feet. Metres to yards. Kilometres, to miles. I =- 39- 3700 3.28083 1. 093611 0.62137 2 = 78.7400 6.56167 2.187222 1.24274 3 = 118.1100 9.84250 3-280833 1. 8641 1 4 = 157-4800 1312333 4-374444 2.48548 S = 196.8500 16.40417 5.468056 3.10685 6 = 236.2200 19.68500 6.561667 3.72822 7 = 275.5900 22.96583 7-655278 4-34959 S = 314.9600 26.24667 8.748889 4.97096 9 = 3543300 29.52750 SQUARE. 9.842500 5-59233 Square centimetres Square metres Square metres Hectares to square inches. to square feet. to square yards to acres. I = 0.1550 10.764 1. 196 2.471 2 == 0.3100 21.528 2.392 4.942 3 = 0.4650 32.292 3-588 7.413 4 = 0.6200 43055 4.784 9.884 5 = 0.7750 53-819 5.980 12.355 6 = 0.9300 64.583 7.176 14.826 7 = 1.0850 75-347 8.372 17.297 8 = 1.2400 86.111 9.568 19.768 9 = I -3950 96.874 CUBIC. 10.764 22.239 Cubic centimetres Cubic decimetres Cubic metres Cubic metres to cubic inches. to cubic inches. to cubic feet. to cubic yards ■ I = 0.0610 61.023 35-314 1.308 2 = 0.1220 122.047 70.629 2.616 3 = 0. 183I 183.070 105.943 3.924 4 = 0.2441 244.093 141.258 5.23Z 5 = 0.3051 305-117 176.572 6.540 6 = 0.3661 366. 140 211.887 7.848 7 = 0.4272 427.163 247.201 9.156 8 = 0.4882 488.187 282.516 10.464 9 = 0.5492 549.210 317.830 II. 771 By the concurrent action of the principal government.s of the world an Inter the direction of the International Committee, two ingots were cast of pure plati From one of these a certain number of kilogrammes were prepared, from the other tercompared, without preference, and certain ones were selected as International ments, and are called National prototype standards. Those apportioned to the The metric system was legalized in the United States in 1866. The International Standard Metre is derived from the Metre des Archives, platinum-iridium bar deposited at the International Bureau of Weights and Meas The International Standard Kilogramme is a mass of platinum-iridium de gramme des Archives. The liter is equal to a cubic decimetre of water, and it is measured by the quan ard kilogramme in a vacuum, the volume of such a quantity of water being, as 180 OFFICE OF STANDARD WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. DENHALL, Superintendent. AND MEASURES— METRIC TO CUSTOMARY. CAPACITY. Millimetres or Centilitres cubic centimetres to to fluidrachms. fluidounces. 1 =-. 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 0.27 0.54 0.81 1.08 135 1.62 1.89 2.16 2.43 MiUigrafnmes to grains. 0.01543 0.03086 0.04630 0.06173 0.07716 0.09259 0.10803 0.12346 0.13889 0.338 0.676 1. 014 1352 1. 691 2.029 2.368 2.706 3043 Litres to quarts. 1.0567 2. "34 3- 1700 4.2267 5 2834 6.3401 7-3968 8.4534 9.5101 Decalitres to gallons. 2.6417 5.2834 7.9251 10.5668 13.2085 15.8502 18.4919 21.1336 23.7753 WEIGHT. Kilogrammes to grains. 15432.36 30864.71 46297.07 61729.43 77161.78 92594.14 108026.49 123458.85 I3889I.2I Hectogrammes (roo grammes) to ounces Av. 35274 7.0548 10.5822 14.1096 17.6370 21.1644 24.6918 28.2192 31.7466 WEIGHT- Quintals to pounds Av. 220.46 440.92 661.38 881.84 1102.30 1322.76 154322 1763.68 1984.14 -(Continued). MilHers or tonnes to pounds Av. 2204.6 4409.2 6613.8 8818.4 1 1023.0 13227.6 15432.2 17636.8 I984I.4 Hectolitres to bushels. 2.8375 56750 8.5125 11.3500 14.1875 17.0250 19.8625 22.7000 25.5375 Kilogrammes to pounds Avoirdupois. 2.20462 4.40924 6.61386 8.81849 II.O23H 13.22773 15.43235 17.63697 19.84159 Grammes to ounces, Troy. 0.03215 0.06430 0.09645 0.12860 o. 16075 , 0.19290 0.22505 0.25721 0.28936 •aOonal Bureau ofWdgbU and Measures has been established near Paris. Under nunviridiam in the proportion of nine partkof the former to one of the latter metal, a definite number of metre bars. These standards of weiRht and length were in- Erototvpc sundards. The others were distributed by lot to the diflferent govern- nitccl Sutes are in the keeping of this ofTice. and its length is defined by the distance between two lines at 0° Centigrade, on a ures. posited at the same place, and its weight in vacuo is the same as that of the Kilo- tity of distilled water which, at its maximum density, will counterpoise the stand* nearly as has been ascertained, equal to a 1 ubic decimetre. 181 182 PHARMACY ^U il ^ oc5 O rl 00 4 vd 00 M no' IT) M vO w fo Tf t^ On w T CN ^o 00 t^ NO •^ CI HH 2 ■ci *"" *^ lO .^ N vd cl 4 o' 00 pj vd tJ- d 0 ' < 1^ l-H ^ s Ov -l HI CI CO Ht «N PO Tf VO 00 CI VO go S8 fj ^ »>. ■* 00 CI VO Tj- N s »o 3 1 ro HI « -<*• to 00 HI CI o-S ^ On VO 00 CJ lO ^ 4 vq 00 OO' preparing of I fluic take: w M (N PO \r) t^ HI HI 2" ^ fo VO C< 00 Tj- VO 00 CI NO 2 N ■^ On fO 00 t^ VO lO CO " « PO »o t^ 0 use for e weight ed below, rf On 00 t^ VO lO «M •^t no 2 ^ KH to 2 dv 00 to 1-^ VO NO* CI CO il fO fO Tf »n 00 VO ter t as th ignat ^ S o' ON d 00 »o »o *>• On d ^ 1 ^ g-s o S o 00 0) -l »> B o t^ 1- OC C4 VO ■Tf N 3 be O XT) (N rj- U-) 00 t^ CI -' % O 6 d d d d NO d Ov d PO 00 •5 ^S Q vO M «s r^ lO t>. Ov -t C O rt ? ^ 00 VO lO 8^ NO )how] culati prep o o o O o o o ^ ^ & ^S Hc^ 6h 1 « sS M (N ro •omorphinje, 164 Aqua, 72 acidi carbonici, 81 chlori, 177 destillata, 72 hydrogenii dioxidi, 72 regia, 75 Aquae, 34 Arg:ols. 84 Aristol, 125 Arnica. 149 Arsenic, 117 antidote, 109 Asafetida, 150 Aspidium, 149 Atropine, 168 sulphate, 168 Aurantii cortex, 143 Balance, 7 Balsam copaiba, 148 Peru, 151 tolu, 142 Balsams. 149 Balsanium Peruvianum, tolutanum, 131 Barium, 99 Baths, 15 Bearberry, 162 Belladonna, 167 Benzaldehydc. 146 Benzin. 156 Benzoin, ly Benzosulpninide, 152 Berberis. 171 Betanapthol, 124 Betula. 145 Birch oil, 14s Bismuth, iiH Bitter almond, 146 Blackberry, 162 Black haw, 148 snakeroot, 149 Blood root, 170 Blowpipe, 14 Boiling point, 16 Boneset. 149 Borax, 90 189 Boron, 81 Brandy, 140 Brayefa, 158 Bromine, 77 Bromoform, 138 Broom, 175 Buchu, 148 Burdock, 158 Cadmium, 102 Caffeine, 172 citrated, 172 Caiuputi, 145 Calabar bean, 167 . Calamus, 145 Calcium. 99 Calendula, 149 Calomel, 115 Calumba, 159 Calx, 99 Cambogia, 160 Camphor, 145 Camphora, 145 monobromata, 145 Canadian hemp, 148, 149 Cannabis indica, 148 Cantharides, 177 Cantharis, 177 Capsicum, 148 Caraway. 143 Carbon, 81 disulphide, 8t Carbonei bisulphiduni,8i Cardamomum, 145 Carum, 143 Caryophyflus, 145 Casrara sagrada. 159 Cassia fistula, 160 Cataplasma, 66 Ccllulin, 120 Celluloid. 121 Cellulose, 120 Cera alba, 177 flava, 177 Cerata, 67 Cerium, 102 Cetaceum. 175 Chalk, loi Chamomi'e, (49 Charcoal. 81. ru animiil.Si Chartsc, 69 190 INDEX. Chenopodium, 149 Chili saltpetre, 93 Chitnaphila, 162 Chirata, 158 Chloral, 137 Chloralformamide, 138 Chlorine, 77 Chloroform, 138 Chondrus, 128 Chromium. 11 1 Chrysarobiii, 159 Cimicifuga, 149 Cinchona, 165 Cinchonine, 166 Cinnamic aldehyde, 144 Cinnamon, 144 Clarification, 22 Cloves, 145 Coal, 12. 124 Cobalt, 112 Coca. 171 Cocaine, 171 hydrochlorate, 172 Coccus, 177 Cochineal, 177 Codeine, 164 eolation, 22 Colchicum, 169 Collodion, 45 Colocynth, 160 Columbo, 157 Comminution, 19 Confections, 63 Conium, 172 Convallaria, 157 Copaiba. 148 Copper, 112 Coriander, 143 Corn silk, 149 Corrosive sublimate, 115 Cotton, 120 root bark, 158 Couch grass, 131 Cramp bark, 148 Cranesbill, 162 Cream of tartar, 84 Creosote, 123 Cresol, 125 Creta preparata, 101 Crucible, 14 Cryolite. 91 process, 91 Crystallization, 23 Cubeb, 148 Cubic centimetre, 6 nitre, 93 Culver's root, 160 Cusso, 158 Cypripedium, 149 Dandelion, 158 Decantation, 21 Decocta, 47 Decoction, 47 Decoloration, 23 Dermatol, 118 Desiccation, 19 Dialyses, 25 Digestion, 25 Digitalis, 156 Dispensatories, i, 3 Displacement, 26 Distillation, 17 Dolomite, 99 Drop, size of, 9 Drug mill, 19 Duotal, 125 Eau de Javelle, 78 Ebullition, 16 Elastica, 151 Elaterium, 160 Elder, 149 Elixirs, 44 Elm, slippery, 129 Elutriation, 20 Emplastra, 68 Emulsions, 39 Epsom salt, 99 Ergot, 157 Erigeron, 149 Eriodictyon, 149 Erythroxylon, 171 Ether, 133 Ethereal oil, 134 Ethyl. 136 Eucalyptol, 144 Eugenol, 144 Euonymus, 160 Eupatorium, 149 Evaporation, 16 Excipients, 63 Expression, 25 Exsiccation, 25 Extracta, 59 Extraction, 25 Extracts, fluid, 52 Fats, 152 Pel bovis, 175 Fennel. 143 Fermentation, 131, 139 Ferrum, 106 Ficus, 160 Fig, 160 Filtration, 22 Flax seed, 129 Fleabane, 149 Fluid extracts, 52 Foeniculum, 143 Formaldehyde, 137 Foxglove, 156 Frangula, 160 Fuel, 12 Furnace, 12 Galla, 161 Gamboge, 160 Gambir, 161 Gas, illuminating, 12 Gaultheria oil, 144 Gelatin. 174 Gelsemium, 167 Gentian, 157 Geranium, 162 German chamomile, 138 Ginger. 145 Glauber's salt, 95 Glucose. 130 Glucosides, 156 Glycerin. 154 Glycerinated, 174 Glycerita. 42 Glycyrrhiza, 131 Glycyrrhizinum ammoni- atum, 131 Gold, 119 Golden seal, 170 Gossypii cortex, 15S radicis cortex, 158 Gossypium, 120 Graduate, 9 Grain, 4 Gramme, 4 Granatum, 162, 171 Granulation, 25 Grindelia. 149 Grommet, 17 Guaiac, 151 Guaiacol, 124 Guarana. 172 Gum, 128 arable, 128 resins, 149 Gun cotton, t2i Gypsum (dried), 102 Hjematoxylon, 162 Halogens, 77 Hamamelis, 162 Heat, 12 Hedeoma, 143 Henbane, 167 Hexamethylamine, 137 Homatropine hydrobro- mide, 168 Honey, 131 Honeys, 38 Hood, 17 Hops. 148 Horehound, 143 Hydrargyrum, 115 Hydrastine, 171 Hydrastinine hydrochlo- rate, 171 Hydrastis, 170 Hydrogen, 72 Hydrometer, 11 Hyoscinae hydrobromas, 167 Hyoscyamine hydro- bromate. 167 sulphas, 169 Hyoscyamus, 167 Humulus, 148 INDEX. 191 Illicium, 143 India-rubber, 131 Indian cannabis, 148 hemp, 148 Infusa, 46 Infusions, 46 Iodine, 77 Iodoform, 138 lodol, 139 Ipecac, 171 Irish moss, 128 Iron, 106 Jaborandi, 169 Jalap, 159 „ Jasmine, yellow, 167 Juniperi, 49 Kaolin. S3 Kino. 162 Kousso, 158 Krameria, 161 Labarra(^ue's solution, 78 Lactucanum, 149 Lady's slipper, 149 Lappa. 158 Lavender. 143 Lead. 112 Leblanc's process, 91 Leibig condenser. iS Lemon peel, 143 Leptanara, t6o Lc\'tgation, 20 Lignin. 120 Lily of the valley, 158 Lime, 100 chlorinated. 78 sulphurated, 100 water. 100 Limonis cortex, 143 Linimenta, 45 Linseed . 129 Linitin, 129 Liqnores, jS Liquorice, 131 Lithium. 83 Lobelia, 173 Lorwood. 162 Lotion. 31 I^xenges, same as Tro- ches. 66 Lunar caustic. 114 Lupttltn, 148 Lute, 18 Lvcopodium, 155 Mace. 145 Ma<*eratinn, 25, sB Marnesium. 91 Male fern. 149 Malt. 128 Manjcanesc, 160 Manna, 131 Mar^rin, 153 Mangold, 149 Marrubium, 143 Marshmallow, 129 Massse, 62 Masses, 62 Mastic, 150 Matico, 148 Matricaria, 149 May apple, 160 Measure, 4 Mel, 131 Mellita. 38 Meniscus, 9 Menstruum, 25 Mentha piperita, 143 viriais, 130 Menthol, 143 Mercury, 112 Methyl salicvlas. 145 Methylene blue, 127 Methylthionine, 127 Metre, 4, 6 Metrology, 4 Mezereum, 149 Mill, drug, 19 Mixtures, 42 Monsel's solution, iii Morphine, 163 Moss, Irish, 128 Moschus, 174 Mucilagines, 38 Musk, 174 Mustard, 147 Myristica, 145 Myrrh, 151 Myrrha, 142 Naphtalin, 124 Naphtalinum, 124 Naphtol, 124 Nickel, 112 Nitre, 112 cubic, 93 sweet spirits of, 135 Nitrite of amyl, 136 Nutgall, i6t Nutmeg, MS Nux vomica, 166 Oil, almond, bitter, 146 almond (sweet), 155 anise, 143 betula, 146 of cade. 123 oijuput, 145 caraway. 143 castor, iM chenopodlum, 149 cinnamon, 145 cloves. 145 cod-liver, 176 Oil, copaiba, 148 coriander, 143 cotton seed, 155 croton, 155 cubeb, 148 erigeron, 49 eucalyptus, 145 fennel, 143 fleabane, 49 gaultheria, 144 juniper, 149 lard, 173 lavender flowers, 143 lemon peel, 143 mustard, 147 myrbane, 146 nutmeg, 145 olive, 155 orange, 143 pennyroyal, 143 peppermint, 143 pimenta, 145 rose, 159 rosemary, 113 sandal-wooQ, 148 santal, 148 sassafras, 145 savine, 149 spearmint, 143 tneobroma, 155 thyme, 143 turpentine, 152 wintergreen, 145 wormseed (Ameri- can), 149 Oils, fixed, 152 volatile, 141 Ointments, 67 Oleates, 16 Oleic acid, 145 Olein, i^S3 Oleoresinae, 58 Oleoresins, ^, 149 Oleum adipis, 173 atthereum, 134 amygdalsE amarat, 146 amygdalae expres- sum, 155 anisi. 143 aurantii cortiris, 143 betular volatile, 145 cadinum, 123 cajuputi, 145 cari, 143 caryophylli, 145 chenopndii, 149 cinnamomum, 145 copaibie, 148 cubeba;, 148 eucalvpti, 14s gaultnerite, 145 gossypii seminis, i.">5 lunijicri, 149 )uniperi cmpyreum- aticum, 123 192 INDEX. Oleum lavandulae flor- utn, 143 limoiiis, 146 lini, 155 mace, 145 menthse piperitae, 143 menthae viridis, 143 morrhuae, 176 myristicae, 145 olivae, 155 picis liquidae, 123 pimentae, 132 ricini, 153 rosae, 162 rosmarini, 143 sabinae, 149 santali, 148 sassafras, 145 sinapis volatile, 147 tereDinthinee, 152 terebinthinae rectifi- catum, 152 theobromatis, 155 thvmi, 130 tiglii. 155 Opium, 163 Orange peel, bitter, 143 sweet, 143 Ox gall, 175 Oxygen, 72 Paraffin, 155 Paraldehydum, 137 Parchment, 120 Pareira, 171 Palmitin, 153 Paucreatin, 174 Papers, 69 Pearlash, 83 Pectin, 141 Pelletierine tannate, 171 Pellitory, 149 Pennyroyal, 143 Pepo, 155 Pepper, African, 148 black, 148 Cayenne, 148 Peppermint, 143 Pepsin, 174 Percolation, 26 Petrolatum, 155 Pharmacopceia, i Phenacetin, 126 Phenol, 125 Phenyl salicylate, 126 Phosphorus, 79 Physostigma, 167 Physostigmine, 167 Phytolacca, 149 Pills, 63 Pilocarpine hydrochlo- rate, 169' nitrate, 169 Pilocarpus, i6g Pimenta, 145 Pinkroot, 172 Piper, 148 Piperin, 148 Pipette, 9 Pipsissewa, 162 Pix liquida, 123 Plasters, 68 Platinum, 119 Plumbum, 112 Podophyllum, 160 Poke berry, 149 root, 149 Pomegranate, 162 Potash, 83 caustic, 83 Potassa, 83 Potassium, 83 Powders, 61 Precipitate, red, 116 white, 115 Precipitated chalk, loi Precipitation, 22 Prepared chalk, 101 Presses, 25 Prickly ash, 149 Protiodide of mercury, 116 Prune, 160 Prunum, 160 Prunus Virginiana. 146 Pulveres, 61 Pulverization by inter- vention, 20 Pumpkin seed, 155 Purging cassia, 160 Pyrethrum, 149 Pyrogallol, 161 Pyroxylinum, 121 Quassia, 156 Queen's root, 149 Quercus, 162 Quicksilver, 115 Quillaja, 158 Quinine, 165 Receiver, 18 Red precipitate, 116 Repercolation, 28, 32 Resin, 150 Resinae, 61 Resins, 61, 149 Resorcin. 126 Retort, 18 Rhamnus frangula, 160 purshiana, 159 Rhatany, 161 Rheum, 159 Rhubarb, 159 Rhus glabra, 141, 162 Rochelle salt, 86 Rosa gallica, 162 Rose, 162 Rosemary, 143 Rosin, 150 Rubber, 162 Rubus, 162 Sabina, 149 Saccharin, 152 Saccharum, 130 lactis, 175 Safrol, 144 Sage, 162 Sage, 143 Salicin, 158 Salol, 126 Salt cake, qi common. 92 Epsom, 99 (.ilauber's, 95 Rochelle, 80 Saltpetre, 87 Chili, 93 Salvia, 162 Sambucus, 149 Sanguinaria, 170 Sanguinarini, 170 Santal oil, 118 Santalum rubrum, 158 Santonica, 158 Santonin, 157 Sapo, 154 mollis, 155 Sarsaparilla, 158 Sassafras, 145 Savine, 149 Saw palmetto, 149 Scales, 4 Scammony, 160 Scilla, 156 Scoparius, 175 Scopola, 168 Scopolamine hydrobro- mide, 168 Scutellaria, 143 Sediment, 23 Senega, 158 Senna, 158 Serbal, 140 Serpen taria. 148 Serum antidiphtherium, 176 Sevum, 173 Silicon, 81 Silver, 112 Sinapis alba, 147 nigra. 147 Siphon, 21 Skullcap, 143 Slippery elm, 129 Snakeroot, Virginia, 148 Soap, 152 Soap bark, 158 Soda ash, 91 water, 81 Sodium. 83 Solution, 21 Solutions, 36 193 ?iolvay"s process, 90 Sumbul, 143 Solvents, 21 Suppositona, 69 Spanish flies. 177 Suppositories, 69 Sparteine sulphate. 173 Syrupi. 38. 40 Spearmint. 143 Syrups, 38, 40 Specific gravity. 9 \u'unie, 12 'i, 176 Talcum, 82 72 Tamarind, 141 ne, Rl Tannin. 161 mmdererus, 97 Tar, 122, 123 Spiritus. 43 Taraxacum. 158 aftheris comjiositus, Tartar emetic. 117 I J J Terebene. 150 1; linj-.nti I i ; Terebenum. 150 Tiiti' "-I. i;,^ Terebinthina, 152 \ ini Kallici. 140 canadensis, 150 Squill. 136 Terpenes, 141 Slaphisagria, 170 Terpin hydrate, 150 Star-anise, 143 Terpina hydras, 150 SUrch. 127 Thermometer. 13 Rlvcerite of. 128 Thoroughwort, 149 Stavesacre. 170 Thyme, 143 Steam, 15 Thvmol, 125 Sfr.iri'i. i^t Thyroid. 174 •■"^. '45 Tin, 112 Tincal, 90 Tincturae, 47 U9 Tragacantha, 128 Trional, 136 22 Triticum, 131 m. 169 Triturationes,62 'W Troches, 66 'lus. 157 Trochisci, 66 -. 166 Turpentine, 152 corrosive. 115 Ulmus. 129 Unguenta.67 • ad, 100 Uva ursi. 162 nilk. 175 S u 'i p h oueth) Imethane. Vacuum pan. 17 Salphon methane. 136 Valerian, 148 Vallet's mass, 107 Salphur, 79 Vanilla, 144 SuBwch. 141, 162 Vanillin, 144 Vaporization, 16 Veratrine, 170 Veratrum, 170 Vina Medicata, 51 Vinegars, 58 Virburnum, 148 Vitriol, blue, 114 elixir of, 76 oil of, 75 Volatile oils, 141 Wahoo. 160 Water. 72 ammonia, 96 javelle, 78 lead, 113 lime, 100 Waters, 34 Wax, white, 177 vellow. 177 Weight, 4 Whisky, 133 White oak, 162 precipitate, 115 Wild cherry, 146 Wine, 139 Wines. 51 Wintergreen oil, 145 Witchhazel, 162 Wool fat, hydrous, 173 Wormseed. 158 American, 149 Levant, 158 Xanthoxylum, 149 Verba Santa, 149 Zea, 149 Zinc. 102 Zing^iber, 145 M THIRTY-FOURTH THOUSAND. In Accordance with the New (8th) Revision of the U. S. 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